Bahaha, yeah according to the ultra-sound tech everything is TOO good and peachy in there!
Legally, NO doctor can FORCE you to be induced. I was reading my legal rights, and according to the law, a doctor can NOT drop you from care unless they give you written notice and 30 days AND they find another care provider for you. The ONLY time they can force you to do anything is if your life is TRULY in jeopardy.
Anyways, they wanted to induce today (that was last week). But i declined unless there was a medical reason to do so (and as of now there isn't). in EVERY other developed country they let you go until 42 weeks and there arnt any issues with those babies and most women dont end up being induced. Anyways, as long as test (like the ones i got on monday) are showing everything is fine and dandy then they are gonna let me go (doesnt mean i didnt have to be vocal tho! BC i really had to state my opinion) but what MANY women dont realize is that 9 times out of 10 it ISNT *really* medically necessary to be induced. Anyways, off my pedistol
If they are able to break my water on friday i am gonna do that. If not then they will probably run more tests and see if he is okay. If he's okay then i'll wait until at least Tuesday to be induced (theres a good chance i would go by then anyways
) if its not okay, guess im gonna have to grit my teeth and suck it up
In PA (my hometown) nearly everyone gets induced as well...but i dont like to say its because the babies dont want to come out or a mother cant go into spontanious labor...
its just because either the doc or the mother gets impatient. They get induced when they are only a few days over due, which is NUTS bc a NORMAL pregnancy last anywhere from 37-42 weeks...but most ppl dont question their doc and get the induction. A study i read said that the average first time mother will go into labor at 41+1 day. of course, now everyone gets induced before 41 weeks (or during)...guess i just wont settle for "this is routine". NO! there needs to be PROOF that MY child is in danger. Thats what i called an informed decision...unfortunately, i dont think ladies realize the tests that can be done to save them from induction.