TWW what will it lead to?

mrsmummy: Opks are driving me bonkers too. Took one this morning and I think its positive but the line is so thin. :wacko:

I think your dip looks good for O and you have done plenty You should be covered for sure. But can't hurt to at it. I thought about it last night but I was too sick to my stomach. FX you get a nice rise in the morning despite the opk.

Nix: I can't make heads or tails of my opk. My temp is low but I was so sick to my stomach last night I didn't take my normal vitamins. I'm skipping today as well. I think I'm going back to regular vitamins but will keep with the CLO and D3. It felt like my liver or gallbladder what hopping about. Maybe its because I was bad and eating meat when I don' t normally do that. :blush: UGH...k, I'll bone up and try my vitamin concoction again today with healthy foods. But if last night repeats itself, I'm trashing the new stuff I bought (Conception Fertility Vitamins). I woke with a blinding migraine too. So I had motrin for breakfast :haha:

Here is my opk. Is it dark enough? Or will it get darker later on? I normally on on cd12 without Clomid. (sorry for the glare on the test line)


  • cd11.jpg
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Thanks both! Sorry you weren't feeling great ftale! :(

My appointment went REALLY well. The Dr was so lovely and kind and so so helpful. He talked me through everything and explained how it would not have been anything I had done, then I got a scan and everything is looking 'perfect' inside. Uterus shape and position is great, tubes are clear and looking great too. The cyst that was mentioned to me before (way before this pregnancy) is no longer there, so no worries about that. Everything was SO clear compared to NHS scans.. I couldn't believe it. He offered me all sorts of info for my future pregnancy including scan packages etc.. absolutely brilliant. He's really put my mind at rest. We're going to take it easy this month, dtd if/when we want and IF it happens this cycle then it happens. He suggested waiting 1 cycle, but more for dating purposes than anything else as he said everything inside looks in tip top shape, but if we wanted to try straight away then that would be fine too. He says I'm at no greater risk now than before as there's no physical reason for the MC. I feel like a ton of bricks has just been taken off my back.... the relief is unreal. I haven't felt so chilled in weeks!
mrsmummy: Great news!! Sound like a right doc to have in your corner. It does feel wonderful to see that all is clear in there. Such a guessing game we go through we 'feelings'. I'm so glad you got to check it out yourself.

Yep, relax and let nature take its course if you want to go for it but no pressure. You've just been through alot. Did your doc mention if you were to be put on any progesterone or anything? Just curious.

I feel better today. Got some new reg vitamins that come with a whole lot of things my prenatals had but at lesser mg. Can't wait to tryem.
Mrsmummy - I’m glad the scan went well. Sounds like you have a good doc there. Now you know all is well you can relax and just go with it.

FTale, that opk looks nearly there to me. I’ve never in my life had a blazing positive so that for me I would assume it would be darker in few hours.

I know what you mean about shoving vitamins down your throat every day. It becomes hard work. I take 3 EPO everyday up into ov but I can’t say it’s made a difference. I’ve been taking it 4 months and I’ve only seen EWCM once. I’m going to research other other things I can take to try to get it.

I went for a run yesterday to start training for this race. I only did 2 miles but boy did I find it hard. I’m going to do the same run today on my lunch break. Gives me something to do when on late shift. Just two more days of work to go. I got this. I have to work good Friday booooo!

I track using 2 apps. One says I ovulated on cd14 and ff says cd15. So not sure whether af will come on 7th or 8th April. Or hopefully not at all ha ha
ftale - nope, no progesterone or anything. He seemed really positive that all would be okay next time (although of course I realise he can't confirm that, but it was good to hear that it would be nature rather than anything wrong if that makes sense?) Glad you're feeling better :)

nixnax - Yeah definitely, he was soo lovely. I looked through their info booklets and price list.. it can be quite pricey, for example full antenatal care with an nhs delivery is £2999!! That does include a lot - scans at every appointment, 3d bonding scans, blood tests, NIFTY test etc so it is good value, but so so expensive!! They also have 1st trimester packages like scans from week 7 - 13 once a week for £400... I definitely think that's worth it to calm my nerves (when it happens that is!! :coffee: )

