Ultimate Venting Thread

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I am sooooo sorry about my use of profanities in my post!! :blush:

I keep thinking that maybe that i'm over reacting just a touch, but the more I think about it, the more upset I get!

Thank you for your lovely comment and support!! :kiss:
I don't think you are over reacting hun especially as this is someone who is supposed to know what you are going through. Maybe speak to her and tell her you felt she was a little insensitive considering she is aware of your struggles.

Stork is right by saying that some LTTCers seem to forget that others are still going through it as soon as they fall pg. I mean even some ladies on here are the same. I have stalked ladies who seem to be completely oblivious to the LTTCers when they get pg and just head straight off to first tri and forget that we still need the support we gave them for sooo long!

(i think i started my own little rant there lol) xxx
Hi ladies!
first post on this thread..so glad i found it! I was starting to think I was being irrational!
Been TTC for 13 months now and i am tired of seeing people announce there pregnant and have their babies while we still struggle to even conceive!
Yesterday at my desk at work, my phone flashed up with a message and straight away I could see a ultrasound scan picture.... really struggled not to cry at my desk! No one at work knows we are trying.
I HATE TTC!!! with a passion!
Also had my 6 monthly smear test last week with some JUNIOR MALE Dr looking at my Cervix!!! Wonderful...not at all humilatting!
Thankfully my pizza and cheesecake have just been delivered!!
OK, I have a new rant!!

F%&*^%$£& ******* shitty IC's!!

Got what I thought was my bfp yesterday, it wasn't, it was an evap. BFN this morning.

I am sooooo sorry about my use of profanities in my post!! :blush:

I keep thinking that maybe that i'm over reacting just a touch, but the more I think about it, the more upset I get!

Thank you for your lovely comment and support!! :kiss:

I never even noticed the profanities, ha ha ha xx

I have been away from the board for few months. Just trying to figure things out. I've been trying very long and hopefully will have my first IVF soon.

Normally I am pretty easy going person, I can take pressure and handle with grace and calm. But last week I think I broke down. I never feel that way. It hurt so much and I am still trying to think that I over react.

Here the story, I will be 40 in March. My best friend also trying, she just married about 1.5 years and 32 years old. She sounds like she will be having trouble getting pregnant, I said that's not necessarily because she not even trying hard enough. Don't plan her BD, no OPK...so I assumed that's not a serious trying, just planning to have family.

So she asked me to recommend my Obygyn and fertility Dr. and she suppose to have her first appt on Tuesday last week, she kept asking all the tips and stuff to get pregnant, and on Monday afternoon, she asked me if my Obgyn do delivery also, I said yes. But not until I go on and on about how to start planning seriously, she said "By the way, I tested yesterday and got positive". So rather than have her appt for fertility, she went for check up and delivery appt. I was so upset and broke down, but I still be nice to her, replying her email and such. She asked me for lunch and I agreed, but all the times she kept touching her belly and said, owh I got cramp, is that normal? And entire time we talked, all she talked about about her pregnancy. I hope she feel my pain and not to talk too much about it. I don't blame her to be so excited, and I am one of her closest friend, but I hope she will be more sensitive. When I got home, I cried and I got sick this week, I think due to stress. And again today she FB me asking is it normal not to have morning sickness? Again, I feel she not sensitive enough about it, but she is my friend.

But may be I just should be happy for her, even in my heart I always wonder why it's not me.

Sorry for the long ranting.
If she is aware of your situation then she is definately being insensitive :hugs: And if you dont have any children then why ask those sorts of questions when u wouldnt know!

My friend got pg just before i went for my lap and dye and the week of my operation was askin me whether symptoms were normal. I couldnt handle it so ended up givin her a mouthful as she was also aware of my situation and is the type of person that would ask those questions just to gloat xx
Oooh to the girls on here whose friends are asking about preg symptoms..I would SCREAM at them..I don't know, i've never been pregnant!!!!!!


that would drive me insane....

