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U.S 3rd tri mommies!

I am not excited at all, and now OH just called and said he is going to take off early today so that we can go to a nearby town to see about a car loan. I have done so much today that I am in no mood to travel .. its a 30+ mile drive. Bleh.

Just want to go to bed now, lol. I have to make sure I stuff my face today lol. Just so I don't starve to death tomorrow.
So, I got a phone call from the hospital this morning, as we were walking out the door to leave. They had to bump my surgery till tomorrow, because they had too many walk-ins and emergency c-sections. :( I was SO upset! I was a damn mess! They did the same thing with me when I had Luke! WTH?!? So anyway, I called my midwife to ask if there was anything she could do. She told me to come in to the office at 1pm for a biophysical profile and checkup. So, we went in. It turns out my amniotic fluid levels are high. I saw the doctor and she said they'd reschedule the c-section for tomorrow at 11:30am. I may be bumped to 12:30pm or 1:30pm, but no matter what I have to have the baby by 2pm. The biophysical profile score only cleared me for 24 hours. So, I have to have the baby by 2pm. I'm so frustrated, but not nearly as mad as I was this morning when I got the call. So, no August baby for me. :(

Honey is supposed to be induced this evening at 6pm though, so she may just be the first to have her baby!! :)
sorry to hear about the rescheduling Delmeg :hugs:
Im glad that your had the tests done and you know baby will be safe until tomorrow. At least you're guranteed to meet your LO tomorrow!! :yipee:

Its not looking like im gonna be an August mommy either :sad1:
Maybe we will still have our LOs on the same day? :shrug: Wouldn't be too bad being the first babys of the month ;)
delmeg, i'm so sorry!!! but you know for sure they can not turn you away for anything tomorrow. that is good to hear. baby WILL be here!

michelle, i don't feel 30 AT ALL. well i feel old and broke down lately but still i feel like a kid! sorry to hear about your car troubles. if anybody knows anything about that, i definitely do. the other car we have before the one that was given to us, was from my mom. it has some major issues going on. can't drive at night because the tail lights go out. i mean, i kept thinking i hope i don't go into labor in the middle of the night. we would be screwed. good thing you have your mil to call on. that's wonderful! i also love how you respect and are close to her. that's really cool! my mil is very prissy and uppity and makes me nervous. she didn't speak to me for months after i got my first tattoo. sooooo yeah.

silas, you better get to eating. i know i would. i really thought i was gonna fail my nonfasting test because i couldnt say no to m&ms right before it. i am TERRIBLE with food and self control right now. it's BAD! i hope the test is fine. they should let you at least walk around huh? take joseph outside and maybe to the cafeteria?? or you in a hospital doing it? my obgyn is in woman's hospital where i will be delivering and we have subway and the cafeteria, i always have to go eat something when i go to the dr. it's a tradition. lol

i think i missed something. i'll have to read back.

today at work, i cut my finger. more like stabbed it and broke a glass in my hand. it bled so bad i had both male managers freaking out running with towels. it's pretty bad and honestly probably could have use a couple of stitches. but the amount of blood that was everywhere was INSANE. i felt bad because i bled everywhere. the kitchen manager was seriously concerned and asked me if i was on blood thinners. made me realize i should probably be better about taking my iron supplements for the anemia they said i have because of the baby. it was so much blood it is hard to describe for a little puncture type cut where my pointer finger meets my hand. i have to admit it kind of scared me. mostly because it frightened them i think.

i would also like to report that i had to work a little later than expected. but since arriving home i have done NOTHING. i know you are all so surprised.

oh and yesterday i found out i do not qualify for temp disability. the lady kept saying i did and right before i got off the phone with her, they found a loop hole. i was in the highest paid category too. it would have been at least 1k after taxes per month minimum for 52 wks. i would have never taken 52wks. but still it sure would have helped for a couple of months for me to have the baby and heal. so very disappointed and sad about that. :(

gonna read back in a little bit and make sure i didn't miss anything. and run to my moms to pick up the dinner she cooked us. bless her! have a good nite you guys!
Amanda, your MIL couldn't handle you getting a tattoo?!?!?! OMG she better be happy that she has you for a DIL instead of me, cause I'd give her a stroke. Don't think she'd last long after finding out that I used to be a stripper, and I have implants! My MIL wasn't impressed with what I used to do BUT she knew none of the defined who I am and it was just a job. That's it. She knows I'm a good person but every good person has flaws.

