Uhh creepy! *New Story 11/9 first post

I'm so glad its not just me then !! My OH works away during the week and I always try n go upstairs b4 it gets really dark. The stairs are right outside our room and whenever Alexa wakes in the night I have to turn the landing light on b4 I step out the room because I picture something running up the stairs at me aarrgghhhh

Does anyone ever feel like someone is following them up or down the stairs at nite and you just have to run ?? Or is this just me haha


EVERY time!!!! haha, I'll go down to the loo and as I turn around to come back upstairs there is a room infront of me just before the stairs at my MIL's. Its pitch black and there is loads of china dolls in there, I literally RUN up the stairs and slam the door behind me haha !
My OH is home from work n asked him to put that pic on here but he's deleted it he said it freaked him out to much grrr !!

Anyway when I was younger I used to have an imaginary friend called Jennifer and one day I asked my mum for some socks for her as her feet were cold. My mum then started to ask me what this little girl looks like and I said she had really small arms and legs no socks on and a yellow dress. It turns out my mums friend just after I was born gave birth to a little girl called Jennifer but she was born premature and had small limbs and in the end she passed away just a few hours old and apparently they buried her in a little yellow dress !!

I don't remember anything about it now but her grave is close to my grandmas's and when I go to visit her I always feel like I have to go see her its like I'm drawn to her little grave its a strange feeling


Oh bummer.... I really wanted to see it. That must have been so creepy!
OHHH!! I have a brand new story to tell, not of ghosts, but something I cannot explain, and I have witnesses! so, last night i went to my BFF's house, she lives on the top of a mountain, and we decided to go out and watch for shooting stars on her front porch, so we were laying on our backs talking about ttc of all things, and across the sky goes a shooting star...we were excited, and then we saw some air planes, and we started looking for the north star.. so I said," there it is, between the gap in the mountains.." she said "no, that looks like it is moving." so we watched it, and it was, we thought, well it is a plane.... but, it didn't go over like a plane... it just kept moving in the same spot, zig zags, circles, right to left, up down, dancing almost.... it had colors coming from it, blue and red, sometimes the colors were bright, and sometimes it just was a dim looking star, but I have never seen any star like this, and I don't think they move... we thought we were crazy, so we drove over to her sister's house, and she came out to look as well.. she said, "well, i see stuff like that all the time up here on this mountain, but I never have anyone to back up my stories, so I don't say anything about them." we stood there a little longer, and another plane passed by, it went right by the "MOVING STAR".... it still stayed there in the area and danced around... finally,BFF sister's hubby comes out there and he was puzzled as well. (We are country people we live in the middle of no where and we spend alot of time outside at night, around fires and just talking, enjoying the nature.... we hunt at night, even the girls, and we know what should be in the sky, we look at it all the time, it is so clear in the country. .... whatever this was, was out of the ordinary.) So the hubby goes and gets a telescope that one of the kids had bought, he pulls it up to get the "moving star" in the lens... but he had to keep moving it because the star wouldn't stay still... he looked at other stars to compare and he said their colors were similar, but none of them were dancing like the Odd one.... we left and went back to BFF's house and when we looked to see if it was still there, it had moved over a point on the mountain, instead of the gap where I originally spotted it..... I am not saying it was aliens, but I don't know what it was, and no-1 that was there knew what it was.... and certainly wouldn't make something like this up just for fun.....
ahh or stairs that have the gaps between them?? My basement steps are like that and I think something is gonna grab my ankles.
ahh or stairs that have the gaps between them?? My basement steps are like that and I think something is gonna grab my ankles.

Those are the worst!!! Hows your lil guy, i saw your post, but didn't have time at the moment to write anything... I really don't know what would have caused the congestion, very strange. I would just keep a close eye on him tonight and tomorrow and see how he does, which i'm sure you will... :flower:


Ya he is doing better thanks. It scared me. He was so hysterical and was choking on it. It was awful.

