TWW what will it lead to?

Nix: SMU today turned that test positive. Test line went as far away as it could and I'm sure would go farther tomorrow but I don't feel the need to test. I'm 5dpo (supposedly) and my levels are high enough for a good Ovulation. I shall relax now. Nix, please stay awake from black. What? Were you feeling Emo? :haha: I bet your hair is beautiful. You enjoy every last flippin minute of you time away this weekend. No posting on here just disappear my friend.:hugs:

Jessie: Oh, darn. I hope its not AF sneaking up on yah. I'm bout right tired of her at this point myself. I need to get a stress ball to stress when I think of AF. I hope she doesn't show for you :hugs:
Nix: SMU today turned that test positive. Test line went as far away as it could and I'm sure would go farther tomorrow but I don't feel the need to test. I'm 5dpo (supposedly) and my levels are high enough for a good Ovulation. I shall relax now. Nix, please stay awake from black. What? Were you feeling Emo? :haha: I bet your hair is beautiful. You enjoy every last flippin minute of you time away this weekend. No posting on here just disappear my friend.:hugs:

Jessie: Oh, darn. I hope its not AF sneaking up on yah. I'm bout right tired of her at this point myself. I need to get a stress ball to stress when I think of AF. I hope she doesn't show for you :hugs:

It's so hard not to test on a cheapie knowing I've still 5 left and AF is due Sunday lol! Praying she doesn't show for either of us! :hugs:
Nix I’m sorry this month wasn’t yours, keep doing what you’re doing, and enjoying the process too!! You’ll get there in the end xxxxx

FTale, I don’t feel great, this has been my least favourite pregnancy yet. I’m sick a lot, hormones are through the roof, I feel like I’m not even me anymore I’m just watching from the outside as this super bitch cries over mayonnaise, rice, and cries because she’s crying!
Work are being supportive, I think? My colleagues rather than my manager. They’ve taken me off night shifts and I’ve requested that I always work with another nurse as it’s difficult for me to be in charge of shift when I can’t have much patient contact etc. I think some of my patients are twigging too, like it’s very obvious my duties have changed, and people will say out loud ‘Michelle can’t do that ask someone else’ and I’m incredibly bloated, like 4 months pregnant looking so I’m trying to hide it but it’s hard!!!

MrsMummy hasn’t updated for a while, is she due to be on holiday now? Xxx
Michelle: Sweet goodness, sounds horrible. I hope when you reach 2nd trimester gets better. Nice of you coworkers to be there for you.

I'm not sure if mrsmummy is on holiday or not but is not ttc at the moment but will be in a bit.
Nix: How are you :flower: Please tell me you had a hoot of a time.

I mostly slept and did chores leisurely when I felt like opening my eyes..:haha:

Still in limbo about cycle. I posted to May thread again trying to get any guidance on positive opk and positive progesterone test. No biters so I will have to make a separate post. Maybe some one has been in my shoes that has advice.

Meanwhile, I wish I had cake to stuff my face with but my sis has me starting a grapefruit diet tomorrow and I'm too lazy to leave the house again.

Check in when you can no hurry, complete boredom over here :coffee:
Hey ladies, I’m back!

I had a lush weekend. Feel pretty tired from all the bike trails. I threw myself down some very steep hills and did a few jumps. Nearly came off around 100 times but managed to stay on the bike. The weather was amazing. Managed to get sunburnt despite putting factor 30 on loads. I blame my fathers ginger gene for that one lol. We stayed in beautiful Manor House in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t want to come back.

FTale- yay to the positive test, hopefully we’ll this your month and we’ll see some other positives. Ugh grapefruit, I can’t stand that. It’s too sharp for me. I actually managed to gain 1.5lbs this weekend. I think it’s water though. Trying to flush it out today.

Michelle - I’m glad work is getting better for you. Hope you start to feel better soon. They say every pregnancy is different, you’ll feel fine in one and like death warmed up up during another.

I’m just waiting for ovulation, that will be early next week. I’m on late shift this week so I’m glad it’s after that.
Nix: Hello,Hello! :flower:
HAHAHa....nearly fell off a 100 time ?? HEHEHEH. Sounds like you had a jolly time. :thumbup: Just reading your description of Manor House makes me want to gettaway there too. So very HAPPY you had a good whirl about doing something not ttc related.

As for me, you know, doing my usual getting ready to start AF routine. Neck cracking, super hungry, Super meanie pants, bfns galore....yeah, so not pregnant unless I'm not at the right dpo but 9dpo should be positive on osom and frer at this point.

I'm mostly mean and numb. :shrug: I didn't feel a REAL O this month anyhow so didn't know what to expect. Just curious as to when I'll start AF. I see RE on the 17th of this month. I don't want to though because..UGH all the money that we will get indebted to if she start treatment. We already have bills to pay. :dohh:

I have a lot of thinking to do.

Meanwhile, the grapefruit juice was yummy. Not too keen on actual eating of the fruit. Too much work:haha:

And YOU will get rid of water weight fast just by drinking more like you said.

