Ultimate Venting Thread

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Bearsmummy, I just read your post to my DH and he was as shocked as I was. He said that if it would have been us, at the point where your SIL asked if your DH was the father, both the brother and SIL would be escorted out. That was very terrible that she would even say something that stupid. Some people just beat all I've ever seen...I would have probably cussed her out and kicked her out at the same time. I would have told her that she would be no longer welcome in my house after that comment she made.

Hopefully, it'll get better for you and you will get your bfp. :hugs:
Eh, one more.

It's not even baby related..:dohh: I ordered this lovely breadbox on Feb 6th from Amazon and it has yet to ship! Every time I check to see the dates of when it will ship, they keep on extending the dates. :growlmad: so I wrote a nasty email telling them my bin better ship by next Monday or I'm canceling my order and getting a refund. They've already taken the money out of my account, of course! Pricks!
Thanks Ladies.

I don't know how I managed to keep my mouth shut. I think it was shock! I am normally the sort of person who smashes their face in first, then ask questions later!

I think I just don't want to upset her, she has had 2 MC's in the past, and I wouldn't want to give her any excuse to blame me, should anything happen.

But I am going to put my foot down now. SHE is not welcome here. I think I need someone here with me to be that strong. I don't know why, I'm just not up for confrontation! (if you knew me, you would be confused by that! I have always been an argumentative bitch, who will find any excuse to have a row!!)

Oh Amazon, dooooooooo hurry up with the bread box! Don't you realise us LTTTCers, spend our whole lives bloody waiting! Don't you start!!
Need to vent as I'm a bit obsessive at the moment and it's putting me down.

My obgyn gave me three rounds of clomid which you think I'd be happy with, but his comments of "you're ovulating so it may not help" and "you may have internal tubal scarring that's causing the egg not to be picked up" is really starting to upset me. I've convinced myself, tonight, that I will need IVF.

It's really unfair that essential abdominal surgery is causing me issues and I can't get anything covered. Yet the guy sitting next to me on train is smoking packs of cigarettes and I will use my taxes to pay for his treatment. :cry:

Sorry, I'm have a selfish moment. :nope: it sucks working in the healthcare field and seeing how irresponsible people are but still have all the luck. I can't catch a break.
You're definitely not being selfish!

Don't listen to the prick. If he obviously didn't think it would do you any could, then he wouldn't have prescribed them. They're worth a go, just to mark them off the long list of things to try.

Hell, LTTC makes me want to light one! I would've asked him for a cig. Maybe even some weed just to take the edge off. :rofl::rofl: then pass it off as medicinal!!

Oh I need to stop, as I've gone mental. :haha:

Amazon emailed me back saying my bread bin is special ordered from Italy..apparently that's why it's taking forever. What I'm not understanding is why they don't have it lying around somewhere in an Amazon warehouse ready to ship!! I suppose it's my fault for preferring European manufactured items. :dohh:
Hi Anne and welcome!

Oh no, so sorry to hear that. Did they not offer surgery to unblock your tubes? If your insurance will cover it, then I'd have that done. However, if not then I'd start saving for IVF.


Well i have heard that there's a chance to unblock the tubes with lap and surgery and I am surely going to try the same. Waiting for my FS's suggestions. Really dont wanna go the IVF route:growlmad:
Ugh...as I'm sitting in the waiting room on Wednesday to haave yet another hsg, I stupidly get on fb. A girl who just announced her pg posted, "is it bad that I already want this baby out of me so I can get my skinny bit** body back and I still have 28 weeks to go..." then another woman commented about being "fat" and another complained because she isn't showing at all. Being furious, I commented, "you should be happy for what you have. I would love to get fat if it meant I would have my miracle at the end of it." Then they posted that they were happy and I will have mine soon, blah blah blah. But then I felt bad about my post and explained that itbwas just an infertility moment as I was sitting in the waiting room, etc. Why the hell did I feel bad? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all, but I am so sick of hearing pregnant women complaining about stupid things like gaining weight, acne, big appetite, etc. What did they expect from pregnncy? And don't thry have the slightest clue how lucky they are? I really can't imagine complaining about ANYTHING when I am preggo. I want to enjoy and embrace all the "negatives" that come with it because I will finally have my miracle!
Amazon emailed me back saying my bread bin is special ordered from Italy..apparently that's why it's taking forever. What I'm not understanding is why they don't have it lying around somewhere in an Amazon warehouse ready to ship!! I suppose it's my fault for preferring European manufactured items. :dohh:

Wow, fancy! Maybe an Italian bread bin is worth the wait! ;)

That always get's on my nerves Navy! Ya kinda want to slap them when they say that...of course, I just delete them. :D

Well, my best friend is pregnant with #2.

