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Every woman experiences different changes with their cervix, to be honest it cannot predict early pregnancy at all.
I research it EVERY 2ww lol but from what I gather it doesn't start to change until further into the pregnancy, like 8+ weeks.

And yeah the high temps are a good sign ^_^ it means that my progesterone is still increasing! SO it gives the egg more time to implant by preventing early shedding of the endometrium.
Good luck ladies! My fx'd for both of you.
Not much going on with me. Just a quick check in to see how you are doing.

Not sure what to think about my temps going down so early :(
I am pretty bummed out.
I am taking progesterone so you'd think that they would stay elevated until I stop taking them.

4 days late. Still getting :bfn:
Bab when I used to temp I would have slight dips after ov. If you are dipping below cover than its an issue unless it's a implantation dip. I feel your frustration though. Your body def doesn't play fair.
Wishing- I'm sorry about the bfn :( :hugs:

Ready- I think I may have a reason for the dip :)

I am pretty sure I have a very very faint :bfp!:
My hubby seen it as well and says that it has a pink hue to it :3

I'm trying not to get my hopes up but here is the pic I took of it.
I took another when I got up for work and it is darker! I had my hubby check to make sure I wasn't imagining it being darker xD

I didn't take a pic because we were hurrying out the door but I'm going to test again when I get home and if it's obviously darker then I am going to call my doctors office and demand an emergency beta test!l AND demand that they refill my progesterone because I'm already almost out lol
Omg bab! I have chills just looking at that. The dip was around 8dpo which is spot on. I wish you could get your hands on the old frers. We still have them in Canada but sounds like they have the new ones only in the states? They are my go to for distinct lines (you don't really need it but I love the bright pink of a frer). Ahhhh I'm so excited and hopeful for you. It's been such a long road. Freakin out!!!!!

Appatently my post didn't submit... but here are the three!
FRER, WANDFO and Walmart cheapy!

I have an appointment set for next Wednessay and will continue with my progesterone until then!

Please pray it sticks!!
It looks like it's going to be ectopic. My tests only got darker once and have since stayed the same shade.
I had a beta hcg draw on Thursday 15 dpo, and it came back as 23..
That would explain why my tests aren't getting any darker.

I've had some cramping but nothing bad yet though I do have a lot of discomfort if I have make a bm.

I'm really upset about this. It took so long to finally conceive naturally and I have done everything I can, at this time, to make my body healthier only to have it blow up in my face and prove that my body still isn't ready for a baby.

I still have an appointment with a new doctor on Wednesday so I guess I will talk to them about what I can do to correct my issues with my body. I'm positive that I know more about what to do than they do but I will still ask just in case..
Are you having a repeat beta drawn? With my dd my hcg was 57 at 15 dpo. I'm not trying to give false hope but one draw only gives you a number to start by. I'm sending you hugs and positive vibes. It just isn't fair that this keeps happening.
You have pcos right? Have you tried following a Paleo diet? None of the baked goods but strict Paleo?
It seems to be one of the best ways to eat (I know for me it is) to counter inflammation in the body. Did you ever go on to the Making Babies site and do the quiz? Their success rate (follow the program for 3 months) is huge for people with fertility issues.
I just wish I could snap my fingers and make you pg with a healthy baby. I'm here to talk if you need to. Or scream and rant...ill listen to it all!
Yeah I've already been on that site and I am working towards a paleo diet. I'm the type of person that has to ease myself into a new lifestyle like that otherwise I'd be doomed to fail lol

And I am suppose to go in on Monday but I took an frer and a walmart test and they are very faint now..
I have also had bad cramping and back pain so I can safely assume that it's already over for this one.

But as fate would have it, my husband's sister found a newborn kitten left in the middle of a yard at a house they were looking at today.

It's the same age as the ones I had taken in last year so I of course said yes to fostering it xD
Bab I'm so sorry! I just wish this was different. On another note having the kitten to keep you occupied is great.
The kitten paseed away :(
He very suddenly went down hill. My guess is that he had something wrong with him which is why he was abandoned. The vet and kitten rescue I had volunteered for before agreed that I did everything that could have been done for a newborn kitten.

This whole weekend has been shitty.

I'm officially bleeding now so that's something I guess.

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