TWW what will it lead to?

FTale - glad your having a good trip. Ha ha I’m imagining you lying on the bathroom floor doing it. Maybe you ovulated in your sleep. I did last month I believe. I defo didn’t this month, I could barely walk with the pain.

Michelle - oh my that sounds quite scary. I hope you can get a safer environment to work in soon. Hope you start feeling better soon. I can imagine being poorly is he’ll because you can’t take any meds.

How you doing mrsmummy?

10dpo here and nada to report. Going out on the bikes later. No weight loss this week, I don’t think I drank enough water this week. I exercised so much but because of lack of water, I think my muscles are retaining water. Need to flush it all out.

Had a bit of a naughty night last night. We had a date night and went out for tapas, then had a few too many gins. Getting up for work this morning was not fun.
Last night was better at work luckily, I feel like I dont want to give up and move somewhere else. Its really conflicting!

Mmmmm Tapas, Ive not had tapas for ages!! its one of my favourites xxx
Hi, back :flower: Need to update. I've been slacking. The wedding was beautiful but we are all glad to be home in our own beds. I got my results in like hours before we took off driving.

So while my saline flush went really well. My blood tests were OK but my FSH and E2 were not agreeing too kindly. My lh was low as it should be and all other hormones and things were just fine. My problem is my E2 is some what high and it may be suppressing my FSH.

FSH: 6.5
LH: 3
E2: 69
AMH: 3.82

Last time ( 8 months ago or less)
FSH: 5.5
LH: 4.5

I won't know for sure until I meet with the doctor what it all means. They want us to go for carrier screening test. I don't even recall what it is for but I believe it is optional. I personally do not want to spend all the money. He has to get his bloodwork done now but I'm waiting til the last minute this cycle to see if we were able to fertilize an eggy on our own. I am JUST now ovulating. So late but maybe the egg will be more mature:shrug: I'm not in too much pain but its only be starting a lil over an hour.

Nix: I've got everything crossed for you!!

Mrsmummy:Hope your two are over the row! :hugs: It happens. Full moon last night. Hoping even more you two took advantage of it :blush:

Michelle: Understand not wanting to leave. I'm sure you will what feels right for you in time no matter what :hugs:
Hey FTale- glad to have you back. I’m not sure what all of those figures me. Let us know what the doc says, I’m sure they’ll explain it well.

Hopefully you have a good late ovulation and no further input it needed from the docs.

Oh do I ache today. I had to work all weekend (mornings) so I’m on day 8 of working. Roll on Friday. We have a weekend away and it’s much needed.
Hi ladies. Sorry, haven't been checking in for the past week or so.. DH has decided that we should wait until at least after holiday to wait an ttc after that :dohh:
So I guess I'm out before I even got going!! Was due to O presumably early this week... aah. I can see his point as I've been rather stressed... but it's incredibly frustrating.

Hope you're all well :hugs:
Hi ladies. Sorry, haven't been checking in for the past week or so.. DH has decided that we should wait until at least after holiday to wait an ttc after that :dohh:
So I guess I'm out before I even got going!! Was due to O presumably early this week... aah. I can see his point as I've been rather stressed... but it's incredibly frustrating.

Hope you're all well :hugs:

Ah no, we’re sort of feeling the same only we aren’t stopping if that makes sense. With his DE problem there’s a slim chance it will happen, and we both want a good carefree holiday. If it happens it happens, but it’s unlikely.

Have a good holiday, enjoy the cocktails and you’ll be fresh to start again when you’re back
Nix: Eeeekk..I'd be dead in the water working as much as you. My numbers are confusing to me even and I thought I new stuff.:dohh:
Praying Friday gets here fast you can breath easy again. I'm playing catch up and putting out fires. Why can't Mondays be How are you doing? My body waited so long to O I had to take my temp and check my rhr....though I got no sleep last night, neither indicate impending O. And I posted my opks below so you all can see how hard my body is trying to release an egg. I'm not taking the conception stuff again...unless it gets me knocked up then I'll swear by it. :haha:

mrsmummy: Like Nix said, we feel that way too but are still trying. I know I rolled out of bed late last night sick to my stomach and pretty much had it with trying to get pregnant at 41. If not pregnant this cycle, the doc will have me go on break for ivf no doubt which may be what I need. And I welcome the 4 month wait but doing it will be a whole nother issue when O time comes around and hope starts to flutter in....:hugs: Understand totally.

