TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Smommy, congratulations, love her name!

Ren, fingers crossed that this is it for you!

Hi, to everyone else. Hope you are all well.

I don't get on as much as before, lol. Frazer is a good baby, Zoe and Zara adore him and are always fussing over him xx

I understand :flower: life is so busy with a newborn! Congrats again I love his name
Mommy- I used to be down to 145 lbs as my lowest but damn I looked good! I like some curves on me still :) I am only 5' 6" but even at 200 lbs I look pretty good. I just need to get back down to 145 to be truly happy again with my weight and appearance, but for now even if I get to 190 or 180 I will be happy! If I have a baby I don't expect to lose much because it will all be coming back again during pregnancy! lol
With PCOS it does make it harder to lose weight... i was 228 at this time last year. I dropped down to 205 in 5 months which is good but I has to SEVERELY deficit my calorie intake and watch my carbs as well as work my ass off!!!

Ready- That is awesome that you are still working out! I plan to continue unless my doctor says I can't. I think that if I can lose some weight it may prevent pre-eclampsia. My sister had it and apparently it is genetic soooo I want to avoid that issue.

ab- So happy to hear that all your LO's are happy together :3
Oh! I have a question not only for you but for everyone else....
Will you circumsize (sp?) your son or not?
Why or why not?
Hey girlies!! Hope you all have had a good week!!
Mommy- I am so happy to read that little bean is doing well and growing quickly! that is AWESOME!! I want the two weeks to go quickly...for you and me both!! I get another ultrasound on the 18th!! Fx for you this is the boy you are wanting.

Ready- SO your apt isn't on Tuesday now? What a bummer if this is true. I hope you are doing ok on your ms.

Bab-I can't wait to see some baby piggies!!! Just know that if you didn't catch the egg this month that it's ok, I so hope that you did but just know it may take a month to get straightened back out, it did me. I can't wait to see your bfp!!

Ren-How did your re apt go today?! Any more poas?

AFM-I am doing well. I am about to kill my dog, she is almost 6 and I have never really had any problems with her until the last week. She has been getting into the trash, she has never done this before. She even gets into it when there is NOTHING in it. I have spanked her, not spanked her, yelled at her, made her stay in her cage all day (I go home and let her out to pee). I just don't know what the hell to do. I am about ready to go let her live with my mom, I am so mad. I refuse to pick up the trash everyday. Do you gals have any idea??!! Tips, bab your an animal girl, what do I do, why is she doing this??!! I hate putting her in her cage but I don't know what else to do. I am literally in tears. I am so mad!!
Mrs- You can invest in a collar that either zaps or sends a high frequency pich to deter her from gettng in the trash. I think there is a device you stick to the can and it will go off when she gets too close.
You could also try getting this stuff called fooey or really any NON flavored bitter spray and soak the exterior of the can with it. rhat should help quite a bit.
Another idea, if these fail, is to just find a cubboard that you can hide the can in and have a simple lock on it for when you leave the house.
But you can also just keep loading her up when you leave or getting a tall gate that she can't get over and keep confined to one room. I have to load up my Pom because she has recently decided that she will pee behind the toilet and poop in the tub when we leave. Our other dog just gets locked in the bathroom with a comfy bed to sleep on.
Bab-thanks I will try that fooey stuff, I don't have a cabinet big enough for the trash to fit in. I moved it to the laundry room today, which she never goes in and of course she went in and dumped it over. There is nothing in there for her to eat, I haven't been throwing food away in it. I hate leaving her locked up. She went through a phase for a little while where she was peeing on my bed. I don't know why on earth she was doing that. She sleeps in our bed when we leave and it was on my side and where she sleeps, so I started closing the door to our bedroom so she couldn't get in there. I thought maybe she is mad that I won't let her in the bed so I have left the door open and left her in the bed when I leave for work, thinking ok stop getting in the trash and mad cause you aren't in the bed, and she still is geting in the trash. I got her a few toys to play with and also a raw hide treat to eat. She is a wiener dog, and she is totally MY dog, wants no one else. Wiener dogs are very territorial and pick one person, it is me. I don't know if it is because I am pregnant and she knows, I have no idea. She doesn't like staying at my moms, because I am not there. My mom loves her and she goes over there all the time with me but I am tempted to make her go stay over there for a few days and not see her for a few days and see if her attitude changes. I have no idea. I will try that spray and until I get it she will just have to stay in her cage.
Mommy-my trainers are always asking how certain exercises are for me. Its a small training gym so there is a lot of one on one attention. Things will be modified when baby starts growing and my centre balance is off but until then I make sure my movements are controlled and I'm not over exerting.
Mrs-sorry about ur dog. Mine can be a jerk at times. He isn't allowed to roam the house when no one is home and when we are he stays on the level we are on or he pees. He gets out enough and pees outside but sometimes he's just a jerk. I would love to know how to fix it but he's 11 and set in his ways.
I do have an appt tues with my mw and from there I will have my nt scan booked. I didn't have it with dd cuz it wouldn't change things but I will get it done this time cuz I want the scan to see how baby is doing.
Ab-glad to hear all is well with you and ur fam. Im sure ur girls love to help and take care of Frazer. So cute!
Bab-i hope u catch that egg but like Mrs said it may take ur body a cycle to get back to normal. My fx'd.
Ren-how was ur appt?
Perse-how r u doing?
MV-how r u making out?
Afm-my ms is awful today plus I have had a headache on and off (more on) for 2 days. Plus I'm so freakin tired and can't wait to go to bed but then I'm awake 10+ times a night. It's a little frustrating.
Im not sure if anyone remembers my friend that has been ttc over 10 years? She had ivf a few months ago only to miscarry? Well she had a 2nd round of ivf and got her + hpt today. I am so hoping and praying this is her rainbow.
@the doctors now, and then a second one in an hr. I'll update as soon as I am out! Tests are blank now so all about Injectables.
Mrs- She could be jealous of the impending baby that is currently growing in your tummy :)
My Pom started acting up when I was pregnant and since has gotten better BUT i am still weary of letting stay out of the cage. I want to make it a lasting impression that if she potties in the house then she gets to spend time in the cage while we are gone.

