TWW what will it lead to?

HAHAHAH....I hope you are feeling better. I am.

I went to church finally. I have a peace about me long searched for since all this ttc began.

I also finally sorted out what I'll be stuffing down my face for supplements.

Conception Fertility Prenatals Vitamins: All cycle (1 twice a day)
Nordic Naturals - Artic CLO capsules: 1 a day
Coq10 Ubiquinol 100mg capsules: 1 twice a day
D3 1000mg: 1 a day
Baby Aspirin: 1 a day ( I might wean off after AF is done)
Red Raspberry Tea Leaf capsules: 2 a day, Stop at Ovulation

I really didn't want to take so much. But I'm only taking what I need for my body in general.

Well, better finish laundry and head to bed as I have work in the morning.

Oh almost forgot, I grabbed a giant pineapple to munch on for implantation time. Forget when I'm suppose to eat it. I'll let you know.
HAHAHAH....I hope you are feeling better. I am.

I went to church finally. I have a peace about me long searched for since all this ttc began.

I also finally sorted out what I'll be stuffing down my face for supplements.

Conception Fertility Prenatals Vitamins: All cycle (1 twice a day)
Nordic Naturals - Artic CLO capsules: 1 a day
Coq10 Ubiquinol 100mg capsules: 1 twice a day
D3 1000mg: 1 a day
Baby Aspirin: 1 a day ( I might wean off after AF is done)
Red Raspberry Tea Leaf capsules: 2 a day, Stop at Ovulation

I really didn't want to take so much. But I'm only taking what I need for my body in general.

Well, better finish laundry and head to bed as I have work in the morning.

Oh almost forgot, I grabbed a giant pineapple to munch on for implantation time. Forget when I'm suppose to eat it. I'll let you know.

Ah I was a little worse for wear yesterday but it was a snow day here so I stayed in my jammies all day.

I haven’t changed my vits yet, I’m waiting for my current stash to run out. I’m taking six tablets a day until ovulation, I feel like I should rattle when I walk :haha:

I’ve heard pineapple is good, I will have to get some for implantation time. I do love pineapple so I’ll enjoy that one.

Ovulation is Sunday/Monday for me, so lots of BDing all over the weekend :happydance:
YAY!! Ovulation is so close for you!!! And yes, we should be rattling around. I don't feel so bad now seeing how much you take. Hehehhe

Enjoy the bding. Practice makes perfect:blush:

I am at work now and am so sleepy. Nix, my cycle hasn't even kicked in fully. I had a splatter while driving home from church yesterday and the only when I wipe. I'm thinking if it doesn't pick up today that my lining must have been super thinned out from all the Clomid. I actually felt something thing Burst while I was driving. It came from my right ovary. I had to grab it and hold on to it while I drove. It wasn't killer or anything but it hurt. The whole splatter thing came four ours later after I woke up from a heavy taco dinner induced slumberHAHAHAHA. I am in no pain though. I feel real good (knocking on wood).

In high school I had an episode of no bleeding just full on cramping enough to make me curl in a ball. Lasted whole day. Back then I had horrible period pains. But my mom would not put me on bc to ease it because she didn't want any doctor poking about down there ( gotta love mom's).

Sooo....all that to say I will be in repair this first cycle. Don't think it will happen at all but I'm still going to subtly try with hubby.

I wanted to mention that what I took away from church Sunday was that there is nothing I did to cause this infertility, nothing I can do to make it 'happen' and I need to look forward and not backwards anymore at past regrets. Enjoy right now and build for the future in general not just in hopes of having a baby but take care of all that I have right now. Blessings all around right now.

You know? So many ppl are lonely but we've got our guys, homes, jobs, family and friends. I know the longing for your first child can be unbareably strong (was there for many years) The best you can do is prepare your body for good health and that little bugger will stick in your belly when you least expect it.

Ok, my caffenated blabbing is done. Back to work for now..:haha:

Catch you later
It’s getting closer, I’ve started carb loading for our marathon of BDing all weekend Pahahaha.

What CD are you on? That sounds like a promising sign. You’re not out until the red widow arrives (new name for her).

Do you know that is a really good positive mindset to leave there with. I’m glad that I can make you feel that way and change your mindset. You are 100% right.

Personally I’m not religious, but I have full respect for people that are, and that people can find comfort and peace in it.

