TWW what will it lead to?

Aw that sucks. I'm SO glad its the school holidays. However my kids never sleep in... but just not having to rush around in the morning is perfect. I am SO exhausted.

Hope today flies by for you!

I had a temp rise today :thumbup: hopefully 2 more to confirm O then officially in the 2ww. I might test on Saturday as thats 3 weeks from the mc. If thats positive i have to ring the epu and theyll bring me in for bloods.. so either way id know it was a new pregnancy. We'll see how i feel then!
Nix: Oh girl, I'm with you on the shattered part. I was in bed by 8pm last night, melatonin and all. Feel better this morning though.
And no testing for you unless you have a super sensitive test like OSOM. I think you caught the eggy. Wait till you can get a proper line which is tomorrow on an FRER if you have one. Or just wait, don't be like my crackish self. A glutton for punishment. Testing early to bfns make the tww even longer.

Stew sounds so good about now. I have lentil soup I'll be eating all week. Today I have new Re appt. to see what is in store for fertility treatment. Missed last appointment. Not missing this one. Won't see doc til May so have to make the most of seeing the nurse.

Aside from achy joints and annoying right ovary tension, don't feel any different this cycle.:shrug:

I am looking forward to this work day to be over too.
Mrsmummy - I forgot it was still half term and didn’t judge the lack of traffic. I arrived at work 30 mins early. I really hate it when that happens.

FTale - my chart looks sooo different to any others I’ve ever had. I never get dips like this. I can mean nothing but I’m cautiously optimistic. I’ll try and do a chart overlay in a min so you can see. I’ll see what my temps do over the next day or so, but I’m very tempted to test at 10dpo with FRER. My boobs and nipples are torturously itchy today. Trying not scratch whilst sat at my desk!
Here you go. I can only do the last 3 months because I don’t pay for the app. I only temped in jan and March. I looked at October’s as well and there are no dips until AF.

The empty dots are temps taken after a full nights sleep, but woke up later.


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Nix: It looks like you've an estrogen dip then progesterone pick up which is good.
Had to giggle at the itchy remarks..heheh. I don't want that, it's all yours:haha:
Hard to stay focus when you are so close to early testing time. Got every thing crossed for you.:hugs:
Yeah I’ve googled it like mad this morning and that’s what is the most popular outcome.

Ha ha they’ve stopped for now, but boy was it making me twitch.

It really is hard. I’m normally quite relaxed but with the erratic temps I’m wanting to test. Argh the temptation. I think I’m going to need my hands tying behind my back this month. Might see if I can get some ICs from somewhere at lunch, some shops sell them
Cant wait to see your tests!

A blazing positive opk for me this morning... shame DH is at work!! Will be jumping him tonight for sure :haha:
Yay for positive opk. Make sure you jump him later pahahaha.

I’m really annoyed. I cooked a lovely turkey meatball meal last night to have for my lunch this week. I just tucked into it and the meatballs taste vile. I managed to pick them out and had the brown pasta and sauce. I have that for lunch all week. The meatballs may have gone off but I froze them the day I got them. Last time I made this I loved it. Oh my days did I wretch. I bought 2 packs so will check the date on the other pack later.

I didn’t go to get hpts at lunch’s im waiting
Oh nooo. Thats the worst! Maybe its a sign!
Everything tasted off to me in the 10 days before getting my last bfp.
Well done for waiting. I daren't even buy any til im at least 10-12dpo. Cannot face the bfn then bfp. I think ill worry then
Ooooo everything is getting me a little excited this month. I have to stop looking into everything. So hard though. I’m waiting I’m waiting (she says!)

I hate seeing BFNs it’s heartbreaking.
Mrsmummy: at doc and totally my missed your post earlier. Will reply back as soon as I leave here.:hugs:
Mrsmummy: It's school break here too. I've been having a rough time getting my daughter care while I'm at work. These centers are horrible. Either too expensive or are so cheap you get bad care. Picked my lil up and she was balling had a major migraine. They never called me just kept telling her I'd be there soon..yeah, 3 hours later.
I worked over the money to put her in better care today. She is mildly autistic and still not so into meeting new friends but was happy to not go to the 'noisey' place:haha:

YAY!! For a dark opk! Ok, true story. I ovulated Friday. On Monday night my hubby is like 'is it your time? Do I need to give a contribution?'

