Tww day 1 on 8th of Jan, come chat to mee x (ttc surro baby, hope I'm welcome)

Yes I'm looking out from the concrete painful blocks to appear on my chest lol!! And your looking out for lumpy armpits!! Isn't it funny how our bodies change once pregnant!! Yeah it doesn't make a big difference, but if ff says my period is one date late, that one day will be the longest day ever!

Oh my, I suppose if I got symptoms like those I would take notice.:) I completely get the longest day thing. My hardest days are the last 2 of my cycle (not even if I am late, just the last two).
Oh and yes I am a massive poas addict! I have a bunch in my bedroom so it will be hard to hold off testing lol
Winter- Naahh don't worry! It did sound like it was my first tww, but no hehe. What are you studying? I am a second year student midwife, love it but currently writing two EVIL essays... I will be much happier on Monday after the deadline :coffee:

Dinky - Yeah my IP's have sent me lots of sticks to pee on so there is no way to resist! I have cheapies, frers and cb digis in the cupboard. What do you do hun? How are your two kiddies doing at the moment? :serenade: < I've decided that is them because it looks like one in a cot and the other playing guitar even though it's a balcony:haha:

I must apologise now for my essay haziness which makes me say odd things such as the above.
Hi Mummafrog (and fellow TWW'ers!)

Hope I can join you ladies?

I'm TTC baby no.2 after having a MC in November. I got my LH surge yesterday (7th Jan), DH and I DTD last night so I suppose I am in the TWW now too!

My boobs are already sore so I'm thinking I've already ovulated. I had cramps in right side yesterday too. That means we might have missed our chance this month but we shall see I guess.

Babydust to you all. xx
Haha they are brill thanks! Eldest started full time school last September and the youngest started nursery. They are both little buggers but lovely in there own way! My youngest is a propa mummy's girl and follows me around like a shadow and the eldest likes to do her own thing, mainly sat on the sofa playing games on her daddy's phone and being ignorant!! How's your little one? I just use Internet cheapie, got a frer but I'm saving that till I get a bfp on a ic! I bet your ips are so excited! I bet they want to know every little sign bless them :)
Welcome tiny! :D aww your dd and mine are quite close in age. I'm so sorry to hear of the miscarriage hunny.
When you say you got your lh surge yesterday do you mean you had a positive ov test? I think you've got a decent chance if you dtd last night.

Hehe she's good, she is in nursery for my studies but she loves it which is great and she's a sweetie.
I don't really trust cheapies because I had like three very positive ones in a row and was convinced I was but it turned out it was all false so.. but I use them to stop me peeing on frers!! Haha.

Yeeah they do, they never got to ttc themselves because the mother has a condition that means she could never try so they are completely clueless bless them but they're learning fast! And willing to drop anything and get to me asap <3
Aww, so they are. It's a lovely age but also, erm, challenging! ;)

Yes, sorry. I had a faint line on a OPK on the 6th and dark like on the 7th. I'm just regretting not DTD on the 6th also but nothing much I can do about it now. Hopefully I am still in with a chance.

I've just ordered a batch of cheepie pregnancy tests tonight - like you, I use them to stop me peeing on expensive tests! I am POAS addict. :D xx
Mummafrog, Midwifery! That's amazing. How wonderful to do this process while studying that. I understand essay brain...bah. I am studying nutrition. a little more than half through the degree and then I have about a year of internships and licensure after. Of course pregnancy would slow the whole process down but I am more than ok with that.

Hey Tiny, I think you definitely got your window. It takes time for the cervix to close up after ovulation. I would even say you timed it ideally.
Tiny - Ahh that's totally fine, day of positive opk is the most important and you should ov 12-24 hours after the positive so the sperm should be waiting in the tubes when eggy is released. That's what it says in the information in the packs! Day before and after positive is ideal as well but you're in with a great chance. It's usually the cycles you don't think will work that do anyway xD

hehe what can I say, I like pregnancy and birth.. so sue me! I'm enjoying my life and choosing to make what I want happen. People say it'll be too hard but in my opinion life is too short and I know this is right for me. Don't even worry about things 'slowing down' hunny, because everything falls into place.. believe me <3
Morning everyone,
Just popping in to say hello. Thankfully I don't have as much homework on most weekends and I am not on the computer as much but I love how chatty people are here so I though I would say good morning to everyone. Just out of curiosity, where is everyone in the world? I am in in the U.S in the north.

