Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

Had a few, Will add more when I remember them.

Me & My cousin were away in the caravan on a site, and the toilet block was the freakiest thing ever. We would go in there, no one would be in the cubicles, the doors would slam, there'd be footsteps running, the showers would turn on and off. Lights would flicker, and the automatic fragrence sensor would go off when neither of us would go infront of it. So we took our cameras in there. We filmed all of the cubicle doors- all shut. Then we turned around, and one door was closed, I shoved my head under the door and there were a pair of feet in there (I'm getting all shivery just remembering it) so my cousin, all brave, knocked on the door. We looked under again and the feet had gone, we walked up and down the cubicles, and the door that was locked, just swung open. It was f**king gross scary. The showers came on, then when I filmed in the mirror, my cousin was on the left of me, we looked through the video in slow motion, and there was a figure in the right of the mirror, all hunched backed, no face visible.. Then the worst thing, My cousins cousin, who wasn't there and hadn't been in touch with us , (she claimed to feel and see things) called us saying, "I don't know where you are, but get out, you're making him angry. RUN" (And there's no way she knew what had been going on.) and we legged it so fast. We were only about 13, but we didn't make it up. We were filled with tears we were so scared!

Then at my parents house, myself, my brother, and my cousin were in the front room, My friend was over, and we heard really loud running up the stairs, and a door slam, I went out and said to my friend who was in the kitchen, "why did you do that?" He said, "Crap, I thought that was you." Horrible. So scary.

I have the picture of the mirror from the first story saved on my old harddrive, and will upload it later if I can find it. So so creepy. So annoyed that we lost the video.
ooooh and my friend told me a freeeeeeeaky story the other day!!

We was talking about the tooth fairy and about was I going to play the tooth fairy with Lyla. Then she said she thought she saw the tooth fairy when she was younger so i asked her what she saw and after she told me i was like WTF! She said she saw a giant figure that looked like the holy mary standing just inside her doorway, but she said she was so huge that her head was squashed by the ceiling, like she was cramped in and had to bend her neck down!!! i was like how the hell can you think that was the tooth fairy!?!!?!! freaky!! x

That sounds so frigging creepy it made me feel a bit sick haha.!
ooooh and my friend told me a freeeeeeeaky story the other day!!

We was talking about the tooth fairy and about was I going to play the tooth fairy with Lyla. Then she said she thought she saw the tooth fairy when she was younger so i asked her what she saw and after she told me i was like WTF! She said she saw a giant figure that looked like the holy mary standing just inside her doorway, but she said she was so huge that her head was squashed by the ceiling, like she was cramped in and had to bend her neck down!!! i was like how the hell can you think that was the tooth fairy!?!!?!! freaky!! x

That sounds so frigging creepy it made me feel a bit sick haha.!

I know!! I cant understand how she thought it was the tooth fairy! that story about the toilets you just wrote is creeeeeeeeeeeepy! x
It was so, so, terrifying! On a toilet block, haha, but still, was really scary.
Had a few, Will add more when I remember them.

Me & My cousin were away in the caravan on a site, and the toilet block was the freakiest thing ever. We would go in there, no one would be in the cubicles, the doors would slam, there'd be footsteps running, the showers would turn on and off. Lights would flicker, and the automatic fragrence sensor would go off when neither of us would go infront of it. So we took our cameras in there. We filmed all of the cubicle doors- all shut. Then we turned around, and one door was closed, I shoved my head under the door and there were a pair of feet in there (I'm getting all shivery just remembering it) so my cousin, all brave, knocked on the door. We looked under again and the feet had gone, we walked up and down the cubicles, and the door that was locked, just swung open. It was f**king gross scary. The showers came on, then when I filmed in the mirror, my cousin was on the left of me, we looked through the video in slow motion, and there was a figure in the right of the mirror, all hunched backed, no face visible.. Then the worst thing, My cousins cousin, who wasn't there and hadn't been in touch with us , (she claimed to feel and see things) called us saying, "I don't know where you are, but get out, you're making him angry. RUN" (And there's no way she knew what had been going on.) and we legged it so fast. We were only about 13, but we didn't make it up. We were filled with tears we were so scared!

