TWW what will it lead to?

Morning ladies. Sorry I got every wanting chicken ha ha.

I went out for a friends birthday fona meal last night. I only had one drink, I really wasn’t feeling it. Not like me ha ha. I can drink like a fish.

We haven’t bd all week because I’ve been on lates. It’s been quite nice to have the break.

I took my temp mega late today so I used a temp adjuster, it’s gone through the floor. Not sure I trust that temp at all. Well below the cover line.

I’m going push bike shopping today. I want to start getting out on bike rides now that summer is on its way. I say that but it’s rained solidly for 2 days!

I’m just going to chill out and maybe pop to the gym this weekend. This week has been brutal and I’ve been so tired, I just want to curl up.
All the BDing gets tiring after a while doesnt it :haha:

Maybe the 1 drink is a good sign!

The temp does seem a bit wonky! Fx it rises again tomorrow. Enjoy a nice relaxing weekend :) ive got a day of house work today.. fun times!!
Same here, because I’ve been on lates DH has been unsupervised all week, our house looks like a small bomb has exploded. His version of clean and my version of clean are two completely different things lol.

It really does get tiring. We did it this morning but I could have quite happily not have
Oh my days. I just walked into the kitchen and he has a bucket of oil on the side. He’s prepping his air filter for motorcross riding tomorrow. Give me strength, I just cleaned that kitchen
Ahhh nooo! Thankfully my DH is working today so at least thats 1 of my 3 bomb creators out of the way :haha:
My DS however is creating "traps" to catch the "power rangers" (DD) all over the house.. at least itll be clean if not tidy :dohh:

You ladies are cracking me up!!

I think we all need a rest up this weekend. Today I'm doing that too along with last minute laundry. We are all out in the backyard camping out with no intent of staying in the house longer than to poop and change out laundry.

We are taking advantage of no rain today. :happydance:

Oh, and yeah, I'm too am tired bding but luckily I Ovulated yesterday so don't have to worry about being a sperm receptacle for a while :haha:

You ladies have a lovely Easter weekend. I will be on and off.

OH but mrsmummy you have to keep bding :haha:
Sperm receptacle!! :rofl:
That sounds fun FTale! Glad the rains keeping off. Its rained alllllll day here. Enjoy!

I had loooots of ewcm today so DEFINITELY BDing tonight... plan to jump DH when he gets home from work :haha:
Sperm receptacle :haha: oh my days that’s funny. You do have a way with words FTale :haha:

Yay for EWCM time to get busy :sex: :sex:

We went shopping for my new bike today. I collect it in 2 weeks. Can’t wait to start going on trails on it.

We are on our way out for our anniversary meal tonight. We are going to a lovely seafood restaurant. I LOVE seafood and shellfish.

I’m going to visit my grand parents tomorrow and have some Sunday dinner with them. Other than that, I don’t plan to get out of pjs much this weekend :sleep:
Ooh sounds good on the bike front! Id love to get a bike to go on family bike rides but DH cant/wont ride one and neither can DS (wont even get ON it even WITH the stabilizers :dohh:) DD loves it though but has outgrown hers so we still need to get a bigger one.
Enjoy your anniversary meal and sunday dinner :)
Im looking forward to chocolate for breakfast in front of a movie with the kids :haha:
It’s been a long time since I last rode a bike. Hopefully it’ll all come flooding back.

Our meal last night was amazing, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

He’s gone out with the lads on the bikes today. I’ve got a lovely lamb roast planned for his return.

Hope everyone is having a lovely chocolate filled weekend.
mrsmummy: :thumbup:ewcm
Chocolate for breakfast??? I gosh..hahah...I guess a chocolate pancake with whipped cream would be tasty.
My hubby loves biking. Its my big toosh that doesn't like riding as much. Our daughter can't ride even with training wheels :haha: She has no coordination but we are working on it when we can.

Nix: Hope you had a great anniversay. Sounds like you made your hubby a good meal too. I'm sure he loved it.
We grilled out and the lil one played in her outdoor kiddy pool. Water so flippin cold but she adjusted after we dumped a few buckets of warm water in it.

I hope you like your bike when it comes in. Mine is collecting dust. We have nice trails to go on. But my seat hurts and we have to tow my daughter on a add on because can't ride at all. He use to 'cycle' big time before I met him. Professional bike and everything. After he shattered his ankle he doesn't ride at all. But he plans to get back to it soon.

You are midcycle. Anything dif happening? I saw on the April board people having crazy symptoms and bfps left and right it seems. I don't feel very confident. My ovaries just feel painful. Mostly my right ovary. I think they are hypstimulated can hurt just to turn or move to fast. :cry:

Ah well, I just hope I don't fall apart when AF shows. I already know it isnt a good cycle.

I will be super busy at work this week so it should go by fast. I have OSOM on the way and will test Saturday at 8dpo. OSOM is suppose to show positive at 8dpo in the evening. So if its negative I know I'm out. But I hope I just don't want to test and hold out till tuesday so I'll be 10dpo. It HAS to be accurate at that point.