TTC can be a lonely world that’s for sure. But these chats keep me sane and spur me on to try again and again.
Nix: :thumbup: It would be so lonely and even more depressing to see a bfn without some one to give you a hug. :winkwink:

I don't even talk to my family (besides my hubby) about ttc matters. They don't understand. I tried to talk to my sister once and she looked completely mystified at why I can't get pregnant. I left it alone.

I am indeed not pregnant. I've gotten more late this evening for me to be confident no bean is stuck anywhere in side me. I was getting worried it found another place to laugh now but I was wrinkling my eyebrow.

I'm so jelly you get to go on bd marathon soon. I didn't even get one last go at it before AF arrived because of the sleepover from hell. You know I think the lil snot gave me a sore throat???? UGH. I'm sitting here debating making tea or not. Hubby said he'd do it for me but nah, let him rest up while he can :haha:

True story. I'm not pregnant but I find Gillian and O'Malley nursing bras to be so comfortable if you are top heavy but want a 'supported look'. The underwire holds them up but doesn't dig into my upper gut. I don't need the padding but it does the 'look' good while hanging low still look full/rounded. See? I'm ready for preggyhood :blush:

Are you drinking water? I'm trying to. :coffee: stuff is not as fun when you make yourself do it. Its funny because I'll start to gag it up like I'm drowning when I'm not. I just don't want to do it :haha:

Eh, suppose I need to change my ticker. It has me cd 3 but i'm only cd2. Will be over by thursday though. I won't O till the 29th at the earliest. My big thing now is getting my lining to return along with fertile cm. I'm not paying for a sono of my ovaries but I suspect a cyst. I will go tomorrow for a cd 3 test of my hormones FSH, LH, E2...if I feel up to it. I know next week I have to schedule my labs for next cycle so I could wait til then I suppose.

Can you do labs on your hormones?
I’m sorry you didn’t catch this cycle, this really sucks. Do you think you’ll do IUI again?

I’m not very blessed in the boob area. I am a little now but that’s because I’ve put on weight. They’ll soon shrink. I signed up to a 10k race in may and an assault course race, I need something to train for. I think I’m going crazy!

I’m trying to drink 3ltrs a day but like you, I just can’t get it down me. I’m getting about a litre tops. It’s not good.

I’m currently on my lunch break walking around the block, trying to get my 10,000 steps in today. I’m making some changes but not enough. I need to be more strict with my food. Talking of food, I have a nice spring lamb stew in the slow cooker brewing for when I get home. Can’t wait to tuck into that.

I hope it’s not a cyst.

They won’t do any labs here until you’ve been trying for a year. I’m thinking of going to my docs soon to ask for blood tests. It’s been over a year since I last had my bcp top up so they don’t know how long I’ve been trying. Just need to to somehow get him to go to his docs as well
Nice: I've gone back vegan like an old pair of fav shoes. Thank God I'm not a meat eater or I'd be in trouble. I do like a nice steak once a year or did. Since cutting out meat I can only seem to stand ground beef if it's spicey and lean. But alas no more of that again. I got so many zits when I went back to eating processed foods and meats. Tummy pains came back too.
So now all I have to do is diquise my water and keep dancing. I dance for workouts. Everything else just seems boring while I'm too heavy to run.

You rock!!! We use to do half marathons, small 5ks and 10ks but my hubby broke his ankle in 3 places so we turned into sloths...LOL but plan to build back up again. I'm going to be his motivator though buy dropping the first bit of wait. We r both so good at procrastinating. So I gotta make the first big jump back into how we both like to be - fit!
So please by all means, train up, will be right behind Hoping October I can do might first half marathon in a year or so.

As for bloods, you are right time for it seems to me. A fertility specialist won't do much good though if you can't get ur man on board. Wish they would test separately first but always want to look at both pees in the pod.

OH!! And I miss having no boobs. Running became a very bad deal having to wear two bras and tilt to the left cause the right was so frickin heavy:haha: You are blessed! Neither me or my hubby care for big ones. Once we are done with ttc we are getting mine reduced and shaped back to almost a B cup. Fine my me.

Ok, back to looking busy. :hugs:
Forgot to add I won't be doing an IUIs or anything with doctors until after my RE appt in May. Takes a while to see certain doctors. So meanwhile I'm exercising in case this one tells me my rear is double the size they will work with. I know the other one said to drop 30lbs and see me in 3 months. I'm just shooting for 15lb right now. Maybe at my pre RE appt next week the nurse will weigh me and tell me if I'm too big then and what the goal is.

