TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Nice work Mrs!! ;) :happydance::happydance:

I'm alright. Tired, OH is on a driving lesson (I know he's 34) and I need to go in and get dinner on. It's enchiladas tonight IF I can be bothered moving.

Because we're in a flat we don't really get 'trick or treaters' but my neighbour came in with her grandchildren. I am so mortified, my house is a tip, a proper tip!!! No rubbish kicking about, but clutter upon clutter. We have one of those old massive tvs in the hall and our hall table is low down and covered in 'stuff'. I have some Christmas things outside the hall cupboard because I was looking for halloween stuff the other day. So I'm mortified :nope::nope:
One bump - Get it girl!

Torres - That is great about her measuring perfect and your weight being good too! Your odds are amazing! I hope mine are that good!

Leinz - I think we both had appts yesterday. How did yours go?

My appt went great. Loved loved loved the OBGYN. Had lots of bloods done. And a stupid pelvic exam. He checked to see if my uterus was enlarged and he said it was so I was happy about that. No U/S but I do go for the NT U/S scan/bloods on 11/12 so it's really close - I can totally wait it out! It's basically a week and a half! Not far at all! Then I go back to the OBGYN on 11/20 and then I should be able to stop the Progesterone - man, I just can't wait for that! I am so sick of these dumb things 2x a day! So annoying. So all in all - I'm happy!
Hi Ladies, You all have been chattier than usual in here.

Bump & Babyhopes: I do want you to stick around. We are cheering you on, wishing you all a BFP each and everyday. We can't wait to dance for you and hear all about your forever babies. I hate that TTC and loss splits us up. :hugs:

Bump: You are amazing and I think maybe you should get started decorating for Christmas. I have a sister and a friend whom put up there trees already. :) As for this month being the one... IT is... Don't give up! I can't wait for your BFP update. :)

Torres: All that is excellent news! Yay! So, happy she is moving and it won't be long before DD feels it! Yay for being 1/2 way! :wohoo:

Snow: I'm happy your appt. went great! It won't be long before your leaving the first trimester! Amazing! November 12, will be here in nooooo time. :) Not much longer before you can do away with progesterone. :)

AFM: First of all good news is...My scan is here, tomorrow... I'm counting down hours. :)

Bad news: My Appt. didn't go very well. I took the 3hr glucose on Monday and I failed it. To tell you the truth I know its not the end of the world. But, I cried... I don't want to be high risk, nor do I want complications of any sort. I see a dietician tomorrow. And I started using a glucose meter yesterday. I check my glucose 4 times a day. Well, all my readings have been good, and I haven't changed my diet. But, I guess they rise the further along you get. So, we'll see.

I go to the OB every 2 weeks now... And I definitley won't be allowed to go pass my EDD. I'm probably looking at a 39 week induction. I'm fine with that... Full term is good. No, I didn't have gestational diabetes with DD. This is a first. :( However, it does scare me about birth defects as DD was born with them. Etc.

I'm not to worried about a big baby. My Mom had GD with 3 out of 7 pregnancies but yet her biggest baby was 7lbs 15oz. DD was 6lbs 3oz and that was small for 39 weeks gestation.
Leinz - How did the dietician go? Hope your glucose stays under control. :hugs: Love the 3D pic of Zoela!

Snow - Getting close to second tri!!! How's your little prune doing? Any intuition about the gender?

Bump - How are you doing girl?! Gearing up to O? Can't wait for your BFP this month!

Babyhopes - Miss you. Hope all is well!
Thanks Torres! The scan was wonderful. I was in happy tears all day long. It's really something feeling her move, while watching her move on screen at the same time. Also very good to know her measurements are on. Etc. She weighs 2lbs 6oz and was 10 1/2 inches long.

As for the dietician. She took 10 minutes and just gave me a meal plan. It's eating very frequently and more than I am now. I've noticed my sugar reads are higher in the evening. So, I think I may be having what would be lunch at dinner time... And dinner at lunch and see how that goes. I have to limit my carbs... Which is weird in the sense I can't eat whatever fruit I want.

How are you getting along?
Leinz that is comforting that you know what you are dong to look after you both. Your scan sounds amazing, must really hit home when you can feel and see what Zoella is doing.

What's happening with yourself Torres?

Yup, all's good, hopefully we can start our daily marathon tomorrow ;)

Was at pub last night, had a few and I'm not suffering today. Normally 2 is enough for me to suffer. I feel great. So glad :) I have so much to do.


