TWW- 1dpo

Good morning everyone! Well, an update on myself, I woke up this morning thinking AF had decided to come early but it ended up being quite a bit of CM, which is strange.. I've never noticed that before AF in the past.. I also feel extremely nauseas this morning, could be a bug, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Waiting to test until Monday is getting harder everyday. I definitely need more willpower. :p

Teamdavis, I know how you feel. This is our first cycle trying to concieve as well and I feel like I'll be devastated. Hopefully we both get BFP's come Monday! FX!

Niksmommy, I agree with Teamdavis! You should definitely try again! Let us know! FX for you!

Springermommy, you are definitely not out! Not until the evil witch shows her ugly face! Test with Teamdavis and I on Monday, then maybe we can all get BFP's together! :)
Hey everyone! 11dpo and here's my tests from the last few days.

I KNOW I can see lines now. In person they're not even really squinters but I'm way too terrified to call it a BFP until at least 14dpo and it gets nice and dark. This is my first time ever being pregnant even for a few days and a chemical is heavy on my mind! Just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for darker lines :) I'm going to try not to test this evening. My test from yesterday evening seemed lighter than the others because I think my urine was diluted so I'm just going to save it for the morning.

Try - Your symptoms sound good! I can't wait to see your test on Monday or whenever you finally break down and POAS!

Em - I checked my CP last night just out of curiosity and wondering what my CM was like because it completely dried up on the outside and it was low and quite firm and closed (I think? I'm not good with the open/closed thing). Not sure if these are good or bad signs but I recorded it for next time!

And emotionally, surprisingly, this LONG cycle (I'm currently on CD66) has been one of my most stable in a while. I haven't felt angry or sad or anything. I always get super irritable right around AF but nothing so far.

teamdavis - I'm glad the brown stopped! maybe it was a good sign of an estrogen surge or something!

Springer - Sorry about the BFN :(

Yeah those are definitely lines! I am interested to see what they look like once AF is due. Have you thought about trying a FRER? You may have a darker line with those! I am really hoping yours is a BFP! And if it is, I guess that's a good sign for me since you said your CM was dry and CP low. FX for you and everyone else!
Kate, those definitely look like lines to me!! How exciting! I agree with Em, maybe you should try a FRER? I'm definitely waiting until Monday for sure. I'm feeling pretty crampy today, like a tugging feeling, so I think AF is near.. /: but I'm holding out hope!
Ok everybody, my BBs haven't really been bothering me at all except for the fact that my nipples have been a little more sensitive than usual. But today they've been throbbing, only they don't hurt when I touch them? Is that normal? Lol. I've never experienced this before. Can someone offer some insight?

Is it painful or more just bothersome? If it's new to you, it could be a good sign! I don't ever get breast pain before AF, so if I got that, I would be just as confused!

AFM, I've had this crampy Feeling all day. Not really painful, more of that feeling of right when AF starts and you think "Uh oh" and run to the restroom to find she has arrived. However, she hasn't arrived yet. I did come home and devour Girl Scout cookies though so PMS is very likely.
It's more bothersome than anything, kind of like a dull ache? Like I've said, I've never experienced it with AF before, so hopefully it's a good sign! I'm having the same crampy feeling you described. Hopefully it's not the witch for either of us!
Kate - How exciting!! It looks like they're getting slightly darker every day too. :) Good sign!

Try - Fxed for you! A new symptom is a good thing!

Afm... still spotting, less today than yesterday, but there's still hours left in the day... Still haven't reached a full force AF, but I'm guessing it will happen in the next day or so. Technically, it's due tomorrow. I've been emotionally drained this month and I'm trying to figure out how to go in to the next cycle less stressed. I'm sure that would help a lot!
Hey guys! still no af. I am so confused about my cycle. Wonder if bc really messed things up?! maybe I ovulated later than I thought? I still haven't tested but will try to today. Last night I passed out by 830 and slept til 7 and I have been getting creamier cm than normal, I had been dry. But honestly other than being really tired starting in the early afternoon and moody, I just don't feel pregnant :/
Thank you SWLady! You're not out until AF shows herself full force! I'm hoping she doesn't for you! FX!!