Meanwhile, I'm angry work interrupted my nap. :haha:
Morning. Oh I could never give up meat. I love it too much. I am a true carnivore. I love all meat really, well except for organs. I can’t stand things like liver and kidneys. They have a really horrid strong taste.

I’ve done 5 half marathons. My last one was last March and I said to myself that if I get a PB I’ll stop doing them. Well I got my PB so no more half marathons for me. I’m aiming for a 10k PB now. I have to beat 56 mins. I don’t think I’ll ever beat that, but I’ll give it a go. I want a beach body for my holiday and that is only 3 month away, so I must start working hard now. I’ve left it until the last minute as per usual. Like you I am a terrible procrastinator, thinking I always have time. Then the event arrives and it’s like “oh shit, it’s here”

He’ll be more into getting tests and stuff after our holiday. That’s his kind of starting point for baby making. In his eyes it’s been a “let’s see what happens” thing up until then.

I’m normally a B cup naturally when I’m slender. I’m a C at the moment. I’d hate to go above a C. I have broad shoulders and with bigger boobs as well my tops are a lot tighter on me. I hate it. But when I exercise the first 2 things I lose is my boobs and my arse. Must get on the squats and get that nice booty.

Relax a bit cycle, last cycle sounded very stressful for you. Kick back a bit and just enjoy the baby making. That’s my plan.

My aim is to lose 20-30lbs this year. If I can lose 14lbs before my holiday that would be amazing
What is PB?
10k in 56min. Goodness, its takes my round butt 45 to 50 just to do 5k. 2hrs30 to 3hrs for a half marathon. I've never been in shape either. Always means to train then end up doing a hail mary the day of the race. Last time I got a muscle pull in my calf a mile out from the start line. I was laying on the ground unbelieving this was it. I hadn't even gone anywhere. Texted my husband my situation and he said it would go away just keep moving. I did and it did. But mile 10 and on I thought I would die. Other ladies encouraged with me with drinks and talk to help me to the finish line. I could barely walk to the train to get back home. Was awful. Never again. Pregnant or not by May I have to be seriously training to do at least do one half marathon without nearly killing myself by winter.

I have no desire to ever do a full marathon :shrug: I can't see the point. I'd get super bored by mile 14 and just leave....:haha:

At the moment I have a viral upper respiratory issue that has to work its way out according to the doc this morning. So I'm home, didnt sign in to work at all as boss said not to worry about it. I'm in bed just being as placid as I can. When hubby and daughter get home it'll be back to ruckus again. Its cold out and I'd rather not go out there again but have to meet the lil one at the bustop. Good thing its just kitty corner to our house or I'd have serious issue.

I just finished watching another episode of Father Brown on Netflix. I'm addicted to BBC detective shows. Its like chocolate or sugar in general. I don' t know what I'll do when I run out of episodes.

Totally relaxed. No rhr monitor or bbt taking. My body needs as less stress as possible after last cycles uproar. Not letting anyone rip my cervix up like that again. We do have the at home iui kit with syringe and catheter. Supposedly you can use it to get the sperm really close to the cervix or you can insert into the cerivix a smidge but not into the uterus as you will likely cause major damage to your uterus and even die. I think its because of the semen not the swimmers, only swimmers are allowed in there. The other juices will cause shock and so forth. We won't be using it this cycle though. I'd rather keep things natural and have fun.

Oh, you know, I had to make him get rid of the sperm last night. :dohh: He will go for a month without doing a thing if I don't make him. I'm tempted to make him take some Maca to get him randy but aftaid of it having some adverse affect.

I would love to have a beach body. Not since I was 19 have I crossed my legs even. Goal set!! Gonna do it. FX you can burn the initial 15 by your vacation date too!!
PB is personal best. My personal best is by no means fast. It’s 2hrs 23mins and I had to push hard for that. Felt like I was going to die. Now I just need to smash my 10k Pb but that ain’t happening any time soon.

Oh my days, doing that distance with a bad leg, no way could I do that. Kudos to you. Nope no way, I have no desire to ever do a full marathon, I doubt I’ll ever to a half again. I do enjoy running and buzz after running, but the thought of going running is horrible. I’ll find a million reasons not to do it.