Well done on the run! I am such a pathetic runner :haha:
Hopefully AF doesn't show up for another 9 months!!
Nix: Good go on the run. 2 miles is fab!! A length to work up your pace inside of.
I was looking at your chart and unless you just Know you Od on cd14 , it looks like cd15 from your temps and positive opk a day ago or so.
I'm sorry about the EPO. You've been taking it a lot longer than I did. I didn't care for it and stopped after a few days. Praying you will get a bfp instead of AF on the 8th. :hugs:
Currently I haven't had an major O pains so it hasn't happened. But I agree the opk looked closed. The one I took this morning did too. Both ovaries are aching a bit but no dice though.
So tired. All I want to do is nap. Have function to do go tonight and babysitting to do along with other wifely duties....and work, did I mention work..HAHAHAH....yeah, I'm going to turn my lunch hour into snooze hour.

mrsmummy: :hugs: Sounds like you found a good place to get preggy and deliver. Praying it'll happen again for you soon.

Are you going to be doing anything dif this cycle? I've been trying my hand at exercising my lower half more for circulation purposes. Just walk aerobics.
Mrsmummy - that’s not a bad price for what’s involved, I don’t think I could afford it though. The first trimester part of it sounds good though. If I can get that far that is.

FTale - I did the same run again today. My legs say “no more”. I got caught in a hail shower again. It did make me run Faster though ha ha, so shaved some time off of yesterday’s run. I do 2 single mile laps. Next week I’ll add a lap.

Yeah I don’t think EPO works for everyone. I’ve not noticed a thing of difference.

Your day sounds pretty busy. I’m stuck in work until 10:30pm. Work has been stupidly manic this week. I have to do a 12 hour day tomorrow. Roll on Saturday for my 3 days off.

I think I ovulated early hours of cd15 when I was still asleep. I didn’t feel it at all, and like you I normally feel it.

Mrsmummy, do you get ovulation pain?
Sounds like you've got a busy day ftale! Not planning to do anything different really.. now that ive chilled out since my appointment I'm hoping nature will take its course (quickly:haha:)
Mrsmummy - that’s not a bad price for what’s involved, I don’t think I could afford it though. The first trimester part of it sounds good though. If I can get that far that is.

FTale - I did the same run again today. My legs say “no more”. I got caught in a hail shower again. It did make me run Faster though ha ha, so shaved some time off of yesterday’s run. I do 2 single mile laps. Next week I’ll add a lap.

Yeah I don’t think EPO works for everyone. I’ve not noticed a thing of difference.

Your day sounds pretty busy. I’m stuck in work until 10:30pm. Work has been stupidly manic this week. I have to do a 12 hour day tomorrow. Roll on Saturday for my 3 days off.

I think I ovulated early hours of cd15 when I was still asleep. I didn’t feel it at all, and like you I normally feel it.

Mrsmummy, do you get ovulation pain?

Yeah I'm not sure I could justify spending all that on private care when everything would be free on NHS... we shall see. I guess it depends on how anxious I am and our finances at the time. I definitely want to do the first tri thing when our time comes if i cant afford the full care.

Umm.. tbh im not even sure about ovulation pains. I do get mid month cramps.. but i can get random cramps throughout the whole month too.. so i dont think i could pin point it with pains alone. This month however I had cramps specifically on my right side.. but FF hasnt pin pointed O day yet so I'm not so sure what they were
Nix: we have so many Hill's here it's crazy. I like your mile laps. Is it dark out when you run? Or do you do it in a gym?

Mrsmummy: Our care is $3400 for delivery at hospital and can't go past one or two days stay. That's doesn't include care visits prior to delivery. And that's basic care not Private.

I wish I could do home delivery and not need much care at all but being high risk I will be paying out the nos.
Oh wow!! Our care here in the UK is all free. I can't even imagine having to pay as a standard thing! I dont know anyone thats had private care.. I'd love to have the chance to do it but its such a lot of money.

