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TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Hubby and I started the SMEP on Monday. That was fun trying to explain to him what it's all about. :haha:
EWCM started showing for me yesterday! It seems a bit early, but my body might be getting back to it's normal 28/29 day cycle.
How's everyone doing?
Jealous of Hopes and Torres EWCM. I don't get any. I am still taking the FertileCM and haven't seen any sort of difference yet.

We started SMEP on Sunday. Finished Clomid on Monday. I am CD9 today. And I start my OPK's tomorrow.
Erm CD9 (is that all!!)

We started SMEP a day early on Monday. Just a trotting along. I haven't hit my usual positive high this month. I'm not down, but I'm not positive either. Not convinced it will happen for me. More resigned than down. Not giving up either though.

Need to start some application forms tonight and can't be bothered. Might go to yoga, maybe that will shift me out of this funk.
Snow - Do you use preseed? I remember talking about it before, but I'm not sure if you have tried it.
I feel you about being in a funk onebump. I'm trying so hard to have a positive outlook, but I've been feeling blah for about a month now. Just have to fake it till it's real I guess!....
So ladies...........THIS IS OUR MONTH!!! BD like you've never BD'ed before. Baby making positions only! Try to orgasm after your man. Stay laying down and get those legs up in the air for 20 minutes after! I don't care if you're having a horrible day, have a headache, are more tired than you've ever been, spread those legs and get to work!!!! It's baby making time!
I'm begging the baby dust fairy to steal some extra from the bank and send it our way!!!
Snow- I just read an interesting little bit on cough medicine and CM. it said that taking a dose of cough medicine everyday will help the mucus (including cervical!) become runnier, and it helps women who have difficulty with CM! Have you heard this before?
Here is what I read.....
", take a dose of plain Robitussin cough syrup (or any cough medicine that says "expectorant" and NOT "antihistamine") each day (preferably a few hours prior to "trying") starting around Day 10 until the day after your ovulation predictor goes off. It should help make all the mucus in your body runnier, including that produced by your cervix. (Oh the gruesome details required in baby-making!) The sperm in the runnier mucus will live about two days, and will be up there and ready for the 12-hour life of the egg. A NOTE ABOUT CLOMID: Clomid causes cervical mucus to dry up in 25% of the women who take it. If you notice your mucus is not plentiful as it was before taking this drug, take the Robitussin and call your doctor to make sure your really need the Clomid. If you are ovulating on your own and do not have a documented luteal phase defect, you most likely do not need it."
Torres you are right and you've more right than me to feel funky. So I'm with you fake it, till it's real :)

I've not tried the orgasm after my partner. I think I should give that a real try. BD positions only from here on in, now I hadn't made that decision till now.

Going to go pour a grapefruit juice (lol did that before finishing off post). Didn't mean to do that.

Had a good day, but feeling exhausted for an unknown reason. Hmmmm
Come on girls. Get on my PMA train!! I'm bringing y'all aboard!! I have been down and out for 6 months now and I promised myself I would be back to being positive starting with this cycle!! I told myself that my body is not going to change whether I am positive or negative and I am sick of being down and out and a negative Nelly! So being positive will only bring positive things right???!!!

Torres, Thanks hun. My issue is that I only get a bit of watery CM - no EWCM and I really don't get alot of the watery either - So I def lack in CM since we started TTC - My body just doesn't seem to produce any - even before the Clomid. I think the Robitussin works if you have alot of creamy CM or the thick ball like EWCM that needs to be thinned out. But yea, I did one cycle a while ago taking Mucinex (same active ingredient) and it didn't do anything so I stopped. I do have the Pre-seed and I am almost all the way out. I have enough for maybe 1 BD session left. Hubby not too fond of it - but I use it every once in a while cause I don't care - I need it!! I should probably go and get some more on Friday when I have to go pick up my OPK's. Thanks for the reminder.

Edit: Forgot to say that I've tried the Green Tea, Grapefruit Juice and Carrots for the past few months as well. Guess I'm just a dried up old lady!! :(
I'll board the PMA (assuming positive mental attitude?!) train! Come on onebump, I have an open seat right next to me!!! :)
I've changed my "current feeling" from 'blah' to 'cheerful' as step number 1!
Yay I'm on board and 'happy' :) Step 1 accomplished over here Torres.

Well done Snowflakes, how does it feel to be an inspiration? :) Ta!
Yup, Torres - it's Positive Mental Attitude and we got it!

Here's a quote for this week. I have a board on Pinterest dedicated to Quotes (and I have a ton of them). I take one of them and put them in my day planner each week. I chose this one for this week: Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will. - Unknown.