Snow, hope your symptoms are bearable and you are enjoying your pregnancy :thumbup:
Leinz - 2 1/2 pounds! That's fantastic! I can't wait for my 3D/4D u/s. We're booking it for right around Xmas. Still seems so far away.
What kind of food does your diet consist of? Changing around your dinner/lunch seems very logical to me. Let us know if that helps out your readings.

Onebump - I'm like you, 2 pints and I am normally feeling it in the morning. I love the social aspect of going out for a few beers, I just hate that I suck at it!
So it all begins tomorrow eh?! Sending you all the baby dust in the world! Just think, in a little under a month you will be preggo! It's happening this month - I know it!
AFM - Nothing really to report. Other than some annoying symptoms (dry skin, stomache aches, indigestion, constipation, fatigue, etc) I'm doing alright. I'm counting down to V day - I think that will be a big relief.

Snow - how are you? You've been quiet!
Sorry guys. Work has been horribly busy and I don't have as much time to get on during the day anymore and then I get home and make dinner and get so exhausted and tired at night.

Love that things are getting worked out for you Leinz. And glad the u/s was a tear jerker! So cute! I haven't decided if we will do one yet or not.

One bump - Love the new avatar pic! Oh a drink at the pub would be great. We went to a renaissance festival yesterday. It was quite interesting but really wanted a drink! I still feel great - got off with no nausea and def no MS at all. Symptoms are quite mild: sore boobs, tiredness, constipation and thats about it! So happy you are temping again so I can chart stalk you!! heeh!

Torres - V day is right around the corner. I have a good bit of those same annoying symptoms. Where's your bump pic??!! No real intuitions about sex at all. Hoping for a girl!! I only have sisters. I can't see myself with a boy but we will wait and see.

I'm doing good but life is just super busy right now for us. I ended up moving the NT Scan bc I thought it was too early. So I now go 11/16. Can't wait to see baby again.
Leinz - 2 1/2 pounds! That's fantastic! I can't wait for my 3D/4D u/s. We're booking it for right around Xmas. Still seems so far away.
What kind of food does your diet consist of? Changing around your dinner/lunch seems very logical to me. Let us know if that helps out your readings.

Onebump - I'm like you, 2 pints and I am normally feeling it in the morning. I love the social aspect of going out for a few beers, I just hate that I suck at it!
So it all begins tomorrow eh?! Sending you all the baby dust in the world! Just think, in a little under a month you will be preggo! It's happening this month - I know it!
AFM - Nothing really to report. Other than some annoying symptoms (dry skin, stomache aches, indigestion, constipation, fatigue, etc) I'm doing alright. I'm counting down to V day - I think that will be a big relief.

Snow - how are you? You've been quiet!

Thanks, me too. Well, why not?? ;)
Wow, have you ladies every been busy!
Sorry I've been so quiet... Hubby and I decided to get a puppy to give me something positive to focus on and she's been SO MUCH WORK! I'm loving it tho, every minute. I'm having such a hard time looking forward, and not back. I do enjoy tracking you ladies and your adventures - so don't even feel guilty sharing. Torres put it perfectly - we started this together, let's end it together with babies in our arms. My BFF, who was going to start TTC this fall decided to start early cause she saw how much trouble I was having... and of course she fell on her second month trying. I'm happy for her, I really am, but am devastated that I'm now alone in this. I really want to support her, but it'll be very difficult to stand by and watch her and the baby grow. I haven't been thinking about TTC so much anymore, I guess I've sort of finally come to terms with the fact that I can't control it and just need to let go. The constant obsessing wasn't healthy. I feel like I've wasted the last year of my life wishing time away in 2 week intervals, instead of really enjoy life as it happened. The pup (Abby) has been good at brining me back to the here and now, and reminding me that there is still a life to live, and it'll only be as good as I make it. I think I'm somewhere between 8-11dpo (cd24). Hopefully it's not another long cycle (last was a 35 day trauma fest). It's actually really calming not to have to dwell on it, and just go about living life for what I have now, which I had forgotten how to do. Hubby and I are in a better place already, with something different to focus on together.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but I figured I owed you ladies an update - I do still feel your support from afar! I'll try not to be so long in checking in again. Hopefully I'll have a BFP update in about 3-4 days, but I'm not holding my breath and considering it the end of the world if it's not my time. I'm still waiting for the FS consult - I'm 1 month into a 2 month wait list. I'll have been TTC for the full year when that rolls around.
Wishing you ladies all the best, as usual!
Torres: How exciting! You'll really love having the 3D/4D scan also. I waited 3 months for it and it came before I knew it. It was nice to look forward to. My diet is nooo diet. It's more food than I normally ate. But, its more frequent also... I should've probably been eating more frequently. Its limiting carbs for the most part. Yay, for Vday... that won't be long. :)