That sounds soooo scary! :/.. Can't believe how yours cousins cousin saw and felt where you were ect.
I hope you find the pic!
:haha: I will do :/... And knowing me I'll sh*t myself everytime I look in a mirror :dohh: - I'm proper paranoid with things like that! :/
Hello, I love scary stories even though ive turned into a bit of a scaredy cat since my DS was born. I grew up in a haunted house and soooo many things happened, I'll try and write as ,many as I can remember briefly...This could be long, get a cuppa:coffee:

  • When I was about 12/13 it all started. I had a loft conversion bedroom and the staircase went from my old small room up to the loft. I started to notice a strange fish smell on the stairs, no one else could smell it and no one believed that I could! This went on for about 2 years! The smell eventually moved into my loft room and would come and go randomly every day and night. I was never, ever scared by this and just knew something was there.

    Small things like keys and cooking spoon ect would randomly disappear for days then turn up in crazy places, like in sauce pans ect, or just appear in the middle of the kitchen table.

    My mom eventually began to smell the fish smell and accepted that I was telling the truth, I got my first real boyfriend at about 16 then things really started happening.

    The smell would be really strong when ever D was around, and he felt really scared if he was on his own on the room. He said he felt something was watching him/ got goose bumps.

    I used to visit my elderly next door neighbour who told me about an old lady who was unmarried and died in the house before we moved in, after that the " smell" was reffered to as "she".

    She seemed to dilslike men outside the family and make them feel very uncomfortable and they felt like they needed to leave the house, this happened to 3 family friends and an uncle. 2 of these freinds refused to stay over at the house ever again.

    By now, I would know she was there by a presence which I just can't explain in any other way, she would lie above and next to my bed and I would try and talk to her but she would never speak to me. Sometimes I would ask her to go away and the smell would go. Again, I was ever scared.

    She seemed to dislike my boyfriend D, (as it happened he turned out to be an arsehole) Once, I asked him to pop to my room for something when i was downstairs and when he tried to go into my room the door slammed in his face and wouldn't open, the window was shut and the door always opened for me.

    He used to have to sleep in my old room at the bottom of the stairs, one morning he ran into my room terrified. I remember looking at the clock it was 8.08am. He said there was a lady on the stairs calling out his name, I told my mom in the morning and she went pale, she said at 8.08am, she was woke up by the sound of a lady crying. He refused to stop over again in that room.

    One night my parents were away so me and D were both in my room, it was about 3 in the morning. This was the only time I was ever scared in my house. There was a screaming noise down stairs and it sounded like all the doors and drawers were being opened and slammed, we were both terrified and thought we were being burgled, it went quite after about 10 minutes, cue a comical vision of me and D sneaking downstairs, him with a pair of scissors and me with a can of hairspray and a lighter for protection!! Haha.
    There was absolutely nothing there, we left the house immediately and went to his house at 3.30 in the morning!

    It carried on like this till i was 18, I left for uni and my parents moved house. On the last day I went to the house I spent some time in my room to say goodbye and honestly felt a little sad to leave. I smelt the smell and said good bye.

    In all this time my brother and dad refuse to believe anything was gong on, untill... my dad heard footsteps walking across my room floor in the room above his after I moved out.

    My mom and brother were moving my furniture out of my room, and for the first time she came to my brother and he could smell her. As they moved the furniture mom said she heard a groaning noise and she actually said out loud "I'm sorry, but we've just got to move"

    We always thought what ever it was that it was attached to me, but I've never had any experiences since that last day in my old room. However, my parents have lived in two more houses and strange things such as missing objects still happen occasionally! In their first new house, I had a new boyfriend and we were having an argument and he was really shouting at me. I walked into my room and he tried to follow me and the door slammed shut in his face!! She has never bothered my husband and I think it's because he is such a good person and she approves :flower:

    My mom's auntie was a famous medium and we think that my my mum is very sensitive to these types of things, she's had lots of strange things happen to her, but she is very strict about it and that it should not be encouraged so she just ignores it. When she was little she remembers being very scared in her bedroom, she told my nan (her aunts sister) so my nan slept in my mom's room for the night and my mom slept in nan's bed. In the morning, my nan just said "Don't worry, it's gone and it won't bother you again" My mum just accepted this, I would ask soooo many questions!

    Well done if you've made it to the end of that!!!!:thumbup:
goosebumps!! id want 2 find tht (dead) ladies grave 2 give her flowers as a thx x
When I was little the girl next door told me that when she was a baby her mum put her to bed in her moses basket in her new bright pink nighty and when she went to get her in the morning she was wearing a brown victorian like nighty and was in her cot... they never found the pink one but do still have the brown one. 0.0

Before my mum had me they lived in a house built on a old burial ground next to the newer grave yard. one night mum saw from her bed someone in a dressing gown do down the stairs, thinking it was my dad (they wernt together then) went down after him and couldent see him in the frount room. she never left the stair well. and on her way up the stairs was made jump by my dad turning the corner to go down the stairs in his dressing gown.

then weird things started happening like candles lighting them selves and if mum focused enuff they would go out my them selves, mum would zone out while stareing at the flame and was given a "guided tour of needham market" by the ghost who in a later vision flashed his grave up to her. dad later found the grave and " Mr fredric abbott" stoped contacting them! =)
bumped!!! any more anyone?
Did any one watch ghost hunting with TOWIE last night - was very funny! x.
There's been a few experiences at my mum and dads house.
The first two were when i was little, I used to have an au pair because my parents worked long hours to set up their business and I remember being in the bathroom and looking through the gap of the partially closed door over into my bedroom which was opposite and seeing a shadow move across the wall. I thought it was the au pair in there and called out to tell her I was in the bathroom, there was no answer and so I walked out and in to my room and it was empty.

Then on another occasion I was in my room and my au pair came rushing in and asked me if I was ok because she'd heard me calling out like there was something wrong! And I hadn't uttered a peep, think I was just reading!

And finally about 10 years ago I heard footsteps going up the stairs, but there was no home apart from me.
I have one with my stepson!

When he was three, he was in the backroom which was his playroom. There was a movie on the tv but he was carrying on a conversation so my husband asked him who he was talking to.
Stepson: (giggles). I don't know his name (looks up at a random place on the wall and nods)
Husband: are you talking to the tv?
Stepson: no, he said his name is bob
Husband: oh you mean bob the builder?
Stepson: noooo. Oh bob says hi daddy.
Husband: he says hi??
Stepson: yup, he doesn't want to talk anymore though. Wanna play blocks dad?

My husbands father died when he was around 7 from a heart attack. His name was Robert and everyone called him bob. We didn't say anything and he's never heard or saw pictures of bob.

A few days later I was putting him down for a nap and 15 min later I heard giggling from his room. I cracked the door open and saw him sitting on his bed looking up and carrying on a conversation that was normal except half of it couldn't be heard. He was answering questions! I went in and asked him what was going on
Stepson: I'm just talking to bob.
Me: well you're supposed to be going to sleep!
Stepson: (after looking at wall) bob says just a few more minutes please
Me: Hun, is bob your imaginary friend? If he is please say you'll talk later
Stepson: no. He's daddy's bob He's old.

I was freaked out at that point and called my husband. We thought maybe he had just heard the name somewhere and was just using imagination. A few weeks later we went over to my MILs house and he wanted to go "ghost hunting for bob". Well that was new. He took a flashlight and tiptoed around house. It was actually kinda cute and we were laughing at the way he was walking. We sobered up when he said "daddy I found bob!". We ran upstairs and he was holding up a photo of his grandfather. My MIL had been getting photos out for a scrapbook. Creepy!! He's talked to him a few more times but since we moved this summer and I guess now that he's older, bob hasn't made any appearances. Never scary, just really really creepy.
Oh, I forgot to add that my stepson could name bobs favorite food: perogies. My husband had to ask his mom that question as he wasn't sure and she answered perogies. My stepson has never eaten or heard of them and had a hard time saying the word.
And the picture he found of bob was a group of a dozen or so men. He picked out the right man.
That is amazing!! You and your husband must have been freaking out! But, how sweet and wonderful for your husband to of had that visit to his son from his father.... :flower:

When you described your son creeping around the house, i was imagining a lil boy doing it and i bet it was the cutest thing ever!

This is un-canny really ...and im going back a few years here so i never seen any of this ...my OH's nan and grandad lived in this 4 bedroomed house which was to big and they did a swap with my grandma and grandad because my grandma and grandad needed a bigger house for my mum and her brothers and sisters ...my OH's nan used to say to my grandma after they swapped have you ever seen a lady wearing a long dress standing on the landing and my grandma said no and thought she was joking ...anyway after a few years of living there my grandad told my mum he saw a lady wearing a long dress drift down the living room ( was quite a long room ) and disappear through the window ..my mum also said it was very creepy on this landing and refused to go on it at night,then one night grandads dog had seen something on this landing and he started barking then run into one of the bedrooms and hid under the bed whilst doing this he was so scared he pee'd and would not come out ...anyways as more years past my mum grew up and so did the others and moved out of this house ....anyway ...only yesterday a lady who we know asked my OH's mum about this house because her daughter lives there now and shes reported someone pushing her on this landing and there was no one else in the house at the time,and then on saturday night she had her nephew and his girlfriend stay the night there,he got up about 3 am to go to the loo and opened the bedroom door which leads onto the landing and he saw a ghostly white figure standing there on the landing wearing a long dress so he closed his eyes went into the bathroom and when he came out she'd gone! ...only yesterday we found out that my OH's nan's sister died in that house of cancer all them years ago.

sorry if this was a long read x
When I was little we lived in this mobile home when we first emigrated from the UK to the US. I remember one night I was awake and I couldn't sleep, I went to watch some TV in the living room and the people on the TV were talking about how eating bananas would make you tired if you're wide awake. So I remember eating a banana and then turning off the TV to go back to the bed and there was this old lady walking down our hallway, I was so little that I mean, I was scared but I just thought it was a figment of my imagination! A few years later, we were talking about ghosts and no one ever knew I'd seen this old lady, but my brother was telling me he remembered seeing an old lady in one of our bedroom closests and he refused to sleep in the room ever again because of that experience (he is a lot older than me, so I was probably 4 and he was 16!) Then I told them my story, it was so creepy! I still have the image of this old lady in my head.

Also, when we went on vacation (when we were living in the mobile home) we had our neighbors watch our house, just to make sure everything was OK while we were away. I remember my neighbor calling my mom and asking her why we didn't go on vacation, my mom was really confused because we had already been away for like 3 days, she said that she saw a little girl sitting in the window and just watching out the window!!! Aaaah! Gives me the creeeeps!
When I was little we lived in this mobile home when we first emigrated from the UK to the US. I remember one night I was awake and I couldn't sleep, I went to watch some TV in the living room and the people on the TV were talking about how eating bananas would make you tired if you're wide awake. So I remember eating a banana and then turning off the TV to go back to the bed and there was this old lady walking down our hallway, I was so little that I mean, I was scared but I just thought it was a figment of my imagination! A few years later, we were talking about ghosts and no one ever knew I'd seen this old lady, but my brother was telling me he remembered seeing an old lady in one of our bedroom closests and he refused to sleep in the room ever again because of that experience (he is a lot older than me, so I was probably 4 and he was 16!) Then I told them my story, it was so creepy! I still have the image of this old lady in my head.

Also, when we went on vacation (when we were living in the mobile home) we had our neighbors watch our house, just to make sure everything was OK while we were away. I remember my neighbor calling my mom and asking her why we didn't go on vacation, my mom was really confused because we had already been away for like 3 days, she said that she saw a little girl sitting in the window and just watching out the window!!! Aaaah! Gives me the creeeeps!

Gave me the shivers too!!! Very creepy..... I'm so glad this thread is still going everyone! Only 51 more days until Halloween, i can't wait!!


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