U.S 3rd tri mommies!

i decided to give benadryl another shot. all i have done is yawn. and i swear it made me even more restless like i can't be still. my spooning bf was smothering me! and i didn't want to disturb him. he got stung by hornets today at work so he took benadryl and he is knocked out. i'm so jealous i had to have one. and i get THIS!!!!!!!!! i saw someone eating a grilled cheese sandwich on tv earlier and had to have one of those too. :haha: it's my fault the baby is doing cart wheels!

kalin, are you feeling any better? tomorrow i have plans to take my mom out and about and do some shopping with her. she has cancer and a lot of other medical problems so doesn't drive anymore. i am going to be so dead tomorrow. :sleep:
Amanda have you tried a nice long soak in the tub and a cup of tea? That helps me relax sometimes.
amanda; yeahh i tried taking a benadryl the other night, pfft nothing!! i was like noooo you've failed me :( i swear i have the wierdest immunity to medicine. a medicine can affect everyone in my family...cept me! it's so wierd. so half the time when someone says "oh it's makes me this or this"...i take it cause i know it'll be opposite :) hehe.
but yeahh i'm feeling a little better. going to olive garden tomorrow with my OH's cousin. been craving it. then i'm finally gonna get some bubblegum ice cream! whoo.

michele; yuup Trystin LOVES doing that in public. i'm like really kid? i tell my OH to tell his son to stop beating me up. hehe. OH the cutest thing. last night i was talking to Chris on the phone (my OH) and he told me to put my phone to my tummy. so i put it on speakerphone and he starts talking to me tummy and Trystin got to kicking away! it was SO cute!!
lol John tries to feel Charlie kick, sometimes he does. I think he might actually be calming Charlie down some times, dunno. He does get pretty active right before John heads off to work and then again right before John comes home in the mornings. I think he can sense his daddy!
i think Trystin can sense him too! they say babies hear a male's voice first cause it's so much deeper. i hope that's true cause Chris gets all excited when Trystin kicks for him. of course he always kicks for me, so that's no surprise but he hasn't kicked for anyone else but Chris!!
I really don't let anyone touch my bump, I don't have many visitors anyway and I really don't go out, so Charlie hasn't kicked anyone else really. Don't know why but I did let the neighbor lady feel him move and I really can't stand the woman most days.

I think I'm going to try and lay down for a bit, don't know if I'll get any sleep or not but it's worth a shot. Besides, it'll make Charlie move a lot and I can't get enough of that.

Sorry you ladies had trouble sleeping last night. :hugs:

For once, I slept pretty great! Of course I had a few trips to the bathroom, but ds slept only waking up once throughout the whole night. And I pretty much stayed in one position all night so wasn't in muhc pain - oh yeah, and did I mention we went to bed at like 6:30pm? Lol. OH, ds, and myself all went and passed out. :haha:

This morning is pretty good - gosh I am loving this weather! I haven't had my a/c on in 2 days! Which can only mean I am saving some dang money! Lol.

I hope you ladies are well this morning - although I think I saw on Kalin's facebook she wasn't feeling to great. Hope that gets better hon! :hugs:
Good morning ladies!! :)

I'm sorry that last night was so hard for some of you. I wasn't feeling too hot myself last night. I was literally waking up every hour to pee! I mean, come on!!! And when I would go to sit down to pee, I was experiencing SO much pressure in my bum (lol...). It really wasn't funny though. It HURT!! I had to ease myself onto the toilet seat really slowly, because it was so much pressure down there. I thought for sure something was going on. It was like that for four of my nightly bathroom breaks, then all of a sudden it went away. It was so weird! Plus, I had terrible heartburn, because I made the mistake of making some Honey Barbecue chicken on the grill last night. It tasted SO good, but I certainly paid for it! Lol... :(

Well, I hope everyone has a better day then they did night last night! Hopefully we hear from Guppy or Honeydue soon. I know they're both overdue. Maybe they've gone into labor! :)
Good morning ladies!! :)