Delmeg, sorry they pushed things back on you. My section is set for the 22nd, the day BEFORE the full moon and if some mama is thinks she's going to line jump me, HA she better think again! I've been waiting 3 years for this baby, NO LINE JUMPING! I hope you get your section today, and that all your hopes and dreams come true!

I hope you ladies don't judge me for my confession of once being a stripper. It doesn't define who I really am, it was just a job, I went home every night to my husband, never anyone from the bar. I am still first and foremost a mother and a wife.

Hope you ladies have a great day!
MM- Totally judging you about your past job :D And the implants! And by that I mean SHEESH I'M JEALOUS! I'm getting them done when we are for sure done having kids... OH already said I could! My MIL doesn't like me because I GO to strip clubs lmao... well we're okay with the inlaws now... but for a long time I was too white trash for her perfect baby boy :D It took me getting pregnant for her to start acting like a human twords me... and mostly because I told her that no baby of mine was going to be HER grandchild :| I'm glad that you have a good relationship with your MIL though!

DelMeg- You'll have to let us know what happens!

Amanda- Do you know why you don't qualify for temp dis? I saw you put that on your facebook adn I was wondering because everyone told me I should try and file for it and stuff... but we just don't need the money so I'd feel bad trying to take from someone who might. ... either way I KNOW everything is going to work out for you! ... and its weird how big of babies your coworkers are! If you were a guy they'd have never been worried... they'd have brought you duct tape and told you to get back to work lol. Its nice to know they care though!

I more stalk this thread then write in it lol because I feel like I say the same thing over and over in all the other threads and then get here and am just like... i'll just read lol :D I'm glad that we're starting to have some babies here!!!! Wish it were my turn :|
No judgment here Michele :friends:
You shouldn't have to hid your past. And a job doesn't define the person, so you shouldnt feel bad about it.
...i hear dancers make good money tho...is that true? if it is, wish i wouldn't have gone to college! :haha: that and bar tenders suposidly make good money...what was i thinking going into human services :dohh:

anyways, we love you just the way you are! ...and plus if ppl knew my past...well...i have no room to talk, thats for sure!

So no signs of baby :nope: ...unless you count *actually wanting* to do :dishes: & :laundry: :haha: HE NEEDS TO COME ALREADY!!!!! :hissy: Im ONLY 9 days over :wacko: I did have mild menstrual cramping last night. It was constant and didn't come in waves or anything. Stopped after about 20 minutes. Then a little while the same happened...then it stopped...just praying that it at least dilated me or something! Im thinking they are going to push to induce me at my appt. on Friday. Hopefully im far enough dilated they can just break my water...but i think i need to be at least a 3 for that so IDK.

good luck delmeg!

has honey had her lo?
Used to make really good money, you still can but it's harder with the economy and all the 18 year old girls coming and and being 'dirty'. Not what it used to be.

Anyway, DH is whining he's tired.... um he got a dirty look and went to work on his car. I'm working on stocking my freezer with loads of home made dinners, banana bread, and cinnamon rolls. I don't want MIL or my step mom to feel they HAVE to cook, that's not why they are coming.

