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TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Hi all.
Noodle and Mummy - like the previous posts have said, you're not out yet and hopefully the AF like feelings are actually symptoms. When I got my BFPs, both times I thought for sure that AF was coming because of the cramping/feelings I was having!
Onebump - Really hope you feel better soon love, and your cold leaves your O'ing alone!
Snow - Wish I knew more about temping to be able to respond well to your post. Just make sure you're bding as much as poss, so it doesn't really matter when you O.
AFM - well, I know I jumped on the PMA train, but I think I got thrown off..... :( My hubby has been moody lately and getting under my skin, making it pretty much impossible for me to want to DTD. Why can't they just shut up and act pretty when you need them to?! :dohh:
Hi all.

AFM - well, I know I jumped on the PMA train, but I think I got thrown off..... :( My hubby has been moody lately and getting under my skin, making it pretty much impossible for me to want to DTD. Why can't they just shut up and act pretty when you need them to?! :dohh:

Teehee, indeed. He should be making himself as attractive as possible.

Tut. You'll be back on the train, once hubby shakes himself (hopefully he does).
Hi all.
Noodle and Mummy - like the previous posts have said, you're not out yet and hopefully the AF like feelings are actually symptoms. When I got my BFPs, both times I thought for sure that AF was coming because of the cramping/feelings I was having!
Onebump - Really hope you feel better soon love, and your cold leaves your O'ing alone!
Snow - Wish I knew more about temping to be able to respond well to your post. Just make sure you're bding as much as poss, so it doesn't really matter when you O.
AFM - well, I know I jumped on the PMA train, but I think I got thrown off..... :( My hubby has been moody lately and getting under my skin, making it pretty much impossible for me to want to DTD. Why can't they just shut up and act pretty when you need them to?! :dohh:

Haha- love this! The mental picture is awesome... Me shouting at hubby "sit down, shut up, look pretty and DROP YOUR PANTS! :)
Ok, maybe that's the rum talking...
I guess you could say I'm with you!
I had a strange period so waiting to see if my next period will show up 2 weeks !
One bump - You need to jump your man tonight with that temp drop today!! Holy cowsas!!

Welcome Emmy!

Baby Hopes - Mmm. Rum...

Torres - I swear men just make things difficult when we are in our fertile period!

AFM, still waiting on OV to occur. No + opk yet. Hopefully when I take one in 2 hours it will be really close and that means that I will OV tomorrow. Hubby and I took yesterday off from BDing as we did 3 days in a row earlier!!
GL Emmylou.

Snowflakes, 3 x days in a row and no +opk. Go girl ;)

I'm not sure what to think of the temp dip, seems really extreme. Although I've been hoping to O tomorrow, I didn't imagine I would have two short cycles in a row. Unless it is true and it took me a year after coming off BCP to really regulate my cycles. Hmmm time will tell.

Torres, how are things? Were you able to pretend he wasn't annoying you?
Hooray for me! Megaaaaa positive OPK!! It was so incredibly dark for once - there was no guessing on this one!! Here's to another 3 more days of BDing!! Really hope that I OV tomorrow on CD15 so hubby's swimmers from today will be there waiting!

One bump - Lots of girls get temp dips right before OV due to the high amounts of Estrogen in the body! Awesome about back to back shortish cycles - it just maybe your body getting regulated!!
Go Snowflakes Go.


Hahahaha, love it! Bump's right snow - jump on it!!!! ;)
Onebump - I'm going to research how to read charts, just so I can read yours! :) Hopefully your cycles are getting back to normal now and you won't have such long cycles now. Wait.....scratch that....I hope you get pregnant this month and don't have to worry about cycles for at least 9 months!!!!! :happydance:
Babyhope - I take it your rum message was from Jamaica!? Hope you have an amazing time and conceive your LO there! :hugs:

AFM - well, hubby isn't annoying anymore, but we still haven't been able to DTD as much as needed, due to his working major OT, and my daughter being sick. :( I haven't even been able to use my OPK (save from today) because I've been so busy and out of the house. The one I used today was a BFN, I'm really hoping I didn't miss it!!!! I'm supposed to O on wednesday, so we'll see. I really think I'm going to take up temping if I don't get my positive this month.

So....who's going to be the one who gets the BFP train rolling?!!? Let's do this ladies!
I'm with ya! I O'd on March 6. May this be a lucky thread... :bfp:'s for all! :hugs:
Welcome Leinzlove!!

Torres - Hope your daughter feels better soon and hubby's OT calms down a bit. Just keep doing those OPK's!!

Thanks for the dust One Bump.

Well girls, I OV'd yesterday and wasn't really expecting it. I have like 15 charts and not on a single one have I ever OV'd on CD14. So we skipped CD13 thinking we'd be safe for my usual CD15 or CD16 OV. Not quite. So I feel like we missed our chance. Praying for a miracle. Can't change the past so I need to be positive for this 2ww that we caught the eggy anyways!!
Thanks Torres, that would be amazing to not worry about another 'cycle' for 9 x months-woohoo!

