TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Torres, my condolences as well.

Everyone has such exciting things going on! I'm already bored at home, and it's only week #2 :p. although I'm doing a math qualification course, so I'm not straying too far from my work laptop and backyard patio. There are worse ways to work I suppose!

According to my calendar I'm 8dpo, but I think in reality it's closer to 6dpo, as I didn't really have any considerable EWCM until 2 days after calendar O. I'm going to try and go with the later date to give my body extra time to do its thing before I start to test. This is probably the most relaxed about TTC I've ever been. Maybe it's something about 6+months in, I know it's out of my control. This is cycle #7. Im passed the point when the "average" person will become pregnant and that's a bit saddening. I can't stop thinking about my cycle #1 CP in Feb! Oh well, I'm trying to believe thing happen for a reason.

Hope everyone is doing well, and that we get our BFPs sooner rather than later.
Torres :hugs: Sounds like a rough time.

Torres, my condolences as well.

Everyone has such exciting things going on! I'm already bored at home, and it's only week #2 :p. although I'm doing a math qualification course, so I'm not straying too far from my work laptop and backyard patio. There are worse ways to work I suppose!

According to my calendar I'm 8dpo, but I think in reality it's closer to 6dpo, as I didn't really have any considerable EWCM until 2 days after calendar O. I'm going to try and go with the later date to give my body extra time to do its thing before I start to test. This is probably the most relaxed about TTC I've ever been. Maybe it's something about 6+months in, I know it's out of my control. This is cycle #7. Im passed the point when the "average" person will become pregnant and that's a bit saddening. I can't stop thinking about my cycle #1 CP in Feb! Oh well, I'm trying to believe thing happen for a reason.

Hope everyone is doing well, and that we get our BFPs sooner rather than later.

Babyhopes, I have relaxed way more this cycle than any previous and I think it is in part to being past the 6 months when I thought it would have probably happened by. I had a heartbreaking couple of months on my last cycle, but feeling resigned to having to wait (as long as that is all it is).
Don't know what to think guys, I have just started bleeding so its probably my AF but it is brown in colour? I dont think it can be implantation because the last time I could have ovulated is second week in June (3 weeks ago) so thats too long away.

I am just worried because my AF has been so late, unusual colour and I have had really bad belly problems last 2 weeks, all bloated and that xxx

Dont know what to think or if it is just normal? xxx
Don't know what to think guys, I have just started bleeding so its probably my AF but it is brown in colour? I dont think it can be implantation because the last time I could have ovulated is second week in June (3 weeks ago) so thats too long away.

I am just worried because my AF has been so late, unusual colour and I have had really bad belly problems last 2 weeks, all bloated and that xxx

Dont know what to think or if it is just normal? xxx

I don't really know Shelly, but I have had similar experiences on previous cycles. It all turned out for me I O'd later than I had thought. Not that that is what happening to you and I don't know if it meant anything more significant ..

sorry wish I had more help!
Does the bleeding have a flow to it, Shelly? If so its most likely AF.

If its brown and watery, or you are having pain on your left side. I'd call the Dr. it could mean etopic.

Brown also means old... So maybe you are experiencing breakthrough bleeding. Did you ovulate this cycle?

If you are worried at all... don't hesitate to call your Dr.
Hmmm. Not too sure Shelly. Hope you get some answers soon!

One bump and baby hopes - Hooray for being low key and less stressed this cycle.

Torres - Sorry about your uncle. May he rest softly. Have you tested? Has AF arrived?

Well, not much news for me. I think I finally OV'd. I had a small temp raise this AM. Nothing too great. Kinda worries me that it wasn't a good and strong OV. This is the latest I have ever OV'd and I have like 16 charts!! I also have been having a hard time accepting the fact that I am going to a specialist in about 2 weeks. I just can't believe this is our story and that I have some pretty major issues that require lots of help. It's a hard pill to swallow. I'm sure once I have a new plan of action - I will happy again.
Hmmm. Not too sure Shelly. Hope you get some answers soon!

One bump and baby hopes - Hooray for being low key and less stressed this cycle.

Torres - Sorry about your uncle. May he rest softly. Have you tested? Has AF arrived?

