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Type 1 diabetes


I'm new here and 10 weeks pregnant with my first. I'm so happy to find this thread! It will be great to talk with other people are going/have been through the same thing. I hope you'll let me join in! :)

I've been type 1 diabetic since I was 11, usually pretty well controlled. I'm a bit all over the place at the moment because I've had really bad morning sickness and I'm just feeling constantly nauseous and struggling to keep food down. I've had a couple of really bad hypos and dizzy spells, which hasn't happened to me since forever (I forgot how horrid it was!). Fingers crossed it will start getting a little easier soon...
Hi Novembergirl welcome and congratulations!

I was the same with terrible morning sickness which made keeping sugars stable impossible. My doctor gave me a combo of medication to make it a bit easier, have you mentioned it to yours?

I had a few bad hypos around 11 weeks, the ones where you are awake but aren't with it enough to realise you are awake. Poor hubby had to force all sorts of food and drinks on me but I had it in my mind that he was a bad guy wanting to hurt the baby with sugar so I would spit everything out!

Good luck as you move into second trimester soon ☺
Thanks! I have mentioned it to my doctor but haven't tried any medication yet. I'd definitely be happy to give it a go1

Those hypos when you're kind of awake but not really are so scary. I had the same kind of thing a week ago when I was completely out of it and can't remember it well, but apparently I was talking all sorts of rubbish while my friend was trying to get me to swallow something! The freakiest thing is how it comes on with no warning - I was always used to getting the 'early signs' and being able to treat them pretty well, so it's scary to suddenly get full on hypos with no warning at all!
Thanks! I have mentioned it to my doctor but haven't tried any medication yet. I'd definitely be happy to give it a go1

Those hypos when you're kind of awake but not really are so scary. I had the same kind of thing a week ago when I was completely out of it and can't remember it well, but apparently I was talking all sorts of rubbish while my friend was trying to get me to swallow something! The freakiest thing is how it comes on with no warning - I was always used to getting the 'early signs' and being able to treat them pretty well, so it's scary to suddenly get full on hypos with no warning at all!

Welcome novembergirl!
I had some horrible hypos in my first tri. I also started talking nonsense during these hypos and my OH said during one of them I was moaning that the dog didn't understand what I was going through. :blush:
The good news is they seemed to stop at about wk 13. Thank goodness.
It's tough just now, but keep lucozade on hand, test test test. And congratulations!
Hi girls, I am now 29 weeks... Not sure how that happened!
I've developed severe itchiness on my arms and back, it's driving me insane. My belly and breasts are fine, so I'm thinking it's not skin stretching as I'd surely have it there?
Is this diabetes related, prwgnancy related, should I call the doc or is it normal?:shrug:
Hi girls, I am now 29 weeks... Not sure how that happened!
I've developed severe itchiness on my arms and back, it's driving me insane. My belly and breasts are fine, so I'm thinking it's not skin stretching as I'd surely have it there?
Is this diabetes related, prwgnancy related, should I call the doc or is it normal?:shrug:

I don't know about that one... Maybe call the doctor just to be on the safe side? It'll put your mind at rest if nothing else :)

Congrats on 29 weeks!

I managed to pick up some kind of virus at the weekend and was non-stop vomiting for two days. Not pleasant! Eventually I ended up at the hospital with IV and the works. All on the mend now though. I guess cause of being sick my levels have been all over the place. On the plus side, it did get me out of a whole week of exam invigilating at school :)
Hi girls, I am now 29 weeks... Not sure how that happened!
I've developed severe itchiness on my arms and back, it's driving me insane. My belly and breasts are fine, so I'm thinking it's not skin stretching as I'd surely have it there?
Is this diabetes related, prwgnancy related, should I call the doc or is it normal?:shrug:

I don't know about that one... Maybe call the doctor just to be on the safe side? It'll put your mind at rest if nothing else :)

Congrats on 29 weeks!

I managed to pick up some kind of virus at the weekend and was non-stop vomiting for two days. Not pleasant! Eventually I ended up at the hospital with IV and the works. All on the mend now though. I guess cause of being sick my levels have been all over the place. On the plus side, it did get me out of a whole week of exam invigilating at school :)

Sounds pretty nasty novembergirl, take care of yourself.
A few people have been off my work with a sickness bug too, luckily I didn't catch it, but I feel for you.

I've got a 3 exam for work purposes on Tuesday and I'm finding studying for it so tiring, my concentration is gone. It's the last one though before bub is here.
Poor thing Novembergirl, I hope you are feeling better. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.
Miss ej an exam would be my worst nightmare now! I feel like I'm losing my mind half the time!

I'm just over 35 weeks now and doctor moved my "can't go past date" to 38 weeks at my last appointment. It was 39 weeks before. I'm hoping after my growth scan next week he will say 37 weeks!

Baby is still measuring big, but still no sign it is from diabetes. He actually said my sugars are getting a bit too low now and I should cut my insulin back... Crazy!

I decided this week that I will finish work next Friday which makes things seem a bit more real. All very exciting here 😆
Hi girls, I am now 29 weeks... Not sure how that happened!
I've developed severe itchiness on my arms and back, it's driving me insane. My belly and breasts are fine, so I'm thinking it's not skin stretching as I'd surely have it there?
Is this diabetes related, prwgnancy related, should I call the doc or is it normal?:shrug:

This sounds exactly what I got around 29 weeks along with a horrid rash! They did blood blood to make sure it isn't OC so I would call incase they would want to check for that. It turned out I have puppps which is a sort of severe pregnancy rash I still have it it's such a pain.

