TWW what will it lead to?

LOL Mrsmummy!! Adjust holiday!!

I hope you won't have to. Sweet smelling cm could be a sing or you've maybe eaten loads of sugar :shrug:

FX!! AF stays away
Yeah I’m with FTale move the holiday.

My temp is dropping ready for AF. All my hopes are pinned on you now mrsmummy
:rofl: will definitely move the holiday! Its only butlins anyway, so not a huge deal. Plus ive only paid £40 so far.

Oh no. Sorry about the temp drop nix. :hugs:

Possible squinter today.. blue dye though. :shrug:
Will see what tomorrow brings. Pic quality is rubbish, cannot even see it on ctp at all. My mums not sure if she sees anything. Havent mentioned to DH yet as he was super disappointed about the CB bfns. :nope:
Nauseous again this morning and no AF to wake up to :shrug:
Butlins? Oh my days I haven’t been there since my 21st birthday. I used to love it when I was younger. Blimey that takes me back.

Come on tests do you thing. Turn BFP

I’m very ok about the temp dropping, I don’t know why but I don’t really feel disappointed. Perhaps I’m just used to it now. That’s pretty bad isn’t it?!
Mrsmummy: Did you post another pic? Hope it's bfp. Need a rainbow bout now.:hugs:

NiX: Same here. I'm so use to getting AF. Even though I feel my ovaries acting up now, I know there's like a 1% chance of a good egg popping out. I haven't lost hope but the realization that it's gonna be a true miracle is not lost in me. Thinking about DTD tonight for that 1% chance and the fact that my hubby is looking yummy. :blush:

Meh just the same sorry about your temp dropping. Can hope for a bfp still AF, means a chance still:hugs:
Ah yeh we love butlins in this house!! I hadn't been until 3 yrs ago... just assumed it was a crappy tacky holiday... boy was i wrong! The kids LOVE every minute of it.
Plus we did disneyworld last yr, spain this yr .. i think a few butlins holidays is all our bank account will afford at the moment :rofl:

Nope, havent posted another pic ftale. Ended up throwing it away as i kept checking back. Plus it was starting to get a grey line next to the possible blue vvvvfl ... :dohh:

10.20pm here ... willing myself to get tired and fall asleep soon so i can test tomorrow!!!
No sign AT ALL of AF .... very odd. Pleeaaaaase bfp!!
Pretty sure it's bfn again today ladies. :shrug:
1 day late if going by past 2 cycles..... ff puts af to arrive today. Come onnnnnn af! Willing her to come so i can get on with this cycle. I'm not too disappointed, which surprises me... but I'm frustrated that af hasnt followed the past 2 months. Always seems to change when i decided to ttc. :dohh:

Still nauseous and still no pre-af cramps, but I'm fully expecting her to come at some point today. Surely id be at least pulling some sort of a bfp by now. I know i got a bfp 10 days late for AF last time, but I do wonder if that was a sign that something wasnt right.. plus when i did the digi it only said 2-3 (so presume 4-5) when i wouldve been 6 nearly 7.... (hope that makes sense!!) So i kind of hope af just shows now as if i get another late bfp i think ill be on pins!
Mrsmummy, I hope she stays away I really do.

My temp plummeted again today. Still just about the cover line but I’m out. She’s due tomorrow about will probably late tonight as that seems to be the time for me, just as I get into bed.

Get busy FTale - 1% is still a chance. Go grab it
Sorry for the temp drop nix. I really hope your bfp is right around the corner. :hugs:
Tanks mrsmummy, I’m so used to it now.

Which butlins do you go to? I’ve only been to minehead. Just wish the sea was better there, that would make it perfect. It’s amazing for kids, there’s so much to do there.
I don't know what Butlins is but it sounds like fun.:flower:

Mrsmummy: Totally bummed its a bfn. Really hope ttc next cycle is all you need to get preggers. I hope your tummy stops with the yuck feeling soon too. :hugs:

NIX: Is you LP getting longer? That in itself is a good thing. I'm sorry your temps are going down still. Rotten temping. Well, if AF does show, have beer for me. I'm detoxing since my pancreas decided flare on me. Otherwise I'd sipping on some thing.:haha:

AFM: I think my body is just foolin. We dtd twice and if anything happens I'll be shocked. I forced myself to temp a few times and aside from pos opk and O pain, doesn't look like I O'd at all. Maybe it will climb starting tomorrow but I won't know cause I'm not temping anymore. Just going to pop my progest pill in on Friday until time for AF again.

Looking forward to the weekend and sleeping in. :coffee:
Hey FTale, butlins is a holiday Park and leasure complex.

Well my LP is usually 12 days. I’m 12DPO today so I expect AF tonight/tomorrow. It used to be 10 days, but then started taking vit b&c and that increases it to 12z I’ve stopped taking everything except folic acid and I’ve made it to 12 dpo, so it’s staying there, that’s good news last.

Last month I think flying made me ovulate late. Hence the 5 days late.

Sorry to hear about your pancreas, you can’t catch a break can you. I had pancreatitis once, wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

I stopped for a pee whilst writing this and AF has arrived, so 11 day LP. Back on the vit b I go next cycle.
Nix - only been to minehead. Kept going back as its the closest one to us. Have wanted to try others but guessed they're much of the same.
Sorry AF has shown for you :(

Ftale - im completely baffled that AF hasnt shown :shrug:
My mum thinks I definitely am pregnant and should retest at the weekend.... time will tell!
It would be amazing if this cycle you got your bfp!
Sorry to hear about your pancreas :hugs:
NIX: Doesn't the witch show the moment we get content? Evil necessary thing she is.:hugs: Back on the vit. Totally agree with you on that. Hope you don't cramp too bad. At least by mid-week she will be gone...not that it will stop your hubby:haha: (can't help it..he cracks me up)

Mrsmummy: I laughed to myself when you mentioned it'd be amazing if I got a So wrong of me. I'm my own worse enemy some times. Gotta keep the faith. Would still be ironic if I did get preggers on the cycle I did the least right.

I hope your mom's right. What test do you have to use?
Stranger things have happened! I had a friend who was all geared up for an ivf cycle, and boom, pregnant the month before.
Same with my mum. 3 yrs ttc, tested her at the fertility clinic just incase... and there i was.. snuggled in for the next 9 months :haha:

Havent got any tests at home.. will have to go buy one .. perhaps tomorrow
Mrsmummy how late are you now? Got everything crossed for you.

My best friend was the same. She had her first IVF appt booked and the day before she found out she was pregnant! She tried for 3 years. Babies are menaces. They make the rules, not us
CD1.... AF just arrived now! I'm actually ok though. I thought I'd be more upset.

My fertile days are over our family camping trip at the end of August :dohh:
That'll be interesting :haha:
Today was only CD31, FF told me AF would arrive today. Will be paying more attention to FF this cycle!!

They definitely do make ALLLLL the rules. Little monkeys!!
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that she got you. Both of us on the same day. Cruel.

My fertile days are over the bank holiday when I probably won’t see much of DH. So we’re in the in the same boat there I think
Yeah, my fertile days begin on the bank holiday monday :dohh:
we'll be together, but will be difficult to BD...
Sorry Mrsmummy.:hugs:

I just finished AF On the 5th. Happy to have a break from her for a lil while. It was a weird one though.

And get this ladies, my first Abnormal Pap came in to my inbox. I was freaking out. Mine are always normal. Nope. So I had a funky period, cyst burst and a cranky pap smear result all in one week.:dohh:

Luckily I don't have HPV so I'm in the clear enough meaning I don't have to get tested again till next year.

Ok better get back to the laundry and homework with the lil one. And YES....they do rule

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