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Type 1 diabetes

Yes hun.. her blood sugars ran around 50-60 for the first few days and once she started to get more food through feeding tube she perked up and had consistent regular blood sugars (Thankfully!) Glad to hear little one is doing better!

How long was she in hospital for? I'm ready to get him home he is 15 days old now an it's been a long 2 weeks :( just glad things are getting better. He also wasn't being fed for the first week as when he was on milk his tummy was swelling so he was on 3 lots of antibiotics. The doctors have said we should be going home on Friday though.

Is Morgan good at getting her wind up aswell as having reflux? I'm finding it hard to wind him as he gets some up but if I carry on he ends up vomiting due to the reflux x
Hey guys im type 1 diabetic have been for 3 and a bit years. This is my second pregnancy I already have a 2 year old son. Im just looking for some support really. basically with my 1st I was only diagnosed with type 1 for 2 months. So I was scared to eat anything sugary in my mind we weren't allowed as we would die. I know it seems so far fetched but I did not know much about it at all. Anyway healthy baby boy 7lb 14oz he was. This time iv been bad iv had a few cakes like really sugary cakes iv took insulin to cover it right enough and never had a really high sugar. Iv also ate quite a fair bit of chocolate normally when I go hypo tho sometimes when im just in the mood. I feel so guilty can you guys help me get out of this funk don't want to do any damage to my baby. but its much harder as after I had my baby my consultant said I could take it easy! and so I did way to easy ended it up in a bad way with my diabetes eating millions of sugary treats! I went from hb1c of 5.4 to a whopping 8.4 after having my son a whole year of muching sugary treats sometimes without taking insulin. my kidney started showing protein and everything. I started carb counting which has regulated my blood sugars amazingly! however sometimes I don't get it accurate and will go high or have a hypo! I manged to get my hb1c back down to 6.5 pre pregnancy. So I hope it isn't far off that now iv had a few highs but a lot more hypos. but of course hypos means more sugar intake! going out of my mind here! so glad I found this forum im only 8 weeks 5 days. I think not had a scan yet first scan is on the 7th of May. xxxx<3

Hi Ladies, Hope you don't mind me following this group, I have been type 1 since I was 7yrs old about 27 years now I think....I am not currently pregnant as yet but hoping to be in the very close future :flower:
We are ttc as from middle of May, This will be my 3rd baby so have had lots of experience in being diabetic and pregnant by now :haha:

My first pregnancy was good and controlled by injections, had lots of problems with my first after she was born though, low bloods (which I expected) and heart defects (not expected) that weren't picked up until she was born.

My second little girl who is 10 months old was completely different, never had any problems at all with anything!!! I sometimes wonder if its because I am on a pump now and I was better controlled during my pregnancy.

Anyway I haven't managed to see my diabetic team as yet to discuss pregnancy as they have cancelled my last two appointments but I have a recent hba1 of 6.8 so I know that's good to start with...I have been taking my folic acid too so only doing what they would advise :coffee:

Hopefully they will be getting a call within the next couple of months to say I'm pregnant :flower:

Hi mysticalrain, welcome to the group! I reckon the other ladies have covered of the best advice, you can only do your best and don't beat yourself up. We are all in the same boat, although I have friends that are pregnant, none of them are diabetic, so I find it helpful to vent or share on here.

Welcome also kellyrae, I'm sure you can give us a tip or 2 with 2 pregnancies under your belt. Good luck ttc!!
I have the laser clinic in an hour. Feeling very nervous, from there I've to go straight to the hospital for my antenatal. I'm hoping all is ok, I feel fine.

I know they want to 'top up' my left eye laser treatment, which is pretty grim going :mad:(
I have the laser clinic in an hour. Feeling very nervous, from there I've to go straight to the hospital for my antenatal. I'm hoping all is ok, I feel fine.