Look at these beauties Cd16 evening, Cd17 fmu, this bad or good???


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Morning ladies,

FTale - they sure look like positives to me, time to get busy and catch that egg.

I don’t normally work weekends, but I was asked to do overtime to cover sick leave. I don’t do a whole weekend again. By the time Friday comes I will have worked 12 days in a row.

Well in 12DPO today. AF is due anytime between now and tomorrow. I don’t really feel anything, just my usual achy boobs. I’ve been so relaxed this cycle that I’ve almost enjoyed it lol
NixNax are you going to test or just wait to see if you are late? xxx
NixNax are you going to test or just wait to see if you are late? xxx

Hey Hun, I’m just going to wait and see. I hate seeing BFNs it’s too disheartening. AF AWLAYS arrives on either 12 or 13dpo. I’ll test on 14dpo if it hasn’t arrived by then
Nix: Man where did the time go? Praying for you girly!!

Michelle: How are you today?

Mrsmummy: You have plans too keep you occupied while you wait a spell for TTC?

Ladies I do not think I will O. Just have this feeling. Temps are not that interesting and my BBS ache slightly. Oh, we'll see doctor next cycle.
I know, this cycle has zoomed past.

Come on ovaries do your thing. You’ve only got one job to do! Lol
Nix: I took another test and the control line is trying to return to test. I will test again in the morning but yeah, thinking the surge is over. I guess this cycle is too?? Guess we'll know in 9 more days. :coffee:
Ah no, hopefully your temp picks up tomorrow. It’s really messing with you this month. Maybe you’ll get another surge in a few days and a beast of an ovulation. Got my fingers crossed for you.
Nix: HAHAHAAH....I cringed when I read Beast of an ovulation..hahaha....mine hurt like 'take me to hospital' hurt. I'm like 'nah, i'm good', I'll skip this mom :haha:

I do have one more day though cd19. Thats when I O'd to have my daughter maybe just maybe it will happen again. Will do nasty things to my hubby later just in case. :blush: (I'd probably do it no matter what :winkwink: )

You getting nervous? I am for you. Its like we are so anxious to test then the day comes and its like impending Armageddon or celebration time. :hugs: Bracing myself with you Nix.
Ha ha do nasty things :haha:

Now this could be completely related to the fact that I’ve been working so much, but the last 2 nights I’ve found myself having a 2 hr sleep, not a nap, a full blown sleep! I was supposed to be going swimming tonight but just woke up at 8pm! My nipples hurt as well as my bbs.

Ha now I’m getting nervous, but I’m sure AF will arrive. Although we’ve been BDIng like animals, they haven’t been successful (IYKWIM) :wacko:

Hoping 19 is your lucky number :flower:
What dpo are you Nixnax? I feel the same as you. Extremely tired and breasts and nipples hurt so bad (though not as bad as the last few days). Feel a little sick and have a weird taste in my mouth along with cramps. I assume I'm between 7 and 9dpo.
Hey Jessie, I’m 12DPO today. AF usually comes either today or tomorrow. No sign so far. I’m sure she will though
Nix: I live for sore nips and bbs every month but its a rarity for me. (I'm biting my nails right now in anticipation) I'm also downing a cider :haha: MEH....its been one of those cycles. :blush:

Keep us posted!!!

Jesse: I hope you get a surprise bfp!! Not feeling much is a sign in itself for some.:hugs:

Its taco tuesday in my house and we are slamming down some good stuff..:happydance:
I don’t really ever get sore nips. Used to get them at ovulation when I first came off BCP, but that stopped. I’m the last hour I’ve started getting very mild AF cramps so I think she’s on he way. I have a fruit cider in the fridge that I’ll be having tomorrow if she arrives.

We had tacos today as well, how funny is that.

Got my fingers crossed for you Jessie, keep us updated

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