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U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Michele; he takes his pillow with him haha. but i do spray his cologne on my pillow sometimes!! i wish y'all had one of those stores too. i heard they were amazing! i can't wait for my sister in law to take me. we're going i think Sept 18th or 19th, sometime around there. cause i'll have extra money to spend hehe.
soo i meant to clean today right? well i went to lay down for a few minutes and i woke up like 3 hrs later!! i was like oh no. so now i gotta bust my booty tomorrow morning cleaning. i clean all throughout the week but i like my hubby to come home to a spotless house!! i'm hoping he'll treat me to some burger king. been craving it all day. i'm obsessed with their apple pies!

Rest is always a good thing hun, don't worry about the house. Do it in small sessions and you'll get it done!
well i cleaned the bathroom which was the worst cause it's hard for me to bend over to clean the toilet and tub. but i did it! and i have to wash our sheets cause my dog shed all over it and they're white sheets! lol. but mostly i just have little stuff to do. dust, sweep and mop, vaccuum stuff like that!
I'm on yet another cleaning jag! I do love the smell of pine-sol!!

lol You just get done in the bathroom and I'm about to head in there in a few minutes, one just needs a wipe down but mine needs some serious scrubbing! I've been lazy but hey, the toilets have been clean for months now, at least I've done that part!

I'm having a love affair with Mr. Clean!
i try to keep our bathroom clean cause i HATE the thought of a dirty bathroom but man i just get sooo tired!! but i use scrubbing bubbles. i freaking lovee that stuff! :) and the smell of furniture polish. i love dusting cause it smells so yummy haha. pine sol too. i'm a wierdo. i love to clean. i've always wanted to be a house wife and mommy. so i can just clean, cook and take care of kids! my husband is like OK!!
i try to keep our bathroom clean cause i HATE the thought of a dirty bathroom but man i just get sooo tired!! but i use scrubbing bubbles. i freaking lovee that stuff! :) and the smell of furniture polish. i love dusting cause it smells so yummy haha. pine sol too. i'm a wierdo. i love to clean. i've always wanted to be a house wife and mommy. so i can just clean, cook and take care of kids! my husband is like OK!!

eh it's ok for the most part, 90% of the time it's great but every now and then it can get a little overwhelming.... especially when you're trying to pee with the bathroom door closed and there is a 3 year old on the other side demanding your attention! BTDT freaking hilarious but OMG!

Cleaning product smells? OMG some of them are fab even when NOT pregnant. Mr. Clean, Pine-Sol, Edge Dusting spray, Frebreeze. Did you know Frebreeze makes a filter for some vacuum cleaners, so every time you vacuum, the house smells great? Better than smelling like dust!

Shove dryer sheets in where your towels are, in your pillow cases, and in your suitcases when your not using them! Spray Lysol in all your garbage cans before you put in a new bag to keep the smells down.

lol I love a good smelling house, I'm in love with the clean smell! It's not clean till the whole house smells clean!
dang i need to remember those tips!! lol. i looove the smell of febreze! it's amazing! i love carpet powder too. the kind you put down and vaccuum up. i have a pet odor eliminator one and it makes my whole house smell yummy. i loove when people come over and say "wow your house smells so good" i'm like YES!!! lol.

awh i think i would love that though. i adore kids. my sister in laws kids are the greatest. i loove being around them. i can't wait till mine is here. ooh i'm about to take a picture of Trystin's coming home outift! i forgot all about it. but i can finally do it :)
lol write all the tips down hun! Copy them and save them onto notepad on your computer, I'm sure I'll have lots more for you as I go along.
Trystin's coming home outfit! i wish i had a better matching beanie but i don't :( and have NO idea where to find beanies! lol
Trystin's coming home outfit! i wish i had a better matching beanie but i don't :( and have NO idea where to find beanies! lol

It's CUTE! Don't worry about finding a perfectly matching cap, that looks great!
thank you!! it's simple. i kind just put all the pieces together. i know alot of girls buy whole outfits that match and everything but ehh i just want him to be comfortable! specially since i have a feeling lots of people will come by and hold him. i don't want him to get uncomfy in his clothes and i know i loove sweats! lol
thank you!! it's simple. i kind just put all the pieces together. i know alot of girls buy whole outfits that match and everything but ehh i just want him to be comfortable! specially since i have a feeling lots of people will come by and hold him. i don't want him to get uncomfy in his clothes and i know i loove sweats! lol

lol Charlie has a wardrobe very similar to mine. Lots of hoodies and sweats! Boys are easier!
oh my word i have a lot of back reading to do. somebody tell me i didn't miss somebody having a baby though. quick! i don't wanna miss out.