Well, not much news for me. I think I finally OV'd. I had a small temp raise this AM. Nothing too great. Kinda worries me that it wasn't a good and strong OV. This is the latest I have ever OV'd and I have like 16 charts!! I also have been having a hard time accepting the fact that I am going to a specialist in about 2 weeks. I just can't believe this is our story and that I have some pretty major issues that require lots of help. It's a hard pill to swallow. I'm sure once I have a new plan of action - I will happy again.

:hugs: Snowflakes :hugs:

Late O doesn't mean you're out, so I do have my fx'd (most of those previous cycles didn't bring a BFP, so maybe something different is good) :thumbup:

Yes Torres, how are you?
Snow - :hugs: I understand your worry, but, the way I look at it is, the sooner you get everything sorted with the specialist, the sooner you will have your baby in your arms. But I still have my fingers crossed that you'll get pregnant this cycle.

Onebump - Anything new with the OBGYN? Where are you in your cycle?

Shelly - Don't know what to tell you love, praying that you get your BFP.

Leinz - How's the bump coming along?!

Babyhopes - Did you gets lots of BDing in this cycle? I'm much more relaxed now as well. Maybe it's because my mind has been worrying about other things. And I know what you mean about thinking about you CP, I think about it a lot more than I thought I would.

AFM - Well I'm pretty sure AF is due in the next couple days. I'm not really watching my cycle this month, so I'm not 100% sure. I have no symptoms though. We have my uncle's funeral tomorrow, so I probably won't even be in the mood to test for at least a few days. We'll see how things go.
Snow: Maybe O hasn't arrived yet. :hugs:

Torres: I'm sorry for your loss. May peace be with you as you celebrate your uncles life. :hugs: And may this all be your month.

AFM: 12w4d... things are going ok, thanks!
:happydance: Leinzlove

Torres, I hope it is a lovely funeral. :flower:

All of my previous tests, apart from Thryoid, were normal. I had my progesterone levels tested two days ago, but no idea when I'll get the results. If (note the hint of a BFP being a possibility) I get to CD1 I'll call for an HSG. After all that I'll get to see the OB/GYN again, so not holding my breath.

On the upside the whole process has me very relaxed. I'm not going into the blind panic of 'what if I can't'. I'm sure I can, at this time, there is nothing to suggest I can't. I've only been properly trying since December. :)
Oh wow! Your almost out of 1st tri already Leinz!! Great that things are progressing nicely for you! Have you told anyone yet?

One bump - Awesome news about your tests all coming back normal. I like your raise on your bbt today! I'm jealous.

Torres - Sending you thoughts today.

I'm in a pretty bummed mood this week since getting back from vacation. I just can't shake this at all. I don't know what is wrong with me or how to get it together. My chart is looking like crap. I don't understand it. My temps are like a whole half degree cooler than they have been. My temp raise for OV was barely a jump. My OV was super late thsi cycle. My temps are still super low for me supposedly being in 2ww. I just don't know what to think. I have a feeling my Progesterone test is going to come back as bad this cycle. I just don't know anymore. Sorry for another rant. I need my PMA back but it's getting so hard to be positive about this anymore. It's been too long...
Oh wow! Your almost out of 1st tri already Leinz!! Great that things are progressing nicely for you! Have you told anyone yet?

One bump - Awesome news about your tests all coming back normal. I like your raise on your bbt today! I'm jealous.

Torres - Sending you thoughts today.

I'm in a pretty bummed mood this week since getting back from vacation. I just can't shake this at all. I don't know what is wrong with me or how to get it together. My chart is looking like crap. I don't understand it. My temps are like a whole half degree cooler than they have been. My temp raise for OV was barely a jump. My OV was super late thsi cycle. My temps are still super low for me supposedly being in 2ww. I just don't know what to think. I have a feeling my Progesterone test is going to come back as bad this cycle. I just don't know anymore. Sorry for another rant. I need my PMA back but it's getting so hard to be positive about this anymore. It's been too long...

Sometimes I've noticed I need to hit rock bottom mentally before climbing back to genuine pma. Not that that is the case for you. But I've noticed my PMA follows an almost emotional breakdown... Don't beat yourself up for not feeling positive, it WILL come back, hopefully via a BFP!!
Snow: I'm so sorry you are bummed out. It's cruel that its taking so long. I wish you were pregnant right now. Don't give up! :hugs: :hugs:

Onebump: I'm so happy to hear your tests are good! :) I have a feeling this is your month! :hugs:

AFM: Yes, Sunday starts my second tri. I can't believe it. I have a Dr. Appt. on Tuesday. I'm worried as I haven't seen baby since 9w2d. I also am not sure if I found babies HB on doppler or not. It's all so confusing! I told everyone after the 9 week appt. I have also scheduled a private gender scan for July 26. So, if baby cooperates we will know the gender.
Hi all.

