TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

As of today - 31 pounds :blush:
I was hoping to keep it around 25 but I have been ravenous the past 7 or 8 weeks! And I'm not going to go hungry when the baby is clearly telling my body to eat! Plus everything is pointing to her being a big baby (ultrasound techs always comment on how chunky she looks, and at last OB appt, the nurse couldn't believe how little "wiggle" room is left in my uterus!).
Aw Torres you look fantastic. You'll loose the weight no bother!
No wonder you're uncomfy you have a full grown baby squished up in there!
Thanks Torres!! I think you look absolutely great!! Hope your finding some last minute "me" time before baby comes. I hear the last few days is the time to enjoy!!
Torres: You will lose it in no time. :) Since you haven't been around.... I'm thinking your little girl might be here now. I hope she is and you update soon. I'm thinking about you!
Still pregnant. 40 weeks tomorrow. I had a good cry yesterday to get out stress and frustration. I do feel a bit better, but I'm growing more and more convinced that I'm going to miss Laia's birthday party on Sunday. And I'm so worried that they will have the same birthday - that would be horrible for them!
I don't even want to see my
OB as I'm so upset with him. Why make all those promises of doing everything possible to avoid pre-e/HELLP and shoulder dystocia when he clearly could care less?!
I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for a c-section, but it makes me so depressed everytime I think about it!

Sorry I've been so negative lately ladies! I swear I'm normally a very positive, happy go lucky person, but this pregnancy has brought out the worst in me! And since I try not to let it interfere with my family life, I tend to let it all out on here!

How are you all doing? How many more days till your scan bump?
I'm so angry for you Torres, there's no way you should be here!

My scan was on Monday, all measurements she got were good, but need to go back as she was laid on her back refusing to shift. So still need to check her spine, legs and kidneys.

I started to feel her move on Monday, yesterday she practically didn't stop, but nothing today. Not officially worried, but would love her to kick me to put my mind at ease!
Yay movement!!! That is one of the most exciting things of pregnancy! I know once you feel it, you want to feel it all the time, but you won't probably until 28 weeks(ish).
Did you get any good ultrasound pics? If so - share!
Any names yet? We still haven't decided 100%! :blush:

I have an appt to see my
OB Friday morning. I honestly don't even want to go. He's either going to want to induce me that day, or at least do another sweep, and I am going to refuse both. If I get induced Friday, I would have her Friday afternoon/night, which would mean I would be released Monday morning from the hospital. Sunday is Laia's 5th bday and we're having her cousins here for a party. And if he does a sweep, that would increase my chances of going into labour withing 48 hours - putting me in the hospital on Sunday.
I think I would rather take the chance of going into labour naturally, and hope that I make it till at least Monday.
What do you guys think? What would you do if you were in my position?
I don't know honey. I suppose if they agree you aren't at risk of similar problems like last time, then I don't see why you shouldn't hold out. But I don't know what I would choose in your shoes...
Torres: If the Dr. doesn't see a problem medically with letting you go a few more days. Why not wait? If Big Sister gets a little sister for birthday it was how it was meant to be. I'm hoping you are in labor right now. :hugs:

Bump: I'm so happy to hear your scan went well. So amazing! Won't be long and your little girl will be here! :wohoo:
Torres - I was just reading an article about a week or two ago in a magazine that was talking about how much better it is for the baby for them to stay in longer and to stay in til they were ready. Of course that is given that there are no medical issues. It gave tons of reasons why - however, I couldn't tell you the reasons why to save my life now. So based off that article I say keep her put unless like Leinz said Dr. finds a medical problem.

One bump - The movements are the best part so far of being PG!! So glad you are feeling them now!! Funnn!! I would have a few days (2-3) inbetween kicks and movement in the beginning. I figured he was was being lazy or moved positions so I couldn't feel him. Then he would start up again!!
Snow thanks that's reassuring as haven't felt her much today, maybe a couple of times....
Feeling the movements is one thing I'm def going to miss.
Had my weekly triage appt today - bp is up and I have protein in my urine. Bp isn't crazy high, but is borderline (146/92). My dr is unavalible today as it is a religious holiday for him. The on call dr sent me home anyway, even after the nurse warned her about my past.
I go see my OB in the morning, so we'll see what he says.
And I totally know/agree it's better for baby to come on her own time. It's just that from my initial appt with my OB, he said he would never let me go to 40 weeks because of my medical history. He only seemed to change his mind in the past few weeks, which have also been the weeks where he seemed a bit rushed in the appts because he was either going away for a week or had a lot of hospital hours that week, etc. I just feel like I was so well cared for in the beginning and now I've kind of fallen through the cracks.
I will probably read back through this thread in a few weeks and be annoyed with myself for being so dramatic, but hey, I blame it on the hormones!
You are not to dramatic, Torres! It will all work out. :hugs:

Bump: I felt less movements at different points all of the time. Active days and non active days.
Hey ladies! I think today is THE day. Been awake on and off since 1am with painful contractions. Finally around 3:45am woke up for good. Had some bloody show and contractions are def not decreasing in intensity.
I'm going to start a thread in third tri "Torres - 99% sure this Is It"

I can't wait to meet my baby girl! (Pressure is now really on to find a name!)
LOVE the new avatars Leinz and One Bump!!

Torres - Happy Birthday to DD Laia!! I can't wait to see new baby picture!! Also, can't wait to know her name - I know you weren't 100% sure!!
Hope you're recovering Torres and your wee girl is going from strength to strength!! :hugs:
Hi ladies! We named our beautiful princess Amelia Maren Torres!
We are both doing fantastic!
We got discharged from the hospital on Sunday, and made it home in time to catch the last half hour or so of Laia's bday party. That was very overwhelming! Do not have 30 people, 10 of which are below the age of 10, at your house when you first bring baby home! I only socialized for about 5 minutes and then took Amelia into my room to nurse. It was just too much too fast!
Since then we have been enjoying such beautiful family time. I have shed many tears of joy since being discharged. I finally had a great birthing experience. Everyone was so kind and caring, and I stayed well. I have been able to bond with Amelia the way I yearned to with Laia.
I had some abnormalities in my blood work, but they all, except vitamin b12, are improving. I have to change my b12 supplement to sublingual, and if they don't bring my levels up then I need shots.
We had our appointment at the maternal newborn clinic (it's mandatory 2-3 days post discharge). Amelia is only 1oz away from her birth weight! The nurse was impressed! She said i have enough milk to feed a nursery! Not bad for my B cups (on a good day!). She eats like a champ. She has been having latching problems though and my nipples are proof of that. So we got the much needed help today and I'm looking forward to pain free bfing. Came right in time too as I was getting very discouraged by the pain and discomfort.
We're bringing her for her check up tomorrow at our family dr. We were going to wait till Monday, but her left clavical, which is the side that got stuck in my pelvis, is swollen and bruised. She's not fussy about it and she moves her arm, but it's always best to be checked out.
Laia is enjoying being a big sister. Her nose is a little out of joint because she's such a mama's girl and not used to sharing my attention, but overall she's doing great.
Time to wait princess jr for a feed.
How is everything with you guys? Full update time!

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