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U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Okay... So, today was a busy day. I had a non-stress test and midwife appointment at 9am. I made Del stop at Burger King on the way there, because I really wanted some breakfast food. So, I ate that on the way to the doctor. It's a good thing I did, because I only ended up having to sit hooked up to the monitor for about 15-20 minutes. He was moving all over the place... thanks to the good food! :) His heartrate and everything looked great, so we passed with flying colors! :thumbup: The midwife wasn't going to check my cervix, but I asked her to. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. :( I still have a very, very soft cervix, still only 80% effaced, and still not dilated! :growlmad:

I went down to the lab and it was so packed, the wait was an hour. So, I told Delvin I wasn't sitting there and waiting for an hour. We ended up going to Ollie's, and the mall and buying a few things for Luke. I've been spoiling him like crazy lately! :blush: I think I feel guilty for having to go into the hospital or something. :shrug: Anyway, we wasted about four hours between Ollie's and the mall, and then went back to the lab. I got in and out within 15 minutes, so that was good. Then we came home. In reality, I think I was just trying to waste a good portion of the day, because I knew that if I came home and sat around all day, it would feel like forever!! So, now we're home and I'm getting all of my last minute hospital items packed in my bag. I need to make a list of where Luke's things are (diapers, wipes, cups, plates, clothes, shoes, etc.) for my dad for tomorrow. He is going to come over and watch Luke while Delvin and I are at the hospital. Then he'll bring him by after bubs is out!

So... Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY!! :happydance:We have to leave here at 11:30am, to be to the hospital by noon. My c-section is scheduled for 2pm, and LO should be here by 2:45-3pm at the latest!! :baby: At this point, I just can't wait to meet him, recover, and come back home! I'm so excited! I am bringing the laptop to the hospital (still hoping and praying they have free Wifi). So, I will be able to post pictures tomorrow evening. If not, then I'll definitely get pictures up the day I get home. I just don't know when that will be yet.

Michele - Before I forget, is there anything you can think of that maybe I hadn't, to throw in my bag for a c-section delivery. I planned my bag around a regular delivery. Well, since that didn't happen, I hope I'm not going to forget anything. :shrug:
Okay... So, today was a busy day. I had a non-stress test and midwife appointment at 9am. I made Del stop at Burger King on the way there, because I really wanted some breakfast food. So, I ate that on the way to the doctor. It's a good thing I did, because I only ended up having to sit hooked up to the monitor for about 15-20 minutes. He was moving all over the place... thanks to the good food! :) His heartrate and everything looked great, so we passed with flying colors! :thumbup: The midwife wasn't going to check my cervix, but I asked her to. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. :( I still have a very, very soft cervix, still only 80% effaced, and still not dilated! :growlmad:

I went down to the lab and it was so packed, the wait was an hour. So, I told Delvin I wasn't sitting there and waiting for an hour. We ended up going to Ollie's, and the mall and buying a few things for Luke. I've been spoiling him like crazy lately! :blush: I think I feel guilty for having to go into the hospital or something. :shrug: Anyway, we wasted about four hours between Ollie's and the mall, and then went back to the lab. I got in and out within 15 minutes, so that was good. Then we came home. In reality, I think I was just trying to waste a good portion of the day, because I knew that if I came home and sat around all day, it would feel like forever!! So, now we're home and I'm getting all of my last minute hospital items packed in my bag. I need to make a list of where Luke's things are (diapers, wipes, cups, plates, clothes, shoes, etc.) for my dad for tomorrow. He is going to come over and watch Luke while Delvin and I are at the hospital. Then he'll bring him by after bubs is out!

So... Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY!! :happydance:We have to leave here at 11:30am, to be to the hospital by noon. My c-section is scheduled for 2pm, and LO should be here by 2:45-3pm at the latest!! :baby: At this point, I just can't wait to meet him, recover, and come back home! I'm so excited! I am bringing the laptop to the hospital (still hoping and praying they have free Wifi). So, I will be able to post pictures tomorrow evening. If not, then I'll definitely get pictures up the day I get home. I just don't know when that will be yet.

Michele - Before I forget, is there anything you can think of that maybe I hadn't, to throw in my bag for a c-section delivery. I planned my bag around a regular delivery. Well, since that didn't happen, I hope I'm not going to forget anything. :shrug:

Eek I am so excited!!! :happydance::happydance:
Delmeg! I am so excited for you sweetie! :dance:
I bet it will be tough sleeping through the night just anticipating meeting your LO tomorrow! :cloud9:
Thats also really nice that they scheduled it for the afternoon and not some ungodly hour like 7AM :thumbup:
I can't wait to hear all about it and see you with your new sweetie pie!

