TWW what will it lead to?

NIX: Oh no!! I hope she is comfy and safe in the hospital now. That had to be a horrible experience for you both. And I'm sure with her dh didn't feel too good knowing she was in all that pain and he didn't know.

When will you know if she needs surgery? You going to be ok? That was a jolt of unexpected emotional stress. HUGS
Hey, I heard from her not long ago. She’s at home and recovering. Still in a lot of pain. They’ve pumped her full of good drugs. I don’t know the full hospital story yet, I’ve told her to rest up and I’ll talk to her tomorrow. She must be shattered after dragging herself back into the house and howling for 2hours. It’s amazing what our bodies can do when survival instinct kicks in. She knew she had to crawl in to get help. It’s a long crawl from her garden to the house. Bless her.

I’ve been a bit emotional today. Just listening to her in that pain and her screaming. It’s awful to hear anyone in that state. Her poor DH feels guilty but he wasn’t to know bless him. He’s taken the night off to look after her.

Gonna go home and snuggle up to my DH tonight when I get out of work. Need a big hug.

Certainly took my mind off of TTC today lol
Nix: :hugs: there's my hug.

I'm praying her healing happens fast and solid. Goodness...and no more pain. Only so much a person can take. Good of her dh to take the night off with her too. Good man.

Well, I'm full of pizza and have to work again tonight. So I'm going to vedge a bit.

Get some good rest when you get home. :flower:
Thanks for the big hug.

I got straight into bed last night and snuggled with DH. I slept for a good 10hours. It was very much needed.

I have a half day at work today so I can watch England in the World Cup semi final, and a half day tomorrow so it’s all looking good.

I’ve managed to lose 7lbs since getting back from hols last weds. I’ve been very strict with my food. And have been tracking everything. It’ll slow down now, but I’m off to a good start.

How are you today?
Nix: Good go! I want some of that sleep. Kiddos for dropping some lbs. So hard to do.

I just finished working and then working out... all showered and pooped.

Today was rough with work but one more day and the stress will done with.
It’s been really easy actually. I’ve been livin on salad as it’s been so hot here.

I was naughty last night and had Chinese after the match. It was soooo nice.

Had a tiny dot of bright red on tp yesterday again! I’m not thinking too much into it. I had that happen last month and AF arrived.

Other than that there isn’t a lot going on, I can wait for this week to be over. I’m up early today as the car needs to be in the garage for 8:30 to be fixed. I need sleep
NIX: Hope your car is alright. I need sleep too. I want to sleep right now but I can't, working.

I hope it means IB. FX
I should get the car back today. It’s all happened at the wrong time. I have a big surprise cake to pick up for DHs birthday tomorrow and need to do loads of shopping for it. I’ll really excited about the cake, I’ll send you pic of it at the weekend.

Soooooo glad it’s finally Friday, I thought this week would never end lol.

How you doing?
YAY!! bday cake...num num. Will you have a party or just pub crawl? Making a fancy dinner? I wish I was there...yeah, it'd be for the cake...hahaha I'm cheating right now eating blonde fav.

AND YES I still have the blimin brussel sprouts to eat. Just got to find black licorice. I forget everytime I go out but my hubby is making me do it...LOL He is the reason why I even have brussels. He was like 'eh, aren't you suppose to be getting some brussel sprouts'...UGH..hahaha For all the things they DON"T remember or hear us say. :dohh:

In other news. I've been strength training and doing cardio all at my own pace. Found a cheap workout app on my phone and committed myself to being a better me. I'm old and I don't want to die fat. I want to do it with a fit body in a bikini....:haha:

Not really just want to be healthy with a cute butt :blush:

I do a workout designed for men on my phone at 7pm sharp then 30 min of treadmill. My hubby took one look my workout app and said 'Nope'.

So I'm all on my own but I feel sooooo good. My muscles are burning. So much so til I don't like wearing clothes that fit even a little nug. I get so hot fast. I feel meaty when I walk about though. Like I'm a balloon wearing clothes. I think my hubby said muscle is growing and fat shrinking is why.

On the TTC front, meh :shrug: I'm sure I'll O some time in the next 7 days. I have a feeling it will happen too fast for me to do my IUI. I'm watching the opk but with Clomid they turn positive way before you O. I'm hoping I can hold out until my scan Monday to see what is going with my ovaries. I'll laugh if I havent grown ANY eggs...:haha: Just my luck.

But hey I feel so good!! No matter what I'm going to keep exercising. Getting results has really changed how I feel about so many things.

