Hey all I just wanted to update everyone on what's gping on in my life and to see how you all are doing as well
So as you all know (or maybe not.. Idk, I was too lazy to look back on the pages on my phone lol) I miscarried in July. Didn't conceive afterwards and now I am just being lazy and not really trying at all.
I went to our state Fair and got suckered into a good vacation deal for only $200.
Basically I get 4 days and 3 nights at a resort in Vegas and get to see cirque du soule (sp?) Get a $75 gift card, abother $100 gift card to a steak house and a bunch of other free tickets to some of the less popular shows.
The catch, they are going to try and convince me to "invest" in their time shares lol
I pay for airfare and transport at ion though.
But it also comes with a free trip to the Bahamas, I just pay for my flight and docking fees.
Anyways, their packages are legit, we looked it up before even considering it and they have good reviews so I am pretty excited

We have to use it within the next 1 1/2 year.
So baby making isn't exactly on my mind right now with all of that to look forward to.
But I have been showing signs of ovulating this past week and we haven't been using protection.
Today I had some super light pink in my cm and I am only cd 20 (well technically 21 by now.) Anyways, I am wondering if it might be ovulation spotting or something...
We hadn't had bd since Saturday so I doubt it's from that and it was only noticeable on tp.
I wouldn't mind being pregnant if it will stick, but if it turns out to be another miscarriage then I am not really looking forward to that at all.
But then again, Vegas won't be as fun with a bun in the oven lol
Though either way is fine. I'd be happy one way or the other