Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

We had no need for a monitor until we put her in her own room, a couple nights before we did, we watched Insidious and every time we turn the monitor on I get all creeped out. lol

omg i saw that too and told my OH we would never have a baby monitor lol (we do!)

i used to live in a 1930s house with my best friend. i dont generally believe in this kind of stuff but we had a few weird things happen whilst we were there! We used to have a phone with an answer machine in the lounge and in the middle of the night around 2ish the answer machine would start beepin to tell us we had a message, we would go downstairs (bit hard to sleep with that beeping!) and every time there would be a 20 minute voicemail of breathing and crackling - yet neither of us heard the phone ring or the voicemail being left. nobody knew our phone number apart from our parents either. this happened about 6 times.

my friend has a springer spaniel who never barks, even when theres someone at the door or when shes excited. on about3 or 4 occasions whilst living there she would start barking in the middle of the lounge, facing the wall and there was nothing there. it literally looked like she had seen a ghost!

then this one morning my friend had gotten up before me and came into the lounge to watch tv and she noticed the clock on the wall had lost some of its metal things (here the clock so you understand what im talking about)


the clock hadnt fallen off the wall, it was still there, just the metal things had come off :S she also noticed the time was wrong and assumed the batteries were going. then she kept looking at it out of habit and noticed that it seemed to still be keeping time, it was just 2 hours behind. so she changed the time back to the right time and went to make a drink. when she came back in she looked at the clock again and it had gone to being 2 hours behind again!

we also used to hear bangs in the middle of the night and in the morning go down to see that nothing had fallen over, or find nothing that could have made that noise!
ive had so many things happen to me its unreal. i remember first time i ever saw something out of the ordinary. my sister was driving me home late at nite i was about 15. and we were driving past a forest and we seen someone at side of road and when we were about to drive past she/he appeared infront of the car and disapeared again. i can say i nearly peed myself lol. and i can say we had the doors locked the rest of the way home.
I am so loving this thread! It would be fun if we could keep it going with everyone writing about their experiences, especially with Halloweenie right around the corner.

I am really excited for Halloween this year, because, my sister, her OH, my OH and myself are all going on a haunted house tour. Apparently, you take a trolly to all these old homes that are haunted and your guides are actual ghost hunters, so they will have all of their tools ( special recorders that pick up things you can't hear normally (EVP's), etc...) I know i am such a dork, but my sister and i love this stuff.....


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there is an old prison in my state that was shut down ages ago but was used in the movie shawshank redemption... they do ghost tours there, I think it would be fun.

i would love to go on a ghost tour but it would terrify me haha
My old building in work was totally haunted (a hospital). I was treating a patient one day, and a piece of foam (a fairly large positioning aid) flew off the top shelf, jet missed me and landed 10feet away! I tried various things to make it happen again, turned up air con, hit the foam, but nothing ever made it fly like that! :shock:
The other treatment rooms were haunted too. One in particular, as you walked down the long corridor into the room (I work with radiation) the other person is usually outside entering the next patient data, but sometimes they catch you up. The number of times so many of us turned round cos we thought our partners were behind us, to find no one there....
My dads school was haunted too, by the green lady! (he was the headmaster) so we used to go there after our school finished sometimes if he had work to do. He'd let us have the keys to the gym hall at the other end of the school, but you had to leave it all tidy or the green lady (an old cleaner) would be angry! You always felt someone was watching you play.
I knew my mum had a miscarriage after I was born, and it ws a boy and they calked him Joseph. But once, when I was little I told my mum about a big sister, older than my big brother called laura... My mum had a miscarriage before she had my brother, and they had discussed the name Laura. All about 6 years before I was born.
My old building in work was totally haunted (a hospital). I was treating a patient one day, and a piece of foam (a fairly large positioning aid) flew off the top shelf, jet missed me and landed 10feet away! I tried various things to make it happen again, turned up air con, hit the foam, but nothing ever made it fly like that! :shock:
The other treatment rooms were haunted too. One in particular, as you walked down the long corridor into the room (I work with radiation) the other person is usually outside entering the next patient data, but sometimes they catch you up. The number of times so many of us turned round cos we thought our partners were behind us, to find no one there....
My dads school was haunted too, by the green lady! (he was the headmaster) so we used to go there after our school finished sometimes if he had work to do. He'd let us have the keys to the gym hall at the other end of the school, but you had to leave it all tidy or the green lady (an old cleaner) would be angry! You always felt someone was watching you play.
I knew my mum had a miscarriage after I was born, and it ws a boy and they calked him Joseph. But once, when I was little I told my mum about a big sister, older than my big brother called laura... My mum had a miscarriage before she had my brother, and they had discussed the name Laura. All about 6 years before I was born.

The story about your sister Laura is so crazy! What did your mom say when you told her this? She must have been completely shocked! Ohhhh, i love this stuff, so fun....