Ah bless you, I hope you feel better soon. I’m supposed to go out with the girls tonight but I’ve cancelled. I feel soooo tired this week. I have no idea why either, I wake up feeling shattered.

I haven’t seen father brown. BBC is our main channel here, they do some good shows on there. My favourite soap eastenders is on that channel. I’ve been watching that since the day it started 30 years ago! I’ve been watching peaky blinders on Netflix. Loving that show. And Tom hardy phawwww yes please ha ha.

I don’t know how my oh survives not getting rid of his swimmers. I’ve put him on a masturbation ban in the hope that he’ll just explode soon. I decided to temp this month but I’m not doing it seriously. I’m doing it about 30 mins after I get up and adjust the temp. Once I O I’ll probably stop. It’s just too much. DH has the super horn this week, trying to get him to save it for the weekend.

I did not know that about semen, that’s really good to know. Sounds so dangerous.

I dream of a beach body but I suspect it will just stay a dream. A bit skinner would be nice though.

Today I’ve had a spot outbreak. I have a boil on my chin, a zit on my chest and one on my bum!!! All 3 places are not the most attractive of places to get them. I haven’t even O yet!

Hopeful- how you doing girl?
hey NixNax,
doing well. blood work is good just waiting on our 8 week appointment.
Nix: I wish I had some girls to do a night out with. We are such hermits. I have one friend an hour away I see on occasion but always have my daughter with me so no 'adult' time really. I gotta get out more.

Ouch! cyst like zits hurt so much. I have one on my under chin too. None anywhere else thank God. The boils are the worse when they are in places you constantly touch. I usually get one on my inner butt thigh area when I get crazy working out. So I've limited my bottoms to 'not cotton' when I work out. And wearing lose fitting undies.

Temping?? Cool. I tried to this morning but meh, didn't have it in me. I'll just use my opks. If I start temping daily before O I won't stop..ahaha. Besides my bbt and rhr I know how I 'feel' when I get ready to get AF. I look forward to refraining from early testing and

(lets time how long I last) :blush:

My AF is over and I can wait to get bding just for the sake of it.

I hope you have a strong O this weekend. Not much longer!!!

I'm stuffing my face with nachos right now..mmmm cheese. Then I'm headed to bed. Major tired.
You could join a fitness club or something, I’m thinking of joining a running group, there are loads of them where I live.

Ah I had an ingrown hair on the inside of my leg a few weeks back, that was the most painful thing ever. I hate having zits, I very rarely get them but when I do, boy they are monsters.

I couldn’t face BDing last night, I was in bed at 10pm and fell straight to sleep. Yet I still feel tired today. Looking forward to next week, I’m on lates so a week of lie ins.

I never really feel af coming. I cramp a lot from O to AF. Maybe that’s my sign that it’s coming. I don’t trust my body now, I feel different every month. I can’t 2nd guess myself.

Mmmm nachos and cheese. Love cheese. I had lamb stew again last night for dinner.

I’ve switched to meal replacement shakes for my breakfast and lunch this week. They are low carbs and high protein. It’s my swimming day today. I want to do more than 40 lengths tonight. I need to shift this weight so I’m aiming for 60 lengths today.

Get some good practice in, practice makes perfect.
I wish I could swim. I'm 41 and have only mastered floating a wee bit. Water terrifies me. I mean its cool an all to look at but get in it and I'm mostly in fear of my life til I get out. :blush:

My daughter can't swim either but thinks she can. Have to vest her and watch her thrash about and call it swimming. My hubby is a jelly.

Swim for me too!!

You know I don't cramp much at all. If I do its at 6 and 7dpo and it hurts bad. Other than that AF just starts. Other bodily symptoms that tell me AF is coming neck cracks bad (I have Chiari I), really bad chills, 12dpo it feels like I have the flu. Every flipplin month, Nix. So, there really is no need to temp or test my body gives it away. Which is why I fully expect to be kill over sick if I do get preggy.

While it is still an option on the table, starting this cycle has been easier than most. I don't feel the pressure to conceive as much. Maybe because my IUI failed or because I have a good peace about me after going to the alter so to speak. I guess my old duds are looking good again. Or my life as it is has new meaning to me. I'm happy. :cloud9:

And I DO want that beach body. I don't know what I look like healthy as and adult. Been a chunky munky since age 22. I'd sincerely like to drop this other person I've been toting about. Did arms last night. Will do legs today. Wish I had a pool to do it in though. My knees are cranky.