Snow - Chin up love. In this vicious game of TTC, it's hard to keep a PMA all the time. Take a few days, then get back on the wagon.

Onebump - I like the hint at a poss BFP! I know I ask you this almost everytime, but what CD are you? How many DPO?

Babyhopes - how you doing?

Leinz - So happy for you girl. Are you starting to get a bump yet? I have a feeling I asked you that before, sorry if I did, my mind hasn't really been working well this week!

AFM - My uncle's funeral was nice. It left me without a feeling of closure though because he wasn't buried, so we never went to the cemetery. His long time girlfriend and my cousins are keeping the ashes.
Well my boobs started bugging me yesterday, and I have been off my feet exhausted, but I figured I was just tired because it's been a longgggg week. But I stopped at the dollarstore on the way home and picked up a PT. Ladies, I got a faint positive! Hubby is ecstatic, but I am on the fence. I don't know if I can trust the cheapies, and even if it is a positive, I'm nervous about another chemical.
Here is a pic.....



  • Photo on 2012-07-14 at 17.33.jpg
    Photo on 2012-07-14 at 17.33.jpg
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Just did an EDD and it would be March 21st - my DD's bday is March 24. If this is a sticky bean then obvs June is my fertile month!
I ran out and got a FRER this morning. I wanted to get FMU.


  • pregtest.jpg
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OMG ONG OMG - that's such a strong BFP!!!
I'm literally in tears here for you.
You deserve this so much.
Best of luck for a sticky bean!!!

AFM- I should be 12 (or 10) dpo. I've been testing every other day since 10(8) with dollarstore cheapies. Still stark white. I had just about given up hope if being able to do this alone, and am resigned to needing fertility support. But, Torres, you've filled me with hope! My EDD based on LMP would be March25, so I'm few day behind you in cycle. Maybe there is still a chance for me! how long had you been TTC #2?

Really tho, a sincerest congrats. It's funny - I get super bitter and jealous when I hear random's getting preggers, but I'm truly happy for you!

Snow: try not to worry yet - its out of your hands at the point. Try and let nature take its course.

Leinz: that's so exciting! The gender screening is so soon!

Take care ladies - fingers crossed and baby dust to all!
Thanks so much.
I've been TTC since January, same as you right?
I was giving up hope as well, it really is devastating seeing negative after negative every month. I really wasn't expecting it this month at all.
I am very cautious though, I'm so scared of another CP. I'm just trying to be very relaxed, and I'm not telling anyone (including my daughter!) until at least the first scan.

FX'ed for everyone! We all need to be bump buddies!
Thanks so much.
I've been TTC since January, same as you right?
I was giving up hope as well, it really is devastating seeing negative after negative every month. I really wasn't expecting it this month at all.
I am very cautious though, I'm so scared of another CP. I'm just trying to be very relaxed, and I'm not telling anyone (including my daughter!) until at least the first scan.

FX'ed for everyone! We all need to be bump buddies!

You're right - since Jan. And we each had 1 CP... I hope i'll follow right behind you! Did you test at all before this? Any lead up tests? Can you calculate how many DPO you are? I know you weren't temping, but based on the EDD that's 4 days earlier than mine *would* be, can you assume you O'd 4 days earlier? If that's the case you'd be 16dpo, which explains the nice dark FRER. All this to convince myself that I still have time to get BFP. When I had my CP in Feb (first month trying - way back when) I didn't get my BFP until 14dpo, so maybe I'm just slow to make HCG. Regardless, CONGRATS again! Try not to stress too much (easier said than done), and just take care of yourself.
All the best Torres!
Thanks again.
If I read my body right, I think I O'ed on June 29th. So that would make me 16DPO (good calculation!).
Yesterday was the first test I took. So 15 DPO with a dollarstore cheapie, and as you can see it wasn't very dark.
Do you have any FRER's? You could try testing with one of those. FX'ed for you girl! That would be amazing, we would be 4 days apart!

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