Ok I'm gabbing too much.

Well we are going to a cider factory for a tour and tasting session (yes please), then we are checking into a VERY expensive spa hotel for the night. Then going out for a posh meal. Then on Sunday, we are going to his mums house for the cake. She’s on her own so I wanted to include her. It’s going to be a great weekend.

Ah fair play to you. Well done. Losing weight will hopefully help with fertility as well. Ha ha I love the fact your hubby said nope to the exercise, it must be brutal.

Ohhhhhh yeeeeah, i’d forgotten about the licorice and sprouts. Get chomping lol. Ha I really like your hubby

Ugh I know what you mean, it’s only my holiday clothes that fit me as I had to buy bigger clothes to go with. I feel like a 10lb turkey in a 5lb bag most of the time. I’m not exercising but I’m eating right. It’s getting there, we just have to keep trying. If we have a bad day, draw a line and start again the next day.

Oh I hope your body behaves and it’s all timed perfectly. Hopefully you’ve got some good mature eggs there ready to go.

Yay it’s your favourite day, I’d forgotten about that. What will you be watching?

I’ve been a bit naughty this month and have stopped all of my vitamins. I that because of my holiday. I’m wondering if my cycle will go back to short 25 days?! I will start taking it all again when AF arrives
Wish: I'm sorry, I don't know how I missed this post. My dd party was a hit. Had tons of fun and too many sweets but she was a happy camper.

How are you doing? Have you tested again?

We decided not to bother with IVF. With the new doctor it was going to be hard and the IVF itself I was being made to get ultra approved for because of my incompetent cervix. So my husband and I decided to through caution against the wind and just finish off our IUIs we have left. So I'm in the start of IUI#3 no injectables just clomid. I am still exercising and eating healthy. Feeling stronger than I look :haha: But what is most is we are happy and planning so much to do togther. I feel like we have a new lease on life.

Nix: :hugs: Get some new outfits! Greek dresses or some thing. And eat all the yummy food.

Sorry I'm so behind. It's been a crazy bit of time and I'm so tired I'm napping every chance I get.

I'm sorry. What is an IUI?
I am glad you guys are planning lots together and finding a great connection.
Whatever you do to TTC I wish you all the luck in the world!
Ok. I caught all up.

WELCOME BACK NIX :happydance: I am so glad that you had a fab holiday. It sounds like the things that dreams are made of. I love that you guys got away again after you got home and really used :winkwink: all your time off :thumbup: I wish we were so close to all of the European adventures! Good for you for taking a real break from TTC. I am confident it will help you with the battle. I hope it is over for you soon! :baby: :hugs:

Yes! You did see a :bfp: announcement. :happydance: apparently we have figured this part out... but it is kind of useless if one won't stick. So I'm just trying (and failing often) to stay positive. It's a scary time, but I've been to my Dr. And she has done the blood and urine tests (though hasn't called with results... I assume it is good then) have a dating ultrasound booked for July 30th (8weeks)... I've had traumatic experiences with the scans though. Babies were not growing first and second pregnancy. So I'm trying to just visualize this one growing full and strong and healthy. FX my hubby will be home for the scan. He works away and often can't come home for them. Especially if he is 6 or 8 hrs away at a job. :cry: there is so much gping on the next month or so i really hope this job finishes up for him in time for the 28th. My Aunt is getting married that day, then the scan on the 30th. He is already missing a wedding this weekend and I feel badly for him. But one of my besties is going to be my date as her fiance is working away as well.

Anyways. Enough about me. I'm hoping some drunken shenanigans created a little :baby: for you Nix! Never know :winkwink: I am Happy to also have you back.

FTale. I am so happy to hear you and your hubby have made the commitment to spend more time together. It is really the best gift we can give a relationship isn't it?
Also cudos on working out and getting stronger! That's awesome! I am struggling with the bulge too. I needed to buy larger shorts this year again. And was squeezing into (uncomfortably) one old pair... but now they don't even fit. Don't really want to go buy more but it's so hot out. I have lots of cute fit and flair sundresses but my belly didn't really go down a whole lot after last pregnancy (it's only been a few months) so when I wear them I just look pregnant again (Like further along) I'm sad I'll miss out on the excitement of seeing the early bump arise. I feel like ill be self conscious of people looking at my belly and thinking I'm further along than I am... or not believing it's a "bump" because I am just over weight. My arms bother me most tbh. I don't like how thick they have gotten. You can kind of dress to hide a belly but I get so hot I need tanks and then my big arms are just out.

