Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Fluter, your update made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss. That little guy on your chest would make anything better.
I hate this battle.
I hate it.
Fluter, Im so sorry. Ive been praying for you. You sure have some cute kiddos!
Mommabrown I tried finding you on FB but couldnt.
Cupcake praying for you as well. Its about that time!��
Angie, I love your posts following you through your IVF. Its so exciting. I will be in suspense though waiting for you to come back online next year. LOL You know Im praying for you also.
Mommabrown, I think I looked for you on fb awhile back but couldnt find you. Youll have to tell me who you are under again. Maybe send me a request and your name so I will know its you. Mine is Stephanie-Danny Lawson
AFM, my BP has been normal for over a week now so those new meds are working!!��
We are going to try and have a date day tomorrow with little one in tow. We arent ready to leave him with a sitter. We had to leave him with MoM in Law when I had the 2 trips to the hospital and it about killed us both.
Im not sure what we are going to do cause its going to be a cool day. High of 57. ��
Lawson I found you and sent you a request. I know how hard it can be leaving the little. Emma never was away from me except a few times that I can count on one hand. lol I hope you had fun on your date!

I'm cycle day 26 and having gobs of Ewcm so I know Af is on her way. And one of our friend and our SIL/BIL both announced this week they are pregnant. Le sigh.
Thanks Flutter! I stop bcp on 23rd, appt on 27th(consents/mock/dh's SA?) Start injects 28th & have monitoring appts in Oct 31 & Nov. 2bd so far...feeling a little overwhelmed with all the info lol oh & I have to watch videos on Follistim, menopur, ganrilex or saizen(?) & hcg trigger....the good news is I don't think I have to do PIO in oil! From what I've read it will be vaginally 3 x day.....the PIO shots terrify me! Lol

I saw your post on FB and knew it was something I would find here! Good luck, good luck!!

Hi everyone. I never get on here anymore. We're aren't TTC right now. We can't with no tubes. We might do IVF eventually, but I'm not sure yet. Hey Flutter and Angie!
Mommabrown, Im glad you found me. I accepted your friend request if you havent saw it already.�� Im so glad Im friends with all of you on facebook now. Like I said its nice to be able to put faces to names.
Our date day went pretty well. We spent it at all the baby stores spending money on the little one. LOL we did however get a meal in at Cheddars while he napped so that was nice. It was a good day.
Kye is doing great and gets to start regular formula in a few days when we run out of his high calorie formula. Wish us luck that he takes it as well as hes taken the other. Hes had some acid reflux issues. They had him on Zantac it did ok but he was still having some choking spells and he panics as well as me so they switched him to Prevacid. Hes only been on it a few days and she said it would get worse before it gets better cause this one takes longer to start working but much better when it does. The second day was horrible hes getting better now. This is the third day.
Cupcake and Angie I am so excited for you two! I feel like Im going through all this again. It brings back alot of memories. I wish you both the best! Im looking forward to your updates Cupcake and Angie I have enjoyed your videos. Im really going to miss all your updates!!��
Cupcake and Angie I'm so so estatic for y'all and this point in your journeys.

Galvan hugs.

Fluter how are you?

Lawson I'm so glad y'all had a great date. My niece was and still is on Prevacid because she had/has reflux so badly. I hope he does well in transitioning to the new formula.
Thanks ladies. I'm having a d&c tomorrow afternoon. I'm ready to get it over with and move on. I'm going on bcp after this. My doctor said I could start them in about a week after. I'm going to stay on them until we do our frozen transfer. We are hoping to do it in early Jan.
Hello ladies,
It's been a while since I been on here. It's been a while since I been in this group thread as well. Congrats to all the expecting ladies and sending lots of :dust: to the rest of the ladies I found out that I was expecting my tubal reversal miracle #2 on Friday 10/28/2016. I tested three days prior and it
Was a :bfn: we weren't trying this time. 'LI only tested because I became sick and I thought it was a stomach virus. So after a week I was just trying to rule out anything else. After the test being a :bfn: I was certain this was just a long lasting virus. Then symptoms started kicking in and I couldn't shake my sleep. I was sleeping in the car at work, at my parents etc anywhere that I was at a standstill. So I tested again. Yesterday my beta was 457 and I have to make an appointment to get another one from my obgyn.


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Congrats Mrs. T!

AFm- Day #5 of meds, not too much going on. Achey & fuller feeling at times, I do get tired pretty easy, but nothing extraordinary. I'm going in for US & labs tomorrow, should have retrieval by Tuesday? I'm just guessing of course lol Praying this will all be worth it!
Congrats Mrs. T!

AFm- Day #5 of meds, not too much going on. Achey & fuller feeling at times, I do get tired pretty easy, but nothing extraordinary. I'm going in for US & labs tomorrow, should have retrieval by Tuesday? I'm just guessing of course lol Praying this will all be worth it!

Thanks Cupcakestoy, I am sending lots of :dust: and prayers your way. In the end it will all be worth it. Just know that. I can't to follow your journey
Fluter hugs girlie! Fx that you get your transfer in Jan.

Mrs. T congratulations!!!!!!

Cupcake yay!!!!! Fx for good follies!