So far (and I'm behind here) I have in the freezer
1 loaf of banana bread
1 bag of spaghetti sauce
1 bag of stroganoff without the noodles
2 bags of chicken/veggies/stock for ala king or dumplings
2 bags of goulash base without the noodles

by Saturday, I will have added
4 more bags of spaghetti sauce
1 large pan of lasagna
6 loaves of banana bread
24 cinnamon rolls
2 large bags of beef burgundy stew

Can you tell I love to cook from scratch and I love to spoil my family?
oh michele :haha: this lady is something. my oh was raised very differently from me. went to all of the top extremely expensive catholic schools around here and would get kicked out of one and move on to another. ended up in boarding school. his mom is a realtor and his dad an attorney. extremely nice house in a huge neighborhood. his parents are divorced and his dad moved to north carloina and has a farm that exclusively grows organic food for whole foods on top of practicing law. his mom, the first time she met me, thought i was perfect. looked me up and down and said i was "an all american girl." whatever that means. my oh is definitely the black sheep. he previously was a bad ass and got in a lot of trouble. did a lot he shouldn't have done and so on and i was right there with him for some of it. the more he and i were together, the more jealous his mother got. it was weird. he has a lot of tattoos and every christmas she offers to have ALL of them surgically and laser removed. :haha: so i get one tattoo on my upper left arm and she sees it and becomes SO nasty to me.then meets my mom. my mom is extremely intelligent, went to college, and one of THE nicest people you could ever encounter in your life. she would give anyone ANYTHING she has to anybody who needed anything. well, my mom is very over weight because of a thyroid problem. she has had a mastectomy and just now getting some help with a prosthesis and just over all looks like hell. you probably would too if you were battling FOUR types of cancer still at one time. she has had a mediport in over 4 years now for chemo and radiation. she is a sick lady. from the day my oh's mom met my mom she has treated me like i am trash. i am NOT trash. just because i didn't have everything handed to me on a silver platter doesn't make me less of a person. she even has implants herself!!!!!!!!!! she modified her body but in the eyes of her prissy ass friends tattoos are dirty and she is ashamed. what's funny is, lately his mother has completely come around. she brought out some baby clothes and a new pack and play. texted me she wanted to come decorate. a whole bunch of stuff i don't trust. i do not have the best past myself but i know i have been good for her son and we are living our life to the fullest. have our own place and just doing down right good right now. i hate judgmental people. it is ridiculous.

oh and claire, i love the strip club too. :haha: my oh doesn't like them. his ex that he was with about 3 years was a dancer and after we got together, we actually attended her funeral where she oded. it definitely opened my eyes to a path i could possibly be headed down. i miss having care free fun nights out sometimes.

the temp disability thing....it is through my health insurance. i have had insurance that went into affect as of 1-1-10. apparently there is a maternity clause that states i would have to have been pregnant 6 months after my insurance went into affect. which means after 7-1-10. and obviously i am due 10-22-10 i am off on the dates. sucks because i signed up for insurance probably six months before it even took effect. how would you qualify for temp disability if you aren't working? is there another type i don't know about??? i'm looking for anything. i have even looked into the possibility of food stamps while i am not working. even for just one month. i hope noone judges me for that. but we are going to need some kind of help and i have always worked and put in. i just don't know what we are going to do. :wacko:

claire, it's so easy to get behind in this thread. i have to race to keep up. and miss a day....forget about it!! :sleep:

DELMEG, it's baby day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

silas, hope your test goes good today.

kalin, you must be having fun on your trip.

ok let's take bets to see if i actually clean today. i think there is a smell coming from the kitchen. yes y'all....it's that bad. :wacko: i don't even know where to start. but it's my only day off out of my 3 days off since i worked the last 2 of them. if i don't do it today, i have 4 days of straight work and then sunday we are traveling about 2 hours to see a friend. so let's just say, it better get done today.
roflmao Amanda, I'd kick your MIL's ass if she was my MIL. I'd have a blast picking on her!
MommyMichele- you NEED to bring those goodies to my house! :haha: especially that banana nut bread! sounds so yummy...maybe i'll go and make brownies now :D...from the box of course :rofl:
MommyMichele- you NEED to bring those goodies to my house! :haha: especially that banana nut bread! sounds so yummy...maybe i'll go and make brownies now :D...from the box of course :rofl:

i was just thinking the same thing. every last thing sounds amazing. :haha:

guppy, how long do you think they will let you go on your own before trying to force induction??? this is your first baby, right? from everyone i know it seems first baby's almost always have to be induced around here. they just don't wanna come out! apparently it's nice in there. :haha:
Bahaha, yeah according to the ultra-sound tech everything is TOO good and peachy in there! :haha:
Legally, NO doctor can FORCE you to be induced. I was reading my legal rights, and according to the law, a doctor can NOT drop you from care unless they give you written notice and 30 days AND they find another care provider for you. The ONLY time they can force you to do anything is if your life is TRULY in jeopardy.
Anyways, they wanted to induce today (that was last week). But i declined unless there was a medical reason to do so (and as of now there isn't). in EVERY other developed country they let you go until 42 weeks and there arnt any issues with those babies and most women dont end up being induced. Anyways, as long as test (like the ones i got on monday) are showing everything is fine and dandy then they are gonna let me go (doesnt mean i didnt have to be vocal tho! BC i really had to state my opinion) but what MANY women dont realize is that 9 times out of 10 it ISNT *really* medically necessary to be induced. Anyways, off my pedistol :haha: If they are able to break my water on friday i am gonna do that. If not then they will probably run more tests and see if he is okay. If he's okay then i'll wait until at least Tuesday to be induced (theres a good chance i would go by then anyways :thumbup:) if its not okay, guess im gonna have to grit my teeth and suck it up :sad1:

In PA (my hometown) nearly everyone gets induced as well...but i dont like to say its because the babies dont want to come out or a mother cant go into spontanious labor...:nope: its just because either the doc or the mother gets impatient. They get induced when they are only a few days over due, which is NUTS bc a NORMAL pregnancy last anywhere from 37-42 weeks...but most ppl dont question their doc and get the induction. A study i read said that the average first time mother will go into labor at 41+1 day. of course, now everyone gets induced before 41 weeks (or during)...guess i just wont settle for "this is routine". NO! there needs to be PROOF that MY child is in danger. Thats what i called an informed decision...unfortunately, i dont think ladies realize the tests that can be done to save them from induction.
Bahaha, yeah according to the ultra-sound tech everything is TOO good and peachy in there! :haha:
Legally, NO doctor can FORCE you to be induced. I was reading my legal rights, and according to the law, a doctor can NOT drop you from care unless they give you written notice and 30 days AND they find another care provider for you. The ONLY time they can force you to do anything is if your life is TRULY in jeopardy.
Anyways, they wanted to induce today (that was last week). But i declined unless there was a medical reason to do so (and as of now there isn't). in EVERY other developed country they let you go until 42 weeks and there arnt any issues with those babies and most women dont end up being induced. Anyways, as long as test (like the ones i got on monday) are showing everything is fine and dandy then they are gonna let me go (doesnt mean i didnt have to be vocal tho! BC i really had to state my opinion) but what MANY women dont realize is that 9 times out of 10 it ISNT *really* medically necessary to be induced. Anyways, off my pedistol :haha: If they are able to break my water on friday i am gonna do that. If not then they will probably run more tests and see if he is okay. If he's okay then i'll wait until at least Tuesday to be induced (theres a good chance i would go by then anyways :thumbup:) if its not okay, guess im gonna have to grit my teeth and suck it up :sad1:

In PA (my hometown) nearly everyone gets induced as well...but i dont like to say its because the babies dont want to come out or a mother cant go into spontanious labor...:nope: its just because either the doc or the mother gets impatient. They get induced when they are only a few days over due, which is NUTS bc a NORMAL pregnancy last anywhere from 37-42 weeks...but most ppl dont question their doc and get the induction. A study i read said that the average first time mother will go into labor at 41+1 day. of course, now everyone gets induced before 41 weeks (or during)...guess i just wont settle for "this is routine". NO! there needs to be PROOF that MY child is in danger. Thats what i called an informed decision...unfortunately, i dont think ladies realize the tests that can be done to save them from induction.