Nix I am so sorry to hear about your mom! Man. That must have been a horrible feeling!!! So helpless. I hope she is recovering well. I'm sure there will be some lasting fears from that. We have something called lifeline or something. It's a wearable button you can push that connects you with a dispatcher who can call family or ambulance, police ect. If you don't answer after pushing button you just get everyone there asap. Might be worth looking into ?

Ok. I have to actually get out of bed and find some food and decide which dress I'll wear today. My friend date is a tiny little young thing so it doesn't really matter. I'll look like a whale regardless :haha:

Sending you ladies all the Baby dust and hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Hey wish, ah yay I’m so excited for you. I completely understand your worry. I hope that’s a good strong bean that will finally give you your rainbow baby.

I hear ya on the “bulge”. I hate my arms too. I put on a few lbs over the weekend after losing a fair bit. For our holiday I had to buy a whole summer wardrobe of bigger clothes. I needed to feel comfortable and although I hated having bigger clothes, I didn’t feel fat in them.

It was DHs birthday this weekend. We had such a great weekend, I completely spoiled him and he loved it. I bought him a cake which I have attached. My friend handmade it. She did such an amazing job it, I was really pleased with it.

I’m not sure where I am, I’m either 10/11DPO I don’t really have much going on except for constipation. I’ve been constipated for 4 days now. My boobs usually start hurting around 8dpo but that hasn’t happened. Just letting time rock by.

Hope you ladies have a fabulous Monday


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I'm glad you got some clothes you can be comfortable in. I hate buying burgers sizes too but it is worth it to not feel horrible the whole summer.

Oh my! That cake is AMAZING!! My DH would die for that cake too! He is really into dirtbiking and recently switched from Husaberg to KTM (though they are the same company now) how cool! Do you ride Also?

I'm glad you got to spoil him. Happy belated birthday to him.
OH and constipation was on of my early signs. Cause I'm usually a really regular lady... So that was unusual for me. Fx for you!
Ah really? No I do t ride, DH does though. He takes part in races. More for fun than to actually race. Fair play to him. Some of the races he’s done are death defying.

AF is due tomorrow I believe. I got home at 4:30 today from work and had to get into bed for a nap. I was yawning by lunch time today. Feeling really wiped. That could be because it’s my first time getting up early for work in over a month. It’s been a bit of a shock to the system. Fingers crossed AF doesn’t arrive tomorrow
Oooh that's so amazing. We follow the races (hard endure scene) and would love to come and watch some one day. I got my DH a coaching session with Chris Birch in NZ when we were there on holiday years ago. Was so neat! I don't ride because I'm a mega clutz and would likely kill myself. I've had 3 serious accidents on ATV (quads) so ive decided to take a break from them for a while.

Oooh I'm hoping that the fatigue is another symptom for you! You are right. It could be the adjustment back to work but it can also be from sending all your energy to growing a little something. FX for You! Well absolutely everything crossed for you.
Hi Ladies!!!
I'm still here. Just bogged down by work. Tomorrow won't be much of a break either but I'm taking off Thursday and Friday. I will catch up more then.

Right quick though, constipation and tiredness are big preggy signs, NIX! I'm so excited to see what you test!

Wish, we share the same fears. I'm afraid no one will even know when I'm pregnant until I'm about 7 months along.

So much more to gab about but need sleep:hugs:
I was thinking of buying my DH some coaching sessions for his birthday next year. I never know what to get him as he can buy anything he likes. I like to buy him things to do. This year I bought him and F1 driving experience.

No worries FTale we’ll still be here lol. Hope you have a lovely couple of days off.

I had to got to bed after work for 1.5 hrs again yesterday. We’ll see, I don’t like to get my hopes up.

FF says to test today, but I’m only on cd26. Af usually arrives on cd27. I put a rough ovulation in to give me ball park dpo count. So if she doesn’t arrive tomorrow then I’ll most likely test on cd28
FTale- ugh. Hope you make it through work week in one piece. We will catch up soon.
I have my first 8hr shift back at work today and of course had the worst sleep ever. Was so hot and so stormy lastnight... yesterday I slept till 9am then went back to sleep after breakfast till 130 and was still tired all day. Now I have no sleep and a full shift. Ugh. I'm going to die lol.

Nix - I understand you not wanting to get your hopes up but these naps and such are sounding promising! FX and baby dust coming your way. :happydance:

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