So I just took a photo of two cats staring in the corner of my bedroom... and one of the cat perched above my bed... she was hissing at the corner the other cats were staring at... its a regular occurance.
Ya he is doing better thanks. It scared me. He was so hysterical and was choking on it. It was awful.

So I just took a photo of two cats staring in the corner of my bedroom... and one of the cat perched above my bed... she was hissing at the corner the other cats were staring at... its a regular occurance.

Ohhhh, i want to see it! So creepy, your so lucky...

It would have freaked me out if Lily had did that. I'm so sorry you poor thing. Did he cough up stuff? It sounded like he did from your post.. I just hate seeing them at all in pain or uncomfortable, kwim.. Its the worst. I'm glad he is doing better, hopefully he will get a good nights sleep and be his old self again tomorrow.
I have a few stories, My grandad died a few years ago and I was away when he died, my dad rang me to tell me he was poorly but noone thought he was going to die so dad told me not to come home and go to the hospital when we were back as it was grandads birthday, Well he died on the Monday morning before I got to the hospital and I always felt really guilty I didn't go, me and oh got engaged that weekend and I never knew if he knew or not, anyway a few weeks later I was walking through a park near where I worked and this guy stopped me and just said " your Emma arnt you?" I was a bit freaked out and he went on to say "Im being told a message, Stop being stupid,he knows you love him and congratulations" as you can imagine I was bit freaked he said its a Dennis does that mean anything? Dennis was my grandads name!!!

We also had a noddy toy of dss and it kept going off in the middle of the night so we took the batteries out and weve heard it a few times going off with no batteries in!!!
Aw, that's nice about your granda sending a message... Tho he sent it quite creepily! Lol
About the toy, well, noddy is creepy enough without that! :haha:
when my little brother was like one and had just learned how to talk I was i nthe basement playing video games while he was going to sleep and he was just babbling and then he got all quiet and then said "there's a man in the closet"

i almost peed. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, so creepy
Ooooo i love this thread! I've had a couple of strange experiences:-

When I was younger me, my friend, sister and mum was ready to set off to walk my friend home whilst waiting for her to lock the back door we all heard the loudest footsteps running upstairs mum went in to look and no-one was in! She thought it was the dog but the dog had been outside with us!

Whilst downstairs in a new house watching tv in the living I heard a big heavy prolonged breath coming from the dining room which adjoins the living room just seperated by glass doors. I ran upstairs and told my dad and made him turn off the tv get the duvet which i didnt waste time to pick up! 10 minutes later the massive clock that had been on the wall since day one fell off with the loudest bang!

My grandad passed away in Apr 2007 and my parents went on holiday in June 2007, me being a typical teenager had some people round and had all had some drinks. I went to go and meet a friend and left everyone in house on there own. When i got back everyone was being wierd and then my friend said whilst i was gone a wine bottle had come flying out of the dining room and onto the porch! I had a group of friends in the living room with the glass doors to the dining room closed and the other group of friends were on the porch - no one was in the dining room! No one wanted to tell me as I'd been hearing strange bangs for the previous couple of days and was creeped out! My friends aren't people to lie and this was early in the night so drink cant be blamed! The night after I just had my friend and her boyf round - no way was i having a party again!- me and my boyf went to bed and left her and her boyf downstairs, 30 mins later we heard the biggest bang which woke me and my boyf up and 2 big heavy iron candle holders which was hanging off the wall had fallen off! The candle holders were wedged on really tight, you'd struggle to get them off the nail! 2 days later I went up to my grandads grave told him he was scaring me and to stop it please and never heard anything since! My grandad was a man who was strict and stuck in his ways and he'd have hated any form of disrepect and i think it was his way of telling people to get out or stop what you're doing!
That is super creepy!!!!! Keep them coming ladies!!! We should have a count down of ghosty stories until Halloween..

Does anyone ever feel like someone is following them up or down the stairs at nite and you just have to run ?? Or is this just me haha


ahh or stairs that have the gaps between them?? My basement steps are like that and I think something is gonna grab my ankles.

