TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Thanks honey :hugs:

NO I think that's the best kind. As much as I don't know much, I suffer from cervical erosion and ALWAYS bleed post coitus after I've ovulated. In fact I bled the morning I got my bfp because we dtd that morning. Some days it's A LOT!!! others a trickle. I know even women who don't suffer normally can get it during pregnancy.

I've said to Bryan I'm nervous about dtd because of that. Will speak to the midwife I see on Thursday. I can't believe it, got an appt. on Thursday, think it's because I suffer from an underactive thyroid, but I have that to ask about too and I have low blood pressure, docs have always said so, but i know it can go down in pregnancy too, so not sure what they will say to that.
Thursday?! Oh I'm so excited for you!!!! I can't wait hear all the details! Is it normal in Scotland to be sent for a dating scan? They should for you because of your history of irregular cycles. What is your estimated due date?! Omg - DUE DATE! You have a due date bump! :)
I have low blood pressure as well, with pressures averaging in the 90's over 50's. My OB told me to make sure I get plenty of fluids and to pump my leg muscles when I get dizzy to help move the blood back upwards (very helpful when you can't lay down).
Kind of weird that I have low pressure yet I am high risk for pre-eclampsia - ah pregnancy.
How does under active thyroid affect pregnancy?

Also, I just went to the loo and I am still bleeding. :/
I'm on strict orders from my hubby to lie down and not move for at least an hour, and then get up and check again. I'm thinking it may be because my cervix was already irritated and then the OB doing an internal maybe irritated it a little more.
Thanks for the info on cervical bleeds, made me feel better!
Thursday?! Oh I'm so excited for you!!!! I can't wait hear all the details! Is it normal in Scotland to be sent for a dating scan? They should for you because of your history of irregular cycles. What is your estimated due date?! Omg - DUE DATE! You have a due date bump! :)
I have low blood pressure as well, with pressures averaging in the 90's over 50's. My OB told me to make sure I get plenty of fluids and to pump my leg muscles when I get dizzy to help move the blood back upwards (very helpful when you can't lay down).
Kind of weird that I have low pressure yet I am high risk for pre-eclampsia - ah pregnancy.
How does under active thyroid affect pregnancy?

Also, I just went to the loo and I am still bleeding. :/
I'm on strict orders from my hubby to lie down and not move for at least an hour, and then get up and check again. I'm thinking it may be because my cervix was already irritated and then the OB doing an internal maybe irritated it a little more.
Thanks for the info on cervical bleeds, made me feel better!

Yup rest up. It will take time to calm down. I believe that the best way to describe the cervix is some of the internal cells, once normally facing the inside of the womb can come out, these are easily irritated by friction, so dtd rubs away a layer of cells and you bleed, so the blood comes from nowhere near baby rather just like a cut in your finger, but takes a while to heal. As long as it's slowing down and yeah I'd imagine the internal will have irritated it again.

tbh I don't really know the specifics about my underactive thyroid. I've looked it up and if you don't have levels right, apparently it can affect development, maybe risking a small baby. However from everything I've read when you know you have it before you fall pregnant there's nothing to worry about as they take your levels regularly.

Oh and 3rd August is my official due date just now. I think my dating scan will be my 12 week scan Torres. So that would be towards the end of January..seems like such a long time away.
Hope things are better today Torres. I am thinking of you. Very scary! So glad the Dr's said all will be good and just rest up!

One bump - Happy 4 weeks. Countdown to Thursday now! I too have been scared to BD. We have only BD'd a few times. In the beginning, I would have really bad cramps after - not like period cramps but weird cramps so it kinda scared me.

MIL and finance left this AM. Kinda paranoid - Her finance developed a cold last night. I went out this AM and bought like $30 of cleaning supplies to disinfect the entire house. I really don't want to get sick. I have yet to get my flu shot.

Oh yea. I went to an appt on Wed and am still waiting on my combined NT results. Boo. But got to schedule my gender scan! 12/20 we will know! I can't believe it. We will be able to get some blue or pink before Christmas!
I can't believe you all got your bumps, that's amazing.
Torres: glad ER wasn't too concerned - lay low until you see OBGYN!
Snow: lovely Pics - I love the waving one!
Liz: congrats on the house, glad all is going well with Zoella.