Niksmommy, you're symptoms are very similar to mine. FX for your test to be a BFP!

Keep us posted as to if it becomes even less spotting! Sounds promising!


Do you keep track of things like your cervical position and fluid? If so, you might be able to look back and see if they match up with a later O date.

AFM, I know I've been posting like crazy today. This is my last one for tonight! I had to hop on because I am so confused! All day, I've felt pretty icky--VERY reminiscent of AF approaching. My CM has been dry/watery, with a little bit of sticky in the afternoon , but it was clearer and wetter than normal. Once I got home, I devoured junk food and felt gross. When DH got home, I snapped at him out of nowhere! All evening, I'm thinking PMS. I was exhausted so I climbed into bed early (where I'm writing this from) and DH was baffled. I NEVER go to sleep before him but he's currently still up watching TV. Before bed, I checked my CP one last time and its high, soft, and closed. That's the part that's throwing me off!! Don't want to get my hopes too high, but I've never felt it like this before-- certainly not closed this tight. I'm hoping it's not just a fluke!
Em, that sounds very promising!! I've always heard AF symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are very similar, and if it's something you haven't experienced before, that has to be a good sign! FX for you! You've probably said this before but when are you testing? Sorry to ask again, but my brain is just all over the place today. Lol.
Em- That sounds so good! I think you should test in the morning!!! I've never checked my CP so I don't quite know what that means, BUT if it is different this cycle...that is good news! Yipee!!!

Try- Waiting til Monday now sounds torturous! I just can't stand this wait!

SW- If spotting is less and less....doesn't sound like AF to me! Keep us updated!!

afm- Went out with the ladies tonight...dinner and a movie. Had a lot of fun. But before that (at work) I had HEARTBURN. I don't know what it is that I ate, BUT boy oh boy....burping and so much burning. I RARELY get heartburn- and I am grateful for that because it is soooo painful! Lasted for about 45 minutes.

That's all for me....I want to keep updated with you all ladies, but I REALLY don't want to obsess the next couple days right before AF is due. I want NOTHING to keep her from coming if I am not pregnant (so I am not in misery for longer than I need to be) So if I am not on here the next couple days you ladies will know I am going to say GOOD LUCK to all of you and lots and lots of :dust:

I hope I come back in two days and I see lots and lots of :bfp:

(let's see how long I can ACTUALLY stay off of BnB. lol. I am so addicted to seeing how everyone is doing!!!)
Kate I agree! FRER and updates pleasssse!

As for everyone else... Baby dust!

I was so energized Monday until this afternoon then I crashed and I've been sluggish and grumpy ever since... Same feelings I always get before af... Blah!!!!
Hi all,

Sorry for barging onto this thread but I'm in a similar point in my cycle.
It's our first IVF cycle and I'm currently 9dp5dt.

I'm not sure if it was stupid or not but I relented and poas this morning to get a BFN. Although I haven't cried yet I'm absolutely devastated :cry:

I know that lots of people experience this and I shouldn't be surprised with the best statistics for us being around 30% despite 5dt but it is still so very hard.

Still very tired and having strange cramp like feelings in my stomach, as well as ache like pains in lower back but I can only presume this is AF.

So unbelievably miserable. We don't have any frozen embies either - this one was our only hope - so it will be back to saving if this doesn't work.

Hubby keeps telling me to be more positive and as the hospital told us not to test until Wed he's saying it's not over until then but I can't help but be more of a realist about it. Surely when our transfer was 12 Feb we should be able to detect a pregnancy by now?

Please help, I'm going out of my mind... in fact I'm ready to crack open the gin and drown my sorrows. :nope:
I'm 12dpo today (CD31), and I've been saying for the last 4-ish days that I would wait until 12dpo to test.
Now the day is here, I'm too scared to do it! I'm terrified of seeing a bfn. I only have 10miu internet cheapies and have just been googling the reliability of them, which is putting me off even more..!

