TWW what will it lead to?

DH was a natural with the kids, well until they started carrying them he had a look of sheer panic on his face lol.

Just 5 working days to go. I’m on the late shift this week. Which sucks a bit, but after this weekend the long lie in this morning was much needed.

How you doing lovely?

Carrying them? I didn't get that part lol

You had spotting? Are you ok? Was it alot or more like IB? IB can be a good sign if we early pregnancy. How are you feeling?

I am feeling tip top after doing exercise for the first time yesterday. It's a 7 minute blast of cardio moves but it makes me feel so alive. Getting ready to do it now before work. Then Tonight my hubby starts our 30 day walking routine again by video. He loves it but I will have to initiate because he is a procrastinator like me :haha:

FX we get some good news when you test!!:thumbup:
Haha yep, he was carrying and entertaining them. He looked so cute.

Well kind of spotting. I had one wipes worth of pink Cm. Other than that I can’t say that I feel any different. Af is due on Saturday, so still ages away yet.

Yay well done on the walking. I’ve been doing a 2 mike run every other day. I’m supposed to be doing it this evening but I really can’t be bothered. I had a really rubbish nights sleep last night as I woke up at 2:10 am to find a spider on my face!! I leapt out of bed and made DH get rid of it. After that I couldn’t settle again. HATE spiders
Haha yep, he was carrying and entertaining them. He looked so cute.

Well kind of spotting. I had one wipes worth of pink Cm. Other than that I can’t say that I feel any different. Af is due on Saturday, so still ages away yet.

Yay well done on the walking. I’ve been doing a 2 mike run every other day. I’m supposed to be doing it this evening but I really can’t be bothered. I had a really rubbish nights sleep last night as I woke up at 2:10 am to find a spider on my face!! I leapt out of bed and made DH get rid of it. After that I couldn’t settle again. HATE spiders

Hells to the NO!! I would not be able to go back to sleep either. Goodness.

I hope you have a great holiday no mater what June brings. I'm personally happy AF has left the building so hubby and can be intimate again. Feels like ages because of IUI we didn't do any thing for a month.

This weekend is my suppose O weekend. Will be weird to let it go by without TTC.

I'm just hoping to get a Thursday romp in since our schedules are open.

We'll get some good sleep. I
It was bloody horrible. I stripped the bed and made DH sleep that side last night lol.

Just have some fun, without the pressure, you never know what may happen.

I can’t seem to get my backside out of bed this week. Yesterday and today I’ve not got up until gone 11am. I feel zonked
Nix: 9 and 10 dpo is when most pregger women start feeling the hcg/progesterone weigh them down. Man if only!! Keep checking back for a bfp for you. Its going to happen. :thumbup: I hope your shifts aren't too bad in the mean time. Holiday in a few more days. :happydance:
I’m really trying not think about it. I might test on Friday or sat just so I know the score before I go away.

I’m going to go for run now, just a cheeky 2 miles on my lunch break. It’s boring having lunch this late. No one is around.
Nix:You run outside at night??? Or in a gym. Only test if you want. Either way, you know hubby will be nailing ya. I wish I could get mine to be that Randy. Oh, and then whatever else you get into. HAVE FUN!! I wish I was on a real holiday soon. Maybe next year.

Seriously???? I am only cd8 and I feel like my bad ovary is trying to release an egg. So unfortunate. Couldn't be a healthy one. Or maybe it is ....pffft who knows with my old butt :haha:

Ok better go finish cleaning up the kitchen. Hugs girly!!
It was only 6pm when I did the run. So wasn’t too bad. I try not to run in the dark, but in winter that’s kinda hard.

Ugh he’d have it all day everyday if he could. I have to tell him no sometimes as I just need to sleep and recover lol.

Ooo come on ovary, hope it gives you a good healthy egg. Even if it’s just one every once in a while that’s a bonus.