When is your test date again?
Haha the chocolate for breakfast was NOT a good idea. I felt gross afterwards :haha:

The april board sure is moving fast.. 4 bfps already. I really hope thats a good sign. I'm so happy for all the bfps but it is stinging that little bit harder this month:cry:
I so hope us ladies will catch a break this cycle and get those 2 lovely lines!!

I have no idea whats going on with my temps. I fully expected a rise today which wouldve made me 2dpo as expected by someone om my journal.. but nope. It plumited to 36.04 :dohh:
Mrsmummy: I wouldn't fret too much. I've seen charts with temps after O that we're consistently low. Personally I always wonder if their thermometer was broke:haha:
When I got preggy the first time my temp struggled for two days the went up at 3dpo n stayed there until 9 and 10 where it dropped so badly I new AF was coming instead a vvl bfp. :)

Hopefully FF will give to crosshairs soon. Can you change around the detector? I'm using family one. Advanced was taking too long:haha:
Luckily it was right about my O day. Last cycle non of them got it right. I had to override.

Yes, it can sting.:hugs:. Here's to seeing those lovely lines soon.
Heres my opk from this morning! Wondering if today might be O day!! Its the darkest ive had so far. Looks darker irl than the pic and assume pic quality wont be great as im using mobile upload!
I didnt know you could change the detector? How do i do that?


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Morning ladies, I had chocolate for breakfast today. Someone take the eggs away from me ha ha.

I’m 7/8 dpo today, I had a few little light cramps last night In bed bit I’ve had those before. No sore boobs again.

April seems to be the month for catching eggs, let’s hope we can’t catch them too.

We’re decorating all day today. I hate painting, I make such a mess.

Will message properly later today
Hope the decorating goes well! Glad im not the only one eating chocolate for breakfast :haha:
Mrsmummy - ha ha nope, I loved my chocolate for breakfast, it felt so naughty.

FTale - I can’t wait until we can start making use of our garden. It needs a good clean up. It’s been very neglected all winter.

Just got back from decorating and I’m head to toe in paint. I don’t know why I bother, I always end up with more on me than the walls.

Is it just me or does this cycle feel loooong. I still have a week to go. Af to ov seems to go really fast, then ovulation to AF drags painfully.
mrsmummy: You are very close. I don't know how to change the detector though as I mostly add pics while at desktop. Are you still getting tons of ewcm?

nix: hehehe.can't say I envy you painting. I'm the pits at it. I've seen kids do fingerpainting better.

I did crave chocolate today :blush: I found some in the freezer. My hubby likes to freeze his thin mint girl scout cookies...well he has one pack less now. :shrug: not my fault. He should have eaten them up a while a go.

YES, this 2ww is going by slow. I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized my test date is like 2 weeks away. I can't last that long not testing. So I bought OSOMS that get here tomorrow and I'm testing 8dpo with them unless I some how have a change of heart :coffee: doubt it.

meanwhile, I'm 3dpo and tired like I ran a marthon all day. Getting ready to go for a walk with hubby and kiddo but I'd rather get cuddly with my pillow again.

Hope your decorating came out nicely nix.

Is it dinner time there for you all yet? its 320pm here for me?
Nixnax - Totally with you on the garden front. We had to disemble (is that even a word?!) our trampoline as we've had to buy a new one and it's the first time since before Christmas I've been out there for any length of time and I noticed just how bad it's looking right now. Roll on summer.... Hope the decorating went ok! This cycle definitely feels long to me... such a range of emotions to go through in 1 month!!

FTale - I did end up figuring out how to change it. I was going to leave it but then I want to see if I can get crosshairs from my temps over the next few days. Will see how it goes. my OPK tonight is quite dark, much darker than this morning. I hadn't had much all day (after this mornings load) then I just went to the loo and there's loads again :shrug: I've NEVER noticed this much. I'm hoping it's a good sign...!

Enjoy your walk :) We planned to go out to the park or something today with the in laws and kids but it just didn't happen. We stayed in, got take out and watched a movie :haha:
It's 8.45pm here! I'm so ready for bed. This whole month has wiped me out... tiredness from early pregnancy symptoms.. tiredness from all the crying from the mc.. now tiredness from too many late night BD sessions :haha:
Morning ladies, ugh back to work today. I feel shattered, I just want to stay in bed.

FTale - you’re very brave testing at 8dpo. I’m 8dpo today and you’re making me want to test.

On the chocolate front, that is 100% your hubbys daily for leaving it in the freezer for so long.

Mrs mummy - I can imagine it’s been a real rollercoaster for you.

We didn’t do much last night, just crashed on the sofa with a stew and watched walking dead. We were in bed by 10pm.

I’ve got a bit of sore throat today. I really don’t want to play. Roll on 5:30pm already

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