Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

sure is taking a long time... I know they have day jobs, but DAMN!! :rofl:
Meant to be doing coursework but this thread grabbed my attention :lol:
Babyseal I see something in the window but not 100% on what. the marbles that must be funny and freaky all at the same time
DragonFly i can see something misty in the pic but nothing obvious, but that video is damn freaky.

I have a little tale of my own, make of it what you will:)

My dad died when I was around 7months pregnant with Emily, it was an accident and he had been released from hospital and I had been with him just hours before he died, so it was a shock as he seemed fine really apart from a broken leg. He died from a blood clot.

Anyway fast forward a few months and we are now a family of 3, now just to get a picture our sofa is against a glass paned door (you can see into hallway) as we have never used it, I always sit in the corner with my back to this door.
I noticed when I winded Emily over my shoulder she always giggled and I mean always but I never thought anything of it.
This one night though Ant was working so just me and my girl on our own, emily was in bed and I went to the door at the end of the hallway to have a crafty cig, there was a lamp on at the bottom of the stairs near the front door-this lit the hallway.
On my way back to the room a reflection caught my eye in the glass panel, as I looked at it it freaked me out and I can still see it as clear as day 13 years on.
The reflection looked like my dad, it was like his head and shoulders with a white sheet upto his shoulders and what looked like tubes coming out of his nose :shock:

It was very odd and I looked behind me towards the light, dunno what I expected to see :lol: I went to it and then back to the glass and the image was still there. I went to check on Em and as I went upstairs I moved her snowsuit, when I came back down the image was gone, so was it just a very weird reflection of her snow suit or something more??

I often smell Aftershave and it's defo not Ant's it's like Brut or Denim :rofl:, and my lighters get moved (dad detested me smoking) I've even been known to go get one, it not be where I left it sigh and say "you are not funny dad" and it is back in the area it should have been.....
That is freaky! Did you try to maybe recreate the scene and put the snowsuit back? I'm guessing not, i know i would have been to freaked out probably, to do anything, but have a shakey hand smoke! LOL! Thanks for adding to the thread... We hoped to keep it going atleast until Halloween and look at it now! So fun!
I did have a shakey smoke LOL, I did put the snowsuit back the next day once it had got dark and I put the light on but the image never appeared again.

The wierder thing though is the day my dad was discharged from hospital we agreed to meet his girlfriend (B) there (mum and dad split when I was young) she wasn't there when we got there and with how hot the hospitals are we went out side for some air, we met B as we came back in and she looked panic stricken, she had been told he was in recovery, but me and Ant had just seen him before we went for air, we flew upstairs and there he was where we had left him :wacko:
I did have a shakey smoke LOL, I did put the snowsuit back the next day once it had got dark and I put the light on but the image never appeared again.

The wierder thing though is the day my dad was discharged from hospital we agreed to meet his girlfriend (B) there (mum and dad split when I was young) she wasn't there when we got there and with how hot the hospitals are we went out side for some air, we met B as we came back in and she looked panic stricken, she had been told he was in recovery, but me and Ant had just seen him before we went for air, we flew upstairs and there he was where we had left him :wacko:

That Is crazy... I am so sorry about your dad. I meant to say that in the first post, but your story had me so creeped out that i forgot! :wacko:


fyi - BabySeal should be posting soon all the info from the ghost busters group. So keep checking out the thread..

Poor me no ghostie stories on my end, darnit!

I've always felt a kind of presence with me wherever I go but it's kind of intensified since moving to our house last June. Or since having Ethan?? I don't know, maybe a combination of both, so it could be my guardian.

Ethan has always had a thing where he looks into the hallway as if someone is there. And I feel it myself to be honest, but he can probably see whoever it is as kids are very perceptive. It freaks me out sometimes, especially when home alone and he's actually trying to look past me into the hallway.

At the beginning of the year, well, early March time. I'd been watching that show Marchland's (the 3 families who lived in the house and were connected to the dead girl Alice) and was freaked out from that, but I am still certain to this day that I experienced my own paranormal activity.

I was stood in the kitchen washing up Ethan's bottles, the entrance to the kitchen to my right. All of a sudden, I saw this shadow out of the corner of my eye from the kitchen wall and it wasn't mine because I could already see mine. I saw this shadow and I thought Ethan's dad had come downstairs and crept up on me so I spun round to tell him not to do that and when I did, nobody was there. I went really cold and just carried on doing the washing up and the shadow on the wall was gone. Then the next minute, I saw this flash of yellow light out of the corner of my left side and then I got so freaked out I had to stop doing the bottles.