AFM, had the FS intake consult yesterday. Waiting for next "Day 1" then it's bloods on day 1,3,15,24 and US on day 3 and 8(HSG ugh). DH will have a Kruger morphology SA test. The doc said the best case scenario is that the find absolutely nothing wrong and I've just had a bout of bad luck - so frustrating.
Hubby is getting so tired of me being down and mopey, says he feels like I don't appreciate him and our life anymore, as I'm too busy being upset over I dont have I've stopped enjoying what I do have. There's some truth to that I think.
The doc says I don't have 'infertility' as I've gotten pregnant twice and says be patient. Kind of unsympathetic. She wasn't warm and fuzzy, but she's efficient which I guess us better in the long run.
I'm just already so so tired of dealing with this. In the Fertility Clinic, holding hubby's hand, all I could do was cry thinking "I can't believe this is my life". :(
I might switch over to ond of the LTTTC boards - I feel like I belong better there. You all have such exciting things going on, and I don't want to damped your forum. I don't know... I don't know where I belong. I just feel so alone. My bestie is preggers after 2 months of trying and has totally disappeared.
To add stress , I don't know if I have a job for next semester cause the gov't just changed hiring requirements for LTO teachers and I think I'm honna get screwed out of my current position. What a Christmas. Bah Humbug. :( :( :(
Baby Hopes - Girl, I totally get you. And please don't leave - you don't damper at all. I did the whole FS/RE and the whole nine yards of testing etc. I know how hard it is to be positive some days (more like all days, right?!). It took us just about 1.5 yrs total with a MC thrown in. Lots and lots of ups and downs. The emotional toll it takes on us is hard. I still can't believe what we have gone through to even get PG. I am still too scared to get too confident in my PG, I still have my feelings protected. I haven't even told anyone yet bc I am so scared still. I feel it never goes away after all I've been through. Anyways, I hope the testing gives you answers you so deserve of what is going on with y'all. Sending you lots of positive vibes.

AFM, I got some bad news last night (what else is new right?!) The Genetic OBGYN called and gave me my combined NT results from the scan & bloods. I have a 1:270 chance of having a down's baby. Not all that great of odds. For my age average is 1:700. I am less than thrilled and am having a hard time with it - cried all last night and this AM. My result is considered "normal" however, it is right on the cusp of normal/not normal. I don't know what think. I have to do more bloods around 16 weeks for the final result. I hope things change by then. I am so freaking scared.
:hugs: babyhopes :hugs: I'm sorry this is so hard, it's worse that medics don't necessarily take it seriously. :hugs: I'd hate to see you go, but know why if you do. I do hope that when you do get that :bfp: you'll come back and tell us though. I'm rooting for you.

Snow that's awful news. I hate that now you are pregnant you are still being tested. Well obviously for your child's sake I hope the tests look better at 16 weeks. And there is clearly still hope considering the numbers are 'normal'.

I don't have good news either. Found out I won't have my job after Christmas, so 21st December is mt last day of guaranteed work :cry:
Babyhopes - I sincerely hope you don't leave. We're here for you and never think that you would be a downer! Remember that Snow and Bump both totally get the emotional roller coaster of long term ttc. Also remember that Snow, Leinz and myself understand the devastation of miscarriages. You're in good company here that cares about you! Have you tried a nice long sit down heart to heart with hubby? I know a lot of men really want children, but I don't think they truly experience the deep longing like a woman does. I don't think it's about not appreciating your life, I think it's more about feeling there is a void that we want filled to enrich our lives. Plus it's kind of human nature to always look forward, don't you agree? When you're little you want to be big, when you're in university you want to be done, when your dating you want to be engaged and then married, etc, etc. I'm rambling, sorry!

Snow - Try to think of it in these terms - there is a .37% chance of downs, and a 99.63% chance of everything being perfectly normal. I've read threads on BnB where some had 1:12 odds and their babies are downs free. I know that no matter what anyone says over the next few weeks, you will still be worried, but try to relax, and think that your odds are MUCH greater of having a healthy baby. If you google, only read the positive! Google can be the scariest place on earth!

Bump - I'm so sorry to hear about your job. Are you covering for a teacher that is coming back in the New Year? Didn't you just switch schools this September? Is there a possibility of you going back to your old one? What about tutoring or looking in a different field? Teaching jobs are extremely hard to come by here as well. Try to not stress out too much, remember you have a beautiful bean baking in there!

