TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Yay Perse! So happy for you!!

Mommy-for sure get it checked out but I am sure Ready is right, you can get dizzy from low blood pressure, due to baby but get it checked out, and Ren always knows something, for something! ;)

WELL thank goodness I will be off the rest of the week, just got yelled at and called a Bitch because some people are idiots and lie constantly. Ugh whatever it has been a day for sure! Ready to go home and lay down! Have a great week everyone and I'll catch up when I get back!
Ready- yes I remember you mentioning the blood flow may cause the dizzy spells too. I hadn't had them in combination with the vision problems before so I got nervous but I hope you and Ren are right and its nothing to worry about .

Ren- If I see the neurologist I'll definitely be coming to you for tricks, when the blind spots Start its scary .

im wondering if some of this could be due to stress and lack of sleep as well. I keep telling myself I need to just take it easy'
Perse-so happy for you! In a few weeks you will be able to feel movement (feels like gas bubbles or feather tickles from the inside) and then belly will start to expand.
Mommy-how are you doing? Have the dizziness and spots disappeared?
Ren-how r things with you?
Mrs-how is Bristol? How is progress on her room? Dd was 6 wks before dh finished her room lol.
Bab-how r u? Where r u in ur cycle?
Afm-I am going tomorrow to have a live blood analysis done. She puts ur blood under a microscope and tells you what issues she like deficienct in nutrients, have diseases or precursors to disease...etc. The doula that I have been seeing is going to be a surrogate and has been going through all this testing and she went to see her and said she was amazing. I also just read a book (Reflections of the Moon and Water by Xiaolan Zhao) about chinese medicine and women's cycles. Basically we on the west have too many stressors and apply to much pressure to ourselves and hinder the health of our bodies. Pretty interesting!
To start--- Not meaning to ignore anyones previous posts. Work has picked up so I have been very busy and exhausted!!
So with that, I am starting from the most recent page my phone will show!

Mrs- I had my fun with a crazy person last week who couldn't accept that she was wrong even when the facts were slapped in her face xD
I guess she is now trying to bad mouth me on her facebook because she can't get over it lmao
Sorry that you had to deal with a crazy as well! But try to just laugh it off and remember that they are so unhappy with their lives that they feel the need to try to make yours worst. ;)

Mommy- it sounds like you are experiencing some straneg symptoms?? I am trying to pick up info based off of your last post.. lol

Perse- It sounds like everything is going good for you!! Congrats :D

Ren- Have you changed your diet yet as per your new G.I. specialists orders??

Ready- How much does that testing run? I know it will be a bit different where I live, but it would give me a good idea. I need to get myself a Doula! Yours sounds amazing and it seems like she is really helping you out a lot!

afm- Just got done working literally all weekend in Oregon. I live in Washington and am a good 2 hours from the Oregon border soooo I was up there all weekend with my hubby and our bosses. We got the oh so super fun job of cleaning out a moldy rat infested house!
Wearing masks and gloves was NOT good enough and frankly I am keeping a close eye on my health. Any sign of something being off I will see my doctor. The house was beyond disgusting and not at all liveable. Well, it is halfway decent now. At least it appears cleaner and smells a bit better. But you still need gloves and masks to enter it.
The other houses were mainly yard services, but we had another house that we had to clean and the worst about this one was the fridge and the stove. They were pretty darn nastyyyy lol

Anyways, I am super happy to be home and in my own bed. The hotels were VERY nice but the beds sucked! haha

I will keep this post up beat and save my whining for my thread xD
I had my first appointment with new OB last week and she is AWESOME!! She's very caring and makes you feel like you're her only patient . My blood pressure is low so the headaches are probably more due to eyes or something else but I just want to get through having this baby safely first which is already a lot to juggle on top of staying in shape, kids, dh and working on another certification! I know health first but I will get on it after I get baby here safe!

I can do vbac or c-section .... Both scary but I might try to go for the vbac and trust God keep me here! I have pregnancy hemorrhoids which is a first for me and the nurse just called and said I have Group beta strep /: so ill be on antibiotics for a few days.

I'm just running out to the gym , I'll be back tonight to catch up on everyone
Mrs- How was your trip?? I'm sorry about the day you had at work ! I hope your trip took some of the stress off for you , when ever you get back tell us all about it! And of course how baby Bristol is doing

Ready- Yes! We do put ourselves through a lot , forgetting that stress and worry DOES affect our health....let us know what else you learn when you're through reading. How did the appointment go?