I'm sorry that last night was so hard for some of you. I wasn't feeling too hot myself last night. I was literally waking up every hour to pee! I mean, come on!!! And when I would go to sit down to pee, I was experiencing SO much pressure in my bum (lol...). It really wasn't funny though. It HURT!! I had to ease myself onto the toilet seat really slowly, because it was so much pressure down there. I thought for sure something was going on. It was like that for four of my nightly bathroom breaks, then all of a sudden it went away. It was so weird! Plus, I had terrible heartburn, because I made the mistake of making some Honey Barbecue chicken on the grill last night. It tasted SO good, but I certainly paid for it! Lol... :(

Well, I hope everyone has a better day then they did night last night! Hopefully we hear from Guppy or Honeydue soon. I know they're both overdue. Maybe they've gone into labor! :)

Be careful with that pressure in the bum! Did it feel like you needed to poo? That is how I felt when I started getting regular contractions. Granted I went to the hospital and it still took me 15 hours of labor to have my ds - but it may very well be a good sign for you! :thumbup:
I wish i've gone into labor! :haha:
Sorry i've been MIA (i was SOOO tired last night, as was DH). :sleep:

So went to my MW appt today. To sum it up quickly i'll give you the important details. I wont go into detail about the entire induction discussion except for the fact that she is gonna check my amniotic levels and do an ultrasound on monday then i have an appt for Sept 3rd (that friday) more than likely they will want to induce either that friday of the following tuesday (Sept. 7th, they wont do inductions on the Labor day holiday). Ig you want more details on this just read my recent journal post :thumbup: its a bit epic so im not gonna bore everyone with that.

Okay so, ive made progress! :wohoo:

I am almost 50% effaced :dance: (thats up from 0% 3 weeks ago :thumbup:)
I am almost 2CM dilated (almost, somewhere between 1.5-2) :dance: (thats up1-1.5cms since 3 weeks ago)
I am stationed to -1 :dance: (up, or should i say down :haha: from -3 three weeks ago)
Babys HB was around 140 (and moving around loads :cloud9:)
FH was 39CMs (down from 40cms :( BUT she wasnt concerned as baby was so low that measurement could be off, and thats normal when they are that low :thumbup:)
I am down 1 pound in weight (but again, she wasnt worried, this is common at the end, and i've had a cold for a week)
BP was a little high but she wasnt worried as my urine sample was perfect and her & the nurse both thought it was from being stressed about the induction (i would agree).
BP (the first time) was 140/90 the second time it was 138/80. Was def.[mental] stress induced, so thats actually ok.

anyways, sorry for the super long post.

Hope some of you get more comfy and get better sleeps!
Hope those of you waiting to go into labor that it happens soon! LABOR DUST! :dust:
guppy, won't be long now!!!!!!!!!!!!

silas, i need some good sleep fairy dust. my head is pounding and ughhhhh! have to leave in a minute to go get my mama and spend the day with her! but we have air conditioniing in the car now. so exciting!!!! glad you got some rest and hopefully your little man is feeling better.

kalin, i hope you are feeling better today. have you tried taking indigestion medicine? i have taken prevacid and it did WONDERS!

michelle, i have never been one to drink hot tea or herbal tea or anything. but i would try it at this point. i wish i had got up and tried the hot bath too last night. it was a long night of tossing and turning. so annoying. i keep thinking i will be worn out and sleep good. seems it juts makes it even worse. kind of like a toddler!!

hope i didn't miss anyone directly..i am in a big hurry though. i should be dressed already. actually i should have left already! again, i hope everyone has a great day and SOMEBODY has a baby today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
Amanda, Celestial Teas has a great Chamomile tea that helps with sleep. You can drink it when pregnant.
Silas - I've heard that before, that's why I was getting kind of nervous. But, it was more like so much pressure that I couldn't sit comfortably. Does that sound normal? I don't know. It was strange. Like I said, it just kind of went away after a few hours. I've been trying to keep an eye on every little pain or twinge, because I'm really not sure what to expect at this point. But, it's just turning me into a mess. Lol...