kalin, i did see the outfit on facebook this morning. it's SO cute. and when i saw it, i actually thought the hat matched SO well. honest! o have probably 20 of those little hats. bought maybe 2 and the rest were given to me. no i take that back, i bought at least 5 from the thrift store and 2 brand new then got a lot given to me. anyway, there are SO many shades of blue and my mom told me to stop fretting trying to make everything match perfectly. kind of like with adults. you bleand your clothes and not everything is going to be perfect. i thought it really matched though. i think we know what we are doing the homecoming outfit as. but still not positive. it will be simple and comfy like yours. and we are bringing a good amount of sleepers too. cause that's what they really use. well mine did anyway. i have a feeling it is going to be SO HOT and most everything we have is long sleeved. we have some onsies that were given. but ahhhhhhhh! go figure.

i'm off work today. YES!!!! but i had to pick up a shift for tomorrow lunch time. because if not i would have only 3 shifts this week. definitely not enough. trying to get enough work in while i still can. there is a tiny possiblity that i will qualify for temporary disability which would be 60% of my average pay for 13 - 52wks. gonna find out shortly. fingers crossed for me!!!!!! gonna play catch up soon.

have a great day everyone!
Wish we had a store like that here but we don't. We do have a few mommy/baby consignment places, just haven't gotten to them yet.

Kalin, I do suggest buying the 'big' stuff before the baby shower, most people just buy you diapers and all that, so you can wait on those. As for your missing him next to you in bed, steal his pillows, they have his 'scent' on them, might help you some.

Silas, did you get the hateful math work done?

Oh, its finished. But I did not do well on it at all. :growlmad:
I even went to my cousins to get help, but I still didn't do well on it. I get so frustrated - I spend all that time on it and it still does me no good. :|
Hey ladies! Im from the U.S.! Long island, NY and I entered the 3rd trimester last wednesday! :-D
Welcome surprisepreg :flower:

frsttimemommy- I love that outfit! Super cute! Love the hat too, hats are my weakness :blush:

Silas- Ick, i hate math too :wacko: probably why i have a degree in social services and not something "scientific" :haha:

AFM, i had the AFI done (which apparently is an ultra-sound :dohh:) Got to see my LO :cloud9: Though i didn't get to see his cute little profile since he is DEF. head down (super duper low) and his face is facing my back (so no sunny side up baby for me :dance:) at least that means he is in the perfect position for birth! Anyways, amniotic levels are PERFECT :thumbup: the umbelical cord, placenta, babys HB, and movement are WONDERFUL! I also had to sit in a lazyboy for about 40 minutes while they monitored his activity and HB. (i nearly fell :sleep:!) I had to hit a button everytime i felt him move. Wow! He sure was squirmy! LOL BUT i am so thrilled, EVERYTHING is fine and perfect and i dont have to worry about an induction for this week :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

I also have an appt for them to strip my membranes at 3pm. Sorta nervous...hope it doesn't hurt but id rather try that before anything more invasive! ...wonder if it will do anything since i *think* i lost my plug? :shrug:...of course maybe i havn't lost all of it yet :dohh: sure seems like it tho lol
Hey ladies! Im from the U.S.! Long island, NY and I entered the 3rd trimester last wednesday! :-D

Hi Surprisepreg! I'm from NY too. Brooklyn though. My husband went to Stonybrook University in Long Island though. Our due dates are close. Are you due the day before thanksgiving? I'm due the day after!:happydance:
Welcome surprisepreg :flower:

frsttimemommy- I love that outfit! Super cute! Love the hat too, hats are my weakness :blush:

Silas- Ick, i hate math too :wacko: probably why i have a degree in social services and not something "scientific" :haha:

AFM, i had the AFI done (which apparently is an ultra-sound :dohh:) Got to see my LO :cloud9: Though i didn't get to see his cute little profile since he is DEF. head down (super duper low) and his face is facing my back (so no sunny side up baby for me :dance:) at least that means he is in the perfect position for birth! Anyways, amniotic levels are PERFECT :thumbup: the umbelical cord, placenta, babys HB, and movement are WONDERFUL! I also had to sit in a lazyboy for about 40 minutes while they monitored his activity and HB. (i nearly fell :sleep:!) I had to hit a button everytime i felt him move. Wow! He sure was squirmy! LOL BUT i am so thrilled, EVERYTHING is fine and perfect and i dont have to worry about an induction for this week :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

I also have an appt for them to strip my membranes at 3pm. Sorta nervous...hope it doesn't hurt but id rather try that before anything more invasive! ...wonder if it will do anything since i *think* i lost my plug? :shrug:...of course maybe i havn't lost all of it yet :dohh: sure seems like it tho lol

Algebra should have never been created, imo.

As for stripping your membranes - I got my membranes stripped on Oct. 29, went in to labor later that night, and then Joseph was born Oct. 30 1:11pm. So, it could do something for you! :thumbup:
thank you ladies for the outfit comments! :) i adore that little outfit. i saw the onesie and i knew it was his homecoming onesie!! it was too adorable to pass up. we have like ten tons of sleepers too. idk if he'll even wear them all! my friend Paige gave us 4 huge trash bags full of clothes from her little boy, so yeahh i definitely don't need clothes for awhile! haha. i cleaned my WHOLE ENTIRE house today. man i'm exhausted. even got down on all fours and scrubbed the bathtub. Chris got mad cause according to him "i shouldn't be doing that". i kindly reminded him i'm pregnant not crippled :) but now my house smells like a combo of scrubbing bubbles, pine sol and carpet freshner. can you say yummy!? :D shower time now!!

Silas; i wish i could help with your evil math. but i failed algebra 2...3 times!!! hehe. i CANNOT do math to save my life. its terrible. but give me english or science and i can pass with an A+ lol.

Meg-eek! stripping membranes sounds not only scary but hurtful!! buuut i hope it helps you. i wanna see that precious little boy of yours. i just realized i think all of us but Silas are having boys! how odd is that? but so cool :D
seems like EVERYONE i know is having a boy! :blue:
I know about 10-15 close friends or family (in "non virtual world") that are pregnant and ALL of them but 1 is having a boy!

btw, i read an article last night that sad boys are more likely to go overdue than girls! :dohh: that explains a lot! And funny enough, even with my bump buddies this has been true! (and with my sisters who all had to be induced with...their BOYS!) ...little trouble makers! :haha:
Seems like their egos build even before life outside of the womb! :rofl:
Whoa, looks like I missed a lot today when I went to the doctor. :( I hope I don't miss anything!

Amanda - That's awesome that you had off work today! Yay!! :) I hope you get that temporary disability. That would be awesome!! :)

Kala - I'm sorry you had such a hard time with your algebra. :( Hopefully, you just think you did bad, but you really did good!! Good luck hunn! :)

Surprisepreg - Welcome to the thread and congrats on making it to 3rd tri!! :)

Stephanie - That's great that LO is in position for his birth! Congrats on not having to be induced this week! I told you, you'd be alright!! :) I also had a non-stress test this morning (sitting in the Lazyboy hooked up to monitors, lol...). Luckily, I ate right before I got there, so bubs was moving all over the place, and I only had to sit there for about 15-20 minutes. I asked the midwife to check me (just in case something changed, :winkwink:). Unfortunately, nothing! :( I thought for sure something would have happened since yesterday. I was in such pain, down there, all day yesterday. My dad even had to come over and help me with Luke, while Delvin was at work. I even woke up at 3am crying, because the pain was so bad. My hips feel like they are literally about to crack in two. I couldn't even walk. :( So, I had to get in a warm bath in the middle of the night to ease the pain a bit.

Anyway, I hope the stripping works. I've heard great things about it, from a few of my friends who had it done. Good luck! :) I hope you go into labor soon!!

Kalin - I love the homecoming outfit you picked out! It's adorable. And I agree with Amanda, I think the hat matches perfectly! :) I love a nice clean house myself, just don't overdue it. When I was pregnant with Luke I vacuumed the living room (no big deal) one day and went to sleep that night. When I woke up the next morning, I had to go to the doctor, because I thought I was having back labor, it hurt so bad. It turned out that I threw my back out! So, this time around I made sure not to do too much. Even if I thought I could handle it. Just be careful, and try not to do too much. :)

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