TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Welcome ah! The ttc journey can be a stressful one and the longer it takes the harder it can be on the nerves. This is a good group for support so throw out the questions/thoughts/feelings/worries.
Ren-My everything is crossed for you.
Bab-That goes for you too!
Mrs-That is sooo exciting! How many wks are you now?
Wishing-How r u holding up?
Afm-I am still so worried about this pregnancy due to the symptoms coming and going. 6 days until my scan so I can find out if there is a heart beat.

Ready - I'm okay. The single life is so weird! I am so deprived. It's about to be 2 or 3 months since I last had intercourse. I'm actually happy I don't have to deal with any more lies. I am more worried about what he's telling everyone because he lies out his ass. A while ago I found out through his FB that he was talking to his cousin and she asked him if I gave birth to our baby boy... I was like WTF! I name my baby casper. I didn't know I was pregnant. I felt so bad because she got the fake baby boy something.

Here are some of the announcement pics
I love those pictures!

Mrs- I LOVE your announcement pics!!!! So beautiful and you are just so freakin cute! You guys look so happy! Yay

Babs- Sorry about your boobs hun! I hope they feel better soon but get use to it because when that milk comes in they will feel like hard rocks! And I am living proof that anovulation is a mild infertility issue, my hormones were SO out of wack and most months I didn't ovulate.

So I went to dollar tree this afternoon, wasn't really thinking much of a bfp because I miss AF every other month but I got a dark BFP! I was NOT at all expecting that surprise! Of course when we're trying NOT to get pg we fall pg. God really does answer if you pray and have faith! I put the test in a box and gave it to DH and told him it was an early birthday gift . I'm hoping and praying this chinese chart is wrong because I have been waiting on our next baby boy and Jason has been praying for a brother but we will be over joyed with a happy healthy baby no matter the gender!

So that's my news for today, how's everyones day going??


Hey everyone! I'm back... As much as I love you girls, I am so sick of this waiting business. I'm on 8dpo today, and I have no real symptoms other than lots of twinging cramps alternating middle left and middle right. My boobs are intermittently sore, but that happens every month, so it's not really a symptom of anything else for me.

So happy to see so many BFPs around here! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Welcome back girl!

Frazer was born at 00:56 on 7th Jan. He is 10lb 7oz of perfect boy. Had a few niggles so mw came out at 1130pm to check me. Said i was still 3cm so i started pacing the floor. Had a few pains as he was back to back. Labour was 26 minutes. No pain relief. No stitches. We are so in love with our gorgeous little boy. Xx

Congrats! Can't wait to pictures!! How are you and the baby doing?

So its very faint, but this is SMU...

I can see the line on the last one!

Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression! :)
Congrats Bab!!

Btw holy monkey can ya talk! I was about to give up on page 424 but I was like just one more and bam I was done! Oh & welcome to all the new ladies who joined when I went MIA.

Even though I'm not TTC hopefully I can still pop in to see how everyone is doing. :blush:
Ren-this thread was created for the tww not pg so I can't speak for everyone else but I'll be here to support everyone at whatever stage. You may not be pg right now but u will be soon!
Bab-How soon do u get results for bloods drawn today? I have seen some ladies on here from the states that can chk online for results. So crazy!!
Perse-Did u see dr today? Any progress?
Wishing-Glad to hear u r well. Sounds like ur oh is quite the story teller. What can he possibly gain by lying about a baby that doesn't exist?
Mrs-i had another bout of ms this am that was a real struggle to maintain.
Ohh man wishing! I didn't realize that had happened while I was on break with my last mc. It sounds like a very good thing you ar a single lady now. I can't believe he is making up stories about a mythical baby...

Mrs. You have always been so sweet. Thanks for your words of encouragement!

Perse, any word from your doctor yet?
By now he is like the Dogger family 19 kids and counting. I'm over being upset about everything. All his lies are just hilarious! He can go to his fake with and two kids and try to find all of the other fake babies. Ha ha. The only thing I'm upset, about is the fact is that I still want a baby, but God give us problems we can't overcome!