ready- Congrats to your friend!I will be praying that the litle bean sticks and stays!
Glad to hear you got your scan scheduled! Though that sucks about ms :( a good sign though, right? :)

ren- Did they draw for hpt anyways? I hope that if it isn't meant to be this cycle then the next one will be finally your time to bask in the pregnancy pool! (That sounds more weird than it did in my head... lmao!)
Ahh sorry ladies. Didn't mean to disappear. Work is very crazy and stressful and experiencing 24/7 nausea to the point where I can hardly eat some times.

I go for my ultrasound tomorrow. I'm beyond anxious about it. So worried there won't be a heartbeat. But I just keep hoping that all my nausea and breast pain is a good sign.
Bab-yes I put her, Sammi, in her cage thinking she will learn. I went to walmart and got a similar spray and I will spray the can! Thanks for the advice.

Perse-Oh so sorry you are so sick, that is a good sign though. Keep us posted on the scan!!

REN----WHAT THE HECK??!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ready-so happy for your friend, please keep us posted if you don't mind!!
Sorry sorry I just got home. You should see my snapchat story today, page after page of doctors!

Ok most of this is copied from my journal I didn't want to type it twice. Now to catch up on you guys, in a second post.

Ok first my chemical pregnancies are actually probably just bad combinations. Because my tests are so sensitive she said I was probably just seeing all the ones most ladies miss but happen. My loss rate is still really good considering what a shit storm my body is.

What a day, and what an update!

My skin cancer center had a cancelation and was able to get me in to see their new doctor today. He is amazing. For the most part everything still looks good. He didn't see any regrowth on the sites on my back. He is a little concerned about that biopsy I had two months ago. While it came back as benign, he wants to check the report they sent, given it has already grown back to full size from a full punch and is itching. If he sees something that bothers him in pathology he wil go in and remove it with a wider punch 4-5mm, stitch me up, and resend that to pathology. Otherwise I'll be on topical hydrocortisone to stop the itching and if that doesn't work a boobie injection of the same stuff. Ohh and because my methotrexate fixed what they thought was sebhorric dermatitis he thinks it was actually psoriasis but missdiagnosed.

Well no meeting on that today but when I told my Re what was going on and who I was working with, she just said, ok we will wait until after your colonoscopy to start anything. Apparently no doubt in her mind that that is what the docs are going to do. I am to have my Gastroenterologists copy her on their reports so she can handle her side accordingly. This is like having my own team of super Docs!

