U.S 3rd tri mommies!

I was getting so excited! Around 7:30pm I started feeling some contractions. They started around 10 minutes apart, and got closer to 6-7, and started getting more intense. Then, all of a sudden, they just stopped!! :( WTH?!? Ugh... Maybe it was just my body prepping itself. I don't know? I'll try and get a good sleep and hopefully something will happen tomorrow. :)
I feel like my life is in limbo because I am waiting to move ... gosh, it just is no fun. Plus it is starting to get hard for me to breathe while lying down at times - even when I am on my sides .. :(
Wow, that seems to be pretty early to be experiencing the trouble breathing already. I can't get a decent nights sleep because of it, but it's understandable with the size of my belly. I'd talk to your doctor or midwife about that hunn. I hope that it's just stress related or lack of energy, and it gets better for you soon. :)
I was getting so excited! Around 7:30pm I started feeling some contractions. They started around 10 minutes apart, and got closer to 6-7, and started getting more intense. Then, all of a sudden, they just stopped!! :( WTH?!? Ugh... Maybe it was just my body prepping itself. I don't know? I'll try and get a good sleep and hopefully something will happen tomorrow. :)

I HATE when that happens:growlmad: It happens to me a lot and I will get so excited but a few hours later I'm like wtf!
I thought it was a bit early for that myself as well. I will definitely have to talk to her about it since I am not the only one that thinks so, lol. Honestly I am in so much pain while lying in bed with my pelvic area and hips and everything that sometimes I wish I never had to sleep!

And I cannot believe I am in Week 6 of 9 in my last two college classes! :| At this point I am just hoping I can keep it together and pass the classes, because things just keep getting messed up! They are over on Sept. 19th - so that is my countdown officially! Once I am done with them I can be done with college until further notice - meaning 2+ years lol.

I think I just want to run away as when I think about everything it just feels like it rests on my chest and I start getting really anxious and stressed out about it.
Awww... Hunn, that's what we're here for! Lol... We can take it!! :haha:
i'm sorry for all you girl's so close and nothing keeps happening. i by no means wish for a preemie baby. i wish for a fast forward button though. i feel like a 4yr old and everybody else keeps having their birthday party but it's never my turn. lol jealous and like a brat. maybe the full moon thing will hold true for you guys!! either way, it won't be TOO long now.

silas, i am having some breathing issues too. not when i'm laying down except on my back. i can not breathe at all that way. and i know you aren't supposed to. i propped myself up on a wadded up blanket on the couch the other day and it was awesome. i actually got a nap in that way and i never sleep anymore. i can't breath walking very much. and i feel so stupid if i am at work and get to a table and am panting. and sweating on top of that. i'm sure they are thinking i shouldn't be there. it's embarassing.

today was crazy for me. i have some pretty new in like the last year but steadily becoming closer friends. they are older than me and my oh. i will be 30 next month and my oh is 28. they are in their late 30s. anyway, the guy is very well known tattoo artist here. and my oh apprentices under him. he owns his own shop and it's just a clean amazing environment i'm not used to. they don't get in to trouble and are just awesome hard working people. not like the old crowd and friends we had before who turned out to not be worth anything. well, we were down to one car that was actually given to us by my mom. all kinds of issues. i got 3 tickets in one day but had no choice to keep driving it. that kind of thing. so these people bought a new truck and just gave us his truck today. totally insane. stuff really doesn't happen like that to us. i am still so floored it is like it doesn't seem real. i'm so grateful and excited. can definitely breathe easier with a baby on the way. and it has air conditioning!!!!!!!!! i was so worried with the heat and a little baby. so yeah, i am on cloud nine. all i need is my little baby now. oh and a zillion dollars! i would share with you guys!!! :hugs:

tomorrow i have an ob check up and growth scan to see if we are having a big monster baby like suspected. hope everyone has a great night. i am still trying to find the appointment card for what time the appt is. only i would not know what time i need to be there and no way to call til in the morning.
i'm off to the doctor!!!! apparently there is a few bad wrecks and it's really bad out there. here's to hoping it doesn't take forever to get there. last dr's appt the interstate ended up bc of a wreck and i had to reschedule bc i went a mile in an hour! hope everyone has a great day! xoxo
I have an appt later today at 3 pm. Hopefully it's another boring one. I want an ultrasound though!
Good luck at your appointments today ladies!! :) Mine isn't until tomorrow. :(

Amanda - That is great news about the new friends giving you the truck! How amazing!! I hope it works out for you well. :)

We were actually talking about needing a new vehicle for our growing family a few months ago, and my dad offered to trade his SUV for my car. DH has a truck, but it only has half seats in the back and doesn't fit both car seats well. Even though my car seated 5 people, it just wasn't very roomy, and it was a manual (which DH hates to drive). So, a few weeks ago we traded vehicles. So, now I have a nice big 8 seater SUV!!! And I LOVE it!! :) It's nice and roomy and fits my double stroller in the back with extra room!