Leinz - 2 months left! Crazy!!! I'm getting so excited for you! How's the house coming along? Do you think you'll be in by Christmas?

AFM - Spotting is all gone. I'm still taking it easy until I see my OB tomorrow. That was scary as hell and I don't want to go through that again! The only good thing about it was being in L&D triage made me even more excited to have this baby! I loved hearing all the women coming in. There was one next to me, poor girl, that was having contractions and was not handling them well at all! By the sound of her, I thought she was going to be at least 5cm dilated, but nope, not even close - she was just about 1 1/2cm. They told her to walk around the hospital for an hour and then come back to see if there was any change. She came back as I was leaving, and I overheard the Dr tell her there was no change and that early stages of labour can sometimes last days, so I think she got sent home.
There was another girl that came in, her water had broke, but she wasn't contracting. She was as calm as could be (it was her 3rd). Her water broke at 7:30 and she didn't go to the hospital until 11! They were going to induce her as there is a risk for infection if your waters break and you don't have the baby shortly after.

Have you ladies thought about what kind of delivery you want? Natural? Epi? At home? Birthing tub? Who do you want in the room with you?
I haven't thought of it seriously. I think I would LOVE to have a water birth with little to no pain relief. However I don't have a great pain threshold, so have a funny feeling I'll be screaming for everything they have ;)

Yup no teachers jobs around :( You just don't want to not be able to provide...
How did I miss so much in here, ladies? What a terrible last few days in here. :hugs:

Torres: I'm sure it was just cervical irritation. But, I love that you went to L&D, its always better safer than sorry! How scary! I'm sure your OB will relieve all of your worries today.

I have thought about the labor that I want. It's really simple I think. First of all do whatever is necessary for mine and baby's health. I'll get the epidural if I want it. (Didn't have with DD.) After baby is born... I'd like her placed on my chest skin to skin and I want to breastfeed right away. My MIL will take pictures, and my grandmother will be there. They are to remain quiet... No one is to mention how long labor is going to be, my progress etc. (I hated that will DD, everyone acted like I had days of labor to go.) DH will also be there and he will be my partner... He will put chapstick on my lips, feed me ice chips. Let me squeeze him, etc. And he is absolutley the only one allowed to touch me. He is to make sure I remember at the end, we'll have a baby. Because when you are in labor, you don't know anything, you forget. He is also to make sure everyone is nice to me. Sometimes nurses can be mean.

I have to be moved in by Jan. 1. I really, really hope to be in by Christmas.

Babyhopes: I'm so happy to see you. :hugs: Don't give up! You'll get your forever baby. I just know it! Men don't entirely get it, even when you are pregnant. I wish it could be easy for you and OH. I do understand if you need a break from this thread. And I also think you should talk to others in the LTTC for support. It can't hurt... I can't wait to be updated with your forever BFP! :hugs:

Snowflakes: Don't let that test get you down. They are often not accurate and even more so with it being a borderline in your case. It just means they need more testing to know. I'm glad you will know :blue: or :pink: before Christmas. I'm sure you'll also learn that baby is perfect. They should be able to see no markers at your scan. :hugs: As scary as it seems, you most likely have no reason to worry.

Bump: I'm sorry about your job. That really sucks. But, you will be just fine. This I know. You are amazing! Plus, it seems like everything always comes up when you are pregnant. Don't let it get to you. :hugs:

AFM: I had my Reg. OB Appt. yesterday (Tuesday). Everything went great. Good blood pressure. This next appt. on Dec. 11 would've been when it all went downhill with DD. So, I'm ready to get through that hurdle. I also start going every week. And cervical checks start in 3 weeks. SAY WHAT? Oh, goodie, lol. I should get an ultrasound first week of January to check on growth. But, so far so good and so blessed.
Fantastic new Leinz! Try to relax about the thought o complications again. Remember this is a new pregnancy, and it may go perfectly until the end! I know it's easier said than done. I'm already freaking about going through pre-e and HELLP syndrome again and I'm still 10 weeks away from when it presented with Laia.
Love how throughout your birth plan is! I can't believe you had high bp and you went natural last time! Did your Bp behave during labour? How was it going natural?