Bab- you are a brave woman ! Lol idk if I would have been able to do it, but the yard stuff eeh not so bad. We all need to be a bit more conscious of our health, always good to keep an eye out, especially when taken outside of our usual cleanliness ! I hope you're ok tho!

Pers and Ren - How are you ?? Hope all is well !

No parking at my freaking gym today }: they need a bigger parking lot! I could have walked around the park to at least get some cardio in but it was a little chilly out. Oh well I'll go tomorrow morning when fewer folks are there.
Bab-it sounds like you did a lot of work in a short period of time! Are the masks good and tight that you wear? We have a lot of exposure to toxins in daily life and don't necessarily onsider how they affect things in our bodies because we don't necessarily feel them. They play a major role in infertility and/or miscarriage. Cleansing your liver is essential to good health and really comes down to clean pills.
The appt yesterday was amazing. It cost $100 and she is a registered nutritionist so if you have health benefits it could be covered. She took a live and dry analysis and could see by my cells (formation, grouping, etc) what was going on in my body. My issues are poor circulation, anemic (very deficient in b12), poor liver function and adrenal stress/fatigue (constant worrier). To top it off I have parasites (my dog sleeps in my room-if you have pets don't let them as you breathe in the parasites all night). The parasites are the contributing factor in my digestive issues. All of the issues contribute to my constant fatigue. So I now have to do a 35 day parasite cleanse (Paragone), take dessicated liver (dried liver in capsules) and fermented cod liver oil (she said this alone can have huge benefits to everyone's healthy and immune systems).
Bab I totally recommend it!
Mommy-you have a lot on your plate but it sounds like you are a strong female and can manage it. What certification are you doing?
Ready- Thank you , I hope so! Lol I'm doing billing and coding so that I can be home with the kids. I have my MA and worked as an assistant for awhile but trying to find good daycare became too much

That is amazing how much information she gathered from the analysis , (might be a silly question) did you know you were anemic before you went in ?
Anytime I've had bloodwork done I've been borderline anemic to anemic needing iron supplements. All of the things she told me are all interlinked with eachother in some manner. Pretty interesting stuff!
Hey ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. I miss talking to yall on a regular basis. I will try to get better! Promise! Scarlett Elizabeth is almost 11 weeks old. Time is going by fast. I will graduate law school in May, and probably move soon after. I take the bar in July, and hopefullly I will pass. I will get back on as soon as I can. Hugs ladies!!!!!!!!!
Hey gals! Hope everyone is doing well!! Spring is here and it's a busy time of year! WE are still working on B's room, making progress! Yay! Hope all is well with everyone!
Mommy- So happy that your appointment with your new obgyn went good!! Sucks about the crowded gym parking :'(
I was pretty grossed out when cleaning that rat house. I scrubbed myself red that night in the shower!!

Ready- I should have been wearing a full hazmat suit but we didn't have any. The mask was okay but I have been pretty sickly feeling since that weekend. I think being allergic to mold PLUS all the rat pee has weakend my immune system a bit.
That is pretty affordable for the test! Sorry to hear that the dogs shared their parasites with ya #_#
It is actually caused from us accidentally ingesting fleas in our sleep. The dogs could only have a few and that is all it takes!
I RARELY let our pets sleep with us anymore because I am paranoid about. I also always look in the toilet to make sure all is normal xD
I should get that test done sometime as well so that I can make sure that myself, hubby and future baby are all healthy!!

Smommy- Early congrats on your soon to be graduation!! How long does law school take??
Where do you plan on moving to?
And pics!! We need a baby fix on here!! :)

Mrs- It will be amazing looking when it is done and you will be even more excited to welcome Bristol into the world!! ^_^
How is that bump looking?? She has to be really growing right now.

Afm- I just got hired on at a local casino that is 5 minutes away from my house :D
$11.50/hr + tips that average $2-3/hr minimum at 40 hrs/week. I will also be getting 401k, health plan, vacation time, sick time, Maternity leave, etc...!
The only bummer is that I will have to convert to being a night owl for a while as it starts as graveyard. But I will gain seniority fast since they recently lost a lot of employees and I was one of the first hires for the department :)
It will take a couple months to get me entered into the system but after that I will get to start!!

Update on ttc...
Hubby and I haven't been able to dtd much so idk if I conceived this round BUT there are times that we had done it and I had shown fertile signs or it was near what FF says is my fertile/ovulatory period.
I have a touch of food poisoning right now, or at least I think that is it, but I have started to get mild twingy boobs. I am keeping my fx that I will be seeing a bfp soon!! I am cd 25 and estimating to be either 7 or 10 dpo.
Bab-congrats on the new job, that is awesome! I hope it works out for you and you get to go to days soon!