I know they want to 'top up' my left eye laser treatment, which is pretty grim going :mad:(

I feel for you, I had to have laser right up until 37 weeks every two weeks...Its depressing isn't it,even though its for the best xx :nope:
Hi ladies, I had my scan this morning and all is well though she only put on 3ozs in 2 weeks but she has gone back to following the 20th percentile so we agreed the man who did the last growth scan must have been generous!! One more growth scan in just over two weeks!! Xx
I have the laser clinic in an hour. Feeling very nervous, from there I've to go straight to the hospital for my antenatal. I'm hoping all is ok, I feel fine.

I know they want to 'top up' my left eye laser treatment, which is pretty grim going :mad:(

I feel for you, I had to have laser right up until 37 weeks every two weeks...Its depressing isn't it,even though its for the best xx :nope:

Hi ladies, I had my scan this morning and all is well though she only put on 3ozs in 2 weeks but she has gone back to following the 20th percentile so we agreed the man who did the last growth scan must have been generous!! One more growth scan in just over two weeks!! Xx

Thanks kellyrae, amazingly, the laser doc today does not agree with my previous doc and says I don't need laser again today, but she wants to see me again in 4 weeks. I could have kissed her!

Teenpregnant, hope everything continues to go well for you. I've also to have another growth scan next week... Every time my baby is scanned she is rear end first! I'm hoping she's still on track.
Yes hun.. her blood sugars ran around 50-60 for the first few days and once she started to get more food through feeding tube she perked up and had consistent regular blood sugars (Thankfully!) Glad to hear little one is doing better!

How long was she in hospital for? I'm ready to get him home he is 15 days old now an it's been a long 2 weeks :( just glad things are getting better. He also wasn't being fed for the first week as when he was on milk his tummy was swelling so he was on 3 lots of antibiotics. The doctors have said we should be going home on Friday though.

Is Morgan good at getting her wind up aswell as having reflux? I'm finding it hard to wind him as he gets some up but if I carry on he ends up vomiting due to the reflux x

She was there for a week. She refused to suck so they had a feeding tube going down her nose until she took a full 2 oz per feed (also so it would keep her blood sugar from dropping again.) Around 3 days after birth she started to slowly suck and get the hang of it.. by around 5-6 days after birth she was taking bottles on her own. But we could not go home until she took a full bottle for every feed for 24 hours. We fought tooth and nail with the pediatrician in the NICU because they were forcing her to eat every 3 hours! Obviously if she was taking full feeds she would be able to ear every 4 hours, so what we were finding was when she was on 3 hour feeds she would only take 1.5 oz instead of the full 2oz... and they kept saying no she cant go home until she finishes 2oz per feed everytime. Well i pretty much took a tantrum and told them to feed her every 4 hours instead of every 3 and maybe she would take a full bottle! and surprise, she did!! so they took her feeding tube out and made her stay one more day and we finally went home! what a hassle.

as for the reflux.. we found out it was from the formula she was on. We were put on ranitidine for 2 weeks with no change and then prevacid with just a slight change.. i did more research because the kid was obnoxiously gassy and unconfortable and found that she may have a milk allergy or a lactase sensitivity (lactase sensitivity is just because their stomachs arent mature enough to break down the lactose, so it causes massive gas, spitting up, etc.--- eventually around 4-6 months they grow out of it and start producing the enzyme to break lactose down.)... so we switched her to a formula that is lactose free and we saw an immediate change in her. She rarely spit up (only when overfed) and her gas minimized so much and she burped like a champ after that! (we had an awful time with her burping which was causing a lot of pain but no matter what we did she just wouldnt bring it up!)... ever since we went with the lactose free formula (similac sensitive for fussiness and gas..) she has been so much better. She still has times where the gas bothers her but if we pick her up she will immediately burp. Her stool is normal now and shes a much happier baby...

Our big problem now isnt even the reflux or feeding, its NOT NAPPING and being overtired where she becomes "colicky"... not fun at all...
Goodness Nikki, what a time you have had! If Morgans not sleeping, I take it you're not getting much sleep?