i am so glad you posted all of that. i was wondering about if they could possibly force and induction or try to drop you. i know most women are fed up and want the baby here and so on. but i am big on letting the baby come when they are ready!!! with my first i had preeclampsia and positive strep in my blood stream so they induced at 39wks. completely medically understandable. both of our lives were in major danger. with my 2nd my water broke and i got to have him vaginally. i can not wait for it to happen again like that. i was so jealous of hearing everyone else get to have their water break and know what it's like so i know how you feel. i don't want you to look at it like your body is failing you. nature is definitely taking it's course and your little baby is loving mommy right now. they are saying my little one is gonna be a moose. :haha: i will have another growth scan at 36wks and we will see. i don't see what the point would be in taking him early just soe he doesn't get past 10lbs like expected. i had an almost 9lb baby vaginally. the doctor was saying he wasn't sure i could vaginally have a 10lb+baby. but how do you know unless you try?? i don't know. i'm confused on what is best and i guess we need to get there first and see before i worry too much.
Dummy DH finally listened to me, gave in, went back to Walmart where he got the battery in January. It's still under warranty. Asses sold him a bad one, they had to replace it and WE NOW HAVE A RUNNING CAR!!! Gee, I LOVE being right!! Process of elimination dummy!

Tomorrow we are going to have my truck towed to the tranny place, DH is on his way home to call them but we know they'll take it and then we have to call MIL about it. Can't call MIL and ask for money till we know how much the damage is but we are giving her heads up.

Now dummy can drive his POS car, and when MY truck is fixed, he's not allowed to drive it unless I am unable, like after my c-section. ppphhttt

Did I tell you I LOVE being right?
Amanda- here you can get it through the state! You should get a social worker and see what you qualify for! I don't think theres anything wrong with taking help when you need it! I really wanted WIC just in case breastfeeding didn't work because formula is SO expencive... and I wasn't sure we could pay for it... and we didn't qualify which sucks! But If they would give us food stamps and rent assistance and all that... I would never feel ashamed to take it! Especially if you need it! I've worked almost all my adult life and OH has had a full time job since he was 16 +he's military... I just think that i've paid my taxes!!! Your MIL sounds horrible! I love going out and having a good time! That doesn't make me trash :D And I have 4 tattoos! If it makes you feel better my mom offers to get all mine lasered off too every christmas! I think thats a mom thing :D

About the inductions... I don't know why they seem to do them all the time now days! I joke all the time to my dr. about inducing me now and getting this baby outta me... but we're just joking! They might induce me early because of the gestational diabetes.... but not sure. I find it really hard to believe that they can pin down your conception date close enough to induce you at 41 weeks... I mean people are wrong all the time and so are growth scans... thats what scares me... what if they think I'm full term and i'm not and they induce me and something bad happens.... Its def something I don't worry about TOO often though because we KNOW for sure when we got pregnant withing a few weeks lol :D

MM- Do you love being right?!?! :D
Just a little Claire!

There is a man with bombs at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Maryland, turn on CNN. He's doing this because he doesn't think Disc. Chan. is doing enough to save the planet, he tried having a protest but ended up having to pay people $10 a pop to 'protest' so now he's there with explosives. OMG this is about the dumbest thing I have ever seen or heard of in my life! I'm over here laughing my ass off about this mans stupidity!
:happydance: I AM 30 WEEKS TODAY!!! :happydance:

Goodness ladies, such a long day. I am so wore out! First off, was supposed to be at the doctor's at 8:30am. Well, didn't get there until 8:40am. Then the lab lady tells me that since I was late I now had 2 other people in front of me. So I had to wait to get my frist blood drawn and to drink the drink - and she waited another 10 minutes to call me back. So I could have been done around 11:30, but now wouldn't be done until after 12. :|

So got the drink down - may I say that the Fruit Punch flavor is so much better than Orange :thumbup:. Then got settled in the waiting room with Joseph, but then they called me back early to see my doctor. So went back to see her. Weight, blood pressure were good. Baby's heartbeat was in the 140s. Everything looked good. Go back to see her on Sept. 15.