I'm not sure if I o'd yesterday or not, maybe I will today, maybe next week.

Def TMI, but had the BEST babymaking last night. OH ontop, he was first and 30secs later I joined him. Don't remember the last time that happened. Would be ideal if the eggy was about to release or just had ;) Time shall tell. Will try not to stress about it either way.

Well Snowflakes, 2 x days before O IS perfect timing, I've honestly read about lots of women here getting a BFP following what they had thought was a missed opportunity. One woman recently (I forget who) swears it was 4 x days before O and still caught the eggy.

Torres, the main thing about temping, is same time after restful period of 3/4hours sleep. However I have read that as long as you aren't awake for a long period of time, and you get back to sleep fast it shouldn't make a massive difference. As for watching temps the main things are lower temps pre O, spike or climb after O and apparently 18 high temps after O tends to indicate pregnancy, clearly I've never gotten there yet.
Welcome Leinzlove!!

Torres - Hope your daughter feels better soon and hubby's OT calms down a bit. Just keep doing those OPK's!!

Thanks for the dust One Bump.

Well girls, I OV'd yesterday and wasn't really expecting it. I have like 15 charts and not on a single one have I ever OV'd on CD14. So we skipped CD13 thinking we'd be safe for my usual CD15 or CD16 OV. Not quite. So I feel like we missed our chance. Praying for a miracle. Can't change the past so I need to be positive for this 2ww that we caught the eggy anyways!!

Wow that is some rise, your hormones look like they are playing ball :)
Hi can I join? :) I'm ovulating today so technically starting my tww tomorrow but af is due 21st so I kinda fall in there somewhere! xx
Go Snowflakes Go.


Hahahaha, love it! Bump's right snow - jump on it!!!! ;)
Onebump - I'm going to research how to read charts, just so I can read yours! :) Hopefully your cycles are getting back to normal now and you won't have such long cycles now. Wait.....scratch that....I hope you get pregnant this month and don't have to worry about cycles for at least 9 months!!!!! :happydance:
Babyhope - I take it your rum message was from Jamaica!? Hope you have an amazing time and conceive your LO there! :hugs:

AFM - well, hubby isn't annoying anymore, but we still haven't been able to DTD as much as needed, due to his working major OT, and my daughter being sick. :( I haven't even been able to use my OPK (save from today) because I've been so busy and out of the house. The one I used today was a BFN, I'm really hoping I didn't miss it!!!! I'm supposed to O on wednesday, so we'll see. I really think I'm going to take up temping if I don't get my positive this month.

So....who's going to be the one who gets the BFP train rolling?!!? Let's do this ladies!

Hey ladies! Glad to hear everyone is getting on well, LOTS of BDing everywhere!
Jamaica was lovely (sitting at Pearson waiting for last leg home). I think I O'ed somewhere between sat/mon. I'm a bit worried as we had a 3 day stretch of no BD, but hit Sun and Mon so hopefully were good. I feel good about it... Or maybe that's just me thinking the timing would have been perfect. If we get prego this cycle, baby will have the middle name Marley :)
So for the sake of counting dpo I'm going to say I Oed Sunday, so I'm 2dpo. Countdown begins! My only fear us that I'm going to be completely gutted if this isn't it for us... Time will tell.
Good luck ladies!
3dpo: No symptoms! I know its to early to feel out. But, both times I was 2ww successful I had cramping at this time.

I hope everyone is doing well. Bring on those :bfp:'s!
Leinzlove - Yup, no symptoms yet either. I had some weird dull ache in my ovary yesterday though which is not usual for me. Awe well, not going to look into too much this cycle.

One bump - Sooo surprised by your temp today. Totally thought you were gonna get your temp raise. I am proud of you for not doing OPK's!! I am thinking of not using any next cycle as we will be on vaca in NYC and it will be hard to do them and not drink and where we are gonna be in the afternoon when I need to take them so I just might wing it next cycle!!
Leinzlove - Yup, no symptoms yet either. I had some weird dull ache in my ovary yesterday though which is not usual for me. Awe well, not going to look into too much this cycle.

One bump - Sooo surprised by your temp today. Totally thought you were gonna get your temp raise. I am proud of you for not doing OPK's!! I am thinking of not using any next cycle as we will be on vaca in NYC and it will be hard to do them and not drink and where we are gonna be in the afternoon when I need to take them so I just might wing it next cycle!!

Must admit, pretty disappointed, but trying to not let it worry me too much.

Hope you don't need to worry about opks at all next cycle :)
Hey. I'm out already this month. Hubby and I didn't DTD anywhere near O. It's just been a rough week with him working so much and my daughter being sick. Blah......
How's everyone else doing?
Torres - Sorry it's been a busy month for you guys.

I'm doing good! Trying to stay as positive as much as possible. My chart is getting me a down a bit as my temps are barely over my coverline and it worries me that my Progesterone isn't going to raise again even with the increased Clomid dose this cycle. I go for bloods next week to find out. But am just going to try to take one day at a time and be hopeful that this is our month.

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