I'm trying to justify holding off until tomorrow, as I have had one (yes, one!) 30 day cycle in the last year and a half, so I figure maybe it would make more sense to wait until CD32..? All my other cycles have been 25-29 days, but FF says AF isn't actually due until Tuesday though (another 3 days) because I had weird late ovulation this cycle (positive OPK on CD19 instead of the usual CD15/16)... so I'm worried it's still too early to test today.

I just don't want to be disappointed... :-(
I know people say even with a BFN, you're not out until AF shows, but psychologically I will think I'm out because 12dpo should be accurate..?! Argh!
AF is due today so I'm testing tomorrow. I've held out this long so I decided to go one day past AF. At least If she doesn't show today that means my LP is longer than I thought, since today is 9dpo.

All you ladies seem to be swimming in symptoms. Maybe this is our month!!
em - your symptoms sound good! I can't wait to see your test. I can't believe you've been able to wait this long!

SW - how is your spotting today? I hope it stopped

teamdavis - I think indigestion and heartburn can be a sign of changing hormones. They mess up your digestion. I understand needing to take a break from all the obsessing though. Can't wait to hear an update!

Thanks for looking at my sticks everyone! My line was darker this morning! I'm going to buy a digital but I don't want to use it until the day after AF is supposed to show. At 9DPO when I first got that faint faint line I had told DH that "there may or may not be a line" and he didn't say much and I haven't said much since. I didn't want to get his hopes up if I was just imagining things. But this morning he asked "so, are you pregnant?" and he was sort of joking because he thought what I said before meant that I wasn't. So I showed him the new darker sticks and he said "REALLY?" haha. It was hilarious.

Here's my new pictures. Last stick was from this morning's FMU:

I'm still trying to keep it in perspective that there's still a 30% chance of miscarriage. I want to give it time to sink in and make sure it's going to stay. Also, the thought of ectopic terrifies me. haha. I'm such a worrier.
Kate! That's so exciting!! So much more visible. I completely understand about the worrying thing. You finally get that BFP, then there's so much more to freak out about! I think holding off on the digi is a good idea. If you get one of the First Responses with the pink lines, I think they are more sensitive and could give you a more visible result. I have one of those and two digis! I'm going to take the FRER tomorrow morning. I am so excited but am also preparing myself for the chance of a BFN. My LP is only around 9 or 10 days, so I haven't had to wait as long as the rest of you, but I may also need more time for hCG to show up If I did implant. I feel really good today, no symptoms at all except my high and soft cervix. My CM is still pretty dry. I can't wait to hear an update from everyone else
Well I suck at staying off BnB! LOL! I was just so curious and excited to hear about how everyone is doing! I am just checking this thread though and then signing off! Promise.

To all the ladies new on this thread...welcome! I know it is so easy to get discouraged but we must stay positive. For me, it is my faith that really keeps me grounded (well as grounded as I could possibly be!!lol) I know He has a plan for us and I must trust His timing. Even though, I feel like the time is NOW. We are ready, financially, we are finally married (after 8 years of being together) and just READY His plan will ultimately be the one that is carried out.

Em- I totally thought you were testing today....was curious to see! But the longer you hold off to test the lesser of a chance to see BFN, so you are definitely strong...eek! Can't wait til you test!!!

Kate-CONGRATULATIONS! There are plenty of things to be nervous about, but so many more things to be excited about! So happy for you!

Springer and Try- So are we waiting to test until Monday???? Also try- I have heard heartburn could be a symptom...but it is best for my sanity to just believe it was regular old heartburn brought on by something I ate. lol!

I want to test today! lol. One of my girlfriends works at the county clinic and has access to pregnancy tests and she grabbed me a few and gave them to me last night. I have them in my car! DH is at work, I feel if I took one now he would NEVER know...I am 13dpo so if I am pg, I would likely get a bfp by now. He told me we should wait, and I want to honor that commitment I made to him to not test, soooo I probably won't. It's so difficult.

Thanks ladies for coming with me on this wild ride of the two week wait! I have really come to appreciate all of you and your experiences too! :flower: I think I am gonna go to jamba juice and get me a smoothie....I need something to get my mind off things!

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