That would be 4 babies for my friends since I started trying. I just can't handle this anymore.

:hi: can I vent too pretty pls? :blush:

I've had to go on a hiding spree on facebook today because I am so sick and tired of people moaning about their life. When in actual fact they don't seem to realise how bloody lucky they are in the first place :grr:
Anne- I don't blame you..I really don't want to either. It's my very last option.

Navywife- Certainly don't feel bad for telling them that. These smug cows need to be told off!!

Wonderstars- So sorry to hear that. It does suck having fertile friends, so I just decided to have none. Sad, I know.
Hi - I'm new here but I need a place to vent :) I've been mostly hanging out in the TTC over 35 forum.

- AF arrived today with cramps with a vengeance even though I had a really good feeling about this month
- We don't tell many people we are trying and having problems but those we do some see fit to offer advice. Oh apparently if we only [put our legs up the wall, abstain X number of days before DTD...] we'll get pregnant. ARGH.
- All tests so far are good (SA good, I ovulate, HSG good). I wish we at least knew what the problem was
- Friends that post ultrasound pics on fb rather than mention it directly and when they are having baby #3 I think they are being greedy (would be happy with 1, thrilled with 2) Also that they seem to be able to get pg so easily despite unhealthy lifestyles (lotso drinking) where we live quite healthily (exercise, eat a healthy unprocessed vegetarian diet)..
- I didn't intentionally wait so late to have a baby - we've been trying since our wedding which was about 1.5 yrs into our relationship. My ex-bf (probably responsible for the waste of my prime time, by everything was always contigent on his business being successful) has just had his second child with his wife despite the fact his business still hasn't taken off.
- Irritating posts in the over 35 forum, such as 41 year olds trying to have baby #5, its only their 4th month trying and they are upset about a BFN on day 9. (followed up with oh I tested too early - ya think? - and I am preggers)
- Don't really need to hear from my mom details of my SIL's pg. (we have never met, as my brother ex-communicated me when he was a teenager, and still hasn't grown up apparently) She is my age and they must have gotten pg only a month or two after their wedding
- Asking other ppl my age how long it took them and finding out it was first try. ARGH.
- People who ask when we are having a baby
- Going to a coffee shop for lunch when upset and seeing the owner holding his baby up by the cash register, and asking what I'd like to order. How bout the baby? HAHA (no I didn't say that)

Since I feel bad about entirely negative posts I'll balance it with one good thing anyway - I have an appt to see a fertility specialist in 6 weeks despite the ob/gyn telling me it would be 3-6 months to get in.
Welcome, velo!

Baby number 5?? I'd certainly be happy with whatever I can get!


I forgot to tell this one. We were at HR Block (tax service chain done here in America) and we were filing our taxes. Although, we decided to opt out because our tax return was going to be much less than last year. Apparently the only way you're making money this year if is you're low income and have too many children's mouths to feed. :growlmad:

Anyways, I was in the reception area and was waiting for my DH (he ran next door for something) and the chatty receptionist decided to ask about my taxes. I told her it as significantly lower than last year and she asked if we lost a child!!!! :saywhat: I sat there dumbfounded as that's not something you ask a couple. No bitch, we're dealing with IF. I don't have a fecking clue what it's like to be pregnant!! Thankfully, DH walked in before I could say something equally as rude. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
Welcome, velo!

Baby number 5?? I'd certainly be happy with whatever I can get!