Mummafrog, I think its funny that people told you your degree would be hard. Of course its hard, but your completely right- You gotta do what is right for you. And just because something is hard, doesn't mean its not amazing. So if your in your second year, how long is left in your school journey? I don't know much about midwifery training.

Hows everyone doing? The beginning of the tww seems to go so slow. Every morning I look at my chart and just think its so long until the end of my cycle. On the bright side, I reached 4 DPO yesterday so that means I actually only have 2 weeks left till I would be late. So I have a tww for real now. I will test two weeks from today if things go well.
Winter - hehe I could tell you were in the US because of the time you said 'good morning' unless you were having a verryyy lazy Saturday ;)
I'm in England and midwifery is a three year degree here, so I'm just about half way through! It's brilliant.

I'm good, aside from essays! I was quite achey in my womb after insems and getting some cramps if moving around today. Probably just the aftermath of ovulation, can't help thinking about what might be going on in there :)

So Winter you have quite a long luteal phase? Mine is shorter, sometimes a bit too short after having my girl :s but usually about 12 days.

How are you feeling Tiny? Dinky?
I got my crosshairs today! I've been quite busy all day and now I've sat down I'm also feeling a little achy in the uterus area, maybe my jeggings are too tight lol I seem to be a little bloated!! That's brill that your training to be a midwife I'd love to be clever enough to do that but just the thought of getting a c in maths English and science gives me headache! I wouldn't qualify. There's certain aspects of the job I'd find a bit awkward though! We're abouts in the UK are you from?
Hi dinky! Sorry babe I don't really understand the crosshairs thing?
Yeah I only just qualified but they said my interview was strong, I was lucky I think.
What do you do? Are you sahm these days? :)

I'm in South east of England, you? X
Nothing much to report here! My boobs are very tender so I'm pretty sure I ovulated in the last day or so. Now it's just the waiting game!

Hope you're all having a good weekend! xx
Sorry the crosshairs are the red lines on my ovulation chart that confirm ovulation, you get them after 3 days of higher temp :) yeah I'm a sahm, my partner works full time to support us bless him. I'm from the Midlands :)
Ahh Dinky not far at all! hehe. I'm nosying at your chart, interesting.. It's looking good so far yes? We now want the temp to stay nice and high is that right?

I DEFINITELY ov'd from my left side this month, the agony pain was mainly on that side and now I'm still feeling occasionally twingey there. It's actually what made me open the website to message now haha. Otherwise normal, sticking with my pregnacare and omega 3 oil, want to make a nice environment for the IP's bubba. They are going spare already haha, poor things, this is their first tww they have EVER been through :p X
Oh wow, you guys are so far away. I did live in London for a summer once. I worked in pub on a road I am not sure I can spell anymore but started with G. I was 18 - so 12 years ago now. I enjoyed it quiet a bit though. My sister in law as well as my aunt and uncle moved to Spain a couple years ago so that's as close as I get these days.

I've got the post O cramps too. They are on the same side as last month which I find strange. I thought the ovaries switched every month.

Glad you got your crosshairs Dinky. Such a nice feeling.
Ehh what I have to say to that winter is: bodies are bizarre! :p

Day 3-4 po... can I test yet? :'( already thinking about it when I go to the bathroom, ridiculous. I'm trying to remind myself that it's so unlikely to happen first go but everything was so perfect with the insems.

I read a nice page online about how important it is to relax in the tww and eat fibre and vitamins and sleep enough etc so I'm doing my best.

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