My kitchen at home it’s a state. When I’m working lates DH likes to make a right mess, I spend my mornings cleaning it. I won’t be tomorrow though, I’ll be getting my hair done. Love a fresh hair do
Nix: Good deal. I think you had to reassure me before that you don't generally run in the dark but true in winter not much choice due to your work schedule.

And yeah, I'm ovulating. Dang egg. Its happened so fast. I was all 'in the mood ' last night like uncontrollably but I held myself back. I thought I had wet or ewcm but didn't check because we are not trying. He even offered some up last night though he really was planning on going at it tonight. I was like 'nah, I'm goo'..I was SOOOO lieing :haha: He was tired from work and I promised not to be that pushy ttcer I once was.

But now that I know I'm laying an egg here soon I have to keep myself from demanding that he dtd right away. Gotta keep it sexy still. :blush:

Your hubby is a trip. I laugh so hard everytime when you mention what a 'rabbit like' he is.

Sorry about the kitchen though. I just finished. It was like some one dumped garbage from a restraint in there.

Alright, I'll be stalking you!!
Ah you should have gone for it. You don’t get that kind of offer every day. Even if it’s just for ‘fun’. You are strong I can tell you that. When I’m
Ovulating I can’t leave poor DH alone. I have restrained myself a bit over the past few months so its not obvious.

He’s a rabbit that doesn’t require batteries, just needs feeding every now and then lol

I’m up mega early today for some reason, so I’m about to hit our kitchen. It looks disgusting, may take a while.

In bed last night my left nipple was hurting like hell. Just the covers on it was painful. I get sore nips a lot but boy this time it’s really telling me. All the pain is in my left boob, my right doesn’t give a damn
Ah, the burning nip. FX the other one joins in soon.
I'm sorry you woke early. We're you feeling awake? I know with my pregnancies I always woke early and hated it. Was like sitting up in bed feeling totally refreshed after an hour of sleep. And you don't want to be awake lol.

OMG..last night we made some attempts at DTD. NIX it was so funny. So many things went wring leading up to it. Then the actual moment was kill over laughable. It was so funny and bad I can't write on here. That is phone in private only. ROFL. Let's just say we gave it our all and put us down with a 5% chance of conceiving.

We know it's a shot in the dark but like you and your hubby we know it will happen. Well hell, it's suppose to at least!! :haha:

And my best friend graciously took our daughter to stay with her the rest of the week so we can have some alone time. We plan to make the most of it. I can't wait for him to get home from work so we can aimlessly wonder around town together.

And yes, I am biting my nails waiting for Saturday to get here so you can test. Do u have any tests ? I don't. Can't justify buying any either... specially after last night..heheh.

Ok better quit and get back to work. Catch you later
Yes strangely I’ve felt dead on my feet every morning this week. But today I was up and awake at 7am. I tried to go back to sleep but nope, ping, I was awake, no chance. I can normally sleep for England lol.

Oh my days this sounds amazing. At least you had fun doing it, that’s the main thing. Taking the routine out of it and putting the fun back in. You need that sometimes. And having no little one for the a couple of days adds even more fun to mix. Some much needed couple time.

Ugh I’m feeling like I may have a yeast infection or something coming today. I don’t need that for holiday lol. Poor DH. Hoping it clears itself up over today tomorrow.

I don’t have any tests no. I’m thinking of not testing and just seeing if AF arrives. If it doesn’t then we can test together on holiday and make it a special moment
Nix: I sure hope its a baby and not a yeast infection. Testing together once you missed AF is something to do hands down. I think that is a great way to do it. I shall adopt it too if you don't mind. I always start on cd15 of a cycle. I will just wait till the morning of and test with him whenever we are really at it again. If its bfn, you have some one to hold you. If its bfp, you have some one to high five. :thumbup:

YES!! it is couples time! He seems so into me for some reason lately. I better sneak in some exercise so I'm all toned for later.