OH, and I blame you. I stuck my thermometer in my mouth this morning as an after thought. :haha: I refuse to chart it though :coffee: hahahah I like to see your temps though. Do you even know what they normally look like? I didn't peak at your chart history so don't even know if there is one.

Bleh, to go in to work today or do it from home. I don't want to really. I think I'll stay home and maybe squirt in tomorrow to wrap some stuff up. I have some mailings to do.

I know its jumping the rope a bit soon but do you have a way of telling your hubby when you get preggy? A surprise? You don't have to say what it is just curious if you do or not. I do. And its hiding in my nightstand all wrapped up. I was hopeful the IUI would work that I went out on a limb and put his surprise together and 'kursplat' bfp.:dohh:

Always next time though...
I am by no means a strong swimmer, I can just about manage breast stroke and at a slow place.

I’m jealous of people that can swim well. My younger brother can’t swim at all bless him, he’s petrified.

I can’t say that I get certain af symtpoms, up until this month I would have said sore boobs, but last cycle they didn’t hurt at all, just my nipples.

It’s good that you feel better about it. It can put so much pressure on you and make you feel so shit. Every month I see DH’s face drop when I say that AF has arrived.

I’ve been 100% good with food the last 2 days. I will fight for this loss of 14lbs.

Ha ha ha sorry, my bad. I’ll responsibility or that one. My current temps are totally normal at the moment. After O they go up to 37.1 (98.78) ish and dance around a bit. I become obsessed with them after ovulation though. I scrutinise them and start to get excited. They stay high until the day af arrives as well which is frustrating. If they dropped a day or 2 before I know the cycle is over.

I had it all planned out for xmas and Valentine’s Day. I was going to put it in a box with a funky cute bib (haven’t bought one yet) and wrap it up as a present. I won’t give it to him until a digi is positive though. I want him to see the words. It really depends on when in the year it falls.

I really want to be able to do it soon, but something tells me I have a long wait ahead of me
Oh, didn't comment on gym deal. Nope. I'll pay monthly and not go. :haha:
When the weather turns we plan to hit the trails full time after work and school while my hubby's work schedule permits.

:cry: the sad face on our hubbies when AF shows is tough to stomach. I think mine is more because of how hurt I am but he has his own wounds to lick I imagine. I watch him hold the cat like a baby and it kills me. Stupid cat.:cry:

Ah, ok, I always have trouble reading anytime temps like 37.8. I could have a conversion chart near by but its not that I just look at the charts and watch how the temps fluctuate. I don't get how temps stay high till AF day literally all the time. I think mine stayed up once or twice but we are talking years here. And after taking oodles of clomid. Clomid makes my temp spike high before and after O.

I read estrogen causes LH surge and cysts put off estrogen when is why there is a good chance I won't be Oing properly. I know I'm sportin' cycsts. I can feel it aching right now even. Once the estrogen gets high enough the eggs are suppose to be set free but if all I've got is a 'zit' I won't be having a baby this cycle. My only hope is that the left ovary is doing some thing magical and releases a good egg before the cyst bursts on the right.

I agree with you idea of seeing the word pregnant. But I still like the thought of making him back for all the months of eye injury on my part. Granted he has had to come me down from a few evaps or frers wonderful indents.

Meanwhile, i'm sitting here looking like :wacko: All I can think about is not doing anything this whole weekend because next week is going to be so busy. Need to Pace myself. :coffee:

Almost lunch time here, need to go find some fixin's

Hope: FX you got some good blood results back :hugs:
Ha ha I did that for a whole year. Paid for the gym but never set foot inside it. I’ve just been swimming and did 60 lengths. It’s 21:20 here and I’m just cooking dinner now. Early night tonight I think.

I know it’s heartbreaking. He’s not very good at hiding his emotions.

Ha I have no idea of the conversions, I had to google it lol.

I really hope it’s not a big ‘zit’ come on ovaries, do your job.

DH wouldn’t believe a squinter, it’s got to be the real deal.

I’ve got a few nice things planned this weekend, work, gym, chill on sat. Then run and meeting my brother on Sunday. Oh and LOTS of BDing in between ha ha

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