Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

this isnt so much a haunted story, but its about my grandpa, and how I believe that even when a person is no longer alive, they are still with you.

My grandpa died on June 10, 2006. I was working overnights nearly 50 miles away at another walmart, for a remodel. I went to work on the 12th, and I just couldnt handle the fact that my grandpa was gone, and I had to leave work. It was 2 am. I was about 15 minutes away from the house, and I felt myself falling asleep. I even cought myself drifting over the center line. I was worried I wouldnt make it home.

And then the 'fishing moon' came out. It was a full moon, that my grandpa always called his 'fishing moon'. That night was cloudy and rainy, but when I felt myself falling asleep, and that moon broke through the cloulds, I just knew it was my grandpa. He made sure I got home safe that night.

aww :hugs: thats a cute story (obv. sorry about your grandfather, but the moon part)
tonight I was laying down in bed playing angry birds on my phone (damn insomnia) and this thread really got me thinking how many noises and sounds I hear in my house. I mean over the last 3 years I have just basically in a sense ignored them because they stopped freaking me out... but if I pay attention... eek

lol I wonder if the little boy ghost is fristrated I have started ignoring him lately :haha:
Seriously WHY do I come and read this thread at night! :/

Do you believe then, when you have the feeling someone is watching you.. Someone is?

I know that i creep out when I get that feeling... So yes i think i do believe.
Do you?

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I creep out too :/.. I've never seen anything myself but I've had the feeling a few times.. But ye I do believe someone is there when you have that feeling
I've never seen nothing myself, but at my Aunties old house.. That was haunted! I always used to get the feeling I was been watched in that house, I never went anywhere without a light on :/

Both my Auntie and Cousin had seen a little girl in there, with long dark hair.. She would just run long the landing of the house or sit a the top of the stairs.
One time, they were all sat in the living room and they heard hard footsteps running in the bedroom above them, yet, noone was upstairs.

But thinking of that story my youngest cousin used to to have an imaginary friend when she was young, I wonder if this is the girl she was seeing? - She was called "Jermima" She insisted this "Jermima" was real, asked if she could sleep over, have tea ect.
tonight I was laying down in bed playing angry birds on my phone (damn insomnia) and this thread really got me thinking how many noises and sounds I hear in my house. I mean over the last 3 years I have just basically in a sense ignored them because they stopped freaking me out... but if I pay attention... eek

lol I wonder if the little boy ghost is fristrated I have started ignoring him lately :haha:

Did you tell us about the boy ghost, because i don't remember???? Man, i wish my house was haunted!!!!!! :growlmad: hehehehe....

no, just have always assumed its a little boy because of the marbles haha.


I was watching my friends 2 and a half year old. When she was getting picked up we were all talking in my kitchen and she started talking to "someone" and was calling them "Sid". Creeped us out and we asked if she was playing with Sid and she said yes.

As we get getting her car seat in the other car, and she was going to climb in, she turned around, swatted the air, and yelled "STOP IT SID!" then got in the car.

I would be terrified. Love this stuff but not when it happens to me haha!
I saw a ghost about 5 years ago, no1 i no eva beleives me though and laugh.
I was at my exes and woke in the middle of the night and saw a man staring at me from the window (Standing inside) Dressed in a grey suit. When i woke up in the morning i had 4got about it, and then my ex said to me "oh i 4got to tell u, i saw a ghost last night!" and i remembered i did 2 straight away! that freaked me out, he explained the same man i saw, he saw him kneeling on the bed over me at one point, and another was same as me - at the window. freaky! lol had i been more awake i think i would have peed my pants a bit! haha!
another story was when i was 16 and i was reading a book in bed must of fell asleep reading and i heard a thump that woke me up went out in the hallway and my book was at the bottom of the stairs. very creepy
Do you believe babies can see spirits? Lily always looks up at the ceiling and laughs ... And sometimes she'll sit staring in middle or room laughing :shrug: - scares me at night haha
Mabye they can because their lives are less hectic kwim? They sit and play and take in everything that goes on around them.
Ooooooh...more stories please! I love this thread. I wish I had more stories myself. I live in southern Louisiana and I have visited many old plantations that are haunted. I've stayed overnight at the Myrtles plantation, which the Smithsonian says is the most haunted house in America. It was great. We heard things like footsteps and children laughing and old time music like from a record player but didn't see anything. The plantation has a great story to it too. I've also been on haunted tours in New Orleans. We only live 1/2 hour away. And heard lots of creepy things but I still never saw anything. I want my own ghost story. I'm sure I would be terrified as it happened though. It's just so intriguing to me.