I'm loving this!!! Every day I can't wait to read the new stories. I don't have any personal stories really. And I live in a house built in the 20s. I don't feel anything there. But after my husband's father died 10 years ago, he would come talk to my husband. I never heard it but I definitely believe my DH. It doesn't happen anymore but it did for a while after he died. Oh, I know one my mom told me about when I was little. My youngest sister had a twin that was lost at 10 weeks. My mom said I used to talk about a little boy in a big white shirt that used to kneel over my little sister and watch her. I don't remember as I was 3 or 4. But she says that I talked about him on a number if occasions.
Seriously WHY do I come and read this thread at night! :/

Do you believe then, when you have the feeling someone is watching you.. Someone is?
I have another story :)

My uncle died a few years ago of a brain tumour, we all know when hes been to visit, because he opens our curtains for us :) a strange comfort. He also, if you have blinds, turns them so they are closed the opposite way to how you closed them, if that makes sense? X
Wow, some very creepy stories!!
Mine aren't creepy, lol.

My granddad visited my bedroom one night when I was going to bed, a few days after he had passed away!
My grandma had been ill in hospital, a few years previously. We went to visit her loads but one day my gran came to get my mum and I wasn't allowed to go along. I knew why and I was devastated, even though I was quite young. I never got to say goodbye.
Then when my granddad died suddenly it brought it all back and I silently cried myself to sleep that night and the following night. On the third night just as I was about to go to sleep, he appeared at the side of my bed with my favourite book, which I had lost, and whispered 'goodbye, grandma sends her love'
When I went down stairs, the door at the bottom of the stairs was open, and I had definitely shut it when I went to bed, granddad always left it open when he came over.

The other one is a bit funny.

Was walking through the field my house was in one day, and saw a red and white dog. We lived in the middle of nowhere and without an owner near by, there was no way this dog could have come from anywhere else. There was no person, no car in the layby, nothing. I ran down the hill to cut the dog off, and it had dissapeared.
Following night, was coming back from my grans, it was dark and my mum was driving. We came round a sharp bend to a black dog sitting in the middle of the road!! But mum didn't see it and when I looked behind the car, it was still there! Just walked into the huge gateways opposite.
The next day I went a walk over the field accross the road and heard two dogs barking. I tried to follow the sound and found a part of the beach I had never come across before. There was a large grave stone with a massive plastic washed up thing from the sea caught on it. I moved the rubbish and read the stone- belonging to two dogs from 100 years ago! I never saw the ghost dogs after that, but on talking to the lady who lived in the big house, they belonged to the game keeper who lived there, when his beloved dogs died he buried them at their favourite place. I guess they just did not like their grave littered and knew I would find it!
my sisters mum lives in an old vicarige is whitby and she goes to water the plants etc while they are away, the nighbours tell her they see lights going on and off in the house while they are away. my sister has heard her name called while there too and feels like shes being watched, when one of her sons was little he said he saw something too.
when i was younger i babysat for the same sister, this in when she lived in her last place, and i was sat in the living room and above us was her bedroom, it sounded like someone was thudding with their feet on the floor above all night, the baby/toddler was fast asleep. it was horriblem i never baby sat again! it was the first and last time!

my boyfriend told me that a few years back he had been out with his friend and went to stay at his friends house which is in an old part of this town, in the room their was an old rockingc hair in teh corner, he said he opened his eyes and there was this old fisherman smoking a pipe in the chair, not aware of him or anything. he said he pulled the cover over his head and didnt dare move til morning!! only problem is he had been drinking lol. but he still insists he knows what he saw.
okay, I don't have a haunting story, but the post about the sister laura, When I was about 3 or 4 years old, I knew stuff that was Waaaaayyyyy before my time. Mom said I used to talk about wearing pettycoat, using a thimble, working in the garden where the lake is (before the lake was there), and I told her that the river we live beside of didn't use to be here.... so, my mom started asking my grandparents about these things... turns out, My granny's grandpa owned land where this lake is, he used it as farm land, and the state bought his land and created a man-made lake there. it has been there for like years and years! and the river is man-made also, they flooded a valley to re-route the flow around a city, and now it runs by our house.... also this happened many many years ago! sometimes I think of someone I haven't seen in a while, and I'll see them that day! I had this dream that my dad's dog was out of the yard, I went out the next day, and had to catch the dog because it was loose! My sister had the exact same dream, same night!
My old building in work was totally haunted (a hospital). I was treating a patient one day, and a piece of foam (a fairly large positioning aid) flew off the top shelf, jet missed me and landed 10feet away! I tried various things to make it happen again, turned up air con, hit the foam, but nothing ever made it fly like that! :shock:
The other treatment rooms were haunted too. One in particular, as you walked down the long corridor into the room (I work with radiation) the other person is usually outside entering the next patient data, but sometimes they catch you up. The number of times so many of us turned round cos we thought our partners were behind us, to find no one there....
My dads school was haunted too, by the green lady! (he was the headmaster) so we used to go there after our school finished sometimes if he had work to do. He'd let us have the keys to the gym hall at the other end of the school, but you had to leave it all tidy or the green lady (an old cleaner) would be angry! You always felt someone was watching you play.
I knew my mum had a miscarriage after I was born, and it ws a boy and they calked him Joseph. But once, when I was little I told my mum about a big sister, older than my big brother called laura... My mum had a miscarriage before she had my brother, and they had discussed the name Laura. All about 6 years before I was born.