Elizabean- not long now. You must be excited to finish work finally! I have my last scan Monday and they will decide delivery time and mode at that point! We are getting so close now! X
Poor thing Novembergirl, I hope you are feeling better. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.
Miss ej an exam would be my worst nightmare now! I feel like I'm losing my mind half the time!

I'm just over 35 weeks now and doctor moved my "can't go past date" to 38 weeks at my last appointment. It was 39 weeks before. I'm hoping after my growth scan next week he will say 37 weeks!

Baby is still measuring big, but still no sign it is from diabetes. He actually said my sugars are getting a bit too low now and I should cut my insulin back... Crazy!

I decided this week that I will finish work next Friday which makes things seem a bit more real. All very exciting here 😆

This is what happened to me I was nearly back to my normal insulin doses before having the baby. They thought my placenta was failing an scanned me an the baby was delivered that day.

Are you getting scans at each appointment? X
Hi girls, I am now 29 weeks... Not sure how that happened!
I've developed severe itchiness on my arms and back, it's driving me insane. My belly and breasts are fine, so I'm thinking it's not skin stretching as I'd surely have it there?
Is this diabetes related, prwgnancy related, should I call the doc or is it normal?:shrug:

This sounds exactly what I got around 29 weeks along with a horrid rash! They did blood blood to make sure it isn't OC so I would call incase they would want to check for that. It turned out I have puppps which is a sort of severe pregnancy rash I still have it it's such a pain.

Elizabean- not long now. You must be excited to finish work finally! I have my last scan Monday and they will decide delivery time and mode at that point! We are getting so close now! X

The took blood today to check for OC. The said it might be puppp's also, but I might not get the results til Monday. In the meantime I have cream and antihistamines. The antihistamines are making me so sleepy!!
Just got back from clinic, have my c section booked for the 27th so 2 weeks tomorrow! She is still growing on the 50th percentile. I now have 2 weekly checkups but at least the end is finally in sight �� x
Thank you, I will be 38+1. They wanted to do it on the week before but it was all booked up which was slightly frustrating! X
Good news teenpregnant.

It's funny how a few changes with basal relates sme to do the trick with sugars. My daily total hasn't gone up but after and before meals are pretty good. I was getting so fed up of over 10s for after meals and blaming myself.
Mw Thursday to check bp, it was up a little today so can see myself only going to 37 weeks if that.
Hope everyone's doing ok. Xx
Oh it's great when you finally get your date isn't it you have something to look forward to. Was there any reason they wanted to do it earlier? My consultant was adamant that they will only book you in for an elective at 38 weeks an not earlier. Is baby growing bigger or normal size? X
Oh it's great when you finally get your date isn't it you have something to look forward to. Was there any reason they wanted to do it earlier? My consultant was adamant that they will only book you in for an elective at 38 weeks an not earlier. Is baby growing bigger or normal size? X

They are worried as my insulin requirements have dropped ALOT! I have to go back up twice a week for ctgs and dopplers, I can't see myself getting to 38 to be honest but 37 would be nice! She was 6lbs2ozs on scan today so bang on 50th percentile. How is your LB getting on now? :flower: x
Just got back from clinic, have my c section booked for the 27th so 2 weeks tomorrow! She is still growing on the 50th percentile. I now have 2 weekly checkups but at least the end is finally in sight �� x

Fantastic news! I will hopefully find out my date today. I'm thinking I will most likely go with a planned C Section now. Did want to be induced originally but I think the section is probably a better bet due to being a big baby.
Not long and we will both have our bubs!

Good news teenpregnant.

It's funny how a few changes with basal relates sme to do the trick with sugars. My daily total hasn't gone up but after and before meals are pretty good. I was getting so fed up of over 10s for after meals and blaming myself.
Mw Thursday to check bp, it was up a little today so can see myself only going to 37 weeks if that.
Hope everyone's doing ok. Xx

I know that feeling, at the start you think surely this wont make a difference, but it really can make a huge change to your results. Must be a relief for you!

I'm excited to see baby again this afternoon but I hope it hasn't had another growth spurt. It was 90-95th percentile about 3 weeks ago. I would be happy if they said it could come at 37 weeks (DH would be too as that is his birthday!)
That's good you are getting checked regularly. That's what happened to me with the insulin requirements dropping a lot an I was scanned by the consultant an he arrived that day. He didn't move at all on the ctg and when I had the dopplers they wasn't happy with that. I thought baby was having a few lazy days but he was born really poorly an had sepsis which caused alot of other problems when trying to stabilise the blood sugars. Make sure you get checked if you don't feel right hun. I could of kicked myself so many times as it didn't seem right but I never got it checked. He is doing great now he is totally fine an the hyperinsulinism was transient so he doesn't need medication just took him abit longer to stabilise x
That's good you are getting checked regularly. That's what happened to me with the insulin requirements dropping a lot an I was scanned by the consultant an he arrived that day. He didn't move at all on the ctg and when I had the dopplers they wasn't happy with that. I thought baby was having a few lazy days but he was born really poorly an had sepsis which caused alot of other problems when trying to stabilise the blood sugars. Make sure you get checked if you don't feel right hun. I could of kicked myself so many times as it didn't seem right but I never got it checked. He is doing great now he is totally fine an the hyperinsulinism was transient so he doesn't need medication just took him abit longer to stabilise x

Yes I'm going to speak to them tomorrow as I'm not happy as I'm still hypoing and almost at my pre-pregnancy rates! She is moving well so I'm not too concerned but if she stops moving I'll be straight up the hospital! So glad he is better now and that the medication could be stopped! X

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