Ready, cycles post mc are always so wacky for me. How long before you try to test even if you aren't feeling pregnant? It would be great if it could happen right away or at least in a few months. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Mrs.Burch, wow 70 it really is spring over there. I will admit I am a wee bit jealous. We had one nice day here and then the weather tricked us and it was back below 30 again. That bump of yours is really going to start getting bigger now. I can't wait to see. You just look so happy in every shot.
Mommy, you do look great. Good for you for getting back up to the gym and doing some walking too. You are going to drop that baby weight in no time flat.
Perse and babbs, thinking of you.
AF But doctor day. I love my new Gastroenterologist. She is a really good diagnostician. We ran a bunch of labs and determined my Celiac Disease is finally under control. My immune levels were low and by total nutrient absorbtion was normal. That has never ever happened. All the work and going without has finally paid off and my body is ready nutrient wise for a baby.
Now since I am still getting sick so many times a week, coupled with the prednisone and methotrexate fixing the issue temporarily she has a preliminary diagnosis. I do infact have a second autoimmune called lymphocytic colitis. This is one of several situations where immune cells attack the large intestine. I go in on April 6th at 6am for a colonoscopy with biopsy to confirm this.
So I am to stay on a gluten free, dairy free and egg free diet until diagnosis and then we will figure out what treatment will work best. So far everything is not only go for September IVF but looking like we will have increased chances. I can't tell you how happy I am that we gave proof I am finally healing.