I am NOT a good match for this procedure. My right ovary is so dominant that they could risk a high number of follicles just to get anything on the left. Because of my tubal factor she said i certainly had a chance of have a tripplet ectopic. So it is essentially high cost of drugs + monitoring for failure on wrong side and higher order ectopic pregnancy of the right side.

So yea, that's leaves the end of this path. We talked frankly about this because it is going to be the safest way for me. She gave us paperwork we can fill out to reduce our cost on GonalF, Cetrotide, Ovidrel, Follistim, Ganirelix and Pregnyl. They have around a 50% rate on fresh and 30% on frozen cycles. To their knowledge I have great eggs and they know hubbs have amazing sperm.

We need to sit down and decide if this is something we can do, because it doesn't look like my body can do it any other way. She offered to write whatever we needed to the insurance for their infertility coverage.

To the plan until we talk it out is for me to be on a vaginal suppository of estradiol and etonogestrel to keep any polyp regrowth at bay for my colonoscopy. The suppository will mean my body can absorb it and we can avoid the gut. It also will work as my prep for iVF if we go that route. March is most likely out and their next cycle group will be in June. We would drive out to Billings about 2 hrs away for the procedure.
Ren-That is a lot of info. Glad your cancer is doing ok, keep me updated on the spot on your back and what they will do with that! Praying it is nothing.
I did wonder about that with the shots, def sounds like that isn't an option. So she thinks you had another chemical then? I hope that you guys can figure out something, something that will make you happy and healthy! You know I am always here for you whatever you decide. You are a very smart women and have things together, it is a good thing, I am always so please to see when people actually care about themselves and take a stance on their medical problems. I so see you having a rainbow at the end of this, no matter what route you take. Please know that, even though I don't truly know you, I do care about you and think about you!
No worries at all about the spots on the back. Those were malignant melanoma I had removed in 2004. I do have a pretty cool scar there to show off. Still 100% in remission, he was really happy with how that looked. It is just the boobie that is a concern, which we are totally catching in time if there are nasties in there because I kept up on appointments.:thumbup:

And yes on chemical, but she isn't worried because my pregnancies past 4week mark and my chemicals follow what most people would see if they were as anal about testing as I am. :p
Wow Ren! I hate to agree with you but your body is a shit storm!!! Lol no offence lady. I'm glad the big C is keeping its distance and I pray that it never returns.
As far as ivf what are the deterring factors? I know it is a lot of stress and pressure as my friend lives and breaths it. I guess for me if I was unable it would be a no brainer but I have also known a couple of people that really needed to wrap their head around it before making the decision to move forward. I hope u and dh can make a decision that works for both of u and brings u happiness. I've said it before but it's stressful enough ttc but throw all this other crap in to it and it seems so unfair. I am definitely here to support and empower u in whatever life continues to throw at u.
Perse-i cant wait for ur scan and I know u are going to be pleasantly surprised!!
Ren- Holy cow! That is a lot to go through :(
I hope that they can get the IVF covered so that you are able to proceed with that! I am also praying that the man in a wheel chair mole, as I had read from your journal, is just a mole and nothing more! I have a mole on my arm that bumps up occassionally and itches. I picked it off once but the root was still there so it grew back. maybe that is what happened with yours?
As for GI stuff, lets hope you get in soon! It would be awesome to hear nothing but good news come from you in this next month to come! I want to hear that your GI issues are being managed, the boob mole is gone for good and that IVF will be happening soon! :D

Pers- You will hear that heart beat and feel loads better! I can't wait to see that U/S pic!!

Mrs- let me know if that does the trick for her! :)
MommyDk, wow quite the growth from last scan. I forget is it Panorama that also tells gender? Now you have two very different heartbeats who knows! Exciting.:hugs:

Babbs, that is what we are hoping, that she just missed a cell or two. Either way wheelchair man is getting a second look. I can imagine that having PCoS would make weight loss harder. I struggled for years at 170. (I am only five feet tall). It took me getting sick to lose that weight. It is so hard when days of going to the gym and watching your food don't give you the losses you want. But I believe in you, I bet you can do this.

Perse. Yay for the ultrasound, I will be watching all day for your update. I hope you can get over this nausea soon. You sound so burned out in your post. Fx you can eat tomorrow!!