I forgot to tell this one. We were at HR Block (tax service chain done here in America) and we were filing our taxes. Although, we decided to opt out because our tax return was going to be much less than last year. Apparently the only way you're making money this year if is you're low income and have too many children's mouths to feed. :growlmad:

Anyways, I was in the reception area and was waiting for my DH (he ran next door for something) and the chatty receptionist decided to ask about my taxes. I told her it as significantly lower than last year and she asked if we lost a child!!!! :saywhat: I sat there dumbfounded as that's not something you ask a couple. No bitch, we're dealing with IF. I don't have a fecking clue what it's like to be pregnant!! Thankfully, DH walked in before I could say something equally as rude. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I have also seen some complaints about IF having baby numbered in the double digits. I mean c'mon...

Wow, that was a really rude thing for the receptionist to say. How would she have reacted if you said yes? I would have said something like yeah we had a toddler, and DH backed over her accidentally in the driveway and killed her, just to see her face!! Okay I am evil :)
DH walking in wouldn't have stopped me from being rude. Yikes. Even if it was someone who had lost a child, would they really want the entire world reminding them? I would have said a curt "I don't believe that's something you should be outright asking a couple, but let's move on."

Welcome velo! Yeah, sometimes it is an entirely negative day, it happens more often than not so we've been making ourselves at home on the thread.

There is an awesome one on positive thoughts that the ladies created, I need to start balancing it out!
Ah, I missed this, lol.

I agree with Velo about the whole 'I'm so upset I'm struggling to conceive my5/6th' etc. If it was that difficult before why are you putting yourself through it again?!! I know that's an unpopular and insulting thing to say to some, but COME ON!!

Wonderstars- where's the positivity thread?

We're at a very cynical point in our lives, and we deserve to be bitchy as its a way of releasing emotions!
h, I missed this, lol.

I agree with Velo about the whole 'I'm so upset I'm struggling to conceive my5/6th' etc. If it was that difficult before why are you putting yourself through it again?!! I know that's an unpopular and insulting thing to say to some, but COME ON!!

Wonderstars- where's the positivity thread?

We're at a very cynical point in our lives, and we deserve to be bitchy as its a way of releasing emotions!
Welcome, velo!

Baby number 5?? I'd certainly be happy with whatever I can get!


I forgot to tell this one. We were at HR Block (tax service chain done here in America) and we were filing our taxes. Although, we decided to opt out because our tax return was going to be much less than last year. Apparently the only way you're making money this year if is you're low income and have too many children's mouths to feed. :growlmad:

Anyways, I was in the reception area and was waiting for my DH (he ran next door for something) and the chatty receptionist decided to ask about my taxes. I told her it as significantly lower than last year and she asked if we lost a child!!!! :saywhat: I sat there dumbfounded as that's not something you ask a couple. No bitch, we're dealing with IF. I don't have a fecking clue what it's like to be pregnant!! Thankfully, DH walked in before I could say something equally as rude. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I have also seen some complaints about IF having baby numbered in the double digits. I mean c'mon...

Wow, that was a really rude thing for the receptionist to say. How would she have reacted if you said yes? I would have said something like yeah we had a toddler, and DH backed over her accidentally in the driveway and killed her, just to see her face!! Okay I am evil :)

Goodness, no wonder you left that section! It would be hard for me to keep my snarky comments to myself. :devil:
Well...I am finding myself rolling my eyes at the TTC section. I know I shouldn't be bitter about it but it is really unnerving to see "Oh I have been trying for just three cycles and I am getting so bitter, impatient, etc.". I find that I have to back out of threads like that because I don't want to say something to hurt anybody's feelings since we've been trying for all these years and nothing has happened. Ugh...maybe it's my period this week making me pissy. :shrug:
Well...I am finding myself rolling my eyes at the TTC section. I know I shouldn't be bitter about it but it is really unnerving to see "Oh I have been trying for just three cycles and I am getting so bitter, impatient, etc.". I find that I have to back out of threads like that because I don't want to say something to hurt anybody's feelings since we've been trying for all these years and nothing has happened. Ugh...maybe it's my period this week making me pissy. :shrug:

Eh, I feel that way towards TTCers any time throughout my cycle. :haha:

My Rant:

-I just can't stand women who are on benefits, DH has a low paying job, pregnant a second time, and whine about how they're going to scrape by. You would think instead of getting pregnant with a second child (can't really afford the first) they would find work to help provide for their family!!! :growlmad:

Now there's a difference if you're single and left pregnant, (really can't stand those either) then I can see no other choice by getting on benefits.
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