Guppy - Well it definitely looks like your progressing nicely! If they hold off for the induction until Tuesday the 7th, I'd say you won't need it! You are well on your way on your own! I wish I was dilated! :( Good luck hunn! :)
Thanks amanda! I hope SOMEONE has a baby today too! (or at least the start of one!) :wohoo:

delmeg- maybe you will have a quick labor since your not dilated? I have a feeling mine will be "putzy putzy" since ive been dilated for weeks now! We BOTH are going to have our babies by Sunday! (hopefully lol, im trying to be positive here! haha) i think we both are gonna go on our own tho! Im trying to stay relaxed about the induction, bc one would think i wouldn't need it if im this far already...but who knows, just sometimes hard to take my mind off even tho it may not even be an issue :dohh:
Silas - I've heard that before, that's why I was getting kind of nervous. But, it was more like so much pressure that I couldn't sit comfortably. Does that sound normal? I don't know. It was strange. Like I said, it just kind of went away after a few hours. I've been trying to keep an eye on every little pain or twinge, because I'm really not sure what to expect at this point. But, it's just turning me into a mess. Lol...

Guppy - Well it definitely looks like your progressing nicely! If they hold off for the induction until Tuesday the 7th, I'd say you won't need it! You are well on your way on your own! I wish I was dilated! :( Good luck hunn! :)

I got a sweep, and doctor told OH and I to go home and have sex. Well I was bleeding and cramping from the sweep so had no desire to have sex. Eventually OH kind of molested me, lol. After that I felt so crappy so decided to take a bath. While in the bath I started getting this pressure - basically it felt like when you have to take a really bad poo, lol. You know the kind I mean! With a bit of stomach cramps as well. I literally got on the toilet and strained myself for about 10 minutes trying to poo. Then I realized. :dohh:

So, yes what your describing sounds about right. You may just be contracting enough to dilate or something. :happydance: I imagine that baby will want to come out soon - hopefully before the c-section date. And I think once it starts happening for you, you will know. About like with me once I realized that I didn't really have to poo. I started timing, and once I spend a good 45 mintues with regular contractions I decided to call L&D and ask to come in. I was already at 5cm dilated though - so it was a bit different for me at that point. But I definitely think something is starting to happen for ya!
Guppy - I don't know. My friend was 2 cm dilated for over a month and she was scheduled to be induced on a Friday night. She had an appointment that morning and they did a sweep around noon, and she went into labor about 2 hours before her scheduled induction. She had her son within 7 hours! :) Maybe it won't be a long labor for you after all! Have they talked about a sweep at all?
Thanks amanda! I hope SOMEONE has a baby today too! (or at least the start of one!) :wohoo:

delmeg- maybe you will have a quick labor since your not dilated? I have a feeling mine will be "putzy putzy" since ive been dilated for weeks now! We BOTH are going to have our babies by Sunday! (hopefully lol, im trying to be positive here! haha) i think we both are gonna go on our own tho! Im trying to stay relaxed about the induction, bc one would think i wouldn't need it if im this far already...but who knows, just sometimes hard to take my mind off even tho it may not even be an issue :dohh:

I think it is just normal to worry - I hate the idea of having an induction. I was worried about induction early with my last - as I had my son at just 38+1 and I had been worried about induction for weeks! :haha:

I am not letting myself think about it this time around. Since I had my son early last time I think I have it in my head that this one wont go overdue either. But watch her prove me wrong! I will be posting at 40+3 wondering when is this baby going to come?!?!? :wacko:
Silas, once you got to L&D and were checked, did they say how stationed you were?
Im just trying to relate my sensations with yours (pooping :haha:) i am currently stationed -1 and i get LOADS of pressure on and off but its in my lady garden area. Sometimes gets to be so much i cant move.

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