BearsMummy- swear away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your SIL is a douche...hahaha
so many unstable relationships...or none at all and they get preg right away!!!!!
I'm on clomid as well and have been a crazy bitch last few weeks.......and very depressed when I hear about someone having a baby, or announcing pregnant. I can usually handle it....... but not this cycle...

so glad there's a thread we can just lay it all out .......... ahhh feels good!!!
Awww hun i was thesame on Clomid i turned into an emotional wreck xxx
~ Holy crap Rona, I would be livid if my friend pulled that on me at a lunch.......wait wait, I actually cried and ran out of the restaurant when a friend did that to me.

Women are such bitches. :wacko:

~ Chatnoir, those u/s pics are the worst, ugh.

~ Okay ladies, we need to make sure we don't become these women when we're pregnant. We need to develop strategies to prevent this. Make up lots of stickies to put around the house once we're at our goal (i.e. knocked up).

"Don't be a bitch"
"No ultrasounds bitch"
"Posting your pregnancy on Facebook is not allowed"
"No rubbing your belly in public!"
I dont know whether im on my own with this and its definately not just coz we are strugglin coz i didnt like it before TTC but i HATE HATE HATE ultrasound pics on fb. It actually makes me cringe seein a news feed full of US pics.

I mean its a picture of your unborn child. Surely there are some things in life that should be sacred and just for yourself, close friends and family and im thinking a pic showing the life you are growing has to be at the top of the list. These pics arent for people who u went to school with 20 years ago that u are only friends wi on FB or the cousin of a distant friend u once saw at a party!!

Sorry bout that rant but its one of my mahooosive pet hates!! xx
I think that "when" I get pregnant..I will post a status about it...BUT will also say ..after 4 long hard years TTC, 3MC's, alot of tears......ect..I want ppl to know my story.....and realize pregnancy isn;t that easy and some ppl do have to work at it....
It'll be hard to not post pics...but I won't.... closed family album only......
Ok... AF is here again!! For two days now... Bringing both physical, and emotional pain... And that was also the 3yr mark of my MC... So, I was talking to a friend on the phone and she was complaining about her kids, husband who doesn´t help around too much, etc, and then she suddenly has the need to tell me: Well, think about it, this way if you ever get divorced you don´t have to fight for the kids... I was like what?? I told her, my marriage is ok thankyou, and she replied I was just trying to be positive!! **what??*** Awkward silence, and then we hang up.. FML
Wow- that is so RUDE!!!!!!!! Trying to be positive? NOT!!!!!!!!
Storkstalker: some people definitely need more filters. But you know what I got out of that...that she has actually contemplated divorse but has thought "what about the kids?" so I would pity her and be thankful I have such a great marriage.
If it was a little earlier, I would be having one huge rant right about now, but I darn't start crying again, its taken me 5 hours to stop...

But I would like to thank every one of you ladies, cos I have laughed more reading this thread than I have in a long time. Thank you

:hugs: to those who live with inconsiderate twats around them

:dust: to all :)
Chrome i absolutely love your avatar where did u get that?? xx
I don't want to be a biddy but been trying to conceive for over 6 years now. A friend of mine just decided to try and got pregnant first month!!!! Really????? Seriously????? I am so very happy for her but it came so easy. It doesn't seem fair. I just want it to be my turn. Just finished another round of Clomid and am in my TWW. Even though I could be pregnant I'm still just so mad it came so easy for her. She keeps trying to give me pointers and hasn't a clue or even how this feels for me. I feel like such a bad friend cause of my selfish feelings, it is not reflective of my normal personality at all, but I'm at my wits end!! Thanks for the listening to rant. I feel a little better. Hopefully you ladies understand my frustration and don't think I'm being mean. :)
BTW It is refreshing to read on here that I'm not the only one who feels a bit jealous of my friends. I hate that we are all going through this, but it is nice to get on here and be able to speak freely with people who understand the deep torture that TTC can unleash on a person. Thanks for understanding ladies :) and I wish everyone luck in their TTC journey.
My vent for today, someone complaining that I should have another baby soon, well fuck... we've tried for 2 years and the last one died... bug off.

And it's winter, and I've been wearing winter clothes, and I still haven't told the neighbours that we lost the last one, I'm supposed to be 6 months right now, ugh, I just don't have the balls to say it until they realize it when I'm not wearing a winter coat
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