TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Mommy-sorry you're still so tired, it will pass, you know that! I love going to the grocery store and buying healthy stuff, makes me feel good. I go once a week and buy fruit and yogurt.

So my MS I think is back!!!!!!!!!!1 WHAT THE HECK??!!! I got sick this weekend, thought it was my fault, not eating early enough then i have been sick twice today. Taking Zofran. DH made me call dr to make sure it isn't flu, I don't feel bad I told him but he insisted that I call. I have had a headache and stuffy nose so they told me to take tylenol cold and sinus. I will to make dh happy. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Mommy-gestational age is dated from ur last period and fetal/embryonic age is 2 wks less (conception).
Mrs-sorry u r feeling crappy. I hope it passes soon.
Ready- OH right! Duh , your so smart! Idk whynI didn't think of that lol

Mrs- so sorry you aren't feeling well either, Me and the kids had flu like stuff going on all weekend long it was awful ontop of the ms . Dh got us soup and ginger ale and we got thru it. I hope it passes quickly for you too, it's not fun at all but especially when you've got ms too

i have like 12 loads of laundry to fold and a lot of other house work but probably won't get to any of it until I get a little burst of energy..... I had a huge burst of energy one day last week after a big bowl of cereal with fruit in it so I'm going to try again tomorrow so I can get everything done :sleep::sleep::sleep:
Ready did you see your mw??!!

Mommy-I know the feeling on the energy, some days I have it and some days I don't.

AFM-Didn't get sick today, fx it stays that way. I am taking a Mucinex to help relieve the sinus pressure and headache so hoping that works and maybe it was just drainage that made me sick and not actual MS.
Mrs-I did see her. It was my initial appt so paperwork and such. She tried to hear hb but only tried for a couple mins and said my noises were all really loud which could prevent us from hearing baby. My uterus is still behind my pelvis which also could hinder things. I have my nt scan booked for next fri plus all of the bloodwork (so fun lol). With dd they discovered an antibody which means I'll have monthly blood draws again...boooo! I started to look like a drug addict as I bruise so easily plus had a really bad botched draw from a student.
My fx'd that next wk goes ok as I'm still unsure of what's going on in there.
Hi all,

Mrs- Sorry that you have been getting sick. What are your plans for the room you tore the wallpaper off of? (I skimmed through everything really quick lol)

Mommy- Glad you are getting healthy for the baby! I need to work on that better as I have been lazy this past week or two.

Ready- how have you been feeling? That is crazy that your body was being too loud lol I am sure everything is fine though :)

Ren- did AF arrive yet???

Pers- How have you been feeling?

afm- No signs really..
I have some insomnia, been having more dreams that I remember after waking up, had bloating off an on but that is about it now.

As for Guinea pigs.. My Guinea pig gave birth fine but the baby was still born. She tried for a few minutes but couldn't revive it and gave up. I jumped in and tried for 15 minutes before giving up :(
It looked almost identical to her.
She hasn't had anymore so I think it was just one baby. I left a washcloth in her cage that I used to rub the baby with and she has been cuddling with it. She got mad when I moved it a little bit and sat on it so I wouldn't take it (I wasn't going to) I feel so terrible for her :( She is eating though so I know she will be fine, but she will just have to deal with some depression for a while.
Bab so sorry, poor thing. Your birthday is coming up!! Any plans?! Oh wait your bday is Vday?!
Yes it is lol
And the only plan we have is to go Smelt fishing with my dad. since money has been tight we can't afford to do much at all.
The company we are both working for is starting to go under and will go through an audit that it won't survive. Sooo, it is time for us to find new jobs before we are left without any work at all.
Bab-that sounds like a pile of stress. I hope u both find something quickly.
Mommy-congrats! How do u feel about that?
Ready- I hope so too! It sucks quite a bit because everyones hours have been cut back :/