P.S. If anyone has Pinterest we can be friends if you want! Just let me know! ;)
Yup, Torres - it's Positive Mental Attitude and we got it!

Here's a quote for this week. I have a board on Pinterest dedicated to Quotes (and I have a ton of them). I take one of them and put them in my day planner each week. I chose this one for this week: Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will. - Unknown.

P.S. If anyone has Pinterest we can be friends if you want! Just let me know! ;)

LOVE the quote Snow!
Ok, you ladies are SO right - let's dump out feeling low and start looking ahead. I really do feel that there is a mind-body connection, so let's get positive! I'm not as grumpy as I was - I did the math, and I'll be ovulating in Jamaica for my besties wedding. That's GOT TO BE good luck!!
My EWCM started really too - 8/9 dpo, so we're still BD every other day in the meantime. Although we missed last night cause I woke up a 5am and worked a 13 hour day .... prepping for supply is more work than showing up and doing it yourself! I was SO bagged by bedtime (I fell asleep on the couch with a cookie in my hand - no jokes) that I just couldn't do it.
But - Torres - your little speech about 'suck it up and get it done' is bang on - less excuses, and more banging! :) Tonight will be MANDATORY - regardless of the laundry, and gift shopping, and packing, and SPEECH WRITING (eek!). I'll fit it in, even if I'm in a coma :p

Enjoy your day girlies, create your own sunshine!
love the quote too snow!

Babyhopes- when do you leave for Jamaica? My best friend and her hubby went there last year, saw a baby bib in the airport that they loved, bought it, and a few weeks later they found out she was pregnant! Hopefully the Jamaica air works for you too!!!!

I'm starting my OPK's today. Other than that, nothing new.

Noodle - update us whenever possible chica!
Thanks Snowflakes.

Oooo Jamaica sounds like a perfect babymaking place.

Torres, at least once you are on the opks, you feel like something is happening.

On CD10, decided not to opk this month for two reasons. GP asked me not to, says she thinks it causes stress (however I think that depends on the individual) and more because when I got my super strong opks last cycle it was at the 10am during the holidays and there is no way I can test at work. So don't think I can get a true result as I can never hold my water in the afternoon to get a true result, always too diluted.

It's my mum's birthday today, so am about to head over, we have a rare lovely day, so we will be having bbq food and some chat. Speak soon x
Looks like you guys had a busy week having fun. Was busy with work but it's all done now and back to worrying about TTC. I'm supposed to test on Sunday, but woke up with twinges, signs of AF coming. Looks like it's not happening this month for me either.

Onebump - happy birthday to your mum.
Im in the same boat, Monday is my test day but im feeling the same monthly feelings of good old AF
Aw Noodlesnack and Mummyr, I hope that rather than AF pains they are early symptoms. It's quite an awful time of the cycle, you still have your hopes high, but symptoms suggest otherwise. However there are many ladies who feel that way and get their BFP.

I've been loaded with the cold, started to come on on Thu, but woke up yesterday and it was full blown. Believe it could affect O's arrival which is due Tue (ish) if I get a shortish cycle, but with the cold who knows.

(doing the PMA thing) Whenever my eggy comes, OH and I will make sure there are spermies waiting to meet her.
Noodle & Mummy - Your not out yet! Keep your heads ups!

One Bump - Your chart is looking good so far. Nice and easy to read. Hooray for have spermies ready for your eggy! Sorry your not feeling well - Hope that you are resting this weekend getting better.

AFM, I am actually getting kinda stressed out bc my temps are making my chart hard to read. I am unsure if I OV'd on CD10 or if it's still coming. I am trying to keep my PMA at the high it's been but it's hard because I am so confused but it's still there for the most part! I had a very close to positive OPK yesterday but this AM's was less than that. I'm going to test again in a few hours. So that is confusing too. I really need to know so I can start my Progesterone.
Snowflakes that is difficult, CD10 certainly looks like it. Oh gosh I wish I could read it better.

I suppose at least my chart is clear in the sense of I've def. not O'd yet. My temps are around 0.2 higher pre O this cycle compared to the two previous I've charted. I'm hoping that's a sign my thyroid levels are better, maybe key to me being able to conceive and be pregnant.

I can't imagine being pregnant. It seems too amazing to be possible. However when I allow myself the glimpse it seems pretty amazing, I love the idea of talking baby names for real, window shopping as well as real shopping, telling my parents they get to be grandparents for the first time, even shopping for maternity clothes. Wouldn't it just be the best thing to happen to me every? Yep. I have an obsession with Christmas time (whoops) and I have dreams of a visible bump by Christmas, love the idea of spending that wonderful time, planning for a bambino's arrival... Off I go to dreamland ;)

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