Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

A few weird things have happened at my mums house - when i was little on a few occasions she heard my voice calling her etc and i was either asleep or not in the house at the time...one time she said it was right outside the bathroom door (which is downstairs at the back of the house - on an extension) she said i sounded urgent so she actually answered me, said 'i'm coming now' and came out right away and i wasnt there - she went upstairs and my door was shut she opened it and i was just fast asleep! she said it was obvious i hadnt been out of bed and i wouldnt have had time to get there anyway, she said she came out a few seconds after hearing me calling to her!!

Not so long ago i was there visiting (i go quite often) and we were both sat at one end of the room on the sofa and from the other end of the room we BOTH heard my voice call one of the cats!!! i almost jumped on top of her i was so freaked. haha we literally clung to eachother for a few seconds cuz i was so scared. i started crying - it just happened!! was SO weird. we both heard it, it was real. No-one else was in that night. It still scares the shit outta me thinking about that!!!!! Theres just no explanation. My dad tried to say it ''must have been an echo retained in the walls'' or something - WTF!!!!

Also everyone in my family except me have felt something tugging on their clothes and turn around and nothings there. It happens to my mum the most but my dad and brother have also experienced this. And things go missing and turn up again where we know we have already looked!

Dragonfly that's proper creepy!!! anyone hear anything from babyseal?
that last pic that was posted deffinatly looked like a face!! X
That video is creepy!! I dont think it sounds like the tv at all!!

Babyraff, I posted a second investigation update somewhere back there lol. More to come when they get through it all!!
Okay some more updates with the investigation :) They still have hours and hours to review though!

- One member of the team wasn't there that day they were at my house... and on the recording they hear "Where is ____?" calling the person by name!

- They found another name on the audio... paul

- Footsteps on the unattended audio recorder in the basement!

They still have to go over the footage from LO;s room... I am so anxious for this one, saving the most exciting one for last i suppose.

I like these guys because they are cross referencing the findings with other recordings and video i guess to see if it can be debunked... like if it could match up with one of them in the house.. like the footsteps.


Hey how are you? How are you feeling?

That is so crazy you have to message me as soon as you get the goods on your sons room. I sooooo can not wait!

Hope your feeling better!!!! :hugs:

Oh did you get my awesome news about LO?
I will have a look to see if i can find my discs and make a collage of something moving in my garden it was so freaky. In my old house. I do not know where the pics went to. gutted, I hope i can find it. I do have some on a youtube vid but I made some private as I was sick of abuse from rude people as usual.

Awe Dragonfly, i can't believe peope were being mean about your youtube pics. Why? Why should they care? What did they say? And i looked at your pics too and they were awesome. Very creepy! I've been out of town and dealing with alot of issues with my LO so have not been on here for a few days.. I would love, love to see more. :hugs:

Yes Thats her name you can hear me saying her name and going in to the hall to see her . So it was weird that whatever it was when I turned around to face the other dog who was a nervous wreak and peed when even spoken to I heard that voice, was like someone answered for the dog.

Help.. I hear lots of things and not sure when it happens? I think i might have heard the name missy? But now i'm listening to it and can't figure out when i heard it. Please tell me when i should be able to hear it, exact moment if poss.

Thank you so much for sharing these cool pics and videos.. Keep them coming of love them. I've always found this ghostie stuff intriguing.

Dragonfly, ohhhhh, i hear it all now and dumb me... See that you explained you would have it subtitled and you did. I'm a dork!! That is amazing. You had to be freaking out.
When I look back I am so glad I am not in that house now I had such bad memories there and always paranoid. There was a bad spirit attached to me when I lived there to but he would have been gone by then I had to have him removed,. some fella that hung himself in the woods as every time I close my eyes thats all I seen and a medium described everything he showed me! was freaky. When I asked in my head for it to make noise and tap as it was doing anyway the exact number of taps it done on my table. When I closed my eyes also used to show me horrible things to. I felt the difference when he was removed thats for sure. I also used to hear people talking in there and one thing that scared me is hearing Ave Marie playing in the small hours! my parents used to live there before me so I walked around looking to see where it was coming from as I wanted it to be a tv or something but it was only in my room. Had me in tears and scared the crap out of me! Also listened to a woman talking , sounded like she was talking in to a pillow i couldnt understand her and it was feet from my face lying in the bed. I heard a man singing at my door . Other people where in the house down stairs I was in bed sick and he sang a song I never heard in my life "heaven knocking on your door" was the words and no not the rock song I have not found it yet.

I seen mists when I woke up, a pink one and my brother when he lived there a non believer seen a white mist in his room that woke him up. My friends heard me shout their name when I was in the bath but I didnt? 3 people witnessed that. I had several thousands pics of things in there, moving orbs always there, even people faces. I heard random coughs to when I was on my own.
Dargonfly, wow you have been thru alot in that house. How old was it?

