Perse and Babbs, I hope there are only "good" cramps hitting you two. I don't want to see any more miscarriages in this thread, just all you ladies with healthy perfect pregnancies!!! Let us know your new HCG babbs, keeping my fingers crossed that it is perfect. Perse, hopefully you can find a walk in clinic that will just do the two blood tests if your doctor is an ass tomorrow.
Ready - Man your MS sounds really rough for 6 weeks. You must have quite the strong little bean in there. It is a great sign that your hormones are still adjusting. I wish you didn't have to be sick, but I am glad it is giving you some reassurance that things are ok.
MommyDK, I am glad that you are getting some time to rest and that your husband is being supportive and helping out. It seems like the pregnancy exhaustion is hitting you pretty hard. As for the cheapie thing I have had different experiences with them and unfortunately enough losses to test a few brands. SurePredict cheapies work really well from about 5-100 HGC, but they saturate after that. Wondfo work decently for progression from 20-400. OSOM are great from 10-200 but are 2$ vs less than a dollar. Dollar store are hit or miss (25-50)-200. FRER and Answer seem to be about 12.5-500 hgc for decent progression. Hope that helps.
I am calling my RE tomorrow. I actually started later than I thought. Full flow today instead of Friday. The period was being shy and not doing full flow yet. So I need to reschedule my CD 12 follicle ultrasound. This is good though, because I need to ask her about my femara dose. The point of putting me on Femara was to make sure I was getting a follicle on the left hand side. It is only happening maybe 1 out of ever 4 months. I am going to ask her if we can increase the dose so I have a better chance of eggies that can make it to my left tube. Wish me luck. It just destroys me every month I go in for another ultrasound and my egg is on the wrong side, again. I hope she is ok with the idea.