Here we are at 26 weeks! Be 27 weeks on Friday, hello 3rd trimester! Oh and I had the glucose test last Friday, I passed! Heck yes!! It was AWFUL but I made it to my 1 hour without getting sick, well I made it 1 hour and 3 min! then I lost it!


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Mrs-you look amazing! That bump is getting nice and round. Can't wait to see pics of her finished room. Before you know it she will be here in your arms.
Bab-I'm also a little paranoid about stuff but had no clue I was breathing in all that crap. I'm a week in to my cleanse and feeling really good.
I've been avoiding dh like the plague as ov was somewhere in the last few days.
I have everything crossed that ur bfp and rainbow are right around the corner.
Afm-i took this cycle off to get healthy and will go at it next cycle.
Smommy-we miss u too but I totally understand how time flies when u have a little one.
Mrs, you do look amazing. Congrats on passing your big GD test!
Babs, great news on the new job. The casino sounds much healthier than being in those houses without appropriate gear.
Ready, glad you feel like you are getting healthy. It is so important. I though it was cute you talking about avoiding DH like the plague around O.
Smommy, your little one sounds amazing. Spend as much time now, as you possibly can. It only happens once.
Mommy dk, is the gym getting better? How have you been?

AFM, the procedure went well. The biopsies came back really good so the issue is something else. She switched up my diet so I am on a trial now to see if I can't handle fractans and polyols. I am to follow the low FODMAP diet developed at Stanford for the month along with a tablespoon of psyllium husk each night. I have to go to the store now because I have nothing for breakfast that fits on the list. But if this works then my issues can be handled by diet and I won't need steroroids which is nice. So no gluten, eggs, dairy plus nothing on the moderate and high FODMAP list.
You gals are too sweet, thank you!

Ren-that is an awfully strict diet, good luck and I hope it works for you! I was told no sugar and I had a Snickers Blast from Sonic yesterday! I am horrible, I know! lol

Bab-Any news on this cycle for you? Hope you are enjoying the new job and getting used to the night shift.

Ready-good for you for getting healthy and taking the time YOU need!

Mommy-How are you doing? Still getting dizzy? Hope all is well.

AFM-Today marks the beginning of the end, 3rd trimester! Yay!! Still working on B's room and trying to get it done! We are 2 months, 2 weeks and 6 days from induce date of July 1st! Holy molly I think I am starting to freak out! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
law school takes three years and we are looking to move to memphis


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Mrs- I haven't started yet, it will be at least another month :)

That is so exciting!! You will be a great mom :3

Smommy- Goodness that takes a while! Is there a law firm you have in mind to start with?
Oh and she is darling!!! I was just thinking, she will be plenty big enough to take on her own mini trick or treat by Halloween! You better start thinking of costumes ^_^
Mrs- Love the bump! You look great! I hope you get to finish with Bristols room soon, we'll be nesting soon and getting anxious about everything being perfect for baby. I'm glad you passed your glucose test .. I'm not at all looking forward to it! Lol

Ready- Getting healthy always great! I'm glad you mentioned the pets in the bed since I read your posts I'm kicking my cat out! Lol Too much cat hair anyways ... Makes me cough a bit

Bab- I'm so happy you got your new job ! I hope you grow to love it , any updates or anything with cycle? Although I know it's probably busy and tiring with just starting the new job

Ren- That is a really really strict diet, I tried it once for my intolerance but I felt like it made it worse! When I did go back to dairy it made my intolerance worse so I'm on very very light dairy now. But I may have been off for too long your only doing a test run for a few weeks. Glad everything else seemed ok tho and best of luck on your test run

Smommy- She is soooo cute!! I love her just arrived pin , I want one!

So far so good, as time goes on I grow more nervous about delivery but I'm going to be strong. I gained too much weight before i got pregg because I was on a body building journey looking to gain muscle so while bulking I gained a whopping 40lbs and by the 1st week of my 2nd trimester I was already 180lbs which is what I was the day of delivery with my other 3. My dr says it is ok to lose weight as long as I am eating a nutritious diet (which is ALL I eat) and lose it slowly (2lbs a week tops) it's completely safe and healthy during preg. I exercise 3-5x a week so it's melting off.

I lost 4 lbs within the past two weeks and I'm relieved. I won't have as much to work on after baby and even more relieved knowing this is totally safe and beneficial for baby.

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