TWW what will it lead to?

Mmmm that sounds just like what I need. I had Kentucky chicken instead. But both work.

Thank you. I’m slight on self destruct mode, I’m having a few ciders and trying to deal with it. This cycle has been the thoughest yet.

Oh well on to the next
Oh Nix, I wish I could drive to Bristol and give you a big hug however I was in autopilot after getting home from walking the dog and poured myself a rum and coke.... plus it is late so i wouldn’t get there til we’ll after midnight. :kiss:

Guys, I’m not kidding, the tiredness I’m feeling is phenomenal. It is probably due to stress but in my head I’m thinking what if....
needs- I literally fell asleep on my desk while doing work today. I'm generally a tired person, but need to be in a bed or on a couch.

I'm sure it's just because I am stressed and have a ton of work to do, but I keep wondering... AF is due in 4 days. I feel like I should get an accurate test tomorrow with FMU. Not getting my hopes up, but this symptom spotting is a crazy thing! This can't all be in my head!
Hey all. Got my FX for those of us testing soon.
And my heart wrapped around you NIX.
AFM:I'm recovering in bed from a nasty slip and fall on my porch. Darn near broke my ring finger. My ring won't even fit. I'm slowly getting better as work is in the morning. What a day. The funny/ironic thing is my finger is so smashed up it looks pregnant.. little finger tip the fat knuckle and lower finger...maybe it's a sign lol.

Either way will be one first get typing on my cell for a bit. So excuse the typos.
I’m actually tipsy on one small drink. Anyone that would know me would think that is absolutely hilarious and think I was having them on. Could be related to the tiredness and stress.

As for my skin, it’s gone so oily and covered in pimples that I have had to go buy some medicated cream. Well beyond the normal cosmetic type stuff. I’m prone to acne my spots start developing post ovulation however not to this extent and this quickly. However.... still could be stress.

When I experience severe stress I end up having stuff like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloating, bowel disturbances, excessive sleeping, strong cravings, abdominal cramps. So, I’m going to totally be extra over everything I feel.
Needs - where are from? Good on ya on the run and coke.

FTale - oh no, I hope you haven’t done too much damage.

AFM - im stupidly drunk and going to bed as I have work at 7:30am. I’ve been on self destruct mode today and that’s silly because of work tomorrow. Wish me luck
Ladies. Those bevies sound lovely. I can't seem to stay awake for the life of me lately. Sat and Sun I was asleep more than awake and still feel tired.
K-I was kidding off in chairs and everywhere the week and half before my bfp so FX for you. And everyone for that matter.

FTale- ouch! How miserable that must feel. I hope it heals fast. Have you got it splinted?

Nix. Still sending hugs your way! :hugs:

Now that I've woken from my 2nd nap of the day at 16:15 I'm starving and craving Chinese food. Going to order some fat noodles and ginger beef. Hubby is still away at work. Hope he gets home Friday so he can come with to my Aunts wedding and our dating ultrasound on Monday and also for the vacay to the mountains with all our friends. Oilfield wife life means attending all these things alone if there is a job going and him missing out. It's too bad so I have FX he can finish the job in time.
Needs - where are from? Good on ya on the run and coke.

AFM - im stupidly drunk and going to bed as I have work at 7:30am. I’ve been on self destruct mode today and that’s silly because of work tomorrow. Wish me luck

Currently living in the east of England. Decided to try out the moving country malarkey.

We all go through the self destruct mode when we don’t get what we wish for. Be kind to yourself.
Needs: I hope you test positive.:hugs:

Nix: Praying your head doesnt hurt too badly. Get some caffiene. Get through this shift and get some sleep. :hugs:

Wish: Oh yes, very difficult living apart like that for long stints. Then going to company outtings alone. I hope he comes home soon as well. You have me wanting Poutine and chinese noodles :blush:

AFM: Finger is splinted. Hubby got me one that came with a finger ice splint pack so I can go back and forth between the two. I am going to test starting on Thursday and see what develops.:coffee:
Oooh so exciting FTale. Have my everything crossed for you. And hope that finger heals fast :hugs:
Hey ladies, oh boy was I rocking a hangover this morning. I even skived off work. Naughty me. Was much needed though and my head it is in a much better place today.

FTale- I hope your finger gets better soon. And I’m. Looking forward to your tests this week. This has to be your month, it has to be.

Needs - ah to change country, that would be amazing. I will retire outside of the uk, that’s for sure.

