U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Back from OB appt. and if I don't have this baby soon I will be getting induced on Tuesday. I just got my 3rd stripping and cramping some but I know that's nothing. So miserable because I wanted to experience going into labor naturally.
i got ignored :( ugh.
it's ok. i'm in a really horrible mood today. i don't feel good and i didn't sleep AT ALL last night. i literally tossed and turned all night. then my nose was stuffed up and i had a headache. it was bad. but little Trystin was still wiggling around so it made me feel a tiny bit better. i napped today too so i felt better after that. guess i should eat something.

good luck to my girls still waiting for labor!! btw, what's so bad about being induced?! because i'm getting induced voluntarily. and y'all are scarin me haha.
Okay ladies, I'm here!! Sorry to make you all worry.

I had a very eventful night last night. I noticed around 7-8pm last night that the baby wasn't kicking or moving at all. I thought it was strange, so I decided to eat some dinner and drink something cold, hoping that he was just asleep. Well, I ate dinner, drank a cold bottle of water, and 30 minutes later, still nothing. I thought about it, and I couldn't really remember feeling him much at all yesterday. So, I went online and looked up what I should do. It said to lay on my left side with a pillow under my bump for at least 30 minutes, and if I don't feel at least 5 kicks, then I should call the doctor. Well, I only felt one (and it was very, very small), so I decided to call my midwife. I explained to her what was going on, and she told me to come in to L&D. So, at 10pm, we got to the hospital. She was expecting me, and she hooked me up to the monitors right away. She made me drink a ton of juice and eat like 50 crackers. Ugh... I wasn't even hungry. But, she thought it would wake baby up. And sure enough... It did! The lazy bum was sleeping all that time! I couldn't believe it. In the end, she said he wasn't moving because I should be eating every 4 hours, which I do, but whatever. She checked my cervix and I'm still not dilated at all! :( She asked me if I still wanted to wait and try and go into labor and I told her yes. Thank GOD! She said "If you don't, we can take him tonight." I told her NO WAY!!! I'm not having a c-section until I have to!!! So, she went ahead and sent me home. We didn't get home till about 1:30am, so it was rough getting Luke to bed and everything.

So, this morning we all slept in. And my appointment was at 1:20pm. We went to the appointment and I updated my regular midwife about what happened last night. She said, she was hoping I would have already had the baby by now. No luck. Lol... Anyway, I haven't gained any weight since last week, the baby's heartbeat is great, and my blood pressure is good. I had blood in my urine, but I told her how I'd been losing bits and pieces of my plug every morning since Saturday, so she said that's why it showed blood. So, I asked her to check me again and see if I'd made any progress at all since last week when I was 70% effaced (since the MW last night hadn't mentioned it). Well, now I'm closer to 80%-85% effaced, and she said the babies head is palpable (sp). So, she could feel it, and he would bob his head up and down, but he isn't low enough down to be dilating my cervix yet. So, I'll be having my c-section on Tuesday the 31st if the baby doesn't come on his own. She said she wants me to come in on Monday the 30th for one last appointment and another non-stress test to monitor the baby for a bit, before the cesarean. So, I have my very, very last appointment on Monday at 9am... NO MATTER WHAT!!! This time next week I will definitely have a baby one way or another! :)

So, I'm really sorry I didn't get on last night and update everyone, but I was SO tired. Sorry to make ya'll worry. :(
Congrats!! i have a Dr appt on Tuesday so while i'm just getting a check up, you'll be having a baby! that's sooo exciting :)
i'm sorry about him not moving. poor little guy was sleepy! Trystin does that to me sometimes. scares me to death. but the last week or so he hasn't stopped moving!! so if he does i'll definitely be afraid!! i hope my 10 weeks go by fast. specially now that the weather is FINALLY starting to cool down a bit. today luckily hasn't gone over 80 degrees!
looks like another extremely long night with no sleep...mm yay!! not :( my stomach hurts, back hurts and my nose is STILL stuffed up!! i'm praying these next 10 weeks go by really fast cause no sleep is making me seriously sick!
I'm up too. Backache and kinda crampy, DH is off at work, I'm home alone B.O.R.E.D! Been sleeping a lot though, till now anyway.
i sleep alot during the day. i try not to but i get so exhausted that i have to go lay down. then my back starts hurting or my stomach or Trystin kicks. then i'm up again! lol. or i pee a bajillion times and have heartburn. it's never ending lmao.

OMG. have any of you seen the circumcision thread?!! talk about some crazy women haha
yup, those are always crazy. Why I posted on that one, I'll never know. It's best just to stay off threads like that, they get locked soon. It's a personal choice.
very much so!! i posted but i couldn't find it through all the craziness. i was like thank god! i read some of em and those women were going crazy!!
Considering I don't have one, I let DH decide on that part!
yuup same here! but what i don't understand it how they tried to compare it to girls getting somehow circumcised?!
Let's not get on that one!

Did you get your rent and all that sorted out? How's Trystin?
haha i don't blame you! sorry.
yeahh we got everything sorted. finally paid our almost month overdue water bill!! but having alot of trouble getting my in laws to help pay rent. i mean we can pay it on our own but they said they would help pay it if we let them move in. and we only ask for 100 a week. which is more than reasonable considering our rent is 825 and we aren't even asking them to help pay for electric or water!
Not trying to pry but how often does your OH get paid?

DH and I have a set budget weekly. We have certain bills to pay certain weeks like

week 1 car insurance
week 2 rent
week 3 utilities
week 4 loan payment

Can you do something like that?
he gets paid every other friday. which is the friday before he goes back. so we have to pay all our bills at once since they are all due the week he's home! it's confusing. i mean he makes enough to pay everything and still have some left over, but i know it'll be hard once the baby comes.
I've been there a couple times hun! Are you holding anything back for savings? We're trying to but not having much luck, keep getting hit with one thing or another but we're making it.
we try but i swear everytime we do, we discover a new darn bill!! i swear, i've never seen soo many bills in my life haha. it's ********!! oh and Trystin is good. a constant wiggler. and just now discovered that he can sit on my bladder and apparently either bounce or punch it :)
we try but i swear everytime we do, we discover a new darn bill!! i swear, i've never seen soo many bills in my life haha. it's ********!! oh and Trystin is good. a constant wiggler. and just now discovered that he can sit on my bladder and apparently either bounce or punch it :)

Yup, as soon as you have something saved, some one wants money!

Charlie is a big wiggler! Drives me nuts sometimes but so worth it. Every now and then he gives me a punch to the hoo ha that I could totally do without! It's like he's seeing if the 'door' is still locked! :haha:

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