TWW what will it lead to?

hahahah..YEP, just paid my lat dues and closed that junk after a year of having only gone like 4 times. :haha:

Your weekend sounds plenty of full of fun! I can't see my brother as much since he doesn't like leaving his home state (another story) and I don't like

I'll spend time on the trial if I'm lucky otherwise the gym is my living room for now. I'm thinking it'll be a leg night tonight again. For the weekend, I have no plans for once. I just want to veg and give my hubby googoo eyes. I've been after him all week but by bed time I let him snore instead since he works so hard. But I might not be so kind this weekend. He asked me the other night when it was 'go time'...or as we like to call it 'O time'. I was like next. :dohh: That pretty much told him he could keep his lazy 'man' in his pants for a while longer :haha:

Eh, I'm so happy for whatever reason I don't too much care at the moment. I'm waiting for 1400 my time and I'm OFF work for the weekend.

OOOOh, I did stop by the store on the way home to by him steak, potato and red wine. Going to dine him good tonight. Got the wee one a cheese pizza to eat while she ignores me. I thought they started that crap at 13 not 7!! :growlmad: :winkwink: (when you have your little one its going to have a list of ultimatums for you already :haha: I think babies evolve with every generation born.

I'm going to sneak some of the wine and scarf down my veggies like a good little fat person...JOKING...ahaha. but seriously I'm going to drown the junk with every seasoning I can find.

Ok.....bring on the weeeeeekennnnd:happydance:!!!!
Ah sorry for the sow response. I got home from work last night and we decided we wanted to go out for food. I was wel restrained. I had a bun less burger. Much healthier.

I live about 3 miles from my brother but don’t see him very often. It’s terrible really.

Goo goo eyes lol. I’ve been a bit like that this week with him. What’s up with us going all soft.

Love the ‘go time’ and ‘o time’. We just call it my horny week.

Your dinner sounds amazing, I do love a good steak. It’s definitley up there on my list of favourites.

Oh dear you’ve got it all to come with the ignoring and slamming of doors. I remember what I was like as a teenager. I would love to have a boy as they sound a lot easier to cope with, but really I’d be happy with either. I just want a baby. Did you find out the sex early with your little girl or did you wait until the birth to find out? I don’t think I could wait, I’d ike to find out so I can buy things.

I’m in work today doing some overtime, work has been crazy all week.
A very nearly positive opk today. Ovulation tomorrow I think :happydance:


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A very nearly positive opk today. Ovulation tomorrow I think :happydance:


You are 5 days ahead of me. I get to watch you symptom spot while I eat popcorn. I hope you get preggy and the signs are stupid noticable.

With my daughter the tech just told me at 13 week scan. I don't remember if I cared or not. I don't want to know this time but my husband is lik 'screw that, I want to know'...sooo He will find out soon and better not give it away.

I always wanted all boys but after my daughter I discovered either or was fine with me. So hard to get pregnant and stay that way was happy to have a live baby in my arms.

I do want to have a son for my hubby. Boys run in his family like weeds. Girls are hard to come by.

Well, don't work too hard today and enjoy rangling the eggy!!!

I'm going to see if I can get someone to go to the trail with me.
Happy Monday!!

I hope you had a strong O! How do you feel today? I bet ur hubby was happy to have the DTD band lifted. Mine keeps looking at me like I'm a pervert who keeps checking him out...he knows it Go Time:haha:

It was such a great weekend. Starting off this week with a positive outlook. And a cup of I kept active all last week and plan to do so this week too. Feels good to have a lil muscle.hahaha

Oh and we are doing smep since I'm not temping like normal and I have these clear blue opks that I don't really trust. It will happen this week sometime though. Already had ewcm yesterday which was weird but :shrug:

It's going to be super busy for me at work this week. Plus I have an intial meeting with RE place to access me for treatment. Don't know that I want to spend the 270$ right now.:wacko:

I have til 9am today to cancel I think. In better run work is calling.
Morning, I had a lovely weekend thanks. Certainly got our BDing in lol.

Temps have been all over the place this weekend because I had lie ins. So I don’t think ff will pin point ovulation correctly. I must have ovulated in my sleep this time because I didn’t feel it at all. I normally get a really bad pain for an hour or two.

Did you decide whether to go to RE?

I managed to drop my phone over the weekend. My screen is completely smashed. I need to be so careful with it. Grrrr. It leapt out of my hand.

I’m on the late shift this week and really don’t want to go in. I hate this shift. Thank god ovulation was just before it. I wouldn’t be able to BD if it was a couple of days later.

I plan to get a couple of short runs in on my lunch break this week, I have a 10k to do in may , so I’d better get moving
Hey, sorry about late shift. It can be a bear.
Hopefully your temps even out over the next couple of days.
Is your hubby's shift always the same? I bet he misses you when you are gone. Mine just plays even more Zelda.:dohh:
We have been trying to get BD in but I feel so hum drum about it. Last night did an ivi though we were both tired. I didn't want to but didn't since I kept getting fertile patches decide I would. It all stayed in thus time.
My temp says I will ovulate today but CBE digital said', nope' :haha:. I feel like I will though even if it's just releasing a stupid cyst.

For today, I am going to RE but plan not to if daughter is still sick. Came home by yesterday with very bad allergies. She gas problematic sinuses like me.