I love Ollies!!! But i havn't found any since ive moved here :( PA had tons of em, but not here :shrug:

The stretch and sweep went good :D And it didn't hurt like all of the horror stories i was told! I know it doesn't work for a lot of ppl but given my progress and the fact that im a week overdue, SURELY something will result? :shrug: or at least it better! :dohh:
TMI but i just had DIARRHEA! :happydance: NEVER thought i would be so happy to see that :rofl: i REALLY hope that is from an impending labor and not my raviolis that i had for dinner :blush:

To anyone who has had the sweep, did you get tired a few hours after? I havn't had any cramping. Was super energetic but after a couple hours i am so tired! :sleep: I hope this means something is going to happen TONIGHT!

I am actually very glad that i had all those testings done today. It has made me so much more comfortable bc i feel like going into labor by friday is a realistic "goal". My parents and my gram are coming for a visit over the labor day weekend (whether i have baby Isaiah or not :wacko:) so hopefully he arrives by then!!!! Hopefully i go into labor by tomorrow and have him bc i dont want to be in the hospital while my folks are in

Honey, are you getting induced tomorrow? :shrug:

Everyone else, got any special plans for the holiday weekend? I really would to go camping but seeing how my lo could be here...and oh yeah :dohh: the fact that we dont even have a tent yet :dohh: guess that wont be happening! HAHA.
omg i'm so over not sleeping!%$#@!

omg delmeg WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! i'm only a tiny bit jealous but definitely excited for you. it's like you are the first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gupy and honey bun, not yet??

kalin, hope you are having a good time with your hubby. i know you have a busy fun day ahead. can't wait to see pics of your hair then of your maternity shoot!

silas, not long now and NO MORE SCHOOL!

michelle, how is the nursery coming a long? do anything else in there?

i have been so lazy. i was supposed to be off mon, tues, wed but went in last night and played manager and stood in the windown and told people what to do. actually it was more of me going in and laughing with the kitchen guys all night and making sure all food was up to standard before going out. it was short and i made $40 for doing pretty much nothing. so that was ok. then i picked up a lunch shift. yesterday it was terrible slow. peopkle making 10 bucks and getting cut in 30 mins. i hope i do better than THAT! my oh is working in mississippi today which is a little drive from here. he comes home SO excited about this store that has everything ever. LOL he insists he must buy some baby carharrts he saw. can't tell him no, it's too sweet!

i had to get up early to take him to the truck since he ended up in the other truck last night and it got left at my work. so i had to stop at mcdonalds on the way home!!!!!!!!!!! i am gonna try to go nap before work. i am not sure i ever fell asleep last night. totally miserable night of tossing and turning. i bet i will be good and sleepy soon as it is time to get up for work. ugh!

have a great day everyone!!
Got a few nursery pics for you, it's coming along great!!


The white cut outs are things I need to get to yet. There will be more pics to come as it gets done! I'm doing all of this free hand!
On a normal day I would be just now getting up, but turns out that Joseph wanted to get up when daddy left for work this morning, so I have had a couple more hours added to my day. I would take a nap, as Joseph already passed back out, but eh, I am not one much for naps really. Plus he always wakes up when I get in to a decent sleep.

I have already done a lot today - I cleaned the bathroom, meaning scrubbed the toilet and bathtub! Bleh, lots of work. I did everything but mop the floor - my OH can do that since I mopped the kitchen, as well as cleaned our bedroom and vaccumed etc.

And now, I need to get started on that homework! I did good yesterday for not getting online - but I missed it. The computer was calling my name all day it felt like. Lol. But I am doing my best so far! Going to get this homework done and then eat some breakfast - maybe. Don't really have any food .... :(
Good morning girls.

Delmeg- you are probably leaving soon for the hospital!!!!! Good luck sweetie!!!

Amanda- hope your sleeps get better :hugs:

Michelle- WOW! That is looking absolutely gorgeous! Great job!!!