Ready, the deterring factors are #1 cost. I mean it is a LOT of money for a 50% shot. Between 7-15k depending on how much coverage we can get. So we are just out that money if my eggs don't thrive. Money that could be spent on say adoption. Secondly we have to do a full review of the drugs to see if I can even take them. If any of them contain wheat, barley, rye derivatives, casein, lactose or egg proteins it is a no go for that drug. I realized I need to loose this tummy pudge I put on after my last loss. Apparently the more fat you have in your tummy the harder it is for the dr to see the eggs and withdraw them. So my success rates are directly related to my laziness and desire to not do situps. Also your body is a shitstorm comment made me laugh out loud, best pun ever for someone with celiac.

Ohh man I am praying for your friend. How stressful. Glad your sickness is starting to ease up, but up 10+ times a night. No Bueno.

Mrs. Burch. Ohh my god you were so cute today with your posts. Thank you for caring. It has been a really rough week and I can't even tell you how much it meant to me to have you all asking and caring. I teared up for sure. I didn't know your dog was a weiner dog. I love them. They are the size of small dogs but deffinately have the personality of a large one. I wish I knew more about how to train them and could help, I just have no clue.

Ab75, wonderful to see you again! Thanks for the kind wishes. So happy for you!

Smommy! You too, I know you are swamped with everything but congrats and so awesome of you to take the time to stop back In.
Ren-She weights in at a whopping 8lbs and when she goes out side or sees a stranger you would think she weights 150lbs!! She is pretty sweet, and a lover for sure, just don't know what her deal is right now. I totally understand the IVF debate. Our insurance doesn't cover infertility so we would've had to pay 100%. DH and I discussed it before it was brought up and said we would try IUI first, MUCH cheaper, still expensive at 3-15k with drugs and u/s and all. I wish you the best and can understand your debate.

Bab-So I went and got that spray stuff. Sammi has always gotten into the bathroom trash if we leave the door open, so yesterday I left her out of her cage when I ran to Walmart until I got home from work, about 2 1/2 hours, she didn't get into trash. I was so proud of her, I made it a HUGE deal and gave her a treat. I had wiped down the trash can with a lysol wipe and sprayed it with Frebreeze and took her to it and said no no trash. SO not sure which it was, then I went to my parents for dinner and lefter her home with the bathroom door open, I sprayed that trash can with the stuff I bought, she didn't get into it or the kitchen trash so again I made a big deal out of it and gave her a small bone. She is left out today but my house cleaner is there so she won't get into today but I will try it this weekend when we aren't home again. She doesn't get into anything when we are home it is only when we leave, little rat!! lol
How are you doing? Are you doing ok emotionally? I think about you often.

Ready-Hope your ms is doing better today. My dr told me to take Unisom at night before bed, it is a sleeping pill that has b6 in it and it TOTALLY helped with my ms. Drink lots of water too, as that helps. I drink almost a gallon of water a day. Dr said 10-12 glasses a day and 2-3 full glasses at night when you get up. Sorry you are getting up so much, it is hard I know, but prob worse for you since you are taking care of dd and ds during the day too. I hope it moves quickly. That zofran rx was my saving grace, if I didn't have it I would have been in the hospital for sure.

Mommy-I am so happy you got that test done and can ease your mind with the results. So if this is a girl, which I hope it is a boy, will you try again for another boy or are you done? You have 3 babies right now? Or 4? I hope you are feeling better too, read what I said to Ready. Try it and I swear it works. I still take the Unisom every other night to help me sleep and not be up tossing a turning all night.

Ab-I am so happy that the girls love Fraizer, so sweet. Glad you are doing well. Drop in and let us know how all is!!

Perse-when is your dr apt again, sorry I forgot. Let us know how it goes. I hope your ms goes away soon too, read what I told ready, life saver!!

I hope you gals all have an awesome relaxing weekend. DH is taking me to a Japanese steak house for dinner tonight, I told him Bristol was craving it, so he gave in!! I am SO using her for as long as I can when I want something!! lol I will be so excited to do nothing this weekend and it is supposed to be nice here, like 60's. My house will be clean and I did all the laundry and put it away last night so won't have to do that!! Super stoked!! I see a few naps in my future!! Anyways hope you gals enjoy and all feel better.
Just finished with the ultrasound. Measuring at 7w3d, so I was off by a couple days. And she said it was a good heartbeat. She wouldn't tell me the number.

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