I would love to do home delivery next time as we're in a different area so it'll be a different hospital which is quite far away from our house, but on the other hand Im way too nervous about something going wrong with a home birth.
It’s light out when I run. Ugh I cannot stand running on a treadmill. It’s bores me stiff. I give up so easily.

Wowzers that is a lot. We Seoul’s certainly miss our healthcare system if it goes.

I love quite close to the centre of my city. There are 3 hospitals I can go to to give birth, all within 4 miles. I don’t think I can do a home birth. I have such a low pain threshold, I want ALL the drugs ha ha
mrsmummy: Tub births always look so relaxing but yeah, me too aftraid of some thing going wrong and needed care fast. Not for everyone.

Nix: HAHAHAH...don't do like me when I delivered my daughter. Pushed the pain button so much till my legs went numb for hours afterward. They said push if some thing hurts...LOL well, I pushed and pushed....good old epidural. :winkwink:

I'm home from the elementary school concert. Feel good after we chomped on some ice cream. I'll pay for it later with tummy cramps but that junk was GOOD. :blush:

Before we left for school I got a Solid smiley face on my digital opk. :happydance: Guess O is coming. Will probably recruit some swimmers tonight if we can. I was so happy about the smiley face too. Was shoving it in my hubby's face. He laughed so hard. Even after all these years of infertility he can still laugh a bit. I tried to keep a straight face late amongst all the babby buggies and lil ones toddling about. But when he said 'look at the little feet', I amost died. He had found a lil baby girl chilling our in her buggy with her lil pink and white socks hanging over it...:cry: Some'll be his lil one FX
Ah yeah, a water birth would be lush. But I’d be doped up to the eye balls so probably wouldn’t be allowed one.

Ha ha ha FTale, that’s what I’d be like, pushing that button every 30 secs.

Yay for ovulation. Time to get busy.

Awww that so sweet. Bless your hubby.

When I got home from work last night my hubby was blind drunk and there was fried chicken everywhere lol. Boy partied hard. He looked a bit worse for wear when he got up at 6am to make me a cuppa before I went to work.
Ah yeah, a water birth would be lush. But I’d be doped up to the eye balls so probably wouldn’t be allowed one.

Ha ha ha FTale, that’s what I’d be like, pushing that button every 30 secs.

Yay for ovulation. Time to get busy.

Awww that so sweet. Bless your hubby.

When I got home from work last night my hubby was blind drunk and there was fried chicken everywhere lol. Boy partied hard. He looked a bit worse for wear when he got up at 6am to make me a cuppa before I went to work.

'fried chicken':haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
That is going g to be in my head all day!!!

Yeah, he enjoyed himself immensely!

Sooooo, how are you feeling:blush: hehehe
Ha well him and fried chicken got me wanting KFC. So I just had some for lunch. Darn that boy!

Well I’m 4DPO and I’m feel 100% normal. I only feel tired, but that is because I went from a late shift yesterday to an early shift today. Oh one odd thing. I’ve been crazy sweet food when I wake up in the morning but that’s it. It’s a bit early to be putting cravings down to anything
HMMMMMMM...body needs sugar. I don't care about hormones that 'cause' symptoms. I always say the body acts according to how it is feeling on a cellular level. Lets hope its craving more fuel to burn because a baby is brewing.
Tired is a good sign that you had a decent O. So you can put that one down. Your temps look very nice. Slow rise. Got my fingers crossed for you.

KFC...oh goodness, Nix!! I'd get straight heartburn. Its been years since I had that stuff. I'm not a big skin on chicken type of person when I eat meat all the time. Now Chic fa la is forever an exception. I haven't tried it since going veganish..hahah. But all other meat tastes like rubber to me.

I guess I will have to take one for the team and have some of it to tonight just to be for sure I don't like it ...:haha:

I'm sitting here in bed. Working and wondering when my dagum O pains are going to start. I bet those other prenatals messed me up. I should have O'd yesterday. But I'll take an egg that is nutured a bit longer in its lil ovary house :haha:

I went from starving to super tired.