Last time I was induced due to pre-e, and to be honest, I wouldn't mind being induced again! Going into labour at home scared the crap out of me, and I would hate to rush to the hospital only to be sent home and told to come back when I'm further progressed.
They also made me get an epi very early on (2 1/2cm) as my bp was not reacting well to the pain of the contractions! That is the only thing about being induced (with a pitocin drip) is it really intensifies your labour. This time I would like to try to hold off on the epi until I feel I really need it.
When I'm in labour I won't mind certain people (close friends and family) popping in for a quick visit as long as i'm not in too much pain or too tired. For the delivery it will be my hubby and my mom in the room. My mom is there to watch her granddaughter being born and that's it - no touching me or commentary. Hubby is to be by my side as I need him, although last time I didn't mind that he stood next to the Dr as Laia came out.
As with Leinz - I want skin to skin immediately and breast feeding.
I also plan on being in the hospital for 48 hours after the birth, as I had post partum HELLP syndrome last time and I want to make sure I do not get it again! Because if I leave and then go back to the hospital with it, only I will be admitted, not Soraya.

I have my OB appt at 10:30. Will fill you ladies in after. Oh and one more thing - V DAY is tomorrow!!!!
One Bump - I am so very sorry about your job. That sucks. We are kinda trying to make a major decision about hubby's job as well. He is in his final yr of College and will graduate in May about 2 weeks before my due date. He has been going a few interviews for Internships for his final semester. I am so scared he is going to quit his current job that is stable (but pays peanuts!) to go to a Internship only to find out in May that they don't want to put him on full time. Then we would have an infant, hubby would have no job and I will only be getting 60% of my pay while on Maternity leave. There is no way we could live like that. We are potentially taking a big risk. I just want him to take the Internship and be promised that he will have a job at the end paying good money (wishful thinking here!). I'm not sure what to do. Anyways, sorry to babble on about us. Again, I am sorry and hope you can find something really fast...

Torres - I will def be taking the drugs. I don't do so well with pain. I just want me and hubby in the room. I don't think I want my mom in the room. But I don't know how it going to all work out bc I do want her to come after the baby is born to help me as I will have no clue what I am doing. My parents are about 11 hours away from me... Yeah for V-day! Update how appt went when you get back! Thanks for the re-assurance - when you put it into percentages it looks much better!! I am feeling much better about things. I did call the Genetic Dr. again yesterday to go over some more things and I feel more confident about things.

Leinz - Hope you are in before Christmas too! That would be great! Glad everything went great at your appt. Sounds like you have a great birth plan going already! I bet it is easier to know what you want after the 1st! Do they look for markers at the gender scan then?
Snow - The gender scan is a very detailed scan. They look that baby up and down! The check everything: the brain, the lungs, kidneys, heart chambers, etc etc. The purpose is actually to check all the organs, limb lengths, placenta, cervix, etc.
Tbh, I didn't really want my mom in the room but she sat me down and told me that she's always wanted to watch her grand babies being born. I couldn't say no after that!
OB appt went well. Everything is good. My Bp is a bit higher than normal (108/65 compared to 90's over 50's) but I'm nowhere near the danger zone.
He's confident my bleed over the weekend was nothing as I was checked out so well at the hospital.
Only thing is I gained too much weight this month :blush: 6 pounds. He said it's not a big deal as I'm "in such great shape" (his words, not mine!), but I do have to watch it from now on as I am high risk already. So lucky me, the month I have to not gain much is Christmas month! And my next appt is December 27th! Boo!
Aw boooooooooo indeed. I'm hoping MS doesn't kick my ass enough that I don't fancy all the lovely Christmas food on the go.
Oh I hope not Bump! You will be 8 weeks at Christmas - prime ms time! Hopefully you'll be lucky like Snow and have none! And if you do get it, hopefully it's very slight and goes in and out!
Oh I hope not Bump! You will be 8 weeks at Christmas - prime ms time! Hopefully you'll be lucky like Snow and have none! And if you do get it, hopefully it's very slight and goes in and out!

Yup, here's hoping!! Not only that my dad goes into hospital for day surgery on Christmas Eve, so I need to cook dinner. Hope to get some of the cooking done and frozen over the next couple of weeks though!

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