Ahhhh man it was so amazing & perfect
a million times better than I ever expected, and better than all the other films yet!!!
I honestly can't believe how brilliant it was! I was just glued to the screen and on the edge of my seat the whole time
a few tears were shed too!
The cinema audience were great, we all were cheering & clapping at the good bits and at the end everyone was going mad
myself included! I'm still in awe now, must go and see it again soon
Gutted part 2 isn't out until 16th Nov 2012
that's too long away! But I can absolutely guarantee you ladies will love this installment, it's bloody fantastic!
I did the Twiathlon, and watched all 4 films back-to-back (with a 10min interval between each) and aside from my sore arse and slightly stiff neck from sitting for 10.5+ hrs, it was amazing!