Type 1 diabetes

AWwwwwww baby Morgan is just so cute! Glad to hear things are looking up and she might get to go home soon.
Aww hope she is home for u soon. She is adorable. Look at her lil chubby cheeks bless x
Good to hear that all is well Nikki! Hopefully it's all smooth going for you from now. X

I started prenatal yoga yesterday, it was lovely to meet with other pregnant ladies and it was very relaxing. My sensor for my CGM stopped working just before the class started, I didn't realise how paranoid this would make me, wandering if I was up or down, so I nipped to the loo half way through to test.
Aww just check when you need to an do it before you start aswell.

We have our second growth scan tomorrow not looking forward to it tbh I have a feeling baby is going to be big as I am so uncomfortable :( my sugars have been ok though so hoping I'm wrong an worrying for nothing x
My sugas have been awful today. I had to change my infusion set and I think that did the trick. My bp is still running high :-( but I think I was a little stressed when I had it done. Hoping it will stay down for next time as I don't want to be checked weekly especially if I start getting protein to xx
Aww just check when you need to an do it before you start aswell.

We have our second growth scan tomorrow not looking forward to it tbh I have a feeling baby is going to be big as I am so uncomfortable :( my sugars have been ok though so hoping I'm wrong an worrying for nothing x

Let us know how you get on!! I have my first one in a few weeks x
Hi I am 16 and a half weeks pregnant and pregnant with my first child. I am brittle diabetic have been in and out of the hospital with dka since I was 12 years old. I got with my finance a year and a half ago and have known him for 5 years and he has always been there for me taking me to the hospital and visiting me there because I have been very sick. When we got together he picked me up from the hospital I weighed 86 lbs and I knew that he would always stick around through thick and thin because he already has. Well we were together a little over a year and I didn't even think I could get pregnant because I didn't have a period for 4 years and only had one 3 times since we got together because I finally got up to 125 lbs and have not been in the hospital for over a year and a half. Well I thought I had the flu and I went to the doctor to get my flu shot and they were talking about putting me on birth control because we just got engaged and they wanted my pregnancy to be planned since I am so brittle. So they gave me a pregnancy test just to make sure I wasn't pregnant before I got put on birth control and sure enough I was pregnant. I was completely shocked and scared all at the same time because my diabetes had not really been in control and they just got done telling me all the risk. I have never been happier because being a mommy is all I have ever wanted probably because I didn't ever thunk it would happen for me. But I go to the doctor every week and I have to hear about the baby could have heart problems breathing problems I could have a miscarriage or even a stillbirth and it scares me so bad ever little cramp or pain I get I totally freak out. I can't stop thinking about it everyday and I font know how I would deal with it of something did happen. I see that this is you seconed child so do you have any advice? Was you diabetes completely controlled or did you have problems with your blood sugars too while you were pregnant and if so did everything turn out ok? I am just really scared and it would be reassuring to hear some kind of good story. I hope your doing well and everything turns out fine for you and your baby.
Hi I am 16 and a half weeks pregnant and pregnant with my first child. I am brittle diabetic have been in and out of the hospital with dka since I was 12 years old. I got with my finance a year and a half ago and have known him for 5 years and he has always been there for me taking me to the hospital and visiting me there because I have been very sick. When we got together he picked me up from the hospital I weighed 86 lbs and I knew that he would always stick around through thick and thin because he already has. Well we were together a little over a year and I didn't even think I could get pregnant because I didn't have a period for 4 years and only had one 3 times since we got together because I finally got up to 125 lbs and have not been in the hospital for over a year and a half. Well I thought I had the flu and I went to the doctor to get my flu shot and they were talking about putting me on birth control because we just got engaged and they wanted my pregnancy to be planned since I am so brittle. So they gave me a pregnancy test just to make sure I wasn't pregnant before I got put on birth control and sure enough I was pregnant. I was completely shocked and scared all at the same time because my diabetes had not really been in control and they just got done telling me all the risk. I have never been happier because being a mommy is all I have ever wanted probably because I didn't ever thunk it would happen for me. But I go to the doctor every week and I have to hear about the baby could have heart problems breathing problems I could have a miscarriage or even a stillbirth and it scares me so bad ever little cramp or pain I get I totally freak out. I can't stop thinking about it everyday and I font know how I would deal with it of something did happen. I see that this is you seconed child so do you have any advice? Was you diabetes completely controlled or did you have problems with your blood sugars too while you were pregnant and if so did everything turn out ok? I am just really scared and it would be reassuring to hear some kind of good story. I hope your doing well and everything turns out fine for you and your baby.

First off congratulations!! Secondly I'm sorry you have had such a hard time! My first pregnancy was completely unplanned also my a1c was 10.6 at conception! I struggled on injections but did manage to get it down to 7.1 by midway. He was perfectly healthy but he did measure big and he was born early weighing 9lbs 7oz. I also had doctors tell me all of the horror stories but he was born healthy and is 2 on Wednesday. I know it's hard but try not to worry, you are out of the initially danger zone after the first trimester. How is your diabetes now? X
Hi cheyanna. Congratulations on your pregnancy and sorry your having such a hard time of it atm!! I'd never heard the term brittle diabetic until you just said so had a quick look what it was. Unfortunately I've never been in your situation I have had dka a few times but that was about 6 years ago.