I was in the antenatal clinic yesterday. Why is it they feel the need to tell me once a week that I'm anaemic? I've been anaemic since the start of pregnancy and even before that? It is annoying that there's nothing more I can take for it (I'm already on ferromate 210mg x 3 every day) unless they give me a transfusion.

They also want me to go in on Monday for a series of blood pressure checks? My blood pressure is actually fine, if lower than normal. I think the docs fully expected me to have pre eclampsia by now, and my normal readings and bloods are perplexing them. They want to check there is nothing they are missing apparently. It feel like they are saying, 'you are doing too well, we expected more problems by now'.
Just got back from diabetic clinic, 2 weeks until my next scan and then they will book my induction/section that day!! Excited 4 weeks left now! X
Yes hun.. her blood sugars ran around 50-60 for the first few days and once she started to get more food through feeding tube she perked up and had consistent regular blood sugars (Thankfully!) Glad to hear little one is doing better!

How long was she in hospital for? I'm ready to get him home he is 15 days old now an it's been a long 2 weeks :( just glad things are getting better. He also wasn't being fed for the first week as when he was on milk his tummy was swelling so he was on 3 lots of antibiotics. The doctors have said we should be going home on Friday though.

Is Morgan good at getting her wind up aswell as having reflux? I'm finding it hard to wind him as he gets some up but if I carry on he ends up vomiting due to the reflux x

She was there for a week. She refused to suck so they had a feeding tube going down her nose until she took a full 2 oz per feed (also so it would keep her blood sugar from dropping again.) Around 3 days after birth she started to slowly suck and get the hang of it.. by around 5-6 days after birth she was taking bottles on her own. But we could not go home until she took a full bottle for every feed for 24 hours. We fought tooth and nail with the pediatrician in the NICU because they were forcing her to eat every 3 hours! Obviously if she was taking full feeds she would be able to ear every 4 hours, so what we were finding was when she was on 3 hour feeds she would only take 1.5 oz instead of the full 2oz... and they kept saying no she cant go home until she finishes 2oz per feed everytime. Well i pretty much took a tantrum and told them to feed her every 4 hours instead of every 3 and maybe she would take a full bottle! and surprise, she did!! so they took her feeding tube out and made her stay one more day and we finally went home! what a hassle.

as for the reflux.. we found out it was from the formula she was on. We were put on ranitidine for 2 weeks with no change and then prevacid with just a slight change.. i did more research because the kid was obnoxiously gassy and unconfortable and found that she may have a milk allergy or a lactase sensitivity (lactase sensitivity is just because their stomachs arent mature enough to break down the lactose, so it causes massive gas, spitting up, etc.--- eventually around 4-6 months they grow out of it and start producing the enzyme to break lactose down.)... so we switched her to a formula that is lactose free and we saw an immediate change in her. She rarely spit up (only when overfed) and her gas minimized so much and she burped like a champ after that! (we had an awful time with her burping which was causing a lot of pain but no matter what we did she just wouldnt bring it up!)... ever since we went with the lactose free formula (similac sensitive for fussiness and gas..) she has been so much better. She still has times where the gas bothers her but if we pick her up she will immediately burp. Her stool is normal now and shes a much happier baby...

Our big problem now isnt even the reflux or feeding, its NOT NAPPING and being overtired where she becomes "colicky"... not fun at all...

At least you spotted it an managed to change your milk.

We finally got to bring jenson home on Friday I feel so much better now he is out the hospital and at home where he belongs. We are still having to check his blood sugars a few times a day which isn't nice :( an if he is under 3.5 he has to be treated for a hypo with glucogel :( so far he has been ok but today he was 3.2 an I panicked. He was having a feed though an come back up quickly.

How is your eldest getting on with the baby? She is still quite young aswell isn't she?