On a side note... I lost another piece of my plug this morning when I woke up. It was a lot larger than the other bits I lost. Now it's just a waiting game! :)
Good luck with your appt today ladies.
delmeg10: I hope something happens soon.

As for me, today is my edd and I know I will be overdue which sucks, I'm having contractions here and there and back pains but that's about it.
I AM NOT COMFY!! Charlie feels like he's going to fall out today! LOL
Congrats on reaching your D-Day Honeydue!! :)

Michele - Do you have a birthing ball? That should help that feeling go away. I always bounce on my ball when I think LO is about to fall out! Lol... :haha:
Congrats on reaching your D-Day Honeydue!! :)

Michele - Do you have a birthing ball? That should help that feeling go away. I always bounce on my ball when I think LO is about to fall out! Lol... :haha:

Um, I have an exercise ball which I assume is the same thing. I'll try that here in a bit if the yoga doesn't help.
YAY! Happy D-DAY Honey!!!! :cloud9:

Hope all three of us go into labor TODAY! LOL
Delmeg- it sounds like your body is making progress!
I am jelous of you both as i havent felt a thing :(

Have fun at your appts. ladies!
Guppy - I bet you just start contracting and go into labor out of nowhere! I've been keeping an eye out for an I'M IN LABOR! thread by you. Lol... When is your next appointment? Have they done any internals on you yet? I can't remember.
Thats what im thinking too.
I dont mean to be the carrier of sadness, but when i MCed they told me i should have been cramping/bleeding for days...cramping only lasted one hour and i only bleed lightly for one day. I wasnt even dilated (when i was at the hospital the hour before everything passed, i was completly closed) so i have a feeling it will be much the same. Nothing and then BAM!

My next appt. is on Thursday. I REALLY hope i dont have to go :(
Last time they checked me was 38 weeks. At that point i was stationed -3, soft cervix, & .5-1CM dilated. That was the same as my 36 week check...hope i made some progress in the last 2 weeks! I really think its gonna start tomorrow or thursday...or at least i hope it does! UGH!

Have you gotten any recent internals?
I've been having them weekly since 36 weeks. At my 38 week appointment, I was only 70% effaced and very soft cervix. Not dilated or anything. Then, at last weeks appointment, I thought for sure I'd made some sort of progress, and she said nothing changed at all. I was totally bummed. :( Hopefully tomorrow something will have changed. I can't imagine all these changes going on and nothing happening inside. But who knows?! I hope I don't even have to go to my appointment tomorrow. Lol... I doubt it though. I'm getting so worried, because one week from today is my repeat c-section. It's getting so close and I don't feel labor getting any closer. :(

I'm also worried about this whole "full moon" thing. I Googled it the other day and read that the moon affects the amniotic fluid, so it normally will break a woman's water. But only 40%-50% of those women actually go on to have contractions on there own. The rest end up having to be induced. This upsets me, since I'm trying for the VBAC and my perinatologists say it's too risky to induce me. So, if my water breaks and I don't go into labor on my own, then I'll need a repeat c-section. I really hope that doesn't happen for me, but it's my fear at this point. At this point, I'm really worried for you and honeydue as well. What if your water breaks and no contractions show up within 24 hours? I already read two threads in 3rd trimester today about waters breaking last night/this morning and no contractions. So, their doctors are scheduling inductions. :( I'm even more worried since it's the Pisces full moon tonight, and I'm a Pisces. I'm sure I'm just totally over analyzing it all, but still. The hype is really getting to me. :(
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention :dohh: at at 37 weeks my cervix was still long :(

Anyways, try not to worry sweetie, God works for in our favor, so i really think all three of us are going to be fine :hugs:

& 50%...hmm that means you have an equal chance that spontanious labor will happen :D not to mention that most woman's water doesnt break until well into labor, so maybe we wont even be in that boat :)

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