Ok, I'm going to sneak a nap and then force myself to work more. I feel so blaaaaah....:sleep: (Good to have you back :blush: )
So CD34 and AF is 2 days late. Bfn ics. Tomorrow I will get a frer if no AF! My once off longest cycle was 35 days so we shall see!

Right now I'm tired just awake from an hour nap after only being awake from 9am so fell asleep at 1pm. Feel a bit nauseous. Having cramps on my right side and had an odd pulling sensation below my belly button the left. Weird that it's on opposite sides so thinking it's probably nothing. How's everyone doing?
FTale - I know what you mean about feeling numb. It’s gets to that point doesn’t it. The Manor House was amazing. The bath tub was in the bedroom so we could talk whilst bathing. It felt so ramantic. I wish I could go back. I didn’t think about TTC once.

Jesse - oh my I didn’t realise you were that far, got my fingers crossed for you. Post your test if you decide to do one, we love to look lines here.
I'll post my IC from earlier but it is as white as can be unfortunately :shrug:


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Aaaah rubbish. I really don’t like ICs they can take ages to show a line. Still got my fingers crossed for you
Hey Jesse how you doing? Did AF stay away?

FTale how you doing?

Man has this week been brutal in work. Roll on Friday.
Nix: Rubbish...I need to some thing to happen soon. AF, BFP...drunken night of debauchery :haha:

I don't think I'm going to see the end of this cycle till my RE appt. which is next week. I was going to be done with it well before but now it looks like I'll be smack dab in the middle of bleeding.

I've been super hungry and knock out tired in crazy spurts. I do know my ovaries released enough progesterone to make my progesterone test go no doubt about it positive for ovulation....but when the heck did I O?:shrug:

I'm jelly that you are already getting pass AF. :blush:

How are you feeling? Last cycle was so diff for you. I'm excited to hear how this one goes. I know for myself water is key. For some reason I'm not drinking enough of it but my wee still looks hydrated..hhhmmm

Do you have anymore runs coming up?

Jessie: How goes it? Did you get the FRER, not sure if you mentioned it in the May thread?
Sorry I’ve been MIA work has been so busy. I’ve been leaving at almost midnight each night this week. I’ve been sleeping all day.

Ha ha the drunken night sounds like a good idea to me.

I really hope you’ve caught the egg this month and there will be no bleeding.

I’m cd10 today so am just entering my fertile window. We’ve had no BDing all week because of work. And out every night this weekend as well so will need to get some morning BDing in.

I’ve got the 10k race this weekend. I haven’t been able to train for 2 weeks because I hurt my knee the last time I did the 10k as a dry run. Fingers crossed for Sunday.

So glad it’s bloody Friday, this week has done me in big time
Amen, sister! FRI-DAY..up to my neck in work but glad to be bloody done with the week essentially. :happydance: Too bad payday is on Tuesday grrrr...hahah

Temp dropped so its over but gave it all I had, you know? :cry::coffee: onwards and upwards.

Many props for doing the run this weekend. Sending you energy and feel good vibes!:hugs:
Oh no that’s a big drop as well. I’m sorry, this really sucks. Have a good few cold ciders this weekend.

Payday is over 3 weeks away for me yet. I need it now lol.

Thanks for the luck, I’m gonna need it. I’m aiming for under an hour but we’ll see.

My boss is buying us all pizza tonight because it’s been such a horrid week. I can class that as carb loading right?!
Hi ladies,

So i'm new to this side of the site I didn't realize you all already had a 2ww thread going on when I made I will join you alls and i'd like to say Goodluck ladies!!

Myself so far:
0-1 dpo- nothing
2dpo-lower cramps in abdomen, creamy cm ( a little), nausea, and sore breast, a lot of urinating ( but I drink a lot of water)
3po- a.m. cramps in abdomen, lower back pain on right side, a.m. headache, creamy cm ( a lot), really sore bbs ( they were really sore lastnight while sleeping, a lot of urinating (again I drink a lot of water) pm(bad cramps and pressure)
4dpo- stuffy nose(started lastnight), sneezing, slight cramping, a lot of creamy cm (am), breast tender not as bad as yesterday, slight headache,fatigue
5dpo-slightly nauseous, tender bbs and they itch and slight cramping a lot of lotion/creamy cm,gassy, and heartburn, pm headache, frequent urination...
Hey mommy (feels strange saying that). Welcome to the TWW. I’m not in the TWW yet, but we stay on this thread all month. I’m going to ovulated in the next 3-4 days.

Hoping you luck this cycle. How long have you been trying? I’m on cycle 11 now.
Hey mommy (feels strange saying that). Welcome to the TWW. I’m not in the TWW yet, but we stay on this thread all month. I’m going to ovulated in the next 3-4 days.

Hoping you luck this cycle. How long have you been trying? I’m on cycle 11 now.

Hi lol yea I know it sounds funny. I have a 5 and 7 year old which is how I came up with it but I'm on cycle 7 and i'm really hoping this is my month. I 'm thinking of testing on Monday as i'll be 8dpo but i'm also super nervous because I become a POAS addict. Good luck I hope your next cycle is it!! i'll be tagging along with you all :hugs:

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