It wasnt an old house about 10 years old and my parents where there since it was built I think it was the area and the mental home ran by brothers (priests) that they came from that lay abandoned for years. I used to go to the graveyard there, they even left the grave yard there but took the bodies out. Where I live now is really really old and isnt even half as creepy as that place was! and yet loads has happened here.
i have a few stories:

* when my brother matthew was 2.5 i was looking after him in my mums room (10 years between us) when he suddenly looked at the door and said

'who's that funny man?'
me: what funny man?
him: that funny man in the door?

to which i replied i dont know and ran down the stairs with him! scared the crap out of me!

* my step grandad (matthews grandad) killed himself at his house when matthew was about 1. when matthew was 3 he was in his nans sitting room and suddenly said silly grandad pushing the dolphin (a rocking ornament on the shelf) and sure as anything we turned around and it was moving!

* when i was 15 my bedroom was downstairs one night i laid in bed and suddenly felt something sit on my legs! i couldnt move or speak then suddenly it lifted i ran upstairs and slept in my brothers room lol!

* my mum has had a similar thing. someone/thing laid next to her and she couldnt move or speak either!

* my older brother has a picture of his step daughter with what looks like a monk walking behind her (there was no one there when they took the photo!)
We hav one! My mummy was washing up and looked put the window and a small boy was staring at yhe house so she sent me out to se what was wrong, I asked him and he Said he use to live in the house and described my mums room (had a fire place in) too a tea. I ran back to tell mum and sh looked up again and he was gone, just vanished.. Scary thing is they had lived 15 years. And a year before the same boy was stood at the bottom of my bed. Some more aswell.. Used to hear some one shoutin me/mum/dad. Argh the house used to freak me out, still does If I drive past it :(
wow loads of creepy stuff x I love this kind of thing but it does scare the crap out of me lol x
Dragonfly - that video is soooo creepy, it gave me goosebumps but in the graveyard pic I couldnt see anything x
Babyseal - I dont know how you are still living in that house x I would have been out like a shot the first time things happened x

Few strange things that have happened recently x
My grandad passed away 3 weeks ago & a week after he died Finley was sat on the toilet seat while I brushed his teeth & i had my back to the door & I felt someone watching me, I have never felt anything like that before.
Also the night my grandad died (he was in a home) my mum & aunt were with him, a couple of minutes before my mum rang my dad our family dog who adored my grandad went wappy & jumped up climbing all over my dad being really strange, my uncle also had something strange that same night, when my aunt rang him all the lights dimmed then came up again (I'm getting goosebumps writing this lol)
Also my mum dropped some tea leaves but hadnt noticed & when she found them they looked like a broken heart, just one side with the edge jagged, it was the day after my grandad died, she sobbed when my dad swept it up bless her x

years ago my mum was at her brother & SIL's house when she heard someone crying so she peeped round the door of her SIL's bedroom & saw a woman (who she assumed was her SIL) sitting on the end of the bed with her head in her hands so she called out to her turned the lights on & there was nobody there :shock:
I always feel someone watching me :( I shout adam go away and quickly turn around because I keep thinking it's OH :( hate it!!
Aww dang I replied and then it didnt post so I lost it all. I dont remember half of what I wrote, my mind is in such a damn fog!!

I kinda see something in the cemetery pic!! Thats kind spooky because it looks like you can tell it is in front of stuff, like it is made up of something? Hope that makes sense.

Reedy... I still live there :) I have for 3 years, and I will for a LONG time because I got a REALLY good deal on the house... wait... isn't that how all the horror movies start?? :rofl:
ok made public for now, note the voice says my dogs name and its not the tv as you can hear it lower in the background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoJhpFFQ69M . this is where i used to live it was creepy yet it wasnt an old house like where I am now I think it had bad feelings on the land.
OH MY GOD dragonfly ... I have chills. That's so crazy ... will not be sleeping tonight :haha:
Aww dang I replied and then it didnt post so I lost it all. I dont remember half of what I wrote, my mind is in such a damn fog!!

I kinda see something in the cemetery pic!! Thats kind spooky because it looks like you can tell it is in front of stuff, like it is made up of something? Hope that makes sense.

Reedy... I still live there :) I have for 3 years, and I will for a LONG time because I got a REALLY good deal on the house... wait... isn't that how all the horror movies start?? :rofl:

only a few things has ever happened to me, but i can't really explain them as sometimes i think i'm just hearing things..

*when my nan passed away 10 years ago even before my dad phoned to tell my mom and my sisters i told my mom that something bad had happened and that the phone was going to ring, then my dad phoned telling us my nan had passed away. The day after felt like somebody was watching me and i could hear heavy breathing everytime i went into the kitchen (my nan loved being in the kitchen)

*i've been woken up in the night a few times by what feels like somebody or something sitting/leaning on my chest making it hard for me to move or breath. haven't been able to find a reason or explanation as to why its happened.

*my sons toy saxophone goes off randomly every few days and its in his toy box switched off. we have no idea what or who sets it off.

*i've heard my son in his bedroom laughing and talking when i ask who or what he is doing he'll say grandaddy b which is what i used to call him when i was little.

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