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TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

So my best childhood friend, (who I have lost contact with for about 20 years but have since reconnected)... whose wedding I was at 3 months AFTER mine, just announced her pregnancy :(

I should be happy, and I feel like a shitty friend cause I'm angry. Not that she doesn't deserve it, she's a great person, but it just throws back in my face that there's something wrong with me :(

I don't even have the heart to send her a FB congrats... and my hubby thinks I'm being "a cold hearted b*tch".

When did I become this person that's so wrapped up in her own miserable life that she can't even be happy for others?

This blows.
So my best childhood friend, (who I have lost contact with for about 20 years but have since reconnected)... whose wedding I was at 3 months AFTER mine, just announced her pregnancy :(

I should be happy, and I feel like a shitty friend cause I'm angry. Not that she doesn't deserve it, she's a great person, but it just throws back in my face that there's something wrong with me :(

I don't even have the heart to send her a FB congrats... and my hubby thinks I'm being "a cold hearted b*tch".

When did I become this person that's so wrapped up in her own miserable life that she can't even be happy for others?

This blows.

Should ask your husband to read this forum sometimes. Sometimes it's hard to see people with something you want so much, especially if you put a lot of effort into it, a few weeks ago I was feeling that way, so don't put yourself down. For social niceties's sake, you have to offer her congratulations, but don't feel bad about how you feel, it's normal. :flower:

PS: I had no symptoms, except for sensitive nipples which I get before AF sometimes, so it could sneak up on you.
Torre: It's our first and we've been TTC for 4 months. I know it's a relatively short period of time, but I was ready to go to a specialist if nothing happened. Just now looking for a midwife but so many things to consider, not sure how to go about it.

Everyone: Thanks again. :dust: to everyone.
Torre: It's our first and we've been TTC for 4 months. I know it's a relatively short period of time, but I was ready to go to a specialist if nothing happened. Just now looking for a midwife but so many things to consider, not sure how to go about it.

Everyone: Thanks again. :dust: to everyone.

This is our 4th cycle too, and it feels like it's taking forever! I sympathize for the ladies that have been at it for a a year+. Statistically, it should take 4 months - there is only a 25% chance of success, even if everything is timed perfectly. I'm happy being a statistical norm :)

Good luck to you Noodle - take good care of yourself and that bean!
Babyhopes, I COMPLETELY understand as do most of the ladies, it means so much to us. You'll come round :) Hope this cycle pans out well for you x :hugs:

I'm on cycle 5, but Dec we didn't time it right at all.

Jan, we might have timed it ok, so I feel that this is more like cycle 3 in timing it properly (even Feb was a close call timing wise).

I don't think I mentioned it, but I got a letter on Sat from an OB/GYN whom my doc had referred me to, in order to discuss TTC with my under active thyroid. OH called them today for me to make an appointment, but they are going to send one out. I will no doubt need to call back and rearrange, but this is exciting. I'm not due another thyroid test for 2 x weeks to see if my levels are back to norm or not. However even although it is my thyroid he is focussing on, I will be taking a note of my short/long cycles. In the end it is all relevant surely.

My temp dipped today, think I didn't O after all :cry:
That sucks Babyhopes, its okay to feel miserable. But, just think you could be days away from finding out you're pregnant also. Cycle 4 isn't over yet! :hugs:
Another shocking low temp for me today. Honestly feel like cr!p

However Leinzlove I see you are now expecting :happydance: HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, your time here was brief. Woohoo!
Sorry, I've had so many threads to update. I think I was off a day on O. No symptoms really except I was smelling things DH said he couldn't smell. Hope this 2ww brings everyone a :bfp:! :)

Yes, it took 2 cycles after loss to get this one. I hope it sticks!
Congrats Leinz.

Oh one bump I'm not sure what to thing huns. Have you ever OV'd this late before?

Baby hopes - I hear ya girl about the feelings. My co-worker is currently PG and it's all I hear about all day. It's a horrible feeling. And huns you don't know if there is anything wrong with you - 4 months is a very short time to be TTC.

Torres - How ya doing girl?

AFM, I went for my Progesterone bloods today. FX for a higher level than last cycles and an acceptable number at that! Not really sure what my OBGYN will do next if they aren't up to par again. I might have to start asking about hubby getting tested, me getting a HSG or the recommendation to the RE Specialist as it will be a year of TTC after this cycle.
Congrats Leinz.

Oh one bump I'm not sure what to thing huns. Have you ever OV'd this late before?