Wish - ah that must be so hard DH not being around. Hope e gets to do all of the exciting stuff with you.
:hugs::hugs: to you Nix

I need alcohol tonight to help me cope with work stress. I’m now off for the next few days. Luckily, I know enough about medication to contact the duty GP and get some as required medication. Normally, th done I asked for is given to those under the age of 18 or those at risk of addiction but I asked for that because I don’t want any of the potentially addictive stuff no matter how small the dose. Plus it is safe in pregnancy.... in fact it is prescribed for nausea in pregnancy. So at least I will be happily out of it for the next day or two.

I’ve decided to keep a DPO diary of symptoms until AF shows just Incase I am pregnant so I will be able to use it for comparison in the future.

Biggest change I’ve noticed is the last 2 nights my dog has slept in my bedroom. She never sleeps in my bedroom.
NIX: Glad you got some extra sleep in. :hugs:

I am still going to be testing soon but it feels like an ordinary cycle to me. But I totally appreciate your hope for me. It would be amazing. I can't even image what it would be like at this point.

Needs: They say pets know first. FX!!
Needs- That's a neat development! My dogs are uninterested in me lol.

Also, I woke up certain that Aunt Flo is coming any day now. Due in 3 days, had some cramping this morning (nothing I needed to take anything for, but it was there) and still some breast tenderness. I see no other changes taking place in my body so I'm 95% sure I'm out. :( will know for sure in a few days.

I use an app to track my period and this cycle (because I thought there might have been an accident around ovulation) I've been tracking literally every single symptom. Hopefully it will help in the future.

I know we weren't trying, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed! A baby would be a welcome addition to our little family of furballs. lol
Kroert: Hugs. I feel you. I pray when it's time you won't have to wait long.:hugs:
:hugs::hugs: to you Kroert

The dog slept in my bedroom again last night. Also, I think I’ve had some bowel changes but I’m not 100%. Usually when I’m stressed I go so much I need to take something to slow things down but I don’t remember going all that much yesterday. Even my normal pace is about 3 times a day. I’m going to watch that more closely today.
Well, I left the door open to my bedroom and the cat has decided to make himself at home in my bed as I work. While I'd like to believe he's near me because I'm pregnant, in reality its because he likes my soft blanket.:haha:

Ladies I have an urge to start stupidly testing at 5dpo. I always want to when I don't feel pregnant. As if testing early will change that. :dohh:

I'm holding off. Going to dive back into work deeply and hope I don't waste a test.

Wish: You got me thinking Poutine! Can't get it out of my head. I'm making it tonight.

HUGs All...catch you later
Oh ladies. The TWW really plays with ones head... doesn't it. Right now I'm in the wait for my dating scan and that is playing with me. My skin has started clearing up, and as much I want to be happy I'm worried it's my hormones going away? (Could also be my charcoal soap I've been using :haha:)
Right now I've decided I envy men at this point. They get all the fun and don't have to stress about every little thing their body does from TTC through pregnancy. :dohh:

FTale- I can understand the need to pos :haha: I still have the urge now and then to remind myself it's real :blush: hope you can hold out a little longer so you don't have the bfn stress from just purely testing too early. I so hope you caught one this month. Have all my things crossed for you.
Also... I need poutine now too... pulled pork poutine to be exact. Lol. May have to go for lunch. :thumbup:

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Oh also! Apparently it's the time my body decides it doesn't like coffee but prefers tea in the AM... which is ok tbh cause then I can have more than one cup in a day. :coffee:
Hey ladies. Nowt to report from this end really. CD3 an dying for fumble so DH is getting it tonight lol. Whether he likes it or not.

FTale - NO!! No testing yet, it’s too early. Don’t do it to yourself lady. How is your preggo finger doing? Mmmm poutine. You got me hungry now

Wish - all of my friends who have recently been pregnant have had beautiful clear skin. Hopefully you’re reaching that stage now. Hope you get your date for the scan soon.

Needs- 3 times a day?? Say what?? I’m lucky if I go 3 times per week. Last week when I was constipated I went once in 6 days. The amount of rubbish I can eat as well, I should be more regular, but it’s just not there. TMI LOL

Kroert I hope AF Stays always I’ve seen so many people on the July board be late with AF this month. There must be something in the water. Hoping you are late and that it’s because you’re preggo.

Bbq for dinner tonight, loves me a bbq.
Nix, I actually feel really ill if I only go once a day and I need to drink a lot of juice to counteract it.

So I’ve actually gone twice today however I have been drinking waaaaay more juice than I normally do. About a liter a day. That would normally give me a pretty explosive result.

Also, the pinching sensation is getting pretty sharp at times and it is in the one spot. While my head was initially saying it’s probably ibs however ibs pain typically moves for me and this has constantly been in the one spot.

Skin is still super oily.

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