Aww teen not long now an you will have your lil one here :)
Thanks! times are different now.. she is napping and sleeping pretty well. just getting up to feed in middle of the night and going back down again.. she will be 11 weeks on saturday...

im so glad u are all home now! :)

my older daughter (16 months) has her moments with morgan.. she tries to be helpful by patting her back to burp and stuff but she slams on her back and then i have to take morgan away from her... other times she steps on her head or kicks her, then i have to put her in time out as she is just being jealous.. its very hard to juggle both of them.. i try as much as i can to spend time with my first born when morgan is sleeping,but even then its not enough for what she wants.. aghhhhhh
Aww bless she is to young to understand aswell. We have been quite lucky as Scarlett absolutely loves the baby she is forever mothering him. I have been giving her lots of attention though as I don't want her to feel left out or jealous.
Another growth scan done today. I'm just above 50th percentile, but they said that's normal for non diabetics too and my fluid levels were fine.
She was holding her toes and it was so cute and clear.
My pump set had to be changed when I noticed my bloods going up today. I started the whole 'oh god, what have I done?' But then just got on with it. Took a correction, changed the pump set and kept testing. All is well again now.
I've got scan today . Feeling little nervous as Mw yesterday bump was measuring 3 weeks ahead but know it's not completely accurate, I haven't put on too much weight about 12 lbs up to yet.
Missej glad the scan went well! Good luck today pink23 let us know how you get on! X
Hi ladies so I feel a little disheartened after today's scan , baby is measuring at est 2lb 15 at 28 weeks and has shot up growth wise on everything :-( I know my sugars haven't been the best but I just wish my insulin would bring sugars down quicker. I have my moments where I do eat sweets but I'm not silly about it. Back in 3 weeks for another scan and to recheck bp . Trace of protien to and bp slightly up again. Just wish diabetic pregnancy was easier xx
Hi ladies so I feel a little disheartened after today's scan , baby is measuring at est 2lb 15 at 28 weeks and has shot up growth wise on everything :-( I know my sugars haven't been the best but I just wish my insulin would bring sugars down quicker. I have my moments where I do eat sweets but I'm not silly about it. Back in 3 weeks for another scan and to recheck bp . Trace of protien to and bp slightly up again. Just wish diabetic pregnancy was easier xx

Sorry pink23 try not to get disheartened! Baby may have just had a growth spurt if everything was bigger? Your bp may have been up from being stressed about the scan also. I know what you mean about diabetic pregnancy.. The guilt and worry overtakes the nicer parts of pregnancy sometimes! Feel better and don't beat yourself up you are trying your best which is all you can do x
sorry to hear hun.. i know how quick we, as diabetics, can blame ourselves during pregnancy regarding babies growth, but let me tell you this... DONT! If you are doing well and your sugars are within normal range there is nothing we can do about their growth. I have had two pregnancies.. Both with a1c's of 6.5 throughout with an occasional 6 here and there... My first was born a normal healthy size, not too big or small.. my 2nd was GINORMOUS and i did nothing differently (diabetes wise), in fact, i actually ate less sweets and drank more water during my 2nd pregnancy.. I also ended up with polyhydramnios w my second, whereas when i was pregnanct w my first I barely drank anything.. they always encourage us to drink lots n lots of water, but i seriously think it messed my 2nd pregnancy up bad.. morgan was soooo water logged when she was born.. dropped a lb of fluids her first 2 days of life...
When I had my growth scan yesterday I asked the scanner (not sure what to call them?) how much baby weighed.
She said that telling you the weight guesstimate is a load of nonsense and she said that for those that did it, it's rarely accurate. She also felt is worried mothers to be unnecessarily, so, basically she didn't tell me, but I thought it was worth mentioning her comments here as I know lots of people assume that just because we're 'sugar mummies' we'll have big babies.
She said she would just measure fluid and my baby (head and stomach) but not tell the weight from that. I was quite appreciative of her perspective. :mad:)

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