When I became pregnant with my first my hba1c was around 11/12 so not well controlled at all. All I could do was try to bring it down an I think eventually it got down to 6.3 baby was born at 36 weeks an apart from needing help with her blood sugars an being slightly jaundice she was healthy.

What was your hba1c when you became pregnant? Also how far along was you when you found out about being pregnant? Also are you on a pump or do you inject?

Are you getting lots of help an support at your weekly appointments? X
Welcome cheyanna, congratulations on your wonderful news.

My pregnancy was also unplanned, and bizarrely I also found out because I thought I had flu! I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and there's no denying it's a worrying time, but just remember, you can only do your best from now. Don't beat yourself up about past mistakes etc, take it one day at a time, some days are good and some days you might run too high or too low, but just be sure to use the helps that's out there. The doctors are there to help, as are the nurses... For the 1st 2 months I went every week, but now I'm on fortnightly appointments. This might increase again, but I know it's all to help me out.

Use this group too, the ladies are lovely and all have different knowledge and experience.
My sugas have been awful today. I had to change my infusion set and I think that did the trick. My bp is still running high :-( but I think I was a little stressed when I had it done. Hoping it will stay down for next time as I don't want to be checked weekly especially if I start getting protein to xx

Hi pink23

I had my bp checked today too, they said it was low and good but based on my blood tests from kidneys they predict it will rise and so, I now have a blood pressure monitor to check at home... Given that there's nothing wrong at the mo, I kind of wish they hadn't told me as they also said there's nothing I can do about it. I feel like it might rise now, due to the worry! :shrug:

Have you had your 20 wk scan yet? You mentioned that was when you noticed extra fluid last time (sorry if I've gotten that completely wrong).
Welcome cheyanna! Its all very scary but it seems a lot of us have been in ur shoes...high a1c here at the beginning too, but got it down within range... Had two pregnancies, one completely healthy and my 2nd was a little more complicated but my newborn who was just born is perfetly healthy minus the nicu time we had her first week....
Thank you very much it's good to hear a good ending. My doctors do say that having a big baby is the biggest thing I have to worry about lol no pun intended. My diabetes is doing better not perfect but a lot better when I was told I was pregnant my a1c was 8.5 down from 13 so I was already doing better I am not sure what it is now but I'm sure its doing better I am just having a hard time controlling my blood sugars all the time in the first trimester it was issues with lows I even went unconscious for 20 min and my finance had to give me the emergency gluclogon shot in all of my 14 years I have never passed out. But now I seem to be having a harder time with the highs and my gastropersis seems to be going worse which does not help with the blood sugars. My doctors have put in a request to my insurance company for me to get the pump though so hopefully that will make things a lot better. It just seems like they are finding more and more wrong with me now that I am pregnant like protein in my urine so I know I have some sort of kidney damage from the diabetes and I had to go in today for a heart scan which they said was routine since I have been diabetic for so long. How are things going with your pregnancy? And congratulations on both of your babies I know its not healthy for the baby but if the baby is only big and don't have heart problems or breathing problems or low blood sugar or anything horrible like that. I am so glad you wrote me back it was very reassuring to hear! How is you sugars doing through the pregnancy?
Yea my first wasnt big...my 2nd was at 10lbs and needed nicu time for low blood sugars, and a feeding tube because she was early and didnt know how to suck/feed. It was rough but she is fine now :)
The lows are normal! I think a majority of us on this thread had problems w it! I ended up in emergency room in my first pg from a bad bad bad bad low!
Hi Cheyanna, congrats on your pregnancy.

Going from 13 to 8.5 is amazing- well done!

Regarding the lows, Nikki is right most of us had them- I had a few at night in the first tri, where my husband had to restrain and force feed me. I was so out of it but sure he was bad guy trying to hurt the baby by making me eat sugar! I was awake but not, if you know what I mean and it was really scary.

I think most of us here have guilt any time our levels go above the certain "perfect" range that our doctors ask of us, but really you can only do your best and keep trying. It would be worse for our babies if we didn't worry/ test/fix etc all day. I have found it a lot easier to talk to my endocrinologist if I see patterns for 2 days or so to get advice on how to adjust my insulin. I have adjusted so many times now I have to write it down and keep it with my pens as I can't remember how much to take!

I'm off for my eye check this afternoon, another thing to worry about :nope:

I just keep telling myself that at least I don't have to do the gestational diabetes test! Gotta look at the positives :haha:
I wanted to say thank you to all of you for replying to me I am so scared but trying to stay positive. I really hope that I get the chance to tell my story to someone else going through the same thing and tell them that everything turned out just fine. It really does help talking to all of you (women with type 1 diabetes and expecting) because I feel that you truly understand what I am going through and how I feel. I know my family is there for me I just don't think they really understand what I am going through right now. So again thank you very much. I joined this group this morning at 2:30am because I couldn't stop thinking about miscarriages and stillbirths and I couldn't go to sleep with all theses racing thoughts but I will tell you that hearing all your stories has helped to ease my mind a little bit.
So I was right :( baby has grown an weighs approx 4lb1oz an his stomach is on the 95th centile. Also fluid has gone up to 35 now so uncomfortable x

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