BOTH of these have happened to me before!

I can't sleep with the closet door open or with mirrors facing me in the dark. Spooks me right out!
ME too!!!!!!! Closet door MUST be closed.... Plus basement door. Mirrors don't bother me, yet.......
Nothin worse than hanging jackets or teddies when u wake up in the middle of the night - i always poop myself.
Haha I've done the one with jackets too... Until my eyes come into focus and I realise what it is lol
When me and my sister were little we would go and stay at our nans house with our nan and grandad whilst our parents went out. One thing ALWAYS happened and I have only just realised it is freaky lol! we would stay in the spare room which was a double sofa bed, every night and every time we stayed there a womens head would look round the door, she wasn't alive. she was like greyish coloured, kind of like an old film. We called her the nana ghost lol because it was at her house. We even told her and our parents that there was a ghost watching us but everyone didnt believe us, my nan would say 'its probably your imagination' and my mum would say 'its probably your nan!' But when we got a bit older we noticed pictures around our nans house of her mum (our great nan, we never met her) and she looked very very familiar. we hated staying there! because it was either stay in the spare room with the nana ghost or stay in our uncles room (when he wasnt there) with the dressing gown hanging on the door, it always looked like it was going to jump out on us!!
ooooh and my friend told me a freeeeeeeaky story the other day!!

We was talking about the tooth fairy and about was I going to play the tooth fairy with Lyla. Then she said she thought she saw the tooth fairy when she was younger so i asked her what she saw and after she told me i was like WTF! She said she saw a giant figure that looked like the holy mary standing just inside her doorway, but she said she was so huge that her head was squashed by the ceiling, like she was cramped in and had to bend her neck down!!! i was like how the hell can you think that was the tooth fairy!?!!?!! freaky!! x
OHHH!! I have a brand new story to tell, not of ghosts, but something I cannot explain, and I have witnesses! so, last night i went to my BFF's house, she lives on the top of a mountain, and we decided to go out and watch for shooting stars on her front porch, so we were laying on our backs talking about ttc of all things, and across the sky goes a shooting star...we were excited, and then we saw some air planes, and we started looking for the north star.. so I said," there it is, between the gap in the mountains.." she said "no, that looks like it is moving." so we watched it, and it was, we thought, well it is a plane.... but, it didn't go over like a plane... it just kept moving in the same spot, zig zags, circles, right to left, up down, dancing almost.... it had colors coming from it, blue and red, sometimes the colors were bright, and sometimes it just was a dim looking star, but I have never seen any star like this, and I don't think they move... we thought we were crazy, so we drove over to her sister's house, and she came out to look as well.. she said, "well, i see stuff like that all the time up here on this mountain, but I never have anyone to back up my stories, so I don't say anything about them." we stood there a little longer, and another plane passed by, it went right by the "MOVING STAR".... it still stayed there in the area and danced around... finally,BFF sister's hubby comes out there and he was puzzled as well. (We are country people we live in the middle of no where and we spend alot of time outside at night, around fires and just talking, enjoying the nature.... we hunt at night, even the girls, and we know what should be in the sky, we look at it all the time, it is so clear in the country. .... whatever this was, was out of the ordinary.) So the hubby goes and gets a telescope that one of the kids had bought, he pulls it up to get the "moving star" in the lens... but he had to keep moving it because the star wouldn't stay still... he looked at other stars to compare and he said their colors were similar, but none of them were dancing like the Odd one.... we left and went back to BFF's house and when we looked to see if it was still there, it had moved over a point on the mountain, instead of the gap where I originally spotted it..... I am not saying it was aliens, but I don't know what it was, and no-1 that was there knew what it was.... and certainly wouldn't make something like this up just for fun.....

The sky where I live is really unclear and you can barely make out more than 30 odd stars because of light pollution. But we always see (me and OH) these things that look like stars but when you watch them closely enough they flash red and blue and white. Its really odd, they don't move and they are there every night..

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