How is everyone doing?
I got an appointment for Thursday morning at 9:30am. I am going into talk to him, I am going to tell him that even though he might think its redundant that I want blood work. Hopefully it goes fine. Fingers crossed!
mommy- My friends husband had a dream the other night that I had a girl! Not normal for a MAN to have these dreams xD so I am hoping that is a good sign! But the way I am currently eating screams girl! I have lost my appetite and have been losing a bit of weight. :3

Ren- Of course you can stay! I will be impatiently awaiting your sticky bean!! :3
I had no idea that the dollar tree tests had different manufacturers! That is a bit of a relief for me because the test I took this morning still didn't show anything :( I am really hoping my bloods look good!

Mrs- Now is the time to try the wives tales to find out if they have any merrit at all :3

Wishing- Omg... A kind of feel bad for your ex that he feels the need to lie like that! Seriously?? What was he going to tell her? That the baby died but you weren't going to have a funeral?? Some people.. :/

ready- I asked them about that because my last clinic had that option, but they said they didn't have it set up #_#

perse- He needs to start listening and stop acting like he knows it all! lol Best way to deal with a doctor like that is to do your own research and stump him with questions and facts that you know :P

afm- Got my bloods done today. Won't know anything until tomorrow at the soonest, but with how my doctor and her assistant are going it probably won't be until Wednesday -_-
I went in at the end of the day and they STILL hadn't sent in the order. The lab staff had to go get it.
Well this last damn dollar tree test has me freaked out but at least that was the last one so now I won't be tempted to test and just deal with it.
Having some issues at work. My boss has some serious memory issues and I am now getting blamed for her mistakes. She did a bunch of weekend work and really dishoveled the office and blamed me (who has been out since last Wednesday) for it. Either that or she is looking for someone to pick on because she critiqued a BUNCH of my work and said my desk looked sloppy.. It was pretty well organized and clean to begin with but I just let it slide off my shoulder and made it spotless! Then I walked by hers and it has the same mess on it from 3 weeks ago.
Not sure what to think but I have been sensing some negativity building for some time now so I have started looking for a new job closer to home. Here's to hoping something pops up!
Bab-There is nothing worse than hating ur boss. Even though i am self employed now I still have to deal with my old manager and she is totally negative, unsupportive and just a jerk. I've had several "dealings" with her (I don't keep my mouth closed) and what i have discovered that she's all bark and no bite. When you call her on her shit she recoils like the snake she is. Sorry you r having to deal with this.
Yeah, this is only the second time I've had to deal with a boss like this. Every seems great at first and then slowly they start to show their true colors :/
I kind of feel like it might be partly me.. Like, I am not a huge party girl by any means. I would prefer to stay at home with hubby and be lazy all weekend. And I have noticed that my boss takes a shining to those who go out drinking and partying all the time.
Maybe I remind her of being old and that's why she hates me xD hah!
Bab- That dream is probably a good look into what's to come in a few months! It is unusual for a man to have these dreams! I had one last night that still wasn't a clear sign for me ....... I had a dream I was holding a baby boy/Gil but I think it was my aunt (who is currently pg) baby boy girl. Lol not sure if it was a boy or girl it looked like both. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this stress at work right now. Have you thought about taking a few days off? Early vacation? You need plenty of rest and less stress. Sometimes we can't avoid it but if you can get some time off. Do you get frequent breaks ?

Ready- How are ya feeling hun??

Wishing- Sorry about your DH , I hope you are happily enjoying the single life! Sometimes it is better to deal with your own Everday stress by yourself than to have to deal with yours and someone else's + their lies and confusion.