I don't want to see a ghost under any circumstances and I have told whoever is here that I do not want them showing themselves to me at all. My mum told me that I can tell the spirit not to show themselves, especially if my guardian as they'd not want to put me under any undue stress. I really honestly do not want to see a ghost and I've made it clear that I'd appreciate it if they're going to be hanging around, to be a bit more subtle about it.

There have been a couple more instances too where things have happened, I had a bag sitting on the floor and it moved, maybe coincidence, but there was a ball that moved on it's own the other day and a fly catcher strip was swinging side to side the other night despite no breeze. It hadn't been touched and funnily enough, me and Ethan's nan had been speaking about ghost's so whether this was my spirit trying to shit me up when I was already freaked out....I don't know lol, but I told it off and nothing much has happened since.
had a few weird things happen in the last week:

the handle of the window in LO's room keeps being opened. when the window is closed the handle points downwards and when its open its to the side. twice this week iv come in and its pointing to the side :S iv asked OH, but he said hes never opened that window. we live in a ground floor flat so that does worry me a bit!!

LO's light show keeps going off when you walk in the room, even if its turned off. its not a sound sensitive one either :S

LO has a little soft car to sit in and when you press the wheel it plays music. i was watching the exorcist while LO was having a nap on me and it was just getting to the bit in the film where theres noises in the loft and the car started playing!! really made me jump. we was nowhere near it. it kept doing it, so in the end i had to move it into LO's room. it didnt play after that (i would have still been able to hear it down the corridor but just quieter) and we've moved it back into the lounge and it hasnt done it :S

then today a knife fell of the worktop in the kitchen as i was walking in. it was on the middle of the worktop so not near the edge where ti could fall off easily.

i keep getting goosebumps too!!feel like someone is watching me :/
Very creepy Milf2be!!!

Babyseal - Any news with the ghost busters group yet????????????? Has anything been happening in your house, any kind of paranormal activity? And how are you feeling?
I have a mini follow up... I just need time to type it out.. I have company now for a bit.


dun dun dun... :rofl:
I have a few little stories....

In my mum's house, there is a older man who appears every so often, no one's ever saw him, but my mum senses its a man, he smokes a pipe which can be smelt. Apparently he has been there for years because he likes being in a family environment.

Oh in my brother's room the computer was right across from the door, he used to always close the door when using it because he felt someone was watching him from the stairs.

My mum has seen my deceased granny in the kitchen on a few occasions, just standing or sitting where she would have normally.

In hubby and I's first house, I hated the place, it had a horrible atmosphere, hubby worked night shift and every night I could hear lots of noises, when I sat in the living room or dining room, there would be loud bangs from the kitchen.
I could never sleep because I was convinced someone was watching me everytime I closed my eyes. We ended up moving in 6 months to this place, which I feel completly at ease in.
My son has a new name now he tells me she lives in the castle, Catherine. And that name is in the history. hes so creepy. Also mentioned the person who bought this house in 1600s along with her. Always when he wakes up, maybe he is having dreams about them.
Alrighty over the phone (in addition to the old info)what I know so far is:

* recorder touched 3 times before it was moved
* footsteps recorded in attic
* they were asked to leave on an EVP
* it starting using their names
* during the timestamp when we were all outside there was loud banging

he said he didnt want to go over it all over the phone and they got some stuff they had never heard before which they think is a type of manifestation. They think a type of non harmful poltergeist. He said it is smart, and it knew why they were there.

some other things:
just now I unlocked my car through the window, went outside got something out, and when I was sitting on my front porch typing this, twenty feet from my car, my car beeped and re-locked.

I have all sorts of emotions now to go over all the evidence. They were so excited about everything they found... but me? I am sitting in a different position in all this ya know?
also, once I finally do get the disc of the evps and things I will deffo be posting some for you ladies!!
And sorry I havent been able to reply to all of your stories I have been sick and now LO is sick AGAIN!! But I have enjoyed reading through them!!
Love reading your stories girls. I haven't had a spare moment (or the patience) to type my stuff out but I will get there I promise. I still needa check up with my sister about her stories and I know my grandma has some too which are spooky (my personal ones are a bit rubbish lol but still).

BabySeal - thanks for the update, wow! That's some truly amazing stuff. I'm confused about the poltergeist thing and you saying that it knew why they were there, as I always thought poltergeists were manifestations of energy and not actual spirits if that makes sense. I could definitely be wrong though.

I understand why you'd feel a bit iffy about things, I think I'd be running out the door by now! But I'm a wuss :p I hope your LO feels better soon btw

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