I feel like I'm looking for excuses:blush:

Bleh time to get ready for the day...ugh..will write again later.
Hi ladies. Not sure if I posted in this thread or not, but I had a MC on 17th March at 7 weeks... :cry: Didn't think I'd ever be back to TTC as we are sure #3 will be our last... but here I am :(

We've been given the go ahead to try again straight away, so I've been using OPK's and temping. FF has told given me the yellow light today, so presume O day isn't far off (if I do O...) So thought I'd hop in just before hand and say hi :) I'm currently on CD11 today. No idea when my usual O day is as I've never really tracked. Just hoped for the best!
FTale- no he works normal hours, I have to a week of lates once every 3 weeks. I hate it because don’t see each other that week. I’m sure he enjoys it though ha ha. He gets some peace and quiet. He’ll just play call of duty all week. Men eh?!

Fingers crossed it’s not a cyst and it’s the real deal, good idea to keep going with it.
Hope you have a good day.

Mrsmummy - I’m so sorry about your MC, how heartbreaking. Big big hugs and well done for getting back on the horse. I’m on cd16 so I think I have ovulated, not sure though. I hope you catch the eggy real soon. You could be super fertile, I have everything crossed for you
Thanks nixnax. I said when it was happening never again, but I soon realised I feel like we do need to give it another go. We have an appointment tomorrow with a private dr rather than nhs to check all is well after the mc and just in general so hoping he will say all is fine and continue to try. Hopefully will get a scan too as it appears to all be included in the price. I've read lots of positive stories online about catching straight away and having a great, successful pregnancy after that so here's to hoping!!
I think I found it extra hard as the day i mc was my best friends due date... she gave birth early hours of this morning and couldnt wait to tell me. I know shes excited but boy that cut like a knife :cry: im happy for her of course, but id been so looking forward to by the end of the year going out on playdates with our babies etc and now its back to the unknown :dohh:

I have my fx for you ladies! :dust:
Awww mrsmummy that must have been awful, the timing couldn’t have been worse. Hope your scan shows all clear. It must be hard to start again, but sometimes you just have too. I just hope you don’t have to wait too long
Thanks <3 will update tomorrow evening/Thursday morning with what the dr says!
Thanks nixnax. I said when it was happening never again, but I soon realised I feel like we do need to give it another go. We have an appointment tomorrow with a private dr rather than nhs to check all is well after the mc and just in general so hoping he will say all is fine and continue to try. Hopefully will get a scan too as it appears to all be included in the price. I've read lots of positive stories online about catching straight away and having a great, successful pregnancy after that so here's to hoping!!
I think I found it extra hard as the day i mc was my best friends due date... she gave birth early hours of this morning and couldnt wait to tell me. I know shes excited but boy that cut like a knife :cry: im happy for her of course, but id been so looking forward to by the end of the year going out on playdates with our babies etc and now its back to the unknown :dohh:

I have my fx for you ladies! :dust:

Oh, dear, that is cutting to hear. :cry: But like nix said, good to see you back on the horse. Its hard when to go through a mc but even harder to try again through all the 'what ifs'..

I think you are extra fertile too and if you don't want to track everything like us crazy girls do you can take it easy and SMEP. I'm doing that in case I don't temp in the morning.

Well, sad to see you ttc#3 again but happy to get to cheer you along sincerely :flower:
Got an opk pack today and it looks like I might O tomorrow. The digital ones are crap. Barely a ghost of a line. FRER a good solid almost positive line. But of course not positive. I'll try again later tonight.

My bbs have been getting spikey pains last couple of days. Not sure what that means.

I see RE nurse on the 3rd since I had to cancel today's appt due to my sick kiddo. Who is better but still a bit sniffy.

You know ladies I'm actually happy at the thought of getting to O thursday.

And I am not TESTING early NIX hahahaha I'm sure of it. :blush:

Need to get my bum in gear to work out tonight. Keeping blood flow the reproductive organs helps in O and implantation supposedly.

Ok, back to watching Father Brother :haha:
Yes I'm hoping that I'm extra fertile right now and it'll happen sooner rather than later! I've seen so many positive stories so here's to hoping! I have been temping and started opks a few days after the mc.. Maybe day 6? Something like that. All my days seem to be merging into one long blur at the moment! No positive yet.. but also no consistency with going from light to dark... my first few were darkish, then i had a few super light almost non existent and todays was dark ish again. We shall see!!
FTale - I had the spiky pains on Sunday as well. Felt like lightening strikes. My job is done for this month. Just have to sit back and hope for the best. DONT test, be strong. Easier said than done I know.

Mrsmummy - hope the opks day something soon. Just bd every other day. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you’ve been through a lot
My OPK last night was an almost non-existent line :nope: They are confusing :haha:
Had quite a large temp drop too. I hope that if this isn't my month I'll start to understand all this tracking lark soon :haha:
Hey mrsmummy that could be an ovulation dip. Mine does that most months that I decide to track. I’ve attached a coupe of my charts to show you. Hopefully it’ll rise now and will detect ovulation. It won’t tell you until 3DPO.

I think I ovulated on Sunday but because I didn’t temp properly, tomorrow it will probably tell me I ovulated Monday.


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So if we dtd tonight in theory ill be covered IF it was an ovulation dip? We bd cd7, 8, 9 and 10, skipped yesterday as we were both waaaay too tired (typical :dohh: )
I’d say you will be well covered. If you look at mine for this month we did 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 dpo. We had a break on 13 which was probably and important one as well. I think we’re well covered. I would probably BD tomorrow as well if you can. If your temp rises, your job is done and you can do back to just doing it for fun

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