Mommy- Congrats even though you wanted a boy!!
Have you thought of girl names??
So ladies I've been struggling the past couple of days to stay positive. I can't find a heart beat with the doppler, my mw said she couldn't feel my uterus yet (i would think by the 3rd pg my body would be ahead of the game) and my symptoms are lessening. My scan is in 7 days and I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst. I know there are explanations for all of these things but I can't help but think the baby stopped growing at some point and that's what I'm going to see next week. I'm not looking for anything from anyone but I guess I'm a little scared to talk to my dh or family about it because they won't totally get it and think I'm just being paranoid.
Ready- I hope that this is just all in your head <3 Though I know that gut feeling...
Were you able to locate the heart beat before? Or was it always hard to find?
Regardless of how things play out, it will have been meant to be. I am praying that the baby is still kicking and just being a little stinker and avoiding that doppler :P
Yea I'm not too thrilled yet. Trying to stay positive and I kno it may seem selfish or harsh but I have two girls and they are ALOT . Hair, clothes, accessories, very emotional and sensitive. I worry more about them then my son.... Girls are a lot more to worry about. I love them to death and so glad I have them but I felt like 2 is quite enough to handle. Guess God thinks differently..... I feel bad for ds, dh and I are already planning to do gender IVF after this one so that we feel more complete. I'm sure as the next few days go on I'll feel more excited about it and do some shopping just trying to get over the shock.

Ready- What else did mw say? What does she think? I know I had that feeling too especially when they didn't see anything. I'm thinking your ok but I know you won't feel 100% better until you see your baby. Take it easy and get rest and don't be afraid to eat a lot! I'm excited to hear how much your baby has grown next week and if you need to talk to us while you wait for your appointment we're here. Oh btw my symptoms have gone down so much too this is a good week for us! Lol are you getting enough to drink? I get so busy with the kids sometimes I forget to eat or drink I need to get better with that.

Bab- Thank you , hopefully God will work a miracle and the test be wrong or I will get my boy later
Bab and mommy-the only hb we have heard was on the u/s a month ago. With dd I was able to get her on the doppler right around this time so I figured it would be the same. The mw didn't think much of it she said she would try with the doppler because sometimes around 11 or 12 wks they can hear it but didn't seem concerned when she didn't. She only tried for a min or two and just slid over my skin as opposed to pressing in to my flab. I'm thicker than I was with dd so maybe that's a factor?? I hope I'm just being ridiculous and all is ok but I can't help but worry. Mmc are not common but when u r looking for info it seems like everyone and their sister has experienced one.
I hope everyone is doing well?
Bab-any tests?
Ren-did af come? What's the next step?
Mrs-countdown is on for gender....I am going to guess girl!
Mommy-girls are a handful but...a son is a son until he meets his wife but a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life. It makes me sad to think my boy is going to move on and I'll be 2nd choice to his wife (i already don't like her lol).
Ready-We will be here for you no matter what. When I went for 8week ultrasound dr said we may not be able to see or hear much, we just got lucky. I can tell you that with my doppler it makes it better when I "move my stomach up" like pull it tighter! Fx that baby is just being shy. I prob would have been freaking out like you if I wouldn't have been listening to my pulse thinking it was the heart beat. 6 days, you've got this!! What time is your apt?
We know it is a girl, had sex scan at 15 weeks, although this will confirm. Apt is wed!

Bab-how is your piggy doing, better? How are you? Any signs of AF or testing? Yay your bday is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY BBBBBBBIIIIIRRRTTTTTHHHHHH DDDDDAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs-my appt is at 2 next fri. It seems like a lifetime away but I know it will be here soon enough. And I know Bristol is a girl I was just being a smartass! Lol
Hahaha you turd!!! Next week will be the fastest week of your life, I hope!! ;) Look forward to Wed then next thing you know it will be Friday! That is what I have to do, break it up to make it seem like it goes by faster.
Mommy- fx they are wrong and the gender scan will reveal a little boy :P

Ready- I haven't taken any tests yet. My boobs are more sore today but not very much at all. I just simply do not feel pregnant. We get paid today so I will invest in some super cheap tests. If anything I could also go to this clinic called carenet that does free tests. But you only get 2 per year so I'd like to make it count lol
I hope this next week goes by fast for you!!

Mrs- Snickers is doing good now. My dad came and picked up the baby to be burried with our pets at his house. It dawned on me at getting one last look at it, that the baby was HUGE!! It was literally a miracle that Snickers was even able to push it out of her! I think that the baby may have died during labor and was crushed on its way out :( it is sad but I am so thankful that God helped Snickers make it through all that! Poor gal, no wonder she was so depressed.

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