Mrsmummy: How are you doing today? Are you and hubby taking a break or cautiously testing out the waters?
All this chicken talk has me wanting kfc too :haha:
Agreed on the water birth front! I laboured for 5 of the 10 hours of labour with DD and it was AMAZING. I did get out as i thouhht i wanted an epidural (which i didnt get as they were with an emergency c-section) so didnt actually give birth in the pool but wouldve loved it. Didnt get a chance with DS as i spent 1 and a bit hours labouring at home, then within 6 minutes of being at the hospital he was born :haha: maybe the next one wont even make it to the hospital :dohh:

Haha.. lil ovary house. Made me chuckle :haha: hope that egg is a good one and turns out to be THE one!!

Im doing alright thanks. Today shouldve been my first midwife appt so weve taken the kids for a movie and a meal for some distraction. Im having a relax in the bath now while DH entertains our two balls of energy downstairs :haha:
We're still going for it for this cycle.. but planning to dtd when we want to rather than forcing it like we had been. My temp dropped this morning, so not sure whats going on there. I tried putting a fake higher temp for tomorrow but still no crosshairs for yesterday... but if i put 3 higher temps from today it gives me crosshairs for today :shrug: maybe today was the day?! Not even had 1 remotely positive think ill be giving those up next cycle. They stressed me out :haha:
All this chicken talk has me wanting kfc too :haha:
Agreed on the water birth front! I laboured for 5 of the 10 hours of labour with DD and it was AMAZING. I did get out as i thouhht i wanted an epidural (which i didnt get as they were with an emergency c-section) so didnt actually give birth in the pool but wouldve loved it. Didnt get a chance with DS as i spent 1 and a bit hours labouring at home, then within 6 minutes of being at the hospital he was born :haha: maybe the next one wont even make it to the hospital :dohh:

Haha.. lil ovary house. Made me chuckle :haha: hope that egg is a good one and turns out to be THE one!!

Im doing alright thanks. Today shouldve been my first midwife appt so weve taken the kids for a movie and a meal for some distraction. Im having a relax in the bath now while DH entertains our two balls of energy downstairs :haha:
We're still going for it for this cycle.. but planning to dtd when we want to rather than forcing it like we had been. My temp dropped this morning, so not sure whats going on there. I tried putting a fake higher temp for tomorrow but still no crosshairs for yesterday... but if i put 3 higher temps from today it gives me crosshairs for today :shrug: maybe today was the day?! Not even had 1 remotely positive think ill be giving those up next cycle. They stressed me out :haha:

What time of day are you doing the opk? As I've gotten older mine go positive with FMU and stay that way for a day or two. Normally at noon it isn't very dark unless I have a true surge going on.
The hard part is I don't trust opks anymore. They use to be really good but now don't seem to be as sensitive to surges til the day of and I need more time to plan. :dohh:

That's why SMEP from cd10 and on is a safe and non imposing way to go at it. And we have done ok with this. We get a night to relax then if we feel frisky the next night (mostly then do it then.

But girls lately I have not been in the mood down yonder. I just know I have to get just swimmers in there if I want to make a mini

I'm still into him big time (sexy man) but I think my age is catching up with me.:shrug:

OOOO..Plans for Easter??? What is everyone doing. We have an Easter Egg hunt out in our town square and service right there too. Looking forward to it and nice weather.
I was testing around 11am then again at either 5pm ish or around 8-9 if i could hold til then. There just seems to be no consistency.. one will be super light then darkish then light again over and over :dohh: could be the MC messing with them though as it has only been 2 weeks tomorrow...

Ive felt that way down there too these past few times too.. half enjoyed it but in the back of my mind I'm like come on get those swimmers in :blush: :haha:

Ooh that sounds great for easter! We havent got much planned. Just a little egg hunt at home with some movies then over to the in laws on monday :)

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