The story about your sister Laura is so crazy! What did your mom say when you told her this? She must have been completely shocked! Ohhhh, i love this stuff, so fun....

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SHe was quite pragmatic about it really! Lol. :) just felt kinda comforted really. Xx
hmm rename the thread as a supernatural story halloween thread?? (2 months early :rofl:)
My sister's monitor picked up some lady whispering to a baby... her place was totally haunted and it scared the crap out of us.

I swear, everytime I walk into LO's room, I fully expect to see the red guy from Insiduous standing and pointing beside her crib. :S

ETA: Since everyone's telling ghostie stories, I'll add mine. ;)

My parents house always creeped me the hell out. The basement in particular, but I couldn't figure out why. When I was about 14, my sister and I were home alone, and my sister had been on the phone. She hung up and we were watching tv, and suddenly the extension light turned on on the phone base. She tried picking it up and re-hanging it up, but it stayed on, so she made me go look at the other phones. I tried the one in my parents room (on the main floor) and it was fine, so I had to venture to the basement. I walk into the rec room, and the telephone has been thrown across the room and is off the hook. Um... ?

I eventually had my bedroom moved into the basement, and at night would feel someone sit down on my bed and touch my shoulder. I thought it was one of my parents the first time, so I rolled over to look and no one was there. This happened nearly every night, unless I closed my bedroom door. :S

Another time, my parents had just left the house and I was home alone watching tv. We had the basement door closed cause we had a new kitten we didn't want going down there until she was trained properly. So, I'm sitting there, and suddenly the door to the basement opens (it was really loud for some reason) then slammed shut so hard it shook the house. I sat there unable to move for a good hour and a half, scared outta my mind. LOL

I used to always see shadows pass in front of lights too. Oh, and one time, my mom told me recently, that when I was 7 or 8, I had asked her about grandpa coming over to visit the night before. She says he wasn't here and I said "Yes, I saw him" She said I kept insisting he came over and said he was wearing his green suit. My mom was really confused now, and asks why Grandpa was wearing a suit and I didn't know. Then I said something like, "Your dad" and my mom stops me and is like, "Wait, which Grandpa are you talking about?" and I tell her it was her dad, not my dad's dad. The problem was, my mom's dad passed away when she was 15 and he had served in the Korean War, so the suit I saw was his uniform. I had never met him and hadn't seen many, if any photos of him.
Seriously WHY do I come and read this thread at night! :/

Do you believe then, when you have the feeling someone is watching you.. Someone is?

I know that i creep out when I get that feeling... So yes i think i do believe.
Do you?

F*#k!!! Shouldn't keep reading this at night. Got to find something funny to read now. :haha:
this isnt so much a haunted story, but its about my grandpa, and how I believe that even when a person is no longer alive, they are still with you.

My grandpa died on June 10, 2006. I was working overnights nearly 50 miles away at another walmart, for a remodel. I went to work on the 12th, and I just couldnt handle the fact that my grandpa was gone, and I had to leave work. It was 2 am. I was about 15 minutes away from the house, and I felt myself falling asleep. I even cought myself drifting over the center line. I was worried I wouldnt make it home.

And then the 'fishing moon' came out. It was a full moon, that my grandpa always called his 'fishing moon'. That night was cloudy and rainy, but when I felt myself falling asleep, and that moon broke through the cloulds, I just knew it was my grandpa. He made sure I got home safe that night.
this isnt so much a haunted story, but its about my grandpa, and how I believe that even when a person is no longer alive, they are still with you.

My grandpa died on June 10, 2006. I was working overnights nearly 50 miles away at another walmart, for a remodel. I went to work on the 12th, and I just couldnt handle the fact that my grandpa was gone, and I had to leave work. It was 2 am. I was about 15 minutes away from the house, and I felt myself falling asleep. I even cought myself drifting over the center line. I was worried I wouldnt make it home.

And then the 'fishing moon' came out. It was a full moon, that my grandpa always called his 'fishing moon'. That night was cloudy and rainy, but when I felt myself falling asleep, and that moon broke through the cloulds, I just knew it was my grandpa. He made sure I got home safe that night.

That is such a lovely story.......


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