TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Bump - When do you plan on testing? Do you think you have OV'd yet?

Babyhopes - Sorry about AF - I know mine was a bit late after my MC as well. It just may take a few cycles for it to pop back into place or this could be your new normal.

Leinz - Hope that she comes as close to 40 weeks as possible.

Torres - LOVE LOVE LOVE the name and that it has meaning behind it too. We pop names back and forth. We don't really like any boys names so if this is a boy we are going to be really having to figure one out! And yeah for kicks!

Hope you CA girls had a great Thanksgiving. I can't wait for the US Thanksgiving to be here. My MIL and her fiance are coming to visit and I just love Thanksgiving - it's one of my fav holidays! Plus, I will out of 1st tri by then and should be a bit less nervous about things. I still really don't have any stand out symptoms. I went to a new OBGYN yesterday and I really didn't like the practice. I liked the Dr. but not how busy the place was. It took 2 hours for just a simple check up. Redic. So I think I am going to back to my old practice but to another OBGYN since mine retired before he referred me to the RE on Oct 30th. I also ordered a doppler yesterday so I can't wait to get that to see if I can find a heartbeat on my own.

Hope are well.
Bump: I'll never stop holding my breath! I'm soooooo looking forward to the sweet announcement of your BFP! And I know its coming soooooon! :hugs:

Snow: Thanksgiving sounds fun... I look forward to Nov. 19, alot! It's my Wedding anniversary. :) It will be nice for you to get the doppler. It did wonders to ease my fears. So, you have a Dr. Appt. on Oct. 30? Me too!
Babyhopes, hope the wedding wasn't too painful :hugs:
Torres, how are u n bump gettimg on
Leinz and Snow, love the fact u share an appt day. Thx Leinz u r SO supportive x
Snow, I think if AF didn't show up by Sat or Sun next week I would consider testing...we'll see:thumbup:
One bump - I see you put in your crosshairs. Yeahhhh!

Babyhopes - How ya doing girl?

Leinz - Yeahhh for appt!

Torres - :wave:
Onebump - When are you testing? Fx'ed!!!!

Babyhopes - Sorry AF got you. You will have your forever rainbow soon, I can feel it.

Leinz - 3rd Tri right?!!? How exciting!!! You should get possession of your house soon too right? And isn't your 3d u/s right around the corner? Lucky/busy lady!

Snow - How are you doing? Still no ms? Lucky duck! :haha: When is your next scan? Is it starting to sink in yet?!?!

AFM - Well I think I can finally say I have a noticeable bump. I'll take a pic soon and post it. I'm not sure if people who see me think I'm preg or just ate wayyyyy too much for lunch! :p
I go for my anatomy scan tomorrow - YAY! So excited!
Torres Yay bump pic, I'm excited.

I won't test. Started spotting brown today. This is yet another month to make me think I won't do it. Pretty fed up tbh.
Onebump. - when dO you get to see the specialist? It feels like you've been waiting forever for that appt!

It's been confirmed - it's a girl!
Onebump. - when dO you get to see the specialist? It feels like you've been waiting forever for that appt!

It's been confirmed - it's a girl!

Aw that's wonderful, Congratulations!

I phoned the hospital yesterday and left a message. I got a reply today while I was in class. They have my referral but it can take up to 12 weeks. We were officially referred to them around 3 weeks ago. She did say in her message that 12 weeks is the max. It's perfect timing for me in the sense that if it hasn't happened by the end of the year at least we have something to pin hopes onto. I just can't help thinking, there must be a reason I've not fallen, I feel SO inadequate :(
Bump: Please do not feel inadequate. You are amazing and strong... And wonderful and just lovely. I hurt for you every month when the nasty :witch: shows up. But, she isn't here yet... And it could be implanatation. Afterall you weren't literally TTC this cycle, so it really could be... It's going to happen, hun! I envision it for you and when you are holding your long awaited for baby, all this will be worth it. You are getting closer and closer everyday. All my :hugs:

Torres: :pink: eeeeek! Congrats! :wohoo: So exciting!