Honey- just wondering if youve had your LO....guess if you havn't you probably are as we speak! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Silas- i NEED your motivation! LOL. The only reason i care to have my house cleaned at this point is bc my mother is coming for a visit this weekend...isn't that wrong? Shouldn't i be nesting or something :shrug: i really dont feel like doing any of it...though i will admit that i started cleaning the toilet last night before bed :blush:

AFM- im starting to get emotionally upset. :cry: it is now day 8 and there isn't a twinge in sight. How can i have progressed so much and yet not be in labor yet? :shrug: every morning i wake up and nothing has happened i feel like a failure. :sad1: what is wrong with me? Im starting to think there IS something wrong with me...ugh...so much for being an August Mommy :(
Guppy, you have till midnight hun! I'm here pulling for you!

As for me, ggrr more stupid bloody mucus baloney... which any of you over due mommies are welcome to have! I have another 20 days come morning, I hope he doesn't come too early, I'd like for him to be 100% ready and for MIL to be there.

This is not good timing, we don't have a running vehicle right now... but this lol is totally normal luck for us!
i have decided that sleep is for the weak. oh what i wouldn't do to be weak right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laying back down is usally when i actually do sleep. i just successfully was miserable and trying to force it. grrrr!!

michelle, i showed my oh the other night and he was so impressed with the nursery you are painting. little boys love that kind of stuff. our good friends son just had his 5th birthday and his main request was scooby doo and anything that had wheels. they love it! it will grow with him for a while. i can't imagine a little boy loving forest animals. like the bedding set we have. lol. mommy and daddy love it right now though.

oh and michelle, legs crossed! hold on lil buddy.

silas, i need your cleaning motivation at least. i want so much to get off of work and go on a cleaning frenzy today. i'm scared i am going to come home and crash though. wish me luck!

guppy, with my first i had zero twinges. nothing! i had to be induced because of preeclampsia and was on magnesium drips for almost 2 wks which meant no breast feeding AT ALL. you are NOT a failure. you are just doing a good job at protecting your little one and he is so happy to be in there with mommy he doesn't want to make an appearance yet. that's all love! xoxo
ooooooh just realized in one more day i can say i am due NEXT MONTH!. ahhhhhhh so exciting.

and a not so exciting point, i will be 30, 18 days from today. i never pictured myself as 30. how weird.
Good morning girls.

Delmeg- you are probably leaving soon for the hospital!!!!! Good luck sweetie!!!

Amanda- hope your sleeps get better :hugs:

Michelle- WOW! That is looking absolutely gorgeous! Great job!!!

Honey- just wondering if youve had your LO....guess if you havn't you probably are as we speak! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Silas- i NEED your motivation! LOL. The only reason i care to have my house cleaned at this point is bc my mother is coming for a visit this weekend...isn't that wrong? Shouldn't i be nesting or something :shrug: i really dont feel like doing any of it...though i will admit that i started cleaning the toilet last night before bed :blush:

AFM- im starting to get emotionally upset. :cry: it is now day 8 and there isn't a twinge in sight. How can i have progressed so much and yet not be in labor yet? :shrug: every morning i wake up and nothing has happened i feel like a failure. :sad1: what is wrong with me? Im starting to think there IS something wrong with me...ugh...so much for being an August Mommy :(

i have decided that sleep is for the weak. oh what i wouldn't do to be weak right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laying back down is usally when i actually do sleep. i just successfully was miserable and trying to force it. grrrr!!

michelle, i showed my oh the other night and he was so impressed with the nursery you are painting. little boys love that kind of stuff. our good friends son just had his 5th birthday and his main request was scooby doo and anything that had wheels. they love it! it will grow with him for a while. i can't imagine a little boy loving forest animals. like the bedding set we have. lol. mommy and daddy love it right now though.

oh and michelle, legs crossed! hold on lil buddy.

silas, i need your cleaning motivation at least. i want so much to get off of work and go on a cleaning frenzy today. i'm scared i am going to come home and crash though. wish me luck!

guppy, with my first i had zero twinges. nothing! i had to be induced because of preeclampsia and was on magnesium drips for almost 2 wks which meant no breast feeding AT ALL. you are NOT a failure. you are just doing a good job at protecting your little one and he is so happy to be in there with mommy he doesn't want to make an appearance yet. that's all love! xoxo

Kalin and Michelle put me in my mindset today -lol. They were talking about cleaning yesterday and so when I got up this morning I was like I am ready to just do it!! Haha.