Afm, nothing new. Just checking in. I hope to hear an update from Angie soon.
I know she transferred 2 & has 2 in the freezer, but u think she said she wouldn't be back on FB or forums til like February???? I'm dying to hear if it worked for them & praying it did!
Fluter, thinking about you. I dont get on here much and dont post anything about this personal stuff on facebook. I know I didnt want anyone knowing my business but all of you ladies here. I felt I would have too much stress from people asking me questions... I have been worried about you though. Im glad you are still planning on doing something at the beginning of the year.��
Cupcake, now waiting to hear all your news. I cant wait and Im so excited the time is here cause I know you are going to do well. Just cant wait to see how many you end up with.
Angie has me in suspense waiting until after the first of the year to come back. I will miss all her posts!
Congrats Mrstruth
Kye is 2 months old today and has to go for his immunizations.��Im not ready for this at all. I know if he cries, I will cry like a baby myself. Wish us luck!!
2 months! Wow. Time slow down!
Flutter-thinking of you!

Afm-US today showed 4-5 measurable follies, more on left, bunch of smaller ones on right, which may or may not catch up. Ordered more meds, probably trigger in 4-5 days, retrieval mid week??? Idk trying to not be discouraged by low count. Nurse said we may end up with a few more, time will tell....just praying this leads to our rainbow! Starting to get a little more uncomfortable. Adding ganrilex & Omnitrope tonight.....4 separate injections!
Cupcake, I wouldnt worry. Thats plenty to make a baby. I still think youll end up with more than one baby��
I just recently found out a friend of mine that I didnt even know had been TTC for yrs and had many losses and had went through IVF to have her daughter. She kept it a secret from everyone like many of us have and decided recently to share her story on fb. She went through 3 cycles of IVF and didnt even get any eggs until the last time she ended up with 2. She was devastated cause 1 didnt make it. They transferred the other and thats her baby girl!��So it only takes 1!!
Baby boy got his shots and it was absolutely horrible!! I cried like a baby!! He was so sweet and reaching, cooing and smiling at the doctor. He Loved her!! Then a few minutes later they had 4 nurses come in and hold him and gave him his 3 shots all at once. He started screaming and I thought my husband and I both were going to pass out! We both cried! I know it probably sounds stupid but thats one of the worst things ever watching the baby youve spent years trying to get her endure any type of pain. It just broke our hearts. Hes gots lots of extra Loving tonight. I felt so bad for him after him being so happy.��
I have to get myself on some type of diet or exercise program. I keep gaining! I have some horrible obsession since having the baby with Reeses Pieces and McDonalds Fish Sandwiches. Is that weird?.. I never in my life liked either of these and now it seems I cant get enough. I find this so strange! Im talked to my regular Dr. And since Im not having any more children, Im going to stop the Metformin now. I have a fear I will gain even more. He said if I decide to pick it back up because of PCOS I can anytime. So far with this Depo shot my period has been nothing like before. I have had no pain at all. Dont know if it's because of the Depo or what?
LL- I gained like 50 pounds because of the depo! That maybe the root of your weight gain...
Thanks Ladies,

So I went to the Er again on yesterday . My beta is 2043. That's a 1585 increase. They stated that they seen a cloudy substance around my left ovary, which concerns them on rather it is a cyst or a ectopic pregnancy. They stated that they also couldn't see a gestational sac which concerns them on rather it's just early or an ectopic. Idk I am all over the place. The doctor stated that due to my numbers increasing normally it could very well be a normal pregnancy and just early. She is giving me until next week to come back and try to see the sac. She stated because with these number being as high as they are. We should have been able to see a gestational sac. So I expressed my concerns with waiting. This happened to me with one of my other kids. I refused the shot and when I came back the very next day. They were able to see a sac and baby!🙏🏾:cry:
Cupcake, I wouldnt worry. Thats plenty to make a baby. I still think youll end up with more than one baby��
I just recently found out a friend of mine that I didnt even know had been TTC for yrs and had many losses and had went through IVF to have her daughter. She kept it a secret from everyone like many of us have and decided recently to share her story on fb. She went through 3 cycles of IVF and didnt even get any eggs until the last time she ended up with 2. She was devastated cause 1 didnt make it. They transferred the other and thats her baby girl!��So it only takes 1!!
Baby boy got his shots and it was absolutely horrible!! I cried like a baby!! He was so sweet and reaching, cooing and smiling at the doctor. He Loved her!! Then a few minutes later they had 4 nurses come in and hold him and gave him his 3 shots all at once. He started screaming and I thought my husband and I both were going to pass out! We both cried! I know it probably sounds stupid but thats one of the worst things ever watching the baby youve spent years trying to get her endure any type of pain. It just broke our hearts. Hes gots lots of extra Loving tonight. I felt so bad for him after him being so happy.��
I have to get myself on some type of diet or exercise program. I keep gaining! I have some horrible obsession since having the baby with Reeses Pieces and McDonalds Fish Sandwiches. Is that weird?.. I never in my life liked either of these and now it seems I cant get enough. I find this so strange! Im talked to my regular Dr. And since Im not having any more children, Im going to stop the Metformin now. I have a fear I will gain even more. He said if I decide to pick it back up because of PCOS I can anytime. So far with this Depo shot my period has been nothing like before. I have had no pain at all. Dont know if it's because of the Depo or what?

Aww, that's typical of a mommy to not want the babies getting those painful shots. Congrats to you and your family on your blessing. Your friend reminds me of my sister who hid her infertility issues from everyone. It's a hard thing to battle. I never knew how hard until after having the final reversal

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