Baby hopes - I hear ya girl about the feelings. My co-worker is currently PG and it's all I hear about all day. It's a horrible feeling. And huns you don't know if there is anything wrong with you - 4 months is a very short time to be TTC.

Torres - How ya doing girl?

AFM, I went for my Progesterone bloods today. FX for a higher level than last cycles and an acceptable number at that! Not really sure what my OBGYN will do next if they aren't up to par again. I might have to start asking about hubby getting tested, me getting a HSG or the recommendation to the RE Specialist as it will be a year of TTC after this cycle.

Snowflakes yup For the first time ever, not my last cycle but the one before was 42 days, O'd on CD 28. Just thought it was a blip though rather than a sign of things to come. BLECH BLECH BLECH!!

gutted though as the longest before that cycle was 34 days. Now I'm up again. This cycle is also a bit harder to read due to the use of thyroxin, My resting temp this month is def. up 0.2 on last month. Although I've not been 'doing' opks, I did do 2 around a week ago (both negative). If it weren't for them, I'd be trying to convince myself I'm pregnant LOL.

This is a reminder to me how easy it is to 'think' you're pregnant, looking and hoping for tiny wee signs.

Anyway, am waiting on the OB/GYN appointment, he may be able to shed more light on the situation. If I'm lucky it has been my thyroid causing my probs; unreliable cycles, lots of spotting and more importantly no wee sticky bean.
Snowflake: I'm sorry its taking that long. I hope this is your month, and you won't need to send DH for testing. :hugs:

Onebump: I hope the Dr. gives you answers. It's time you get your long deserved sticky bean! I hope it happens ASAP! :hugs:
Hi all.

Congrats Leinz! Wishing you a h&h 9 months!

Snow - did you get your results? What were they? Hope that you get your BFP and are able to put all this TTC crap behind you!

One - Big hugs for you. Hopefully you O in the next few days. Just when we thought your cycle was getting back on track too.... Well hopefully it is and this is just a little wrinkle. Do you know when you go see your OBGYN? Good idea on writing down a list of things to ask him about, sometimes it can be overwhelming and it's easy to forget important questions.

Babyhopes - Big hugs for you too. It really is so hard to see everyone getting their BFPs and to be happy for them. Just put on a smile and congratulate them, and know that you soon will be joining them in sharing the joy of being pregnant. :)

Noodle - How are you doing love?

AFM - well, not much to say. One day I'm thinking "this is nice to have a month off" but then I think "well I'm not really having much of a month off since I'm still thinking about it all the time!" Also my mind is started to play tricks with me and telling me "maybe you O'ed early and didn't miss it". It's impossible, I would have had to O an entire week early. I've also been thinking that maybe I'm not meant to have a second child. Blah...this sucks. Sorry for being a downer.

So that makes three BFP's on this thread so far right?!?!!? Who's next?!?!?!
Torres - You never know! Give it some more time. You had a busy month. Next month you'll make up for it and have tons of BDing!

One bump - Great news about getting the appt to ask all the questions you have. My 1st appt with my new OBGYN - I wrote all these questions down because I had so many. FX for OVing in the next few days!!

Well girls. Good News for me. My Progesterone levels were 21!!!! I'm ecstatic!!! It's above and beyond what he wants so I'm super happy. I can somewhat rest knowing that the meds are working and doing what they are supposed to. Now I just need to get PG!!
Woohoo Snowflakes. That's great news, I now have my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks for the support ladies. I haven't received my appointment yet, and have no idea how long I should expect to wait...But will gear up for questions as soon as I do hear. Although he is seeing me for my thyroid, I'm hoping they will be open to discussing TTC in general. In the end they really should treat the patient and not the disease :)

Torres, I hope you feel better soon. I believe you are destined to have that second child and for it to happen in the next few months. Don't loose hope, sometimes it's all we have. (ps.. I know I have a cheek, but thanks to others I'm feeling much better now.)
Thanks ladies!!!

And a big fat WOO HOO for Snow!!!! :wohoo: Happy for you girl. One less thing to worry about!

When is everyone testing btw?
Onebump - hope you didn't take my last post in offence. I know not everyone knows when they will be testing.....sorry.
Onebump - hope you didn't take my last post in offence. I know not everyone knows when they will be testing.....sorry.

:hugs: not at all Torres. That's life :) I do hope that things change though when my thyroid does settle. Will update with testing date as soon as I know ;)

Am really keen to live through all the other BFPs that will be popping up, pretty soon :happydance:

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