I told him I ovulated on Friday but decided not to push the issue of being since we did it the day before O.He just looked at me in disbelief. Normally I'm squeezing him dry around O time but I'm so numb from bfns..:coffee: I let O day go without tapping it.:blush:
FX you make a bean this cycle!

Nix: Oh gross!!!! Nasty turkey balls!! That is a major disappointment after all that work. I know it's hard getting bfns but for now, you have a sour tongue as I like to say. And with my first pregnancy that meant
Deep breath. Just a few more days and you can test if you want.:hugs:
Forgot to mention my Re appt. went great. Nurse was nice enough. She said doc would want me to be thinner but for IUI she will do it as long as my tests come back normal. But for IVF I'd have to drop 40lbs. But I know I need to do that regardless.

So if AF shows I go in for cd3 blood work and a test where they fill ur uterus up with saline to check for polyps and such. If all looks good I will be scheduled for a medicated, monitored IUI cycle.

Time to get serious with diet and exercise:happydance:
Awww bless your little one. Hope she’s feels better soon.

Great inspiration for weight loss right there. Sounds like you’ve already started putting the plans in place, just need to stick with it. I need to do the same so bad.

Argh I know it’s so frustrating. I’m going to try and hold off. As soon as I get home tonight I’ll be having a nap I think. The office is so stuffy today and it’s giving me a fuzzy head. Just 1.5hrs to go.
Oh bless her. Glad you've found somewhere better. Im a SAHM so thankfully dont have that worry! I often wonder how people actually manage to do it!! Thankfully Im in a position where we dont need me to go to work just yet. After #3 is in full time school ill probably look into it!

So with these opks.. by my chart would you say i O'd yesterday? I got a + yesterday but blazing + today.. would i still get a + if I already O'd? I'm just not grasping it at all :haha:

Hahaha.. love your hubbys response :rofl:
I actually feel quite optimistic at the moment! I feel our BDing has been on point so hopefully weve done enough. Will continue until I get a negative OPK then try and chill :haha:
Oops. I posted then noticed all the other responses! Glad your app went well. I should try to lose weight too.. but ive already lost around 60lbs (and i had conceived ds before that) so im not too worried. Although im sure when i do end up getting pregnant they will mention it A LOT. Good luck with it!! :thumbup: it's definitely a good way to keep you on track.

Nix- eeek.. im feeling super optimistic for you!! :happydance: i cannot wait to see your test when you decide to do it. April is doing SO well already on some of the boards on here.

If O day was today I'd be due Christmas day. How crazy is that? Would certainly be a perfect Christmas present!!
Oooo a Christmas baby. I’d say you ovulated yesterday, but I’m no pro.

I didn’t even think about birth dates. A christmas baby. My step brother is Boxing Day and we call it his ‘birthmas’ he hates it.

I need to rein in my excited, it could all just be in my head. Which I’m suspecting it is. Anything else is a bonus ha ha
Im guessing yesterday too. Eeeek. Im excited already:haha: must calm down. I imagine christmas birthdays are actually the worst!! Birthmas :haha: done another opk.. line is darker than control line! I hope my temp will cooperate tomorrow:haha: wouldnt it be fab to all be bump buddies...!
mrsmummy: yes, you have already ovulated in between first positive and the next and by golly for sure before you got the ultimate positive opk:haha:

Just keep bding until they go negative though. This is serious bizness. :blush: heheh

I would have kept bding if I hadn't already suffered the O pain. My right ovary still hurts like a bad zit too. Thing is I felt some thing pop on it Friday and so I'm not sure why its hurts now....goodness.

Christmas babies??? That would be a present indeed. I was looking at my chart and it has me at Dec 21 but I don't think I would go that long. Maybe in to the 1st or 2nd week then I would have to deliver because I have to have a Mcdonald's Cerclage put in my cervix to maintain pregnancy. So about 37 weeks is all I can hope for.

Crazy ladies!!! Christmas bumps :cloud9:
Haha yes will definitely keep it up :haha:

Ooh how odd! Hopefully it all relates to a bfp...!

Ohh really. I havent even heard of that? At least you'd know you'd be all done in time for Christmas day huh!!
Id be on pins. Christmas is for sure my favourite day of the year.. we go allllll out. The OB i went to see said because my labour was so short with DS i may be able to be enduced at 39 weeks so maybe just in time for christmas... look at me already planning it all :dohh:

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