I sure hope our closes soon. We haven't heard anything yet. DH got ahold of the realtor who emailed the seller yesterday. We are supposed to close Oct. 31... And I must admit I'm getting a bit discouraged. Yes, this will be my third and maybe last ultrasound. I entered the third trimester this past Saturday. You never know I may be changed to BLUE. Haha! I also had my one hour glucose test yesterday and I failed... So, now I'm rescheduling a three hour test. I'm hoping for Monday, as I can't take DD, I can't expect a toddler to sit still for that long. I have my next OB appt. on Tuesday... I already have to take DD to that because DH has a business meeting that morning. (He usually works nights on Tuesdays.) Then Thursday is my long awaited for ultrasound.

In the meantime.. Trick or Treat is tomorrow night. We are going to a Cleveland Browns game on Sunday and next Saturday our good friend and DH's best is getting married. So another wedding. DH is in the wedding party... Which is expected. But, I hate it because it means I'll have to chase DD around all night and thats tiresome. Also, I didn't bother buying another dress, just going to wear the one that I did for my brothers wedding in August... I'll take a breath now! LOL
Sorry for AF One Bump. Sending you hugs hun!

Leinz - Hope you had a great weekend! You sure sounded like a busy bee!

Torres - Looking for that new bump pic! Yeah for confirmed girl! Go buy pink with confidence!

Hey there babyhopes!

I can't believe I turn 10 weeks on Thursday. I go for some bloods and the genetic forms tomorrow at the Dr's. I'm going to ask for an U/S to ease some of my fears - I hope they can fit me in - my main concern right now is that my tummy is still quite flat and I fit in all my pants nicely. I figured with me being like 5'1" and just about 100pds that I would start to show quickly. And it's not like I've been having MS to make me keep my shape - I feel great. I am scared baby isn't growing/developing. Or maybe my long torso is just hiding it all. Either way I'd like to feel better about things!
Hey my lovely ladies! I miss you all to bits, we can't let this thread die! This is the only thread that I actually follow! I understand it's getting a little difficult with all of us being in our own stages of TTC and pregnancy, but we're adults, we can handle it, and we can still support one another. We started this thread together, and we're not ending it until each of us has given birth to our beautiful babies! Got it?! haha.

Snow - Don't worry about not showing. With my daughter I didn't show until I was like 4 months, and I am also tiny and was not throwing up with her either. Your bump will come :) I understand your want for an u/s though.

Bump - I read on your journal that THIS IS YOUR MONTH! I totally 100% believe it and agree. Make sure you update us often as I will be stalking so I can celebrate that BFP with you! Are you temping this month or just going with the flow? Anything else new that you're trying, or just going with a fantastic PMA? I liked your comment about even if you have doubts in your mind that you're not going to voice them/write about them. (Of course you can here if you want, but that may hinder your PMA) The faster you can push those negative thoughts out the better! Sending you all the baby dust I possibly can!

Babyhopes - How are you doing? Sorry AF got you, but you are still extra fertile. I think they say that you are for 3 months after a mc. I know I asked before, but I don't think you answered - did they confirm ectopic? How are you feeling this month? I defo think you should jump on Onebumps PMA wagon and get your rainbow BFP this month! Are you supposed to be affected by hurricane Sandy? It's already well windy here, and it's supposed to get worse over the next 24 hours. Nothing like NY/NJ etc though.

Leinz - How's the closing of the house looking? Is it going to be Wednesday? I don't know if I could deal with the stress of closing a house and renovating it so close to being due! When do you have to go back for your next glucose test? Did you fail it last pregnancy too?

AFM - My anxieties are getting the worst of me the past few days. When I went for my u/s last week I asked the sonographer twice if everything looked okay (I know you're not supposed to, but everyone does!) and both times she gave me very vague answers. She said "I'm getting all the pictures I need." WTF does that mean? And it's not like she was some sort of bitch or anything, we were chatting nicely the whole time! I didn't like her answers then, but I didn't start freaking until I thought about them after. I see my OB on Wednesday and will get the u/s results as well as the triple screening results. I'm petrified. It doesn't just all come from her remarks. This pregnancy is so different than my first. M/S kicked my ass the first few months and I'm worried that I didn't get enough nutrition and vitamins, and even now I don't seem to have a healthy appetite. I have to force myself to eat and half the time I end up with an upset stomach. I haven't gained much weight at all, and although my bump is growing, I don't know if it's enough. I do feel the baby move increasing, so I know she is alive, I'm just worried that something is wrong. Whew - that was nice to get off my chest. I've tried talking to my mom about it but she comes back with "Well I don't think you're eating enough" and hubby just tells me to relax and that everything is fine.
Blah. <---------That's how I feel right now.
Hey ladies, Torres, I had tears in my eyes there.