Dr called me today and said my blood results came back and my numbers are high, about 3200 ........? My sono was done on th 8th and I got my blood drawn on the 9th...? So since my numbers are so high I'm guessing they should have seen something more than a small collection of fluid on the sono unless my numbers magically got higher the very next day and were lower the day of my sono? They want me to do blood tomorrow and they'll know by Thursday if the numbers are rising or falling. I don't know what to think right now.
Perse-I have had lower back ache on and off but the first 2 weeks was almost daily. Is it really uncomfortable?
Mommy-You've got to love those dreams! Numbers aren't always a good indicator of what can be seen. If you are only 4 weeks ish and ur hcg is 3200 you aren't going to see much as there isn't much to see. Do you have a repeat us set up?
Bab-ur boss sounds like an idiot. Who gives praise to party-ers? Lol
Perse, I really hope your bean stays in there. So far your progression looks great.

Mommy, that is a little scary. My tube ruptured around 1500 HCG. I hope they find out where this baby is.

Also I know some of you struggle with PCoS and PCoS type symptoms. I thought I would throw this out there. It is a group of ladies I am buddies with.
The back pain seems to come and go throughout the day. Its bad when I'm sitting. As soon as I start walking around the back and hip pain stops.

Kind of worries me considering I'm like not even 5 weeks. What will my back be when I'm at 9 months...

But other than that I'm feeling pretty good. A bit tired and my boobs are so swollen I can barely wear a bra. But I like all the symptoms!
Ready- I love love love those dreams , I'm always hugging and kissing on the baby in the dream (: I hope Im only four weeks then. They'll set up the next us when my second round of bloods come in by Thursday. Hope you and baby bub are well , I'm excited for you! When is your next us?

Ren- were you in pain around the time of your rupture ? They kept asking if I was in pain and I kept telling them I have Zero pain. The dr said she doesn't suspect ectopic because the didn't see any inflammation in the tubes and when she evaluated me internally I would have had pain. But I'm not closing any doors until I see a baby

My nips are really sensitive to the touch.... (I've never had this symptom) and I really hate to get my hopes up but I was reading somewhere that sometimes with multiples at an early stage hgc will be on the high side and it will be difficult to see the sacs early on but you really feel your symptoms strong. I'd love to have multiples ....... :oneofeach::twinboys: Hope these next few days fly by
Mommy, my first pain from my ectopic came three days before the rupture. My cap jumped on my belly and I was surprised at the pain. I started bleeding that night. Though I really think the cat thing was a coincidence. I called the doctor the next morning and they told me to expect a normal mc. The following night we drove to the hospital. It was a lot of pain, I was shaking and could not walk.

This uhh might be random and it is kind of rare but an ectopic doesn't have to be in your tube. I am sooooo sooo glad they are keeping you monitored via bloods and ultrasound.
Mommy-with ectopic I was curled on my couch on pain and was only 4+ weeks so things would have been teeny tiny. Hopefully you are just early and by next week or so you will be able to see more.
Perse-My lower back aches after I work and then sit in my car. I don't know what it is but with dd I had horrible back pain from 2nd tri right through. It was when the ligaments started to loosen and my si joint was out of whack. It was awful! Hopefully yours is only momentary.
Afm-Still really worried that I'm going to go in thurs and there will be no growth. Not sure how I will deal with that but hopefully i won't have to. Some nausea and light headedNess and off course the exhaustion. 36 hrs and i will know what's happening in there.
I'm going to be an aunt! My brother and his sister-in-law had an appointment today. She's 7 weeks today and the heartbeat was 130bmp. I'm excited!
That is good to hear, Ready. All the back pain has mostly disappeared, I'm just experiencing this pulling sensation in my bellybutton. So strange, but I like that I can differentiate it from more PMS like cramps. It's almost superficial if that makes sense, whereas the PMS cramps feel deeper.

My sister told me she's going to find me a new doctor if my current one is an ass on Thursday. She told me to cry if he gives me flack.
I like your sister Persephone. Ill be waiting to hear how it goes tomorrow.
Congrats Wishing!
Perse-I had that pulling sensation with dd. I agree with ur sister...cry like a baby!

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