Oh, and I had a rough day at work but my mood is picking up. I don't know how you do it in IT some times. You are so sweet to chat with but not the case with most IT people (not all...just some).

Ok, time for some aerobics. Hugs
I don’t think it is a yeast infection now, it was slightly itchy earlier but I think it’s just super dry Cm.

That’s definitely the way to do it I think. I think DH would actually be offended if I tested without him. All my previous tests in the past are secret of course lol.

Ha really, make the most of it and enjoy it. It’s doesnt happen often. Be like teenagers all over again. That’s lush.

Awww thanks lovely, I’m only one of 3 technical women in my company. It’s a very male dominated environment. I can be one of the guys at times too lol.

I had a pretty awful day at work as well. My car broke down on the way there. Dead battery! Typical. Just 2 working days left, just two working days left (my new mantra)

I feel pretty good this month, almost confident about TTC, but I’m sore my hopes will be dashed. I’m having one of those months where I have loads of symptoms going on. Some months.... nothing! Then this month..... loads. Argh hurry up weekend
Good grief. We both had bad days and my hubby's battery died on him too as he tried to drive home. Luckily some one had some cables to help him out:dohh: . We need to get out of this funk. Make up for it with a good bit of partying this weekend. My hubby is on night shift on Thursdays but come Friday and Saturday night we are going continue pretending that we don't have any responsibilities :haha:

I am finally starting to feel sleepy again. I had a naughty slice of cake and before then buttery popcorn. Maybe that was the key to catching some zzzz. My hubby is already snoring away.

I hope you have a better shift tomorrow.

Omg that’s so funny. My DH left for work this morning and came back after 5 mins, his battery was flat! He did leave his interior light on all night though. How funny is that lol.

Good plan. Our weekend will consist of packing and travelling, but come Monday it’ll be sunshine and cocktails or maybe mocktails in my case.

I normally sit up for an hour after work and wind down with cuppa but last night I had to go straight to bed, I had a horrible headache. My Cm is quite yellow today which is unusual for me. Never had yellow before! Do you ever get that?

Ugh can this TWW wait be over now please
I almost bought a test on my shopping trip then, but was good and didn’t lol.

One thing I did see that was interesting though, our pharmacy does an ‘at home’ sperm test. Never seen those before. Is a cassette test one line poor quality, 2 lines good quality! I’m intrigued
Hi ladies. In my endless restlessness during this 2ww I found this thread this morning.
Wondering if I could possibly join the thread. Looks as though we started trying the same time last Sept. I skipped the middle part of the thread... But think my journey has been a little different... though we are all here right now still TTC.
I was fortunate to concieve in Sept... But lost that baby at 8.5wks Oct19. Then caught it again only to have that baby taken from me at 21wks on March 28. It has been a extremely challenging roller coaster but here we are.

This is the first cycle trying after losing our sweet boy.

I feel like our cycles are very closely synced Nixnax. I'm on CD20 of 27/28 typically. I am also approx 10dpo, though hard to know for sure. I don't temp, just app track and dip. AF is due on the 28th and I'm hoping it stays away.

I'm sorry you ladies have had such a long hard struggle the last while. I'm hoping to share my obsessive symptom spotting with you here too if you'd have me :flower:
Hey wish, welcome, of course you can join us. We appear to be long term thread and anyone is welcome.

I’m sorry to hear about your losses, that must have been awful. Big hugs.

I’m due af on sat, I 9 times out of 10 have my period come on 13dpo. So my cycles are 26 days.

Come join our madness. We do have a bit of a laugh here, need something to pass our TTC time lol.
Awesome! Thanks so much :happydance:

I feel so absolutely run down tired today... probably cause I haven't been able to fall asleep and have been woken naturally by my body waaay too early as well but just wide awake. Probably a little bit of stress too from having my first day back at work next week also.
Feeling pretty nauseated too though. Fingers crossed but also not feeling overly pregnant so trying to not get my hopes up too high.

How are you doing today?

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