Onebump: Yay for beer! It's good that you drank it now. You won't be doing so for a good long while now. :)

Snow: I can definitley relate to your exhaustion. I hope Nov. 16 hurries along and gets here. I never had a NT scan. They don't do them here, I don't think. I can't wait to see a picture of your baby. :)

Babyhopes: We've surely missed you. It was so wonderful seeing that you updated. Yay for new fur baby. I'm glad you are in a better place now. And I can't wait for your BFP update in a few days. It's going to happen, hun! :hugs:
Babyhopes! Thanks for the update. I always hope to hear from you when I log on. What kind of puppy did you get? They sure are a lot of work, but it's def worth it. They become such loyal friends for life. We have a 7 year old golden retriever and she is amazing. I feel bad because she does take a back seat now that we have our daughter, but she is so good about it and so wonderful with our daughter.
Hopefully your cycles get back to normal this month and you will be updating us with your rainbow bfp in the next few days!
That sucks about your best friend. I mean, it's wonderful for you, and you are being very graceful, but I can imagine how difficult it is for you. But think how nice it will be for you and your bestie to have children so close in age. :)

Snow - 10 days till you get to see baby again! I loved going for my NT and seeing how much the baby grew in 6 short weeks. (I went at 6 and 12 weeks). Baby will actually look like a human baby and not a squirrel! And it's amazing to see them move around. Oh! I'm so excited for you!
It's crazy how intense the fatigue can be eh? It really feels like the life has been sucked from your body! As I'm sure you've heard, it does get better in second tri, although mine never really went away completely and I still tend to get tired a lot easier! And as for constipation - it sucks. That's all I have to say about that!

Onebump - As you well know, I am no expert in chart reading, but with your temp dip it looks like it could be O time. Am I correct? I really do believe your HSG unblocked your tube and this is your month!

Leinz - Did you get possession of your house?
Well my temp went up today, hope I haven't O'd though, just because I would love some stability to my cycles. O'ing on CD12 would be very unusual.

However we would be covered as we started our marathon BDing on Monday. As promised legs were up and favouring my left side as it was the def. open tube. Then last night just up in centre. So should manage another before sleep. Although I'm starting to feel really ill :wacko: Hoping OH is up for the battle to get me going ;) He's been great so far. :thumbup:
Torres: Taking posession tomorrow. Everything's a go for 1pm... :yipee: So, excited! Let the work begin.

Bump: Yay, Its not uncommon for cycles to vary. Let O be here, time to get eggy! I have a very good feeling about this month! Happy BD!
Torres: Taking posession tomorrow. Everything's a go for 1pm... :yipee: So, excited! Let the work begin.

Bump: Yay, Its not uncommon for cycles to vary. Let O be here, time to get eggy! I have a very good feeling about this month! Happy BD!

Wow Leinz, that's fab.

You're funny Leinz, you always have a good feeling :thumbup: :haha: I have a fab feeling about this cycle too though and since starting TTC, I've never felt quite as positive as I do now. Proper positive, not putting it on to bluff my body ;)

However I am so loaded with the cold, just came on tonight. Loaded, sore head and throat. :( Thought I was cooking dinner and didn't put the oven on, poor OH went to put dinner out after his driving lesson. We're starving now, hopefully not long, or I'll eat my fingers.

They do say a cold can help, don't they ?? :( Oh dear...woe is me :haha:
I had a cold during O time... And look at me pregnant with Zoela. EeeeK! They say your immune system is down and less chances of your immune system fighting off the sperm. :) How can I not have a good feeling... It's gonna happen! I'm so excited about it already! You are only days away from finding out you're gonna be a Mama! And a Summer baby! Summer babies are fantastic... I'm byist as I'm a summer baby, but hey! :)
I had a cold during O time... And look at me pregnant with Zoela. EeeeK! They say your immune system is down and less chances of your immune system fighting off the sperm. :) How can I not have a good feeling... It's gonna happen! I'm so excited about it already! You are only days away from finding out you're gonna be a Mama! And a Summer baby! Summer babies are fantastic... I'm byist as I'm a summer baby, but hey! :)

:thumbup: :happydance: for colds then ;) :shrug:
How are my girls?!
I'm alright - lots of round ligament discomfort/pain. :-(

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