You can't O twice unless it's within 24 hours of each other, which could result in twins.. the OPKs detect the LH surge that is released to tell the egg to come on out, but sometimes the egg doesn't listen.. So you could have O'd after your second positive OPK, the first one could have been that your body was gearing up to O and then didn't! Good luck!
I temp as well to confirm ovulation, your temp rises afterwards. Start taking your temp now incase you don't catch this time and carry on temping every morning at the same time if possible. When AF is about to start your temp will dip back down and stay at round about the same. Then you have your base line for next time hunny and will know when you have ovulated xxx
I used to temp, but found it too stressful. I obsessed over every dip or rise. I have been much more relaxed since ditching the thermometer! We will find out for sure when we get our results back at the end of the month anyway xx
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