It is hard to come by as I realise Babyhopes doesn't want to post (which I completely get, I think it would help me too, but I've proven in the past to be too obsessed). The rest of you are up the duff ;) :thumbup:

However I want to hear about all the pregnancy stuff, I want to know what happens right through to the feeling of holding your baby in your arms.

I do feel like it's my month, which I've never felt before. I still cry thinking about the what ifs but I'm doing by best to quash them. I am temping, but as I've only just started back, I forgot to temp this morning :haha: early enough in the cycle not to matter. Am doing everything, nothing new. Feel silly posting here about it all somehow though...

I would be the same Torres, but I'm hoping that it's great news on Wednesday.

Snow, I just grin from ear to ear when I see your ticker. Really hope they are sympathetic and squeeze you in for the U/S :hugs: Worry aint good either.
Bump - don't feel silly posting in here! We understand how you're feeling and how devastating a negative test is. We were all ttc just a few short months ago - we havent forgotten what its like. Just look at Snow - she was trying for over a year, and now here she is almost 3 months preg!
The last thing I would ever want is for you and babyhopes to feel uncomfortable here while you're TTC. I would rather shut up about my pregnancy and be here to support you both. Honestly.

That is so sweet. OK I need to realise you don't mind hearing about my TTC...I just know what you guys are doing is so much more exciting!!

But I would hate to not hear about your pregnancies. Truly! So please don't stop :flower::flower::flower:
Snow - Make sure you let us know how your appt went and if you had an u/s!

Bump - How many DPO are you?

AFM - Hubby felt Soraya kick last night! I loved the look on his face, I think it made it more real for him. Can't wait for my daughter to feel it!
Aw Torres, that's amazing. I can't wait to experience that whole side of pregnancy.

Yup Snow, we await all news ;)

I'm only on awaiting the sexy bit ;) This time next week OH is on orders that we will be dtd daily. Now we know he has a normal sperm count (although we haven't had details as we are waiting on our appt. sometime by January) we feel he can afford a daily deposit, we weren't so sure before. So just taking it easy. Doing all the stuff...vits/grapefruit, honey, cinammon....
January? Man I hate the wait to get into specialists.
Fantastic that hubby has great swimmers! Just make sure to tell him that there will be NO self pleasure next week! They are all for you! Not like he would need to with DTD everyday. Make sure you put your legs in the air for at least 5-10 mins after bd. Gravity can be a wonderful help!
Your cycles have been pretty regular the last couple months, no? I'm thinking the procedure unblocked your tube!
I'm having a cleaning day - yay. Sorting through my daughters playroom and tossing everything out that she hasn't really touched. That's the thing about her being an only child, she has been beyond spoiled. Everyone buys her everything and half the time it's stupid stuff that she never touches! I just want all the extra clutter to be gone before Soraya is born. Plus the cleaning is helping me keep my mind off my appt tomorrow.
January? Man I hate the wait to get into specialists.
Fantastic that hubby has great swimmers! Just make sure to tell him that there will be NO self pleasure next week! They are all for you! Not like he would need to with DTD everyday. Make sure you put your legs in the air for at least 5-10 mins after bd. Gravity can be a wonderful help!
Your cycles have been pretty regular the last couple months, no? I'm thinking the procedure unblocked your tube!
I'm having a cleaning day - yay. Sorting through my daughters playroom and tossing everything out that she hasn't really touched. That's the thing about her being an only child, she has been beyond spoiled. Everyone buys her everything and half the time it's stupid stuff that she never touches! I just want all the extra clutter to be gone before Soraya is born. Plus the cleaning is helping me keep my mind off my appt tomorrow.

Good call :thumbup: Nest away there!

Check, legs in the air!! Wouldn't that be fab if my tubes were unblocked! Well that was my first cycle after HSG (not sure if I'm meant to include the cycle I was on when I got it, but for positivity's sake I'm not), so have another 2 to have the post HSG luck!
I only have a minute - just popping in to say that Soraya looks perfect so far! Triple screening came back negative (1 in 50,000 chance of Downs) and BP was great! Dr. said I'm doing really well too weight is fine (I should start gaining more the next few weeks), and BP is still down! Yay! Don't have to go back for 4 weeks!
How's everyone today?

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