Amanda - If I had to work I probably wouldn't clean too much either. And you deserve to come home and crash - starting to wonder when your good sleep is coming. Hopefully soon! :thumbup:

I finished my homework, and worked ahead a little. Going to do more tomorrow .. or maybe I should today since I have my 3 hour glucose tomorrow and wont be back home until 1pm or after ... yeah would be best to get it done today .....off to do that now I suppose. :thumbup:
ooooooh just realized in one more day i can say i am due NEXT MONTH!. ahhhhhhh so exciting.

and a not so exciting point, i will be 30, 18 days from today. i never pictured myself as 30. how weird.

lol I'm 33 and don't feel any different than when I was 29.

I can say that I know for a fact that I'm having a baby next month! No waiting for me.

Those of you still waiting, I really hope your babies come soon, you may have made it too nice in there!

Amanda, gear the rest of the nursery towards boy scouts and camping and such! That would work!

Sending Delmeg my best wishes for a great c-section experience and an easy recovery!

Silas! It's about time you jump on the cleaning band wagon!
Oh! Almost forgot to update about the car situation.

My truck is leaking tranny fluid, so instead of a tow to our regular mechanic who might not be able to fix it, we're just towing it to the place that does just tranny work. No paying for 2 tows and 2 shops! HAHA!

DH's car is running but needs registration on it. I'll deal with both vehicles on Thursday, that way we have at least one running vehicle, money is going to be a little tight BUT there's always MIL. DH has agreed he'll give her a call, she doesn't mind us asking for money for things like that, not that we ever ask all that much, maybe once a year when things are bad. I know she'll help us out considering how close I am to delivery and she'd rather see us with my truck running than no vehicle at all or me driving DH's car which I hate.
Silas, great job on getting your work done! =D> Good luck at your GD test tomorrow. I think the worst part is drinking that orange sugar crap in a couple minutes! LOL

Michelle- Thats the worst when something happens to your car! In the last 2 months we have had to pay tons of $$$ to get the window regulators fixed (and we just bought our car in May :wacko:). Good thing you can take it to the shop that works on that specific issue. I dont blame ya, no point in paying for something 2x! Thats for sure!

Delmeg- your sweet baby is going to be born in exactly 55 minutes! :yipee: Can't wait!!!!!
Silas! It's about time you jump on the cleaning band wagon!

I know right! :haha:

Oh! Almost forgot to update about the car situation.

My truck is leaking tranny fluid, so instead of a tow to our regular mechanic who might not be able to fix it, we're just towing it to the place that does just tranny work. No paying for 2 tows and 2 shops! HAHA!

DH's car is running but needs registration on it. I'll deal with both vehicles on Thursday, that way we have at least one running vehicle, money is going to be a little tight BUT there's always MIL. DH has agreed he'll give her a call, she doesn't mind us asking for money for things like that, not that we ever ask all that much, maybe once a year when things are bad. I know she'll help us out considering how close I am to delivery and she'd rather see us with my truck running than no vehicle at all or me driving DH's car which I hate.

Its good that you have family willing to help you - or atleast your MIL. :thumbup:
Silas, great job on getting your work done! =D> Good luck at your GD test tomorrow. I think the worst part is drinking that orange sugar crap in a couple minutes! LOL

Michelle- Thats the worst when something happens to your car! In the last 2 months we have had to pay tons of $$$ to get the window regulators fixed (and we just bought our car in May :wacko:). Good thing you can take it to the shop that works on that specific issue. I dont blame ya, no point in paying for something 2x! Thats for sure!

Delmeg- your sweet baby is going to be born in exactly 55 minutes! :yipee: Can't wait!!!!!

Yes, that is the worst part. Plus you can't have anything after midnight, and then they make you drink this disgusting thing that just makes you feel like vomiting all over the place! Of course, if I failed the test I would be thankful for having to take it so that I can get the proper care - but this happened with my son too. I failed the 1 hour test, and passed the 3 hour test. So it just seemed like a waste of time. And plus I have to take my son along for the test because I don't have anyone to watch him .. so that makes it 30x more difficult. :wacko:
This is the kind of stuff that makes me think wth? Seriously? How does this happen exactly? :|

wow! That would be tough with a kiddo running around!
So you have to fast for your GD test?? I didn't have to at any of mine (when i lived in PA they do them routinely at 16 and 28 weeks). And then here in NH i had to get one done at 28 weeks but didn't have to fast for either one. At any rate, crazy that they make pregnant women starve! no wonder so many women "fail" those tests. I mean its so unatural for anyone to not eat (even a man!). Hope it goes by quick for you dear!
I didn't have to for the 1 hour test, but you do for the 3 hour here.

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