But anyhow, so get back out to the waiting room and get back in settled with Joseph. It wasn't so bad because my friend Amber was there, she is due just 3 days before me, and she had to take the 3 hour test too. So we got to sit and chat! Joseph was getting tired, and so I made him a bottle so he would nap afterwards (I hoped) and anyway - after finishing his bottle he burped ... and then projectile vomited all over the place! Oh my, and it smelled so bad. I don't know what happened. I guess it did not sit well with his stomach. But I had to clean that up .. then my grandmother came and took him so he could nap. So then I got a little peace - thankfully! Then after the test was over I was shaking so bad from not being able to eat - so went to McDonalds lol. :) Overall it was an alright day - but just boring and tiring.

Now I am home, trying to relax. More like trying not to fall asleep! But seriously I feel like I have to catch up from not getting to eat. I feel like CRAP.

Delmeg - What a bunch of jerks! Sorry you had to wait another day - but baby should be here by now, so I am sure it doesn't even matter anymore.

Amanda - Good luck with cleaning! I am sure you will get it done.

Michelle - I love being right too! Always! :)

Er .. I am sure I am missing something. But once I read over it all I could hardly remember. I think I need a nap! Lol.
i bet delmeg has a little baby in her arms right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to see some pics.

michele, so glad you are getting your vehicles in order. i, on the other hand almost wrecked ours!! i am so upset with myself and just aggravated about it. i basically ran off the road and got stuck. and then some man stopped and got me out. let me tell you. it was humiliating and i was crying like a baby. i was so stressed out and just HAD to go to like the 5th store for my mom. bless her she is wonderful but can be so annoying sometimes. i had taken her like 5 places yesterday and she had done my nerves in so bad. then i just leave her at my house to run to walmart for some marker box she insisted on buying my son, and i don't even have an excuse. i was so worried i hurt the truck but it appears to be completely fine. i haven't mentioned it on facebook just because i don't want everyone to know. i am THAT embarassed. ugh i could die thinking about it. and i have a huge pregnant belly. do you have any idea just how many people drove by me while staring at me standing on the road by the truck? that made it even worse. then a man stops and says we will figure it out. turns around and then another man stops. i ended up insisting they each take $20 for helping me. a whole lot cheaper than a tow truck or the police seeing me and ticketing me as well for a mistake. but again that was $40 downn the drain. my oh was so sweet and caring but i have to say in this relationship we are both very good to each other. i have his back and am there to pick him up when he needs it and he does the same for me. he ended up rushing home when it happened because he was driving a full sized blazer with a V8 and could have gotten the truck out. but i was out by the time he got home. he drove my mom home and said he thought it was shaking after getting past 35-40mph so i had a good break down at that. just totally upset with myself even if it was just an accident. we definitely can not afford any accidents. i don't want to even go near it and i have to do a few errands before work.

speaking of work i DO NOT WANT TO GO! it's getting worse and worse. i just want to hole up. i know if i was on bed rest i would hate it. but i hate having to push myself so hard sometimes. i think i am emotionally shot from yesterday. hopefully it gets better.

claire, someone mentioned someything called fmla on my fb. i need to investigate it. is that the same thing you are talking about maybe???

silas, at least the test is OVER!!!! you should get the results today huh? hopefully joseph is feeling ok after his bottle didn't settle well yesterday. that type of thing always happens at the worst times. :hugs:

guppy. laaaaaaaaaabooooooooooor duuuuuuuuuuuust to you babe!! :hugs:

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