And I do think that children are more sensitive to things like spirits. I think our own skepticism and hustle and bustle of life makes adults less open to it. Children are so innocent and trusting.
the friend i used to live with was veru sensitve to these things, she told me about a time she stayed at her friends house which had an old hanging tree across the road from it - as if that wasnt creepy enough! she walked in and saw a child wearing victorian clothing stood at the top of the stairs!

then one night she was driving home (when we lived together) and it was dark, she had the radio playing, when it suddenly swicthed stations to one playing really old time music, and in the mirror she had a flash of someone in the back seat!!! i would have crashed the car!!

she always takes the mick out of me because one time she was in the bathroom in the bath - her boyfriend who came to live with us was in there with her, and i was in my bedroom, she came in my room and asked if i had knocked on the bathroom door. her and her boyfriend had clearly both heard it on the door and i had been in my room the whole time. i proper freaked out lol! she wont let me forget it!
oooh!! loving this thread! I read it when the OP first started it but didn't realise it carried on so much lol

Anyway.. grab a coffee... :coffee:

* When we we're little me and my sis we're on our way to school and trying to cross a really busy road, when this old woman came over to us dressed in grey with a shawl on (didn't think it was too weird, as you get some right weirdo's in the town we grew up in) and told us to go down the the pedestrian crossing as it wasn't safe. With us been quite young, we walked off down to the crossing, turned around and she'd gone. Got home that evening and told my mum all about it and explained her.. mum dug this photo out of my great aunt and it was the same person!

*OH's mum's house is haunted, his Sister for years everynight used to see a girl walk into her room, walk to the end of her bed, fall over and disappear.

*OH's dog died and everynight before he died he used to lie on the top of the landing and scratch the carpet (highly annoying)... the night he died, everyone in the house that night (5 people) head him scratching on the top of the stairs in the middle of the night.

*Just before my Dad died in hospital he used to make comments on this 'black' nurse that used to come and see him.. There never was a 'black' nurse, as we asked the other staff who it was. But my Dad lived in Africa for quite a while when he was young, and quite often talked about his friends over there.

*The night my Dad died, Me, OH and My mum we're asleep in bed when in the middle of the night we were all woken up by this really loud banging sounding like two metal poles been banged together - still don't know what this was

*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

*When we moved out of my mums, she used to wake up regularly to cupboard doors been open, or things been moved (she used to say it was my Dad)

*Ellie has this musical ball thing, that when it moves it plays music, but you have to give it quite a shove. One night we left it where she had been playing with it... in the middle of the living room floor..The dogs we're locked in the kitchen and I woke up to do a night feed for Ellie and all I could hear was this musical ball going, OH heard it too

*My sister lives in flats that are a converted mental institute. When she first moved in, she kept getting woken up by somebody shaking her lol

*I received this message off her a few weeks ago.. "I think Daddy dear is here.. I keep getting big whiffs of the antiseptic that is on his hospital tag, I'm just sat on the sofa with this antiseptic smell wafting past me. His tag is in my bedroom in 2 boxes"

*Ellie was at my sisters for the day.. and she kept looking towards the empty door frame holding her arms up to be picked up.

I probably had a lot more, plus a spooky dream, but don't wanna bore you! lol.. or make you think I'm a completely weirdo!!
oooo got so many goosebumps...lol.
I have also been woken a few times to being shaken (i thought i was havin fits as my mouth always felt 'fizzy' lol) but havnt had this in a while it was like i was bein possesed it was horrible!
* When we we're little me and my sis we're on our way to school and trying to cross a really busy road, when this old woman came over to us dressed in grey with a shawl on (didn't think it was too weird, as you get some right weirdo's in the town we grew up in) and told us to go down the the pedestrian crossing as it wasn't safe. With us been quite young, we walked off down to the crossing, turned around and she'd gone. Got home that evening and told my mum all about it and explained her.. mum dug this photo out of my great aunt and it was the same person!
Aww thats lovely... Bless her!

I probably had a lot more, plus a spooky dream, but don't wanna bore you! lol.. or make you think I'm a completely weirdo!!
Not boring, I love reading them... Just not at this time :haha:!!
*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

Come to think of it, my doorbell scares me all the time! and its nearly every week that this happens. My door bell plays some annoying tune and sometimes during the days it will go off but with a different tune playing. Open the door and no bodies there... can be quite freaky when your home alone!!
*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

Come to think of it, my doorbell scares me all the time! and its nearly every week that this happens. My door bell plays some annoying tune and sometimes during the days it will go off but with a different tune playing. Open the door and no bodies there... can be quite freaky when your home alone!!

Scary!! :/ x
*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

Come to think of it, my doorbell scares me all the time! and its nearly every week that this happens. My door bell plays some annoying tune and sometimes during the days it will go off but with a different tune playing. Open the door and no bodies there... can be quite freaky when your home alone!!

Scary!! :/ x

Yeah it is, I am just used to it now and dont even bother going to the door, even though my heart beats at 100mph when it does go off lol!x
*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

Come to think of it, my doorbell scares me all the time! and its nearly every week that this happens. My door bell plays some annoying tune and sometimes during the days it will go off but with a different tune playing. Open the door and no bodies there... can be quite freaky when your home alone!!

Scary!! :/ x

Yeah it is, I am just used to it now and dont even bother going to the door, even though my heart beats at 100mph when it does go off lol!x

Think mine would too! Since reading this thread I keep expecting the worst to happen :/ :haha:! - I'm proper paranoid lol x

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