Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

I used to be sceptical about ghosts until a few things happened. Ive only ever seen what i think was a ghost once.

i had a sleepover when i was 15 with 4 mates and 1 was crashed in bed beside me. I woke up in the early hours as i felt someone staring at me and sure enough there was a wee boy about 6 sitting on my computer chair staring at us! he was dressed like the boy in the Hovis advert on TV..

I nudged my friend and asked her who the wee boy was, she looked shrugged and told him to F off lol! I was half asleep thru it all and drifted off again soon after, but i have NO idea who the wee boy was :shrug:

We lost my Da to cancer almost 3yrs ago now and I remember he used to say when we die someone comes for us to help us to the Other Side. He said my gran would come for him as a year after she died he dreamt of her and she kissed him on the forehead in the dream, she did this to him when she was alive.
One day as he lay in hospital in agony despite painkillers he looked at the foot of his bed, broke into a huge smile and sat up with his arms out reaching to someone. I asked him who was there but he never answered, he lay down and went into unconciousness, he passed on later that night. I think my gran came for him :thumbup:

My mums house IS haunted tho i havent seen anything . . .yet!
An old woman died in the house shortly before my Mum moved in but i dont think its her, i think its my Da! Various things have happened since he passed away, for example. .
you can hear someone walking up and down the hall most nights, wether the livingroom door to see onto the hall is open or closed.
the TV goes on and off sporadically
Me and my mum were sitting talking about my Da when we heard a loud banging in the kitchen. I had bought a wee case of Carlsberg to drink and they had been rattled (the clinking noise you get?) and the bin pulled out and shoved accross the floor. This happened at 8:10pm and we found out the following week this is the time my sister had released my das ahes in Turkey on holiday without telling me or my mum. Yes 8:10pm on the same night! :huh:
One of the weirdest tho has to be when i was staying there about 2yrs ago. I had my Alaskan Malamute with me and she slept it the front door like she always does (great draught excluder :haha:). I was sitting watching TV in the living room and my mum had gone to bed and closed the door over. You can see from the livingroom accross the hall to the bedroom door (its a flat). Everything was quiet then suddenly there was jumping and crashing coming from my mums bedroom! I coud hear my mum shouting "why have you locked the dog in here with me? Let her out!" I jumped up to open the bedroom door as i could hear the dog jumping on and off the bed and my mum was telling her to get down. As soon as i opened the door and switched the light on the noise stopped and i turned to see my dog lying at the front door where she hadnt budged from :shock:
My mum swore blind she felt the dog jumping on and off the bed and we both heard it!
HOWEVER, when my Da would go up to see my mum in her flat (they were seperated) he always brought his malamute Nero with him and he would jump up on the bed couch etc as my mum would let him away with it, mallys are a family breed lol.
Both Nero and my girl are/black white and huge so could be mistaken for each other easily in the dark.

Nero passed on 6mths after my da at only 2yrs old and we think it was so he could rejoin his master as he was a healthy boy x
my dad passed away 6 years ago. 2 days before he died he kept smilling at something and holding his hand out but then he would shake his head he did it a few times. and a day before he died he smiled at someone again and held his hand out he went unconsious and died the next. so i think someone we loved came for him :)

whenever we asked him who he was taking to he would just smile and point to the sky was nice thinking there was something else out there
Anyone know of or had a near death experience??

Not a near death experience as such, you be the judge.

ABout 3 years ago I had a psychotic episode (Im bipolar) where I could see people hangin from the trees from ropes around their necks. I also saw them hanging around the house and they never made a sound, but their necks were clearly broken and they were looking at me smiling and laughing (with NO sound).

Some of them started swinging themselves back and forth and laughing manically which was absolutely terrifying, one of the people I saw is a guy I know but I have never told him for obvious reasons!
Since I had this episode 3 people I know have hung themselves and a few days before they did so I spoke to each on of them discussing the previous suicide and how sad it all was, which really disturbed me.
Anyone know of or had a near death experience??

My OH has techinically 'died' twice and he has been in a coma once too! Both times his heart stopped beating but her was resusitated. He said he doesn't remember what happened once his heart stopped. Xx
*Also just shortly after my Dad died both our and the next door neighbours (who we're friends with) Door bell rang in the middle of the night..nobody was there

Come to think of it, my doorbell scares me all the time! and its nearly every week that this happens. My door bell plays some annoying tune and sometimes during the days it will go off but with a different tune playing. Open the door and no bodies there... can be quite freaky when your home alone!!

LOL my nans kept doing this, she was convinced it was my grandad coming to visit her... turns out (my dad read the instructions) someone over the road has the same kind of door bell (it's a kind of portable thing that you can carry around and plays different tunes) and when some one rings thier bell it sets off my nans also... all he did was change the frequency and it never happened again :)

Loving this thread btw only just had time to read some of it and I'm up to page 11 now...
I'll post some of my own when I have more time! xx
I almost didn't make it when I was a baby... but doesn't help experience wise as I dont remember...

I now live alone at home because FOB moved out... and nothing is happening here lately :( where is my ghostie boy at? :(
my son likes to get up and look at the window at around 5am to ask me who that boy is! he used to say man by the window but now its a boy. And in the morning he was checking around the curtain and looks over there all the time squinting out the side of his eye. And there are ghosts here, he comes out with names I dont know any one by to. George apparently has a horse and lives in the stable yard . when we where out on a walk he said there was George in a field with a horse, watching something moving anyway. Jim and peter are others to. No one around here with them names.
when I was little, I was scared to go to bed because I was sure there was a horse in my closet :rofl:

My mom would have to make a big production out of grabbing him by the pretend reins and dragging him through the house to kick him out of the front door. :haha:
This is a weird story well i thought so anyway ...when i was about 10 years old i used to sleep in the back bedroom of my mums house and in the back garden at night you could see most of the garden because of the street lamp shone in,anyway one night i woke up i dont know why and i looked through my bedroom window and i'm almost certain i saw a bear like thing stood on the man hole cover in the back garden he looked like he was waving to someone else i dont know who,the bear looked like zippy out of rainbow if anyone remembers that show? only the bear i saw was fluffy i remember it well because it was raining hard that night,i went into my mums room woke her up and asked her to come and look she told me to go back to bed and stop being daft,so i went back to my room and i looked through the window again it whatever it was was gone,but i remember feeling scared about it and from that night on i never looked through my bedroom window at night again ....

It was really weird,i bet some of you laugh at this lol :haha:
Some of you on here might have read my posts about the spooky stuff that's happened in my house ... Well last nite took the biscuit !!!

I woke up and looked towards my bedroom window to see an oldish lady looking out of my window she then turned her head and looked at me n then I closed my eyes saying to myself there's nothing there there's nothing there and when I opened my eyes she had gone. I was tellin my mum today and said one thing that stuck in my mind was that this lady was wearing one of them scarf things old ladies used to wear with a not at the front of her head. My mum asked whether she had curlers in it but I coudnt remember she then told me her nan used to always have a scarf tied at the front with curlers in curling her fringe !!!! My mum has spoke a few times about her nan but I was young and never met her and my mum has never told me about the kind of stuff she wore before.

Totally weird !! We live on a main road and her nan also used to live on a main road and used to stand looking out the window at her house. I'm not sure whether to be scared or not now !!!

OMG, that is so freaky!!! But, also cool that its probably your nan watching over you! Gosh, still no ghosts here.. I want to see one!!!!!
There has been a few things happen in my house but not for a long time.

1. When i was about 8 years old it was about 9pm and my older brother (12 years older than me) said he was going to take me to the shops to spend my pocket money i had saved up. He went to the bathroom and had been in there ages so i went to the bottom of the stairs to tell him to hurry up and there was a woman stood at the top!

2. When my dad went to have a bath years ago he went in the airing cupboard to get some towels out. He turned around and there was a woman at the top of the stairs. She stared at him and walked down. He said every hair on his body stood up!

3. My mum had just done some laundry and stuck the clothes folded on the middle of the dresser ready to put away. She left the room for a few minutes, came back in and the clothes were on the floor perfectly folded but the opposite way up to what she had them.

4. In my aunts old room (she lives with us) the wardrobe was sort of at an angle in a corner of the room instead of flat against a wall. Proper tightly wedged behind it was a metal pole. One day everyone was in a different room and there was a loud thud. My parents went in there and the pole had flung out from behind the wardobe and was on the other side of the room.

5. Every night at exactly 12 in the morning my parents would hear a noise in the kitchen as if something was falling over. They would go in there and find empty coke bottles on the floor

6. When i slept upstairs (i sleep downstairs now) my bed was against the wall but in the middle of the room. I was laying in bed one night and saw a circle of light appear about a foot away from the window (the position it was in there was no way it was light coming from outside). It started to go up and down and eventually went round and round quite erratically. After about 1 min it faded away...

7. There is a distinct smell of lavendar by my front door. My mother went to see a psychic and they asked her if lavendar rings a bell and she told them the front door has a lavender burny type smell and it turns out my nan (who passed away jan 2006) used to wear that fragrance every day!

8. My aunt has an awful habit of coming downstairs in the middle of the night and it wakes me up. When i was pregnant or just after having callum (cant remember when!) i heard footsteps coming down the stairs (really loud) so i said loudly "lorraine please go to bed" but the footsteps continued so i opened the door, looked up the stairs and there was no one there. I thought the second footsteps i heard was her going back upstairs but i called her name and she had been asleep the whole time!!!!
oh forgot one more

when i was about 10 i was just about to go downstairs. i put my hands on the banisters to come down when all of a sudden the top stair light switched off and i felt something warm hit my leg (i was wearing 3/4 length trousers). I shouted my brothers name because for some reason i thought it was him playing a trick on me. I went downstairs and turned the bottom stair light on and when i went back up the stair light bulb was actually on top of the landing. So somehow it got thrown at me...!
And also tomorrow, I am having some "ghost hunters" come to my house to investigate :)
Wow